Jessica Rubin

Jessica Rubin

  • April 20, 2012

    Obama Quotes Lincoln

    We believe, in the words of our first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln, that through government, we should do together what we cannot do as well for ourselves.  --President Barack Obama, speaking on April 13, 2011 Fine. But the issue here ...

  • April 17, 2012

    Obama and the Arpège Gambit

    One of the most iconic and most successful pitches for a perfume by Lanvin came in the form of Arpège: Promise her anything, but give her Arpège.  Well, here is the Obama version: Promise them anything, but give them more. From green jobs to tra...

  • April 7, 2012

    State Department's Blind Eye to Boko Haram Terrorists

    Don't worry.  Boko Haram is not really a terrorist organization, says the State Department. But according to the Adam Nossiter of the NYT (12/25/11), Boko Haram was responsible for a series of Christmas Day church bombings which killed at least ...

  • April 6, 2012

    Bashers Mr. Dean? Look In The Mirror

    Former Chair of the DNC, Howard Dean, has just accused the GOP of "bashing" Muslims, women, gays, immigrants and Latinos. What he forgot to mention is that the Democratic Party bashes the most basic values of The United States of America: pride in co...

  • April 1, 2012

    The 'Islamic Art' Hoax

    Talking about Islamic art is rather like talking about the art of the Khanates.  The Imperial Kingdom of Genghis Khan was the largest contiguous empire on earth.  But just because different lands and cultures were conquered by Genghis Khan ...

  • March 24, 2012

    Obama Dances the Jizya

    In the classic Mafia protection racket scheme, the owner of a business must pay the pizzo for the Mafia organization to protect the owner from violence by an alleged third party -- usually a branch the organization itself.  In the same way, the ...

  • March 13, 2012

    Israel to be Barackstabbed Again?

    In his meeting with Netanyahu at the White House after his AIPAC speech, Obama assured Netanyahu, "The United States will always have Israel's back when it comes to Israel's security." That should worry those who think that Israel has the right to ex...

  • March 9, 2012

    Obama's solidarity with 'marginalized' Muslim enclaves of Europe

    Obama's representatives in Europe are on an apology and outreach mission to affirm US solidarity with "marginalized" Muslim enclaves and pressing foreign governments to open up their institutions to accommodate Islamic cultural norms (i.e., to become...

  • February 2, 2012

    London School of Economics Passes Anti-Blasphemy Law

    The London School of Economics [LSE] Student Union has passed a motion effectively making it impossible for students on campus to criticize Judaism. Students at the London School of Economics forced through a motion denouncing "Judeaophobia" whi...

  • January 12, 2012

    Obama: Promise and Fulfillment

    In the 2008 campaign, Obama was packaged as the man who would be our first post-partisan, post-racial, post-carbon, post-beltway, post-bellicose foreign policy president. At last Americans would be free of the stain and humiliation of racism. America...

  • January 6, 2012

    Bill O'Reilly 'Obama Is No Hypocrite'

    Last night, in his Talking Points segment, Bill O'Reilley proclaimed that "Obama is no hypocrite." According to O'Reilley this is the case because "Obama does what he thinks is right."  Does what he thinks is right? That makes Obama a strai...

  • December 5, 2011

    Romney Cynical, Gingrich Clueless, So Sayeth Krugman

    In his latest NYT editorial, Krugman maintains that a Republican candidate, in order to hold the conservative base, must be: 1. Against Big Government 2. Against high taxes 3. Against cuts to Social Security and Medicare 4. Against Obama even though ...

  • November 26, 2011

    Holder's Dept. of Retribution

    House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa may force Holder to resign over the "gunwalker" debacle. But gunwalker is just one of Holder's perversions of the Attorney General's Office. 1. The Obama/Holder DOJ decided against prosecuting a te...

  • November 19, 2011

    Unmitigated Gaul?

    The Prime Minister, the mayor Paris and hundreds of other Frenchmen had the unmitigated gall to demonstrate for the right to blaspheme.    Unlike the wimpy Danish daily Politiken which apologized for publishing the Muhammad cartoons,...