Jeff Treesh

Jeff Treesh

  • February 28, 2015

    Islamic State Copycats Coming Soon To A Country Near You

    In a country where violent crime is exceedingly rare, Japanese police on Friday arrested three teenagers suspected of being inspired by Jihadi John, the murdering savage of the Islamic State beheading videos. Following the dual beheadings of Kenji Go...

  • February 22, 2015

    Islamic State burns <em>Another</em> 50 Civilians to Death in Iraq

    Realizing that President Obama, Valerie Jarrett, and a completely lost State Department are simultaneously micromanaging the war against the Islamic State as well as living in complete denial that this war even exists, at what point will someone...

  • February 18, 2015

    Random terror strikes Detroit, church burns in Florida

    Winter in Detroit was quietly rocked Tuesday by what is being looked at as a possible hate crime, the stabbing of two random (no, really) people for not being Muslim, by a Muslim. What we need to know now during this terror firestorm engulfing the wo...

  • May 14, 2013

    The System Worked?

    An arrest made this weekend at Detroit Metro Airport raised few eyebrows from the media, the government, or well, anybody. With all the focus on security failures over Boston and Benghazi, I'm sure they will want it to just go away. From The Detroit ...

  • March 13, 2013

    Censorship in Yuma

    Everyone who reads American Thinker knows about the current battles over free speech and blasphemy laws in America thanks to Barack Obama's Muslim outreach and efforts by CAIR. Everyone with half a brain also knows that it is nothing more t...

  • November 10, 2012

    Don't Blame Romney, Blame the Dreamers

    Since the election Tuesday I've seen dozens of article and opinions on why Romney blew it and couldn't defeat the Obama juggernaut. While I don't dispute them all, I would like to throw a few facts out there for everyone to ponder. 121,366,971 p...

  • September 2, 2012

    When Evil Collides With Itself

    Sometimes in the fog of war things happen that you least expect. President Obama dithers on what to do about Syria and the civil war enveloping it, a new front is emerging, one that is threatening to pull in its neighbor Lebanon. Everyone's favorite ...

  • August 31, 2012

    Crucified in Yemen

    There really isn't much to say about this disgusting behavior by the Islamists in Yemen, An Al-Qaeda-affiliated group in Yemen crucified an alleged US spy, and posted a video of the crucifixion on YouTube, the Middle East Media Research Institute (ME...

  • May 6, 2012

    Al Qaeda destroys ancient religious site

    Following in the footsteps of the Taliban, whose destruction of a World Heritage site is now legendary, members of al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb have desecrated a saint's tomb in the fabled city of Timbuktu, an act condemned by Malian authorities a...

  • March 25, 2012

    Priorities, priorities

    It is reassuring to know that in times of economic hardships that are affecting every member of American society, our administration has its priorities in order. Rising gas prices, business failures, and shoddy leadership are apparently not as much o...

  • March 22, 2012

    Coup in Mali

    While the world was caught up in a waiting game between a Islamic terrorist and France Wednesday night, little notice was paid to the military coup in Mali. The tiny Islamic country nestled in the heart of Africa was rocked last night as members of t...

  • March 20, 2012

    Russian special forces arrive in Syria

    Russian Special Forces have arrived in the Syrian port city of Tartus according to opposition forces, and confirmed by Russia's Defense Ministry.  The Syrian port of Tartus happens to be the only naval base Russia has outside the former Soviet U...

  • March 8, 2012

    Mullahs Try Wall Off Iran from the Internet

    Iran's supreme leader announced the creation of a Supreme Council of Cyberspace meant to protect Iranians from online dangers, as Ayatollah Ali Khamenei described the effort in a decree released on Wednesday.  And you complain you can't illegall...

  • February 27, 2012

    Do the Olympics Accept Gender Apartheid?

    At the Olympics, race or religion is irrelevant. Or so they say. Yet once again, Saudi Arabia has refused to bring a female team to compete in the London games.  Although Saudi laws are derived from Islamic laws, there is nothing in the Qur'an o...

  • February 23, 2012

    Another Saudi Christian in Big Trouble

    Another Saudi national has waded into controversy and possibly worse after he insulted the Prophet Mohammad via Twitter on Wednesday. Hamoud Saleh Al-Amri is a self-described convert to Christianity who lives in Mecca and calls himself the "Mecca Pas...

  • February 12, 2012

    Saudi mobilizes Interpol for sharia blasphemy prosecution

    At what point does Saudi Arabia become treated as the pariah state they are? Saudi Arabia whose official faith is a strict form of Islam known as Wahabism, has bestowed upon the world some of the worst terrorism mankind has ever seen.  Sharia, i...

  • January 19, 2012

    Another 'Arab Spring' disaster?

    If the Islamists taking power weren't enough, now it appears radioactive material has been stolen from a nuclear power station on Egypt's Mediterranean coast. As reported from the Egyptian state-run al-Ahram newspaper and Reuters Africa: "A safe con...

  • January 13, 2012

    The Brotherhood's True Itinerary

    The Obama administration's recent outreach to the newly elected Muslim Brotherhood government of Egypt takes no account of the group's true nature. "Supreme Leader" Mohammed el-Badi has other plans.  At the end of December in his weekly mes...

  • January 10, 2012

    Facebook's undeclared war on Israel

    I call shame on Facebook. Why? Because they have blocked my page from posting on others pages, and have threatened to take my page down for being spammy and racist. A page that openly calls for the American right to free speech, and the boycott of CA...

  • January 8, 2012

    As Fordo preps to launch, Iran offers to export nuclear tech

    The subterranean Fordo enrichment facility, located near Qom, will start operating in the near future, the director of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) announced on Saturday as reported in the Tehran Times. "The Fordo facility will be la...

  • January 5, 2012

    EU countries agree to embargo on Iranian oil imports, in principle

    The European Union has agreed in principle to blocking imports of oil from Iran, but has yet to decide when such an embargo would be put in place, a decision that could deal a devastating blow to the Iranian economy.  The EU embargo, a...

  • January 4, 2012

    Chinese police demolish mosque

    Hundreds of Muslims fought with armed police who demolished a mosque in north China, local police and a human rights group said on Monday, with several people injured in the "riot". The violence between local Muslims and roughly 1,000 armed police be...

  • January 2, 2012

    Hamas makes bid for Muslim Bortherhood membership

    So what was all that hype about a so called reconciliation deal with Fatah, and the merger into the PLO? Hamas has now officially made a bid to join the Muslim Brotherhood. Recently, In October a Muslim Brotherhood delegation visited the Gaza Strip ...

  • December 17, 2011

    A Nuclear Primer for Ron Paul

     Ron Paul's quest for isolationism is at best a pipe dream for a utopia that doesn't exist. In Thursday's GOP debate he said: "There is no evidence that they have [a nuclear weapon]. And it would make more sense -- if we lived through the Cold ...

  • December 15, 2011

    House passes 2 Iran bills

    Good movement on Iran finally, but will it be enough? The GOP-controlled House of Representatives passed two national security measures yesterday, and threw the ball into the Democrat-controlled Senate's court. By a 410-11 vote yesterday, the House ...