Jeffrey Barrett

Jeffrey Barrett

  • January 7, 2022

    The Vaccine Passport Pathway to a Social Credit System

    See also: The Vaccine is a Dud Simply put the vaccine programs are really population control programs, because by pushing vaccines the elites are pushing vaccine passports which are the first step to creating digital ID numbers on a software platf...

  • January 6, 2022

    The Vaccine is a Dud

    See also: The Vaccine Passport Pathway to a Social Credit System As time goes on, we are learning more and more about Covid 19 and the Covid 19 vaccines.  To date, the most important and surprising information about the vaccines is that they ...

  • February 12, 2019

    Without Elitist Racialism, There Is Little Racism

    For the past quarter century, I have owned a home in the Virginia county where the now infamous and embattled Governor Ralph Northam was born and raised.  Because of this actual living experience, I was surprised at the amount of media attention...

  • March 7, 2013

    The Third-Party Temptation -- Just Say No

    The fiscal cliff and sequester battles between Obama's political operatives and the House Republican leaders reveal an Obama political strategy that is impressive in its cunning. No matter what the final outcome of fiscal struggles past and future, O...

  • November 25, 2012

    Whither the Republicans?

    Probably the most difficult lesson for Republicans to accept from the results of the 2012 election is that this was no ordinary swing of the pendulum.   Republicans entered into this race with two huge advantages.  First, they were cam...

  • July 8, 2012

    Madison Revived

    If anything can be learned from the recent John Roberts/Supreme Court decision to uphold the ObamaCare mandate as constitutional, it is that constitutionalists cannot rely on any branch of the federal government to curb the steady rise of federal gov...