Jesse Hand Conroy

Jesse Hand Conroy

  • September 21, 2015

    The Southern Border and Our Army

    President Obama orders 40,000 Army troopers cut from active service. His intent, so news reports say, is to “save $7 billion.” At the same time, Obama spends $500 million to train what ended up being five anti-ISIS fighters. The math work...

  • July 15, 2015

    The Left's New American Man

    On the spiked heels of gender bending with the Jenner fiasco, the Pentagon happily inserting ‘transgenders’ into the Armed Forces and “I Kissed A Boy And I Liked It” sung by Adam Lambert, the following speaks for itself. Th...

  • July 12, 2015

    Latvia: The Baltic Tiger Tamed by EU

    These are the facts. No polemics. Latvia gained its independence from under Soviet hegemony 21 August 1991. What happened next is instructive. Restructuring their economy to reflect free market, flat tax principles, Latvia saw double digit grow...