Jerold Levoritz

Jerold Levoritz

  • Redeeming The FBI By Forcing Them Out Of Their Intellectual Prison

    December 22, 2024

    Redeeming The FBI By Forcing Them Out Of Their Intellectual Prison

    Christopher Wray, head of the FBI, is trying to make life difficult for the incoming Kash Patel, even though he is leaving. By promoting loyalists, he is pushing them into decision-making positions so that reforms can be stymied. Wray is apparently d...

  • The Same Principles That Allow Our Cells To Survive Also Allow Societies To Thrive

    September 8, 2024

    The Same Principles That Allow Our Cells To Survive Also Allow Societies To Thrive

    Reasoning by analogy is a tricky business, but its accuracy is always worth exploring. Considering fractals: ‘Similarity at different scales’ is the principle underlying fractal presence in all complex systems. We can apply that theory to...

  • The human inclination toward inertia guides Western nation’s anti-Israel policies

    July 3, 2024

    The human inclination toward inertia guides Western nation’s anti-Israel policies

    Humanity’s constant and, by the laws of physics, the unavoidable inclination is to minimize energy use. We naturally take the shortest route between two points. Just like a rock flying through space moves along a straight line, our bodies and m...

  • Israel’s success is the inevitable result of ancient choices

    June 16, 2024

    Israel’s success is the inevitable result of ancient choices

    Why is Israel so hated? It’s because she’s successful. That’s why so many consider Israel abhorrent, for she threatens Chinese, Iranian, Islamofascist, Biden administration, UN, EU, WEF, and generic leftist dreams of hegemony. None ...

  • Our Israel Policy Is Governed By The Bureaucrats’ Approach To Work

    June 2, 2024

    Our Israel Policy Is Governed By The Bureaucrats’ Approach To Work

    Israel is receiving patently inconsistent treatment from the Biden administration. There’s a reason for the chasm between Biden’s promises and the government’s conduct, and it’s not just Biden’s effort to placate the Ame...

  • When It Comes To The Powers Arrayed Against Israel, There’s A Simple Solution

    March 30, 2024

    When It Comes To The Powers Arrayed Against Israel, There’s A Simple Solution

    Despite regularly watching Caroline Glick, I don’t like doing so. That’s because her relentlessly realistic understanding of Israel’s position in the world tears me apart. A recent interview with Mike Benz, director of the Foundatio...

  • Israel's iron sheep

    March 24, 2024

    Israel's iron sheep

    In Israel, a land that prays for peace even as it’s forced into war, the concept of Iron Sheep—peaceable, productive creatives made strong through their collective history, culture, and efforts—has become an important part of Israel...

  • Israel’s Focus On Happy Families Means It Is The Least Bleak Country In The World

    March 12, 2024

    Israel’s Focus On Happy Families Means It Is The Least Bleak Country In The World

    Israel stands out among the nations like a sore thumb because of its willingness to fight for its right to exist. By doing so, it is a threat to the world order. The Western world is dedicated to humanity’s destruction, believing that global po...

  • The reality behind allegations of the so-called ‘Jewish dual loyalty problem’

    March 3, 2024

    The reality behind allegations of the so-called ‘Jewish dual loyalty problem’

    Over multiple generations and in many places, Jews have been charged with having “dual loyalties”; that is, they allegedly show no allegiance to the countries that so graciously took them in. What underlies this is the idea that insistenc...

  • January 11, 2024

    If Donald Trump wins, there are lots of avenues open for Democrats

    Democrats currently are stuck with Biden, who might actually win given the motivation of the addled 18-24-year-old voters. But what if enough people agree that Biden is incompetent, and they prefer Trump’s policies and history of success? Well,...

  • January 2, 2024

    What Purpose does Hamas Serve?

    Money is fuel. It makes things happen, no different than natural gas, diesel, coal, or nuclear materials. A perfect example of this truism is the Gaza Strip, where Hamas built its evil empire on the surprisingly generous contributions of the United S...

  • December 20, 2023

    The ‘two-state solution’ denies the reality of Muslim culture

    “From the River to The Sea…” Hamas promises the land will be free of Jews. Of course, that is not really what Hamas means. Their publicly stated goal is to rid the world of all the Jews except the doctors and scientists who will be...

  • November 30, 2023

    The Odious Reasons Behind The World’s Obsession With Gaza And The West Bank

    International aid to Gaza is the only process that ensures its survival. This rather strange situation has no equivalent in any other place in the world except for the scientists living in Antarctica. Gazans are the most welfare-dependent population ...

  • November 19, 2023

    Changing Gaza by keeping Western money out of the antisemites’ hands

    Perhaps there are new approaches to the belligerent Gaza population that need consideration. I assume Israel will win the war and that the Biden administration, the EU, and the United Nations, will immediately want to flood the region with money to r...

  • November 9, 2023

    Money For Nothing: The Radical Growth of the Gazan Population

    To understand Gaza, you must understand what a welfare state on steroids looks like. This is a state that produces nothing, living only on the largesse of others. To hide this destructive parasitism, it has not only actual “workers” but a...

  • October 22, 2023

    Israel Needs to Be Larger, Not Smaller

    Anyone holding the idea that Israel needs to accept a two-state solution to survive has not thought through the problem. Or perhaps they have indeed thought through the problem and have decided that a two-state solution is a step along the way to dis...

  • October 19, 2023

    Sexual chaos in the Arab world drives some of its grotesque violence

    During the attack on Israel, a member of Hamas grabs a Jewish girl. He lies down on top of her, comes to orgasm, stands up, and shoots her. What kind of sadistic twists were already present in his head that allowed the softness of sexual relations to...

  • October 13, 2023

    In the Middle East, submission is a big question.

    To submit means to surrender. To surrender to an enemy means to give up your goals, beliefs, traditions, hopes for the future, dreams for your children and grandchildren, and your personal freedom. It means to become shamefaced, to accept perhaps a l...

  • October 11, 2023

    Why are Arabs so filled with rage?

    The Squad in Congress, the president of Columbia (country), a minority of students at Harvard, Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, the Socialists of America, and other sundry anti-Semites have started criticizing Israel for its wartime measures against Ha...

  • October 9, 2023

    A 2018 Israeli music video shows the people at the heart of the fight

    At the end of this post, you’ll find a video from December 11, 2018—that is, not quite five years ago. Many of the people seen in the video are from Sde’rナ衡, the town near Gaza that, as I write this, is still fighting against the in...

  • September 27, 2023

    Our institutions are encouraging Americans not to have children

    A recent Pew Research Center survey found only a third of their wide-ranging sample would categorize marriage and children as at least somewhat important to their feelings of personal fulfillment. Of course, any Pew survey is a product of its times. ...

  • September 19, 2023

    Believing in a positive future for mankind

    When Eve ate from the fruit of the tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden, the snake thought for sure the world was going to be his alone because Eve's and Adam's act of defiance was punishable by death.  Things never go the way y...

  • August 16, 2023

    When It Comes To The Energy Needed For The Modern World, Thor Will Save Us!

    Thor Will Save Us! No, not the Norse god or Hollywood superhero. What might save us all is thorium, which literally runs the earth at its core, keeping the world protected from being stripped of its gases by maintaining the electromagnetic field arou...

  • July 27, 2023

    Leftists know why most people must die prematurely

    People are not evil for the sake of being evil.  Every person, no matter how destructive, wants to believe he is doing the right thing.  Nazis, both those tried for war crimes and those who escaped punishment, all justified their ...

  • June 4, 2023

    We can beat those who weaponize artificial intelligence

    No one predicts the future well, even when the prognosticators also hold political power. Clearly, it is the hope of those in charge, whether in government or in corporations, that they will profit from the advances of Artificial Intelligence. That w...

  • May 17, 2023

    Footage from an air raid shows Israelis’ mental health

    My friend sent me a terrifying video clip showing kids coming home from school last Friday, May 12, 2023. The children waiting at a bus stop near the Israeli town of Beit Shemesh heard the “Color Red” sirens and knew they had to take cove...

  • April 30, 2023

    The tree in the garden

    The following is a translation of the portion of the Bible that deals with the Serpent, Eve, Adam, the special Tree, and God. All translations are commentaries, but this one, by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, seems true to the original Hebrew as far as I can te...

  • February 12, 2023

    Making the punishment fit the crime

    Recently, I have been accused of verbosity. We all know the punishment for this crime is a writer’s literary demise. However, for most other crimes, we can no longer name their punishments. This is an enticement to crime. We must fix this situa...

  • February 2, 2023

    Iran, Israel, and the United States government

    No one offers a reasonable explanation for Biden begging Iran to rejoin the debunked, tawdry, ineffective, and cynical agreement to keep nuclear weapons out of Iranian hands, if just for a while.  Israel keeps providing updates on how close...

  • December 4, 2022

    Parents pay a high price for the privilege of owning their children

    Yes, parents own their children. Anyone who says differently does not understand anything at all. “He who pays the piper calls the tune”—and children are purchased at the cost of the parents’ living standards. They are like bu...

  • November 24, 2022

    Is there a remedy for Canada’s escalating ‘suicide’ policies?

    Societies can prevent suicide by substituting homicide. In Canada, doctors in the spring of ‘23 will be authorized to encourage patients who are depressed, mentally ill, or just difficult or expensive to treat to commit suicide. To be fair, two...

  • November 17, 2022

    Abortion, Old-Time German Childrearing, And Deadly Class Warfare

    Five propositions supporting abortion rights were on the midterm ballots, and four won. Psychologically speaking, though, what exactly are abortion rights? They are policies designed to relieve the mental panic men and women feel when they are forced...

  • October 30, 2022

    The Yom Kippur Mindset Could Benefit America

    We hold elections to choose substitutes for ourselves to represent our interests. It does not always work out that way. Government superimposes itself upon the people who are not part of the governing system. This is partly because people, having div...

  • August 18, 2022

    The left is destroying the family one sexualized child at a time

    Why would important, sophisticated, secure, even insanely wealthy individuals on the Left want to destroy Americans’ family lives? This is not a theoretical issue because the woke goal of family destruction may, in the end, afflict millions of ...

  • July 21, 2022

    Will artificial intelligence devour the leftist elites?

    The left has made the poor of the world expendable — literal slaves, as in the sex and drug trade, or as wage slaves, given that cheap labor crossing at the southern border has effectively thwarted middle-class goals for many. Blacks in...

  • July 12, 2022

    Selecting for intelligence

    The garlic has been plucked from the garden, and I have already chosen the bulbs that I will break into cloves to replant in November.  I chose the smallest, most sniveling bulbs and will eat the largest, most robust ones.  Only k...

  • July 7, 2022

    Google's sentient artificial intelligence is still dangerously inhuman

    The headlines have been full of news about the Google worker who was suspended for discussing with people who were outside the company his interactions with an advanced artificial intelligence (A.I.) program.  What was unnerving was that he...

  • June 23, 2022

    We can break the computer algorithms destroying critical thinking

    In the past twenty years and, with accelerating speed in the past ten years, computer algorithms determine what information Americans receive and even dictate how they should respond to that information. There is an ancient method of analyzing inform...

  • May 15, 2022

    The value of abortion

    The abortion issue deserves a deeper perspective than is currently being offered. Democrats insist that abortion is a human right but there’s something much more pragmatic going on here. Given how our welfare society is causing a population col...

  • May 2, 2022

    There's a malevolent logic to Biden's much-desired Iran agreement

    I view Iran as an irrational and implacable enemy of Israel and its Jews.  Without Israel, visible Jews would have no safe space in the world.  So why would Israel's supposed friend, Obama-Biden, support a weak agreement that ...

  • April 20, 2022

    The connection between decreased testosterone and the loss of empathy

    Tucker Carlson gained a lot of attention for a video segment he did about declining testosterone levels in American males. In fact, the matter is more important even than he realizes because empathy, a necessary emotion in a healthy society, is tied ...

  • March 18, 2022

    Biological weapons of mass destruction

    No one knows or is willing to identify those nations or people the biolabs in Ukraine, China, and other nations serve.  We know, though, that many would be illegal in the United States, forcing their supporters to place them outside our bor...

  • March 14, 2022

    Israel's important role in keeping liberal democratic values alive

    Israel is likely to maintain democratic values and practices over the long haul.  Longstanding biblical ethics still affect political behavior via an emphasis on self-restraint as a moral mandate, something that is necessary for democratic ...

  • February 8, 2022

    We lose intelligence when our society becomes too automated

    Recently, I read about an interesting archeological finding.  Apparently, humans started to use flint knives one hundred twenty-five thousand years before the first flint hammer was found in the archeological record.  In other wor...

  • December 13, 2021

    The supply chain problem has ended

    The supply chain problem is solved.  How?  Because the problem is not getting worse.  Theoretically, that's a good thing.  However, the absence of goods and the overwhelming presence of government-printed m...

  • December 6, 2021

    Unlike pagans of old, today's climate activists will kill crop yields

    Long ago, elites in various cultures sacrificed fellow citizens, including children, to their presumed gods to improve crop outcomes for the next growing season.  Woke anthropologists might call these the first documented examples of cancel...

  • December 2, 2021

    The sinister nature of electric cars

    The Democrats are doing everything they can to get Americans into electric cars.  However, those cars come with the risk of a serious loss of power — not just for the car, but for those who buy those cars. We have to begin with ask...

  • November 25, 2021

    The New York Times falsely portrayed a grim, sad Israel

    As is the wont of the New York Times, it has published yet another hit piece on Israel.  As Ira Stoll writes about the essay, the Times writers are relentlessly negative.  Instead of noting the country...

  • November 9, 2021

    The government versus the people

    I am amazed how many words have been wasted trying to explain this or that government policy that is hurting the American people.  Don't we know by now that if a government program seems not to be useful, it was designed to be that way?...

  • June 13, 2021

    Antisemitism And The Anti-Semites

    Antisemitism is an abstract construct that describes people who hate Jews and/or the Jewish State. The question here is why they are hated. To this question, there are as many answers as there are anti-Semites but there are some general categories in...

  • April 16, 2021

    Defining evil

    Whether an act is evil or not is irrelevant to the left.  After all, Saul Alinsky dedicated his book, Twelve Rules for Radicals, to Satan, which accepts that being evil is good if it furthers your ends.  Under such strange ci...

  • April 2, 2021

    In memory of Professor Heinrich Guggenheimer

    On March 4, my Talmud teacher of thirty years passed away.  He was 97 years old, but between bouts of Fentanyl-aided pain reduction, he continued to answer questions others could not — until two weeks before his passing. The earth and...

  • January 27, 2021

    Believe it or not, there is potential good news out there

    What Americans need is some good news, and perhaps studying "complex systems" can supply it in a backhanded way.  In a world given to constant change, no one is ever "correct" for long. The political right is not pere...

  • January 17, 2021

    Our entire system has become a form of cruel and unusual punishment

    The term “cruel and unusual punishment” is usually applied to the death penalty and solitary confinement. Both are widely condemned by the left, as is incarceration for non-violent crimes. But the political left treats the sufferings of v...

  • January 12, 2021

    When it comes to Trump-hatred, follow the money

    It must be very important that President Trump never again exercise the power of the presidency.  It seems that lined up against him are the Supreme Court, most upper career federal employees, Democrats, many Republicans, the media, corpora...

  • January 8, 2021

    How to create a better 'class' of politicians

    The kaleidoscopic nature of our daily existence is a feature of a living, breathing system. So, it is of little wonder that our government is given to wild gyrations as well. As we, the people of the United States, continue to insist that those who w...

  • December 24, 2020

    Across America, breaking the law often means there are no consequences

    Let's begin with the conclusion so as not to keep anyone waiting: punishment under the law is no longer acceptable in a "woke" society.  One may still be subjected to legal prosecution if the crime threatens the left, as happe...

  • July 4, 2020

    The Problem with Abstract Concepts

    One person gets a mark of 50% on an examination, while a second person receives 100% on the same test. If we apply a simple statistical method to these two scores, we find their average to be 75%.  So, what ‘averaging’ has done is re...

  • June 6, 2020

    'No justice, no peace'?

    Is it not obvious that "No Justice, No Peace" is backwards?  It is essentially a threat.  We are closer to the truth when we say, "No Peace, No Justice."  Justice for George Floyd will never become th...

  • December 27, 2019

    Why do so many people view President Trump as a threat?

    Is it not surprising that the characters in the anti-Trump camp show excessively high levels of emotionality and poor social judgment as they move along in their attempts to remove a president of the United States?  The more shrieking, fist...

  • March 10, 2019

    Why the Jews are the victims of socialism

    "Foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds," wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Socialists cannot be pro-Israel because Israel is a successful example of nationalism.  The Jews require national independence in order ...

  • December 10, 2018

    Borders are Like Boundaries

    The fight to eliminate national borders is strange to the point of bizarre, quite like a primitive night terror in which the world as we know it suddenly ends and is replaced by utter chaos.  The very idea of strangers, whether benign or evil, b...

  • June 4, 2018

    The Israel Day parade

    With thirty thousand marchers in the Israel Day parade and one hundred thousand-plus viewers, Sunday, June 3 was a glorious day.  Jews and their well-wishers came from Maryland, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Israel, and colleges across t...

  • May 13, 2018

    Scary Mother's Day

    As Mother’s Day approaches, we are hearing noises from the left demanding revisions in the meaning of the day.  For them, Mother’s Day is not sufficiently inclusive and will become subject to the same pressures for warping or extinct...

  • October 18, 2017

    Obama's Russian collusion

    The Hill's release of information on the collusion among American corporate interests, U.S. government agencies, and Russia seems to be all new material.  The text outlines the failure of the U.S. government under Obama to take account ...

  • May 24, 2017

    President Trump's greatest policy failure

    President Trump never promised to use the court system to "make America great again," but he should have. If the Justice Department had taken Lois Lerner to court and she had been convicted, she would have lost her pension.  Among t...

  • July 6, 2016

    At least one democracy does not hesitate to try, convict, and imprison its most prominent and powerful

    At this very moment, Israel has in the bowels of its prison system one former president, Moshe Katzvav (sexual harassment) and one former prime minister, Ehud Olmert (fraud).  In a mind-blowing irony for Americans, yesterday a Muslim judge in th...

  • June 21, 2016

    Obama’s Middle East machinations gone awry

    We in America should never be surprised to find that things have not turned out the way Washington politicians planned them, particularly in the Middle East.  The very idea that the Obama regime knows best how to manipulate the forces at play in...

  • June 21, 2015

    What Fathers Give Us

    A father’s first present to his son has traditionally been his name.  My name is Jerold Levoritz – same last name as my father.  Eight days after my birth, at my circumcision, I received my second name, Yosef ben Shlomo (Joseph ...

  • April 30, 2015

    Hillary and the American Future

    Hillary Rodham Clinton must never be elected president. Indeed, she must not even be allowed to run for the office. Because her emails may be in Russian, Chinese, and other hands, she is personally compromised. The future of the country sho...

  • March 15, 2015

    Why it's <em>always</em> Israel's fault

    How close to a victim do you have to be to mourn him?  When thousands of people die in a flood in China or Bangladesh, Americans do not cry for them, though official condolences are sent.  When 200,000 Syrians die in a civil war, almost no ...

  • January 28, 2015

    Climate change is changing

    Science sans politics should be self-correcting.  However, in our real world of eternal conflict, scientists have a difficult time rising to the level of self-correction without anger or shame.  When we deal with Marxists as a class, furthe...

  • October 23, 2013

    Global Cooling versus Global Warming

    It is well-established science that the cooling of the earth has been in the past and would be in the future more disruptive to human existence than atmospheric warming. If we are quite quiet, we may yet hear the sound of extreme irony laughing its h...

  • December 20, 2012

    A Proper Response to the Massacre of Innocents

    The knee-jerk response to a catastrophe such as Newtown is the banning of guns. The academic and journalistic reasoning is essentially this: Guns represent a neat way of killing people. The killer never touches the blood or the body. He can look...