Jewish Odysseus

Jewish Odysseus

  • November 5, 2008

    Why McCain Lost

    John McCain's incoherent, C- campaign did not deserve to win the Presidency this year. On the other hand, America doesn't deserve the punishment an Obama presidency is about to inflict upon us. Unfortunately, as a great Democrat once said: Life ...

  • March 10, 2007

    When CAIR criticizes a Muslim

    When will a spokesman from CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) finally attack a foreign Muslim for not respecting American culture and democratic norms?  Why, when the offending Muslim says that the Islamic faith needs to...

  • November 27, 2006

    The Old World Marches Again

    In the last thousand years there has been only one new idea regarding government: that government should not be left in the hands of a divinely-guided king, or pharaoh, or caliph, but that so far as possible it should be in the hands of unwashed slob...

  • January 27, 2006

    The Old World Marches Again

    In the last thousand years there has been only one genuinely new idea regarding government: that government should not be left in the hands of a divinely-guided king, or pharaoh, or caliph, but that so far as possible it should be in the hands of un...