Jeremy B. Kay

Jeremy B. Kay

  • Thinking about The Zionist experiment

    May 5, 2024

    Thinking about The Zionist experiment

    I watched the well spoken young man being interviewed on TV.  I think he was a student at UCLA, but I could be mistaken.  He was defending the protests, claiming to be a member of Jewish Voice for Peace, lending his heritage in su...

  • Jews, patriots, and the ignorant among us

    April 26, 2024

    Jews, patriots, and the ignorant among us

    The explosion of demonstrations at college campuses has made me fearful for my fellow Jews, but as an American, it has made me red-hot angry. I’ve been trying to make the distinction between the clearly foreign-born and the growing young fol...

  • November 9, 2023

    A brief history of Kristallnacht

    November 9th marks the eighty-fifth anniversity of Kristallnacht, the infamous “night of broken glass.” The pretext for this part-pogrom, part state-sponsored riot was the assassination of German embassy official Ernst vom Rath in Pari...

  • October 30, 2023

    Lessons from 1920s Germany and today

    There has long been an assertion, mostly advanced by people who also deny the scope of the Holocaust, that some Jews actually supported the Nazis in the early days. It is mostly the stuff of anti-Semitic legend, although certainly Jews, like every...

  • April 27, 2022

    Survivors of the Holocaust and other heroes

    I have heard it asked why is it that we have two annual remembrances of the Holocaust.  Often it is a question based on genuine curiosity.  Sometimes it is a convenient expression of resentment of Jews by people who don't real...

  • January 15, 2021

    Why parallels between today and the Reichstag Fire are flawed

    What are we to make of the news from Capitol Hill?  The political posturing is out of control, and the comparison to Nazis once again creeps into the conversation on both sides.  It's so unserious, yet it could have profound i...

  • April 20, 2020

    Holocaust victims and heroes

    Tomorrow is Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Throughout the world, communities gather, albeit virtually in most cases, to remember the victims — including well over one million children; hear from survivors; and in general reflect on the l...

  • June 24, 2018

    Descriptions of evil and their misuse

    The term "Nazi" has lately been transformed from a garden-variety political slur into pointed but wildly inaccurate or completely false description of actions taken by politicians and other government officials. Since the 1960s, "Na...