Jim Daws

Jim Daws

  • Trump lawyers present evidence alleging Nathan Wade’s booty calls to Fani Willis

    February 24, 2024

    Trump lawyers present evidence alleging Nathan Wade’s booty calls to Fani Willis

    On Friday, lawyers for Donald Trump and his co-defendants in Fulton County filed an affidavit with the court appearing to show that Fani Willis and Nathan Wade perjured themselves repeatedly when they claimed their extramarital affair began after Wil...

  • Please spare me the outrage over Navalny

    February 17, 2024

    Please spare me the outrage over Navalny

    I should be outraged by the death of Russian political dissident Alexei Navalny, but I’m not. It’s not that I doubt Navalny’s persecution by Vladimir Putin and Russia’s security and intelligence services. I'm actually ...

  • January 26, 2024

    A devastating campaign ad against Joe Biden

    On his first day in office, Joe Biden signed a so-called proclamation canceling Trump’s border wall projects on America’s southern border. The funding for the project was already in place and the materials had already been purchased. T...

  • January 24, 2024

    IRS whistleblower: Hunter Biden’s ‘sugar brother’ just wants to ‘help’

    Despite his prior claims of being unable to pay his child support or taxes, Hunter Biden leads a lavish lifestyle of the rich and famous. He resides at Malibu beach house rental, drove a $142,000 Fisker Karma EV (before transitioning to a Porsche), t...

  • August 18, 2023

    The sad demise of mainstream political reporting

    Imagine a young, bright-eyed journalism student, envisioning a future as a crusading force for truth, justice, and holding the powerful accountable. You idolize journalistic giants like Woodward and Bernstein, Upton Sinclair, H. L. Mencken, and Seymo...

  • August 15, 2023

    The ham sandwich indictment in Fulton County

    Gather 'round as we delve into the latest courtroom drama that has left legal minds across the nation scratching their heads. Consider the grand jury indictment in Fulton County, Georgia, involving none other than the 45th President of the United...

  • August 12, 2023

    Special counsel in Biden investigation is a sweet pick for Hunter

    In a move that should come as a surprise to no one, Merrick Garland has appointed, as special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, the one man who can most be counted on to continue covering up for the Biden family crimes.  That man is Davi...

  • November 30, 2022

    What middle America could tell the January 6 committee

    Even with the midterm results signalling that the January 6 committee is over, the committee is unable to take a hint from voters, and therefore continuing its "work" to pin something on President Trump in order to prevent him fro...

  • March 10, 2022

    Worst president ever? Let's find out

    Kakistocracy: noun,  government by the worst persons; a form of government in which the worst persons are in power. The old saying goes that even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally.  So you might think that during a 50-y...

  • February 28, 2022

    The 'adults in charge' have bumbled us into a new Cold War

    During Thursday's speech announcing ever greater sanctions on Russia, Joe Biden claimed, "The Russian military has begun a brutal assault on the people of Ukraine, without provocation, without justification, without necessity."...

  • February 9, 2022

    Stacey Abrams and Voter Suppression

    Most conservatives are well aware of the Democrat’s Alinsky tactic of accusing Republicans of whatever criminal, immoral, or unethical activities they themselves are engaged in. When Joe Biden was caught pressuring Ukraine to fire the state pro...

  • September 25, 2021

    Look past the hand-waving, and you'll see a wide open Mexican border

    Soon after Bill Melugin of Fox News began beaming drone footage of the many thousands of Haitians gathered under the bridge in Del Rio, Texas, Biden's open borders zealot in charge of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, ordered two nearby border checkpoints...

  • April 29, 2021

    Electric vehicles: The green EV folly

    Like so many other leftist dogmas, radical environmentalism has been adopted by the Democrat party, and now Joe Biden is determined to force electric cars on Americans despite their limitations. Last week, Biden announced that the federa...

  • April 25, 2021

    How to Starve Big Tech

    It’s not an exaggeration to say that if America remains on her current trajectory, she will be unrecognizable in another generation. Lady Liberty will be replaced by a snarling leftist with a blue crew-cut.  We’ve arrived at a tip...

  • April 21, 2021

    Mob justice for Derek Chauvin

    Reasonable people can disagree on whether Derek Chauvin was responsible for George Floyd's death, but it cannot be reasonably argued that the trial that resulted in his conviction was anything resembling impartial justice. After eight months o...

  • January 27, 2021

    Trump proved tax cuts increase revenue — again

    Joe Biden is taking a wrecking ball to Donald Trump's presidency.  With just a week in office, Biden all but demolished Trump's America First legacy.  With a few shaky strokes of a pen, he's thrown open the borders, wr...

  • April 29, 2019

    Will organized labor blow it again?

    America's moribund labor movement is poised to repeat the same mistake that led to the collapse of its membership and the hollowing out of our middle class.  Despite this president's America First policies and his success ...

  • March 9, 2019

    What to Do about the Strong Dollar

    Wednesday's announcement that last year's trade deficit, which came in at a whopping $621B — the largest in over a decade — illustrates the structural dilemma on the horns of which the president and his trade reform team are caugh...

  • March 3, 2019

    What We Learned from the Michael Cohen Hearing

    Of all the contemptible episodes of political theater Congress has ever produced, Michael Cohen's seven-hour hearing before the House Oversight Committee is without precedent.  Has there ever been a more seditious, mendacious,...

  • February 27, 2019

    The Resistance is Everything They Accuse Trump of Being

    The defining characteristic of today’s Democrats is that most unattractive of human failings, hypocrisy.  Since Donald Trump’s improbable election, Dems and their media mouthpieces have been demanding that the rest of us recognize th...

  • February 23, 2019

    Trump-Hating Lesbian Tennis Champ Destroyed for Saying Men and Women Are Different

    Martina Navratilova is one of the greatest female tennis players of all time.  She holds the record for most singles and doubles titles in the Open Era (167 and 177, respectively), including 17 Grand Slam singles titles.  For 15 s...

  • February 2, 2019

    Will America's Rich Fund Their Own Dispossession?

    Many Americans have a vision of the GOP as a party of country club elites, funded by big-money donors, paying lip service to conservative social issues in order to pry working-class voters away from their own economic interests -- all the while deliv...

  • January 29, 2019

    The hazards of supporting Trump

    If anyone still had doubts that Robert Mueller is a rogue prosecutor, twisting our legal system to his political ends, last week's Gestapo-styled arrest of Roger Stone should put that delusion to rest.  With CNN cameras rolling, Mueller...

  • January 23, 2019

    Demonizing Catholic Schoolboys

    The Resistance media’s agenda-driven reporting and disregard for the truth reached a new low with the Lincoln Memorial incident. A group of Catholic high school boys were waiting for their bus after attending the annual...

  • January 21, 2019

    The Madness of Crowds and What Lies Ahead

    In his 1841 book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds, Scottish journalist Charles Mackay chronicled the history of the phenomena we now see gripping the Resistance movement to the Trump presidency.  Writing on national...

  • January 17, 2019

    Why Mueller Won't Produce an Impeachment Report

    This past week offered some signs that Robert Mueller is finally winding down his cover-up operation with no findings of high crimes or misdemeanors against the president.  Considering the damage the political hacks in Obama's law enfor...

  • January 15, 2019

    Deplorable or unjustly deplored?

    We all remember Hillary Clinton's famous insult to Trump-supporters at a black-tie fundraiser in New York City during the 2016 presidential campaign: "You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters in...

  • January 13, 2019

    Trump Has the Democrats Cornered

    No sooner had the Democrats taken back the majority in the House of Representatives than they proved their harshest critics correct – the party no longer concerns itself with the interests of the American people.  And by refusing...

  • January 9, 2019

    These are not your grandfather's Democrats

    The Democrats' obstinate refusal to fund a physical barrier on our southern border is the starkest illustration yet that they are no longer a political party dedicated to the protection and prosperity of the United States.  The party ha...

  • January 4, 2019

    The Democrats' de facto open border

    The real reason the Democrats oppose Trump's wall, and have been preventing the construction of a physical barrier for many years, is because they know it's the only thing that prevents a de facto open border with Mexico.  You have ...

  • March 24, 2017

    Trump exposes the modern nature of the 'wire tap'

    Sometimes the hardest secrets to expose are those that are hidden in plain sight.  When President Trump commented on Twitter that "My wires were tapped in Trump Tower," he brought attention to just such a secret. Since 9/11, the Nat...