Jerry Korth

Jerry Korth

  • April 8, 2022

    How the U.S. Paid for Putin’s War on Ukraine

    Did the US inadvertently finance Putin’s war on Ukraine with short-sighted, politically motivated, and irrational energy and climate policies? And did those failed policies fuel inflation to the obscene rate of 7.87%? Were the geopolitical cons...

  • February 8, 2022

    The Inconvenient Truth About Electric Vehicles

    America may be headed for a new type of energy crisis. While fracking technology still gives us relative energy independence, there is a distinct possibility that an electricity energy crisis awaits us. What if the demand for electricity significantl...

  • August 10, 2016

    Time to play offense on the shrinking workforce

    When is someone on the right going to expose the bogus employment and new job creation statistics being bandied around by almost everyone on the left?  Usually, the media lets Obama and his minions drone on about the U3 unemployment rate of 4.9%...