Jeffrey I. Barke

Jeffrey I. Barke

  • April 20, 2021

    How Free Markets Advance Health Care

    My brother Ron is an eye surgeon in Dallas, Texas. He performs a wide variety of procedures including “Lasix.” This type of vision correction surgery was discovered by accident in 1974 in Russia. There, a prominent eye surgeon was treatin...

  • April 2, 2021

    Pre-existing madness

    I own a home in California near a major earthquake fault.  As a result, I cannot purchase traditional earthquake insurance to protect our home against its catastrophic loss.  My house, in effect, has a pre-existing condition. C...

  • September 7, 2020

    The Black Lives Matter Movement and America's Founding Principles

    As a sworn reserve deputy for a major sheriff's department, I cringe with disgust whenever I see any unjust police action.  During my academy training, we were required to memorize the California Law Enforcement Code of Ethics.  Here is...

  • August 17, 2020

    It's just a test

    I heard this startling story from a patient the other day: "I got a phone call...telling me my COVID-19 test came back positive.  But I never had the test done, I told the caller.  I checked in and completed the paperwor...

  • June 13, 2020

    Defund the police: Wrong target, right idea

    The many calls to defund the nation's police forces make no sense at all — another slogan without definition, another emotional reaction without thought.  Yet, the idea of defunding government agencies that do not deliver the public...