Jesse Richman and Howard Richman

Jesse Richman and Howard Richman

  • April 18, 2023

    The Stock Market Crash Will Occur Right After the Debt Ceiling Vote

    On April 26, 2021, we predicted the current inflation before it began. Now we are predicting an upcoming stock market crash, and we even know the date that it will take place. Interviewer Margaret Brennan and European Central Bank President Christine...

  • October 7, 2020

    How to fix the debates

    The first presidential debate of 2020 was a national embarrassment.  The interruptions and talk-overs numbered more than 90 by some counts.  The moderator struggled to enforce the rules yet also led Trump to accuse him of being a ...

  • March 29, 2020

    COVID-19 shows that imbalanced trade is killing US

    We have been warning of the costs and dangers of imbalanced trade for decades.  With the election of Donald Trump, U.S. voters showed they got it.  But our country's elites in Congress and the bureaucracy have dragged their fe...

  • March 19, 2020

    Our pharmaceutical trade policy needs surgical mask protection

    Search Amazon today for face masks, and the product will be unavailable, dramatically marked up, and/or shipping from China.  In the face of the coronavirus pandemic, masks are an essential component of the equipment medical professionals n...

  • November 10, 2019

    The Fed and Exchange Rates

    When you have a hammer, so the saying goes, everything looks like a nail. The Federal Reserve, under Jerome Powell, has been acting like it has only one tool in its toolbox, the hammer of monetary policy. This particular hammer can pound down and pry...