Jesse Russell

Jesse Russell

  • February 26, 2023

    COVID Aftermath: When Science Fiction Becomes Reality

    Aaron Kheriaty.  The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State.  Washington, D.C.: Regnery, 2022.  278 pages.  $29.99. Science fiction is a quintessentially guilty (Anglo-) American pleasure....

  • August 20, 2022

    Forgiveness and Healing for Two Old Soldiers

    Bob Welch. Saving My Enemy: How Two WWII Soldiers Fought against Each Other and Later Forger a Friendship That Saved Their Lives. Washington, DC: Regnery History. 366pp. $24.99. Among the fabled lore of Gen Xers and Millennials is the notorious ...

  • April 10, 2022

    Searching for a New Conservatism

    Yoram Hazony. Conservatism: A Rediscovery. Washington, DC: Regnery Gateway, 2022. 480pp. $29.99. On June 12, 1987, American president Ronald Reagan spoke at the famous Brandenburg Gate in what was then West Berlin, Germany.  During this ...

  • January 12, 2022

    Alone at the Twilight of Empire

    In his 1781 Notes on the State of Virginia, Thomas Jefferson famously reminded those Americans who dismissed the Amerindians they were in the process of subjugating as irredeemably savage that their own Northern European ancestors were likewise consi...

  • September 11, 2021

    From Russia with Love

    In the campy and not necessarily entirely family-friendly (it was the first movie to be released with the PG-13 rating in America) but nonetheless culturally significant 1984 film, Red Dawn, a group of teenagers wage a guerilla war against invading S...