Jerrold L. Sobel

Jerrold L. Sobel

  • Kamala Harris word-salads a two-state solution

    September 20, 2024

    Kamala Harris word-salads a two-state solution

    In a far-reaching but mostly indecipherable interview with the National Association of Black Journalists in Philadelphia this past Tuesday, Vice President Harris broached topics ranging from the economy, housing, jobs, black small businesses, and pre...

  • October 21, 2020

    Biden, the Democrats, and the Jewish vote

    Politics is a strange endeavor.  Far too many people choose a party affiliation much the way a fan selects a sports team, then blindly supports that team throughout his lifetime.  Such is the case with many in the Jewish community...

  • September 30, 2020

    Biden: Let's Go to the Videotape

    Back in the ’70s a local New York City sportscaster named Warner Wolf coined a phrase. “Let’s go to the videotape.”  In doing so he was able to settle many a sports argument.  By viewing tapes, people were able ...

  • July 20, 2020

    Who Are These People?

    If Shakespeare could visit the United States today he would recognize how prophetic his verse: “Nero Fiddled While Rome Burned” was.  And we’re not just speaking about the ever-incompetent Mayor Bill de Blasio.  Like the o...

  • June 15, 2020

    The Protests May Have Started Out Legitimate, but They've Been Hijacked

    For two days, November 9–10, 1938, the Jewish people underwent a seminal moment in their glorious but often tragic history.  During these two nights, unaffectionately dubbed Kristallnacht or "Night of Broken Glass,...

  • May 31, 2020

    Israel has Lost its Bipartisan Support

    The opening of the American Embassy a year ago this past May 14th, and the recognition of Jerusalem as the undivided, ancestral capital of Israel was an historic moment in Jewish history.  Only two other events in the past 70 years have come any...

  • May 3, 2020

    Joe Biden accepts J Street’s endorsement, revealing his ugly anti-Israel side

      This past April 17th, Democratic Party frontrunner and presumptive presidential candidate, Joe Biden, enthusiastically accepted J Street’s endorsement for the upcoming presidential election.  The endorsement read as follows:...

  • May 1, 2019

    The Pogroms: Prelude to the Holocaust

    Most people have no idea about the runup to the Holocaust or the antecedent cultural, religious, and socioeconomic circumstances which the Jewish people have suffered for centuries.  Most have heard of anti-Semitism but few if any, even amo...

  • March 30, 2019

    Hamas: Should Israel Go to War?

    Perhaps the title of this article is incorrect. Israel has been at war with Hamas since the terrorist organization was initially formed in 1988, but only one side recognizes it -- Hamas.  By Charter and deed Hamas is sworn to the annihilati...

  • November 4, 2018

    Approaching a Horrific Anniversary in Jewish History: Kristallnacht

    As Jews and people of conscience of all ethnicities reel from the horrors that took place at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, we once again approach another heinous epoch in Jewish history: the 80th anniversary of Kristallnacht.  W...

  • December 8, 2017

    Oh, No: The Peace Process Is Dead!

    In the annals of Jewish history, following millennia of wandering throughout foreign lands as guests rarely accepted as natives, suffering privations too numerous to recount; December 5, 2017 will be remembered as seminal moment. To the consternat...

  • May 22, 2017

    The Six-Day War: A Retrospective

    Several weeks from now Israel and Jews around the world will be celebrating a seminal moment in Jewish history -- the 50th anniversary of Israel’s monumental victory in the Six-Day War. For those of us alive during those daunting days in M...

  • December 29, 2016

    Obama and Israel: Why Are People Surprised?

    For reasons beyond my comprehension, friends of the Jewish state both here and in Israel are shocked and dismayed over last Friday’s U.S. veto abstention at the UN. But hold the presses. If Israel’s claims, which they profess to be ironcl...

  • December 19, 2016

    Keith Ellison: The Democrats Just Don't Get It

    You might think that, having just suffered a shellacking for the ages, the DNC would moderate its stance, sense the pulse of the American electorate, and move to the center.  No, no – not this hardy group of "progressive" ideolog...

  • November 17, 2016

    Introducing Mike Pence: Israel’s Best Friend

    This may come as a shock to some people but politicians often say things just to get elected and forget what was said once they do. This past week, riding in on what portends to be the greatest pro-Israel administration since the inception of the Jew...

  • October 20, 2015

    Islam and the Fall of Europe

    A duality, Islam is first and foremost a political movement ensconced in a religion from which it expresses its imperialist nature through a multi faceted concept known as jihad.  Christian Europe today, among other factors to be discussed later...

  • October 3, 2015

    The Eve of Destruction

    In protest to the war in Vietnam, singer songwriter Barry McGuire recorded a song called The Eve of Destruction in 1965.  But with the advantage of hindsight the song is far more apropos today then it was then. As tumultuous as the Viet Nam W...

  • August 16, 2015

    Peace in Our Time?

    Having just returned from a meeting with Hitler in Berlin, upon landing at Heston Aerodrome airport on September 30, 1938, Neville Chamberlain, Prime Minister of England, waved a paper and proudly proclaimed to a wildly enthusiastic crowd: “Pea...

  • June 8, 2015

    The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995

    This past Wednesday, despite the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 and the will of the current Congress, President Obama joined the ranks of previous feckless administrations refusing to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. ...

  • August 30, 2014

    The War with Gaza: Let the Recriminations Begin

    In a wretched neighborhood called the Middle East where perception usually trumps reality, Israel has lost on both accounts. As Likud Central Committee chairman Danny Danon announced on Wednesday: "The Protective Edge war that began with hu...

  • August 2, 2014

    Israel and Gaza in an Upside Down World

    As if a ceasefire between Israel and messianic, Islamic terrorists could ever hold true. Just the same as the five “humanitarian” truces all upheld by Israel but broken by Hamas ever meant anything. No matter, but for the sake of God...

  • July 22, 2014

    Rockets, Borders, and 'Proportionality'

    During January, terrorists ambushed a train, kidnapping 18 innocent civilians, and ruthlessly murdering them in cold blood. Several weeks later 1500 terrorists again breached the border and staged another brutal attack, sacking a city and leavin...

  • June 22, 2014

    Islamic Hatred: The Foundation of the Palestinian/Israeli Conflict

    The beauty – or, more aptly stated, the ugliness – in writing about the Middle East is that nothing really changes.  You could do a piece in 2007 about a homicide bomber, or “peace talks” being broken off for some reason ...

  • June 8, 2014

    Israel: Going its own Way

    This past week with the swearing in of the so-called unity government, two sides of the Palestinian coin were joined together in maniacal matrimony. With an unrepentant charter sworn to annihilation of not only Israel but world Jewry, Hamas and ...

  • December 27, 2013

    The Left and the Boycott Israel Movement

    In January 2005, an interesting event took place at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba, Israel. A 21-year-old Palestinian Arab woman named Wafa Ibrahim al-Bliss was admitted for severe burns suffered during a cooking accident at her home in the Gaza strip....

  • November 22, 2013

    Israel: It's Time to Stand up

    Growing up in a tough Bronx neighborhood further back than I like to think, it was good to have an older tough friend. I was lucky -- I did. My next door neighbor was three years older than me and always had my back. It allowed me to navigate confide...

  • October 1, 2013

    Obama/Rouhani: Peace in Our Time

    Poor President Obama and the beleaguered nation he leads. Benghazi, Fast and Furious, ObamaCare, the IRS scandal and his most recent diplomatic fiasco, Syria. Can it get any worse? Well, you may wish to hold onto your hats, this five-year roller coas...

  • July 6, 2013

    Snowden and Pollard: A Tale of Two Spies

    Jonathan Pollard, a former naval intelligence analyst, began serving a life sentence at the Federal Prison in Butler, North Carolina on March 4, 1987, for the crime of passing classified material to Israel.  From the government's standpoint a le...

  • June 9, 2013

    Israel-'Palestine' Insanity Must Stop

    On March 2, 2007, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama addressed an AIPAC foreign policy forum in Chicago, Illinois.  Here is what he had to say: We should all be concerned about the agreement negotiated among Palestinians in Mecca last m...

  • May 23, 2013

    Boycotting the Wrong Country

    Along with traditional terrorism and political recalcitrance, the Palestinian Arabs, their fellow Islamists, and a recognizable cadre of their sympathizers continually develop additional pressure tactics to erode the sovereignty of Israel. As boycot...

  • April 27, 2013

    Let My People Go

    Slavery is explicitly permitted in the Koran.  Recently Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, a prominent Saudi religious leader called for slavery to be re-legalized throughout the kingdom.  According to the Sheik, a member of the Senior Council of Cler...

  • March 29, 2013

    Peacemaker or Trojan Horse?

    With what must have been the same fanfare and adulation our textbooks relate the people of Troy gave to the Homeric "Trojan Horse," President Obama received when he touched down in Israel last week. To the blare of trumpets in the background, a ...

  • March 23, 2013

    Apartheid Week: The Modern Blood Libel

    For centuries throughout their glorious but tormented history, long before the re-establishment of the state of Israel, Jewish people have been victims of the blood libel. Through an annual rite known as Apartheid Week, this execrable phenomenon has ...

  • February 27, 2013

    The Hagel Finagle

    Despite the most inane confirmation hearing performance in recent memory, after embarrassingly stumbling and bumbling through eight hours of straight up questioning, it's a done deal, Chuck Hagel was confirmed and became the United States 23rd Secret...

  • January 11, 2013

    Hagel: Why Him, Why Now?

    Love him or hate him, one thing for sure, this president loves a good fight even when it's not necessary. Take this latest nomination of former Nebraskan Senator Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense. As most people know by now, this controversial pic...

  • January 1, 2013

    The Ten Top Anti-Semites of 2012

    Every year around this time we're inundated with stories about the top ten people or events of the previous twelve months.  Holding to this tradition, this past Thursday, the Simon Wiesenthal Center listed their top 10 anti-Semites of 2012. Mi...

  • December 9, 2012

    The Inexplicable Picture of Jews Defending Hamas

    As a young Jewish boy growing up in the Bronx, I heard my mother utter the following expression countless times: "there is no anti-Semite like a Jewish anti-Semite."  I wish she were around for me to tell her she was right more times than not. T...

  • November 20, 2012

    Removing a Tumor

    Not including this latest spate of violence between the terrorists of Gaza and Israel, over 800 rockets and Mortar attacks have been launched against the Jewish state since January 2012. Over 30 people sustained injuries in March of this year a...

  • November 5, 2012

    Some American Jews Have Short-Term Memory Loss

    Some of my fellow tribesmen, particularly those stuck like glue to the Democratic Party, have short-term memory loss when it comes to Barack Obama and his relationship to Israel.  With the selective amnesia they have shown over the recent traged...

  • October 13, 2012

    Romney's Edge

    Last week, before all the world to see, the president of the United States was subjected to one of the most embarrassing spectacles in recent political history.  Never before in his brief but mercurial political career has Barack Obama faced an ...

  • June 28, 2012

    The Iasi Pogrom: A Solemn Jewish Anniversary

    Historically speaking,  it's never difficult for writers of Jewish history to find an anniversary date connected with a tragedy.  For example, a couple days ago I was enjoying an evening surfing the web to see if anything stood out in Jewis...

  • April 3, 2012

    An Untenable Situation

    An interesting article appeared in the Atlantic Sentinel this past March 13, entitled "Hamas Refused to Participate in Latest Gaza Violence."  The author, Daniel R. DePetris, points out that although this was the most intense fighting since Isra...

  • February 12, 2012

    There Was Never a Country Called Palestine

    Please forget one of the great fallacies of our time: Israel did not steal Palestinian land.  It's not Palestinians' land; it's never been their land; it will never be their land.  This land was given to the Jewish people, as stated in the ...

  • November 13, 2011

    No One Is Stealing Palestinian Land

    In response to a recent essay I had written, the following letter was sent to me by one of my readers.  This is a common theme amongst two sets of people supporting the Palestinian cause: those with unmistakable animus toward Israel and Jews and...

  • July 17, 2011

    Has the Muslim Brotherhood Changed?

    Apparently Secretary of State Hillary Clinton believes the Muslim Brotherhood is peaceful and committed to nonviolence. She said last week in Budapest: "We believe, given the changing political landscape in Egypt, that it is in the interests of the ...

  • May 3, 2011

    A Palestinian State: the U.N. Gambit

    As most people following the Middle East conflict know by now, in abrogation of the Oslo II Accords, the Palestinians will be going to the U.N. in September, 2011 seeking unilateral state recognition either from the Security Council or if need be, by...

  • January 9, 2011

    Israel and the Palestinians: Irreconcilable Differences

    There are still many matters that mankind just can't get a grip on.  For instance: When exactly did the universe begin?  When will it end?  What's the last digit in pi?  Why can't there be peace between Israel and the Palesti...