Jeffrey Wright

Jeffrey Wright

  • A 2024 Achilles heel for Republicans?

    July 23, 2024

    A 2024 Achilles heel for Republicans?

    There is a common perception that, following the events of the past few weeks, the Republicans are more united than the Democrats.  After all, the Republicans are coalescing around Donald Trump after witnessing Joe Biden’s shocking mental decline in ...

  • Calling All Reluctant Trumpers

    June 10, 2024

    Calling All Reluctant Trumpers

    It seems that Reluctant Trumpers often draw considerable fire – if not open hostility – from some elements of MAGA conservatism.  Leaning into this issue, the purpose of this essay is to posit that being a Reluctant Trumper is (certa...

  • Donald Trump as an Ayn Rand Hero

    June 3, 2024

    Donald Trump as an Ayn Rand Hero

    Like many young people decades ago, I was exposed to the works of Ayn Rand, the famous novelist who escaped Bolshevik Russia in 1925 after experiencing the oppressiveness and dangers of collectivism.  In high school, our class was assigned to re...

  • February 27, 2023

    What's behind the push for electric vehicles?

    The modern internal combustion engine is an engineering marvel.  These power plants run incredibly clean.  According to the EPA, overall gasoline car tailpipe emissions are now about 98–99% less than for cars in the 1960s....

  • June 2, 2020

    Time to unmask America

    The unmasking of General Flynn and others in the Obamagate scandal was egregiously wrong.  However, the unmasking of America in the context of COVID-19 is necessary and right if we are ever to regain a semblance of American normalcy and str...