Jeffrey Markus

Jeffrey Markus

  • August 7, 2018

    #WalkAway: Why every conservative and anti-progressive should support it

    Recently, a New York hairdresser produced a compelling video in which he forcefully and articulately states his wake-up call regarding the tactics and goals of the regressive left.  He urges his followers to wake up and realize the left...

  • August 3, 2018

    1066 AD in 2018 AD

    In October of 1066, shortly after Harold Godwinson received an arrow to the eye, victory in the Battle of Hastings cemented William the Conqueror's right to the English throne. Historians note the unique nature of the year 1066 as ...

  • July 23, 2018

    #NeverTrump: Can the real adults please stand up?

    As the president presses on with his agenda and attains a surprising level of success, especially considering the unparalleled acrimony surrounding him, there stands one branch of the Republican Party in the way of even more success: the self-identif...

  • July 18, 2018

    The vitality of 'the West'

    Since President Trump's inauguration, there has been nonstop questioning about America's "commitment to the West" and to "Western values."  But what does all of this mean?  Certainly, our nation shares ...