Jim Guirard

Jim Guirard

  • January 17, 2015

    Mitt Romney as the New Reagan for 2016

    See also: Alas, Mitt Romney is no Ronald Reagan Now that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney – who lost his race for the presidency to Barack Obama in 2012 by almost 4 percentage points and 126 electoral votes – has finally decid...

  • December 10, 2014

    The Branch Carbonian Cult's Actual 'Deniers' and 'Skeptics'

    Behold the fact that Al Gore, Barack Obama, NASA bureaucrats, and the entire U.N.-IPCC gaggle of “global warming” alarmists are busy demonizing former NASA and White House space sciences expert Dr. John Casey. For what?  For darin...

  • November 1, 2014

    Counter-Revolutionary Origins of the Soviet Tyranny

    At this point in Russian Revolutionary history 97 years ago – in late October and early November 1917 – the long-suffering but gradually democratizing people of Russia a) had overthrown Tsar Nicolas II seven months earlier in mid-March...

  • September 18, 2014

    CommieTsar Putin: Imperialist, Colonialist, Fascist

    Now that Vladimir Putin is showing that his Russian imperialism and colonialism go far beyond his recent seizure of the Black Sea Ukrainian province of Crimea, it might be wise for us and our NATO allies to take seriously Sun Tzu's admonition tha...

  • January 1, 2014

    House Resolution of No Confidence: Obama's Conviction without Eviction

    During the last two years, there has been a marked increase in calls for the impeachment of President Barack Obama.  But there is no commensurate increase in the likelihood that either a formal indictment by the House or formal conviction b...

  • November 22, 2013

    Belated House GOP Approval for Replacing ObamaCare?

    After three long years of cautious resistance to comprehensive replacement of ObamaCare, the House Republican leadership seems ready to approve of legislative hearings and eventual House action on major proposals to that effect -- namely, to proactiv...

  • May 25, 2013

    Hillary's - and now Obama's - Vast Left-Wing Cover-Up

    Almost 20 years ago, early in the Clinton-Rodham-Gore era, the late New York Times columnist William Safire charged that First Lady Hillary Clinton was so routinely dishonest in her reaction to the many scandal-"gates" of which she and Husband Bill w...

  • March 21, 2013

    A New Path to a Balanced Budget?

    Following the Congressional Republicans' extension of Barack Obama's authority to add to the National Debt until the end of this fiscal year, the GOP should offer President Obama and the Pelosi-Reid Democrats a novel "Grand Bargain."  It is a pl...

  • August 2, 2012

    Six Years of 'Bush Country,' Six Years of 'OPRAH Land'

    Despite much evidence to the contrary, a recent Gallup poll indicates that Barack Obama's scam of "what I inherited from eight years of Bush" is still working -- with some 68 percent of Americans still believing that George W. Bush is primarily respo...

  • August 18, 2011

    Which Model for Postwar Iraq -- Vietnam or Korea?

    At the time of America's founding, Benjamin Franklin was asked by a lady at the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, "What have you given us, Doctor Franklin?" -- to which the wise old gentleman responded, "Madam, we have given you a republic...

  • April 10, 2011

    The Case for Floating Nuclear Power Plants

    As we consider the future of nuclear power in meeting America's energy needs, there are several compelling reasons for including a large number of floating nuclear power plants (FNPPs) in the menu -- to be located not "o...

  • March 12, 2011

    Obama's Great LEAHP Backward

    In most discussions about our ever-increasing oil imports, our skyrocketing gasoline prices, and our enormous energy-related job losses, the blame is attributed to the fact -- actually, the patently false belief -- that "we have no ene...

  • February 17, 2011

    Still Very Possible: How to Repeal and Replace ObamaCare

    The fact that the U.S. Senate has failed by a vote of 47-51 to repeal ObamaCare -- after the House voted 245-189 to do so -- has created the impression that it will no longer be possible to repeal this monstrosity in its entirety and to achieve a ...

  • January 1, 2011

    Semantic Engineering for Conservatives

    It's easy to find examples of semantic engineering -- the use of words or phrases that mask a concept's true meaning -- among the left.  Indeed, the right has long given a lot of ground in the arena  of words...but that can (and should) cha...

  • May 3, 2010

    The Two Vietnam Wars

    On Friday of last week, much of the establishment media reminded us of the awful 35th anniversary of the so-called "End of the Vietnam War" -- on April 30, 1975. This is only partly true, and now we need to know what the late...

  • January 30, 2010

    From Camelot to Scamalot

    For almost half a century, the romantic and noble label of John and Jackie Kennedy's "Camelot" years in the White House has been an integral part of our political lexicon -- and a major asset to the once-liberal, now mostly left-i...

  • November 29, 2009

    Semantic Engineering

    Lee Cary's highly detailed November 15, 2009 article -- "The AT Readers' Complete Lexicon of Political Speech" -- describes quite accurately the distorted and deceptive meanings that the radical Left routinely gives to a...

  • August 23, 2009

    The Branch Carbonian Cult

    The Global Warming Movement (AGW) has taken on the worrisome attributes of a pseudo-religious cult, which operates far more on the basis of an apocalyptic "belief" system than on objective climate science.Since...