Jeffrey T. Brown

Jeffrey T. Brown

  • March 28, 2020

    Death as a Political Tool

    If you've been paying attention for the last ten years or so in particular, you may have noticed in how many ways political leftists in this country love death.  Not their own, but the deaths of otherwise anonymous American citizens who...

  • March 4, 2020

    The Canadian Health Care Myth

    I recently had the opportunity to listen to two Canadian citizens discuss the Canadian health care system and their personal experiences within it.  They were a very successful, middle-aged couple who had been involved in a motor vehicle ac...

  • November 13, 2019

    Natural Rights Versus Political Rights

    A headline I read this weekend proclaimed that Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, the Klan-hood-wearing gent formerly known at VMI as “Coonman,” was “working on” possible gun confiscation in Virginia now that money on the Left h...

  • August 19, 2019

    The Role of Gun Control in Dictatorship

    President Trump is accused on a minute-by-minute basis of being a tyrant, but his accusers remain free.  Nothing has been taken from them, not their property nor their personal liberty.  Their rights remain intact in every respect.  Th...

  • August 9, 2019

    What happens when only one side defines hate

    If you're keeping score at home, here is where we are: Whiteness = hate crime; Red hat = hate crime; Masculinity = hate crime; Patriotism = hate crime; Enforcing laws = hate crime; Statements of objective fact = hate crime; F...

  • July 18, 2019

    The Left’s Demonization of Conservatives Becomes Dangerous

    There exists in this country a cultivated mindset that conservatives are all things evil.  We have gradually devolved into fictional characters, invented by the left, and animated by whatever awful thoughts, beliefs, and imaginary actions the an...

  • February 3, 2019

    Beware the Morality of the Democrats

    The Democrats have laid claim to be the new arbiters of “morality.”  They declare “immoral” anything that has the potential to thwart them, whether it’s a wall, a hat, a facial expression, or even religion itself, p...

  • August 19, 2018

    The Importance to Liberals of Ignorance and Stupidity

    "Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."  So said Martin Luther King, Jr.  The danger lies, in part, in the fact that these characteristics are both intellectual and mo...

  • June 27, 2018

    Mob Violence and Gun Ownership

    It has become clear that attempted political overthrow is being effected through emotional waves.  The zealots, conditioned to react hysterically to whatever triggers have been implanted, escalate their hyper-emotional, anti-intellectual re...

  • March 12, 2018

    Gun-Owners Are Being Blamed for the Failures of Liberalism

    Liberalism is largely a process of adopting illogical and factually invalid positions and then artificially placing blame on its opponents when policies based on those positions inevitably fail.  For the blame to bear fruit, it is necessary...

  • February 23, 2018

    The Yelling of the Lambs

    For all of those who are angry about the Parkland attack and those before it, and who insist that the experiences of the newly minted child-activists for rescinding the Second Amendment require us to do what they demand, ask yourselves: do I want a s...

  • October 3, 2017

    The Left Pulls the Trigger

    Once again, Democrats are screaming that the ones who must pay the price for a lunatic’s evil are those who had nothing to do with that evil. Knowing that almost all the guns in this country are owned by their political opposition, they see eve...

  • August 25, 2017

    Does the Left Know Something's Coming Involving Guns?

    Have you noticed the multiple calls recently for increased gun control, despite the fact that all of the harm being done presently at leftist riots does not (yet) involve guns?  A car was used in Charlottesville, as vehicles have been used befor...

  • August 24, 2017

    If There Aren't Two Sides, Why Is There Division?

    George Clooney and his wife just donated a large sum of money to the Southern Poverty Law Center, a liberal hate group active in smearing non-adherents to Marxist theology.  He said, "There are no two sides to bigotry and hate."  ...

  • January 7, 2017

    Liberals Awake from 8-Year Moral Coma

    For eight years, the voices of what passes for morality on the left were utterly silent as the values of generations of Americans were flushed down the drain.  Those Americans whose desires, experiences and values differed from the leftist elite...

  • November 12, 2016

    Dear Progressives, Thank You for Reminding Us of the Real Reasons We Fight You

    As if they see the world in only one or two dimensions, so-called “progressives” seem incapable of processing their overwhelming emotions outside a narrow framework of self-pity and raging narcissism. Because they appear to think about th...

  • November 7, 2016

    At Risk Is Nothing Less Than the Right Ever to Resist Again

    We have witnessed a series of cultural storms over the last several decades, many of which have altered our landscape.  Most have been artificial storms, created and powered by an ideology that seeks complete control over this nation and its fut...

  • September 25, 2016

    A Sporting Event Where Only One Team Obeys the Rules

    From childhood, we have had ingrained in us that in order for interactions between people to work, especially competitive interactions, everyone has to “follow the rules”. The reason we have rules is that we have people, and people are so...

  • September 15, 2016

    The False Rationale of Homegrown Anti-Americanism

      Homegrown anti-American activists are a dishonest bunch.  Maybe some of them mean well, though I doubt it.  Either way, in order for us to listen to them, or support them, we have to accept the premise that underlies their movemen...

  • July 29, 2016

    What if an Anti-American Cult Had a Convention?

    Have you ever wondered what it might look like if a cult that enabled death and destruction and chaos and anarchy had its own national convention?  I have. Preceding that convention, we might already presumably know something about that cult,...

  • July 18, 2016

    Obama’s Divide-and-Rule Presidency

    The president is near the end of an eight year train wreck presidency, the result of which is that every social issue is more divisive, more unsolvable, and more dishonestly framed than ever before.  It is no secret that he has done nothing for ...

  • June 17, 2016

    Why Not Admit the Obvious: The President Won't Blame Them because He Agrees with Them

    We all know that Barack Obama was nominally a lawyer at some point in his past – not a good one, by anyone's account, but he was one.  Assume for the moment that Barack Obama had as his client The Muslim Brotherhood, or CAIR, or Hamas,...

  • June 13, 2016

    Islamist or Progressive? It's getting hard to tell the Difference

    As we are inundated with “it’s the gun” misdirection following last weekend’s terror attack in Orlando, let’s look at what has recently come to pass on the left for acceptable political action. After all, what leftists h...

  • March 26, 2016

    The Fruits of Multiculturalism, Abroad and at Home

    Once upon a time there were people who naively fantasized about how all the incompatible cultures of the world were going to magically blend, weaving a beautiful tapestry of colors and variations. They called this “Multiculturalism”. Incr...

  • December 12, 2015

    Stop Gun Violence? Stop Liberalism First

    When malicious people do harm and then clamor for solutions to their own misdeeds, they will seek someone or something else to blame, lest their own actions and motives be accurately fixed as the cause. For the followers of a destructive ideology, it...

  • November 17, 2015

    'Spectral Evidence' In Service of Social Justice

    In 1692, a group of malicious girls craving power and attention and aided by older men and women caused the deaths of innocent neighbors through the exploitation of something called “spectral evidence”. It is exactly what it sou...

  • November 12, 2015

    The Defective Mentality of Safe Spaces

    The precious snowflakes attending college these days are whining, and being indulged, about their absurd need for “safe spaces” in which they can practice their budding totalitarianism. They are demanding an insulated zone where any ...

  • October 5, 2015

    'Gun Control' Is Actually Conservative Control

    Any casual observer of reality in America can figure out which citizens are likely to embrace the Second Amendment, and which will need to change pants at the mere thought of a gun. Liberals are terrified of guns in a way that is utterly detached fro...

  • September 24, 2015

    The Culture Warriors Zero In On Ben Carson

    So, Ben Carson is in the dock because he said he would not advocate for, or support, a Muslim for president because of his concerns that Islam, of which Sharia is an indispensable part, is not compatible with the United States Constitution. First, it...

  • September 23, 2015

    Who Could Doubt the President's Obvious Faith?

    The United States is being visited by Pope Francis, who is kind of a big deal in Christian circles. On the eve of that visit, some rube at a Trump rally offered the unforgivable viewpoint that the president is a Muslim. As if on cue, the Christian bo...

  • August 27, 2015

    Calls for 'Commonsense Gun Control' Re-Emerge after Virginia Shooting

    Within minutes of the tragic, racially motivated crime in Virginia on Wednesday, in which an embittered black man shot three whites, killing a reporter and cameraman, the Agenda Exploitation Unit was being deployed by the Democrats.  Virginia Go...

  • June 26, 2015

    Anything But Evil

    The left is in a frenzy to blame Dylann Roof’s actions on anything but evil. It’s the gun. It’s the Confederate Flag. It’s racism. It’s conservatism. Why isn’t it that he was an evil, twisted, anti-social cret...

  • June 18, 2015

    Gender, Race, and Reality

    What an odd time we are living through. Those on the left, whose affinity for make-believe knows no bounds, have finally become so comfortable with selling fraud that they’ve left the reservation. Look at a white woman and see a black one. Look...

  • May 23, 2015

    It's Not Race That Divides Us, But Culture

    The racialists in power have again called us to an “honest discussion” about race. As they foresee it, this honest discussion will involve those of us who do not practice racism, but are not black, to come forward, confess our inherent ra...

  • March 15, 2015

    By Whom Shall We Be Led - God Or Man?

    The God of the Bible is anathema to secular leftists.  As evidence of that, we see a troubling rise in anti-Christian and anti-Semitic bigotry from the political left, both at home and abroad.  To push the faithful farther out of the mainst...

  • December 5, 2014

    Who is Leading and Financing the Orc Army of the Left?

    When I was in college, I was treated to a fascinating display of hypnosis.  At a large university, in an enormous theater, a hypnotist first determined those attendees who were susceptible to hypnosis.  Those of us who were not then watched...

  • November 3, 2014

    Race and Reaction

    The Democrats have committed themselves to flushing generations of progress on race down the toilet. That is, flushing the progress whites willingly made toward perceiving and treating all persons as equals. It’s not so clear that any other gro...

  • November 1, 2014

    Which Will We Choose? Our America, or Theirs?

    Many of us were raised in pre-Liberal Apocalypse America – the one in which our parents were largely responsible for reducing real racism to a statistical anomaly.  It was an America populated by people who were not so deluded by a belief ...

  • October 18, 2014

    A Political Czar for a Political Crisis

    In case you foolishly thought that Ebola was a medical epidemic requiring our sharpest medical minds to find medical answers quickly, the president is here to disabuse you of that notion. If the president perceived it as a medical crisis, he would ha...

  • September 19, 2014

    A Long and Constant War

    For centuries, Islam has sought the conquest of the non-Islamic world. The goals, aggression, and brutality of this system of social and religious order are undeniable. Despite countless battles, wars, successes, and failures, it is still here, if an...

  • September 9, 2014

    Lives for Votes

    If we should be attacked by terrorists who come across our unprotected, undefended southern border, and should Americans die in any such attack, we would do well to understand for what those lives were lost. They would have been spent for the ability...

  • June 3, 2014

    Did Bowe Bergdahl Purposefully Offer Himself as a Bargaining Chip?

    According to friends, Bowe Bergdahl enlisted in the Army to provide philanthropic support to the war effort.  I can only presume that means to the people of Afghanistan.  The U.S. Army is not a charity, and while it does remarkable things b...

  • March 21, 2014

    Too Busy to be President

    Is Barack Obama simply too busy to be Chief Executive of the United States?  Apparently.  One of the primary functions of the president is to keep the nation safe, to preserve it from its enemies.  To do that effectively, one would act...

  • March 19, 2014

    Zero Tolerance, Evil Objects, and the Psychosis of the Left

    Progressives pride themselves on their highly evolved psyches, their awe-inspiring good intentions and their admirable sense of right and wrong.  Indeed, so sure are they that they are right, disagreement can only be an insult.  Opposition ...

  • March 3, 2014

    Our Weakness, Their Aggression

    Plans are afoot to further shrink our military at the direction of a president who seems oddly committed to exposing the United States to attack.  As Russia, China, and North Korea openly increase their stockpiles and capabilities, President Oba...

  • February 26, 2014

    Progressivism as a Weapon of Mass Destruction

    As the president and Secretary Kerry do their part to misdirect attention from the real issues of our time to the fake ones, the nation and the world reap the increasingly rotted fruits of progressivism. What has done more to cause destruction, pover...

  • February 24, 2014

    Why Mrs. Clinton's Entire History Matters

    We are about to be bombarded by the mercenaries of progressivism, who will harangue us to agree that all or part of Hillary Clinton's past has no bearing on what kind of president she would be.  To a lesser degree, some have offered a varia...

  • January 17, 2014

    Income Inequality: The Left's Next Big Con

    With the possible exception of global warming fraud, it would be difficult to identify another major political issue more dependent upon innumerable, uncontrollable variables than the difference in what two persons might earn or deserve.  In the...

  • December 23, 2013

    The Fight For Hearts And Minds

    The dark influence of progressivism grows day by day, as those on the left fully realize the extent to which they have been given license to force their worldview on the rest of us. In the name of "equality," "fairness," or "rights," the left's euphe...

  • December 13, 2013

    When Rights Become Political Spoils

    The first amendments to the Constitution, contained within a Bill of Rights intended to protect us from the dark side of our rulers' human nature, contain some of our most basic and important freedoms. Without them, we are merely inmates in whatever ...

  • November 18, 2013

    What The Know-Nothings Know

    Our poor, hapless, uninformed, clueless president!  He campaigned on the promise to fundamentally transform our country into his idealized socialist wonderland, and as soon as his efforts began to bear fruit, he begged us to believe he had no id...

  • November 14, 2013

    How Republicans Can Lose on ObamaCare

    It is a tactic as old as argument itself. The person seeking to accomplish something he knows to be dishonest and unjust sets the parameters of the argument, and invites his opponent to debate the predetermined memes. If the debater does not first di...

  • November 8, 2013

    'Pretty Good at Killing'

    It has been disclosed in a recently published book about the 2012 campaign, Double Down by Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, that the president told aides that he is "really good at killing people" with drones. I think the president is being far too ...

  • October 30, 2013

    Can We Finally Stop Pretending?

    Every day, it seems, more people who have been screaming their hatred for those who predicted all we see coming true are admitting what we have known all along. The president is incapable of telling a truth, and what conservatives have been predictin...

  • October 10, 2013

    A Purposeful Assault on Order

    Humans succeed in the administration of a society only when there are neutrally applied rules to protect its citizens, the rules are followed, and rule-breakers are punished. Society can only function to the benefit of its members when the actions of...

  • October 2, 2013

    Thank Allah For Democrats

    Nations have been lying to and attacking their enemies for millennia. Leaders of one nation have told lies about their goals and objectives to the leaders of other nations since the beginning of nations. We who think and read are easily able to tell ...

  • September 20, 2013

    Same Lies, Different Day

    When the powerful cannot fully control the actions of those fellow citizens they dislike, at least they can control the lies publicly told about them. Thus, we once again find ourselves, days after a tragedy, dissecting the falsehoods spewed forth to...

  • September 19, 2013

    Washington, D.C.'s 'Anti-Dog-Eat-Dog Rule'

    The engineers of social justice are at it again.  In our nation's capital, the mayor recently vetoed a bill, passed by the City Council, targeting Walmart for the audacity to hope that it could quietly provide jobs, earn a profit, and serve the ...

  • September 2, 2013

    Calling it Treason

    We stand on the brink of an illegal exercise of military power in a part of the world we have no need to be in, except that we have a president who purposefully keeps us there by suppressing our own development of energy resources and embroiling us i...

  • August 15, 2013

    A Swiss Clerk Teaches Us About Racism and Profiteering

    Is racism a real problem in the United States, or is it the calculated and fraudulent branding and stigma that strategically attaches to the target of an accusation of racism? That exploitation, ignoring for now the damage it does to its target, has ...

  • July 29, 2013

    How Do We Fix Race Relations?

    Many serious Americans are distressed by what they see going presently regarding matters of race. They are perplexed by the obvious anger and hatred directed by some against others, including examples of random people being beaten in various places f...

  • July 18, 2013

    'Stand Your Ground' Against the Left

    Dishonestly interweaving the Zimmerman trial with Florida's "stand your ground" law, even though that law was not invoked during the trial, Attorney General Holder has capitalized upon another crisis that should not go to waste. Perhaps it would be m...

  • July 17, 2013

    Hate Crimes Indeed

    Now that a jury has considered the best evidence the State of Florida could offer against George Zimmerman, and that it did not prove that Zimmerman was either the aggressor or an intentional killer, the left has a problem.  It invested what lit...

  • June 15, 2013

    Hillary Clinton's Legacy of Scandal

    In the midst of the eruption of near-daily scandals involving the Obama administration, let us not forget that until just a few months ago, Hillary Clinton was the most significant persona within that administration besides the president himself....

  • May 18, 2013

    A Liberal/Progressive Epiphany

    Now that the low-information/low-knowledge segment of the country is waking up to what conservatives have been pointing out since Barack Obama was first sanctified by the left, we are being treated to the spectacle of a liberal epiphany.  How, t...

  • May 14, 2013

    Like the IRS Scandal? You'll Love ObamaCare

    So, we have learned that the IRS orchestrated systematic prejudice against Americans whose political views this administration's mobsters found distasteful. It order to decide upon whom to bestow what the law fully permits certain entities, regardles...

  • May 11, 2013

    Cultural Warfare

    Imagine a closed, regressive, sometimes violent culture. Freedom of thought brings punishment. One is not encouraged to consider alternative views. One's place in the culture is determined by circumstances of birth, and he can never be otherwise defi...

  • May 8, 2013

    Immigration Reform Is about Votes

    As we watch Republican senators being danced around the floor by their gleeful Democrat squires, we shouldn't allow this spectacle to cause us to lose sight of a simple truth.  Despite the whispered promises and pledges of fidelity, immigration ...

  • May 3, 2013

    Radicalizing the Military

    There have been few sanctuaries of American values as steadfast as the American armed forces. "Duty, Honor, Country". "Semper Fidelis". "Service Before Self". "Honor, Courage, Commitment". "This We'll Defend". "Semper Paratus". These are words that d...

  • April 29, 2013

    Never Let a Dead Child Go to Waste

    As harsh as that variation on a theme might sound, it is more disturbing still that this has become one of the primary policy devices of the American left to advance their political agenda. Most know the famous admission by Rahm Emanuel regarding a...

  • April 25, 2013

    Battered Country Syndrome

    We, as a country, wait with resignation for the next slap, punch, or kick from the current head of our family. We know more is coming, just not when or why the ever-present rage of our abuser will be unleashed at us. We have become so used to this mi...