Articles & Blog Posts by Jerry Shenk
- Getting a handle on ‘white supremacy’
- Big Tech would be smart to sit out 2020, but can it?
- RINO Rep. Charlie Dent ditches office for cable TV obscurity: Good riddance
- Sixty nails in climate alarmism's coffin
- Rep. Charlie Dent: Taking the 'fun' out of 'dysfunction'
- What the white 'puzzle piece pin' says about liberals
- Democrats’ post-election fault lines
- Donald Trump: 'The ridiculous buffoon with the worst taste since Caligula'
- Hillary's media worries on the Schweizer book
- America's Future Depends upon <em>Which</em> Republican Wins
- Not Sarah Palin -- not again
- Barack Obama's 'malaise' - and America's
- Progressives have nothing to fear (from conservatives) but fear itself
- Never let a Good (Gas Price) Crisis go to Waste
- Reforming the Leviathan state
- Barack Obama: World's worst poker player?
- A little perspective, please, on Chicago teachers
- Grievances and Condescension
- Farm Bill-Inspired Food Fight
- Liberal Bigotry
- Remember how funny it was...?
- Economists Are Not Historians
- Francois Hollande takes half a page from Obama playbook
- 'Jesus has no place in budget conflict'
- Blue Dog Blues
- VP Biden: Al Franken 'leading legal scholar'
- The House Acts to Protect Private Property
- Ethanol subsidies not renewed. Taxpayers and families hardest hit
- Boola Moolah
- Herman, how the heck does that work?
- Chevy Volts: Spontaneous Combustion or Self-Immolation?
- The Farm Policy End-Run
- If the Occupiers Have Lost the Washington Post...
- Tea Parties тЙа Occupiers
- Former one-term House member sues over lost 'career'
- Rep. Hoyer blames voters for gridlock
- Has Harry Reid presented the GOP with the means to overturn Obamacare?
- Old Energy, New Applications
- Obama's 'Malaise' Moment
- Democratic Candidate Channels Monty Python
- Obama just not that into us
- Three Congresses: A Study in Worldviews
- The New Normal?
- Obama's 'Mission Accomplished'?
- Hysteria at the DNC
- Obama's Whole Lotta Nothing
- Breaking the Incumbent Protection Rackets
- Obama Blunders, Admits Bluffing on Debt Ceiling
- Are Conservatives Being Fair to Barack Obama?
- Blogs busting open AGW 'science' frauds
- A Nation of Government Dependents
- Puddle Power Grab
- It's harder to get a job at Walmart than it is to be admitted to an Ivy League school.
- If the unions have lost Detroit, they've lost. Period.
- A Consequential Man
- Regulatory Dysfunction
- Want to live forever? Raise the price of gasoline!
- The Energy Myth That Won't Die
- The 'good old days' are not so very old
- Challenging the Teachers Unions
- Quids and quos, but never a pro
- Blue Dogs still voting in lock-step with Democrats
- Vigilance: Blue Dog Update
- Detroit High Life
- Energy Dollars and Sense
- The 'Business' of Government
- Approval of Congress shoots up more 50%
- More 'reporting' from the Gray Lady
- Pay/Go, Cut/Go, No Go
- America's Political Class: In Business for Themselves
- Playing Chicken with Seniors
- So that's why the Democratic caucus is shrinking
- Congressional Earmarks: Embracing and Ignoring a Message from Voters
- Blue Dogs: Tireless in their quest for moderation
- Still a lot of work to do in Congress
- The Congressional Follies, 111th Edition
- One Blue Dog's lament against Pelosi a day late and a dollar short
- When liberal activists collide with themselves
- The Problem With Government Schools
- Getting Hosed at the Pump
- The successful Clinton economy was based on tax cuts. No, really...
- Redundant by Practice, Not by Design
- Last chance for Republicans