Jeff Lukens

Jeff Lukens

  • Florida Voter Fraud Case Could Overturn U.S. House Race

    February 18, 2025

    Florida Voter Fraud Case Could Overturn U.S. House Race

    Last November, Democrat fraudsters bypassed the presidential race and focused instead on the down-ballot races. In Florida, local Democrat candidates received more votes than either Donald Trump or Kamala Harris at the top of the ballot. Something wa...

  • Congressional Spending Goes Full Weimar

    April 18, 2024

    Congressional Spending Goes Full Weimar

    It has become a speculative game in the blogosphere to predict what black swan calamities could lead to a breakdown in civil order and the imposition of some form of martial law.  Wars and rumors of war abound.  We have already seen a conta...

  • January 20, 2024

    National Populism and the Rise of Donald Trump

    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the nonsense which has connected them with another, they should speak loudly about the hogwash that impel them to that separation.  Conservatives have reached th...

  • September 3, 2023

    Time for Another Great Awakening

    We live in an age of unbelief.  The foundations of American life are eroding.  America is entering an uncharted, revolutionary time.  We are no longer the America of our founders or even the America that existed twenty y...

  • May 18, 2023

    The Cataclysm to Come

    When nations die, they do so with surprising speed.  Ernest Hemingway made a similar observation when a person in his novel was asked how he went bankrupt, and his reply was, "Gradually, then suddenly." Nations are built upon c...

  • March 29, 2023

    Will Transhumanism End Equality?

    The American people have worked hard to ensure equality for all citizens. So now science has advanced to where a new hybrid super breed of people can be created with enhanced genetics and digital intelligence, and many danger signs are ahead. In the ...

  • January 2, 2023

    The Church Must Speak Out

    Churches have remained publicly quiet for decades on the moral issues of the day so as not to appear too controversial or too political.  As a result, public debate is often left to those without a biblical worldview.  The consequences of t...

  • July 11, 2022

    The Age of Trump

    One hundred years from now, historians will be looking back and calling this the Age of Trump, for Donald Trump has as much clout today in America that only the most notable presidents in American history have ever seen. He could become a semina...

  • October 19, 2021

    A cyber-security option for the 2022 elections

    If voting machines are connected to the internet, they can be hacked.  While there is evidence that there were cyber-attacks in all 50 states, the sad truth almost a year after the 2020 election debacle is that our voting machines are still...

  • June 14, 2021

    Election Fraud is an Issue that Will Not Go Away

    There are many reasons to doubt the 2020 election results.  No question, strange things were happening on Election Night.  Democrats' push for universal mail-in balloting made fraud much easier to commit.  There is e...

  • May 29, 2021

    The 'Fourth Turning Crisis' Has Arrived

    Sweeping social transformations occur during times of crisis.  We are in such a predicament now, and transformative change may be coming to America whether we want it or not.  It could define who we are as a nation for the remainder of the ...

  • March 20, 2021

    Our Growing China Problem

    The People's Republic of China is an existential threat to the national security, health, and prosperity of the United States.  Communist China has viewed the U.S. as its primary enemy since its founding by Mao Zedong in 1949.  For Beij...

  • February 20, 2021

    The MAGA movement is the future of the GOP

    Donald Trump's "America First" platform empowered the nation to some of its most important days in the republic's history.  He had a bond with his supporters that few presidents have ever achieved.  Whether or no...

  • June 12, 2019

    Christianity is under siege in America

    In this great country, it's not a crime to be a Christian — at least not yet.  But the Left is working on it.  Free expression of religion is not just shunned.  It is ridiculed and mocked.  Anti-Chris...

  • April 29, 2019

    The Rising China Threat

    China's meteoric rise from an impoverished country to a global superpower ranks as one of history's most remarkable political and economic achievements.  It would be a mistake to think U.S. and Chinese interests are the same, howeve...

  • February 28, 2019

    Is a Second Civil War Coming?

    Civil wars are horrendous and bloody affairs. That's why we should avoid them.  They happen when two sides cannot settle on who runs the country.  When they can't reconcile the matter through elections, the country falls a...

  • January 26, 2019

    In Defense of Western Civilization

    All people may be equal, but all cultures are not.  The rise of Western civilization has led to the greatest progress in human history.  It has given the world democracy, freedom, affluence, equality before the law, the separ...

  • January 30, 2017

    David Horowitz's Big Agenda

    For years, grassroots conservatives have been searching for their voice, only to be stymied by Washington insiders.  Conservative anger has risen to the point where some have labeled the Obama years as a pre-revolutionary state of affairs. ...

  • June 6, 2014

    Freedom's Greatest Hero

    Winston Spencer Churchill's refusal to cower to Adolf Hitler's overwhelming power raises him to among the greatest defenders of freedom in all history. The Normandy invasion and the subsequent liberation of millions of people in Western Europ...

  • January 2, 2014

    Florida Legislator Seeks to Amend U.S. Constitution

    Florida Republican state senator Alan Hays of Lake County is leading a growing group of citizens who believe Washington DC is broken and will not fix itself. But he has a solution. "The Convention of States Project (COS) seeks to urge and empow...

  • December 5, 2013

    Why America Is Exceptional

    The United States is the most dynamic and powerful nation in world history.  No major issue of global peace or stability can be resolved without involvement by the United States.  This state of affairs did not occur by accident....

  • September 28, 2013

    Obamacare: Cruz'ing for a Bruising?

    All conservatives want ObamaCare repealed. What divides them is how to go about doing it. Senator Ted Cruz has stirred the dormant frustrations of many conservatives hoping someone in Washington would stand up and openly fight this madness. Conventi...

  • June 20, 2013

    Mr. Rubio goes to Washington

    Sen. Marco Rubio has many fine qualities. He is a genuinely nice guy. His conservative attitude is genuine, and his gift of expression is exceptional. The enthusiasm he brings to the conservatives and the Republican Party has been wonderful. He holds...

  • January 28, 2013

    Women Have No Business in Combat

    The Obama Administration is forcing the military to assign female soldiers in combat infantry roles. In a future engagement, the result is certain to be additional lost lives and possibly failure on the battlefield.The average man taking the Army Phy...

  • February 6, 2012

    America after Obama

    Barack Obama has gone from the "one we've been waiting for" to the one we can't wait to kick out.  No one ever thought one man could bring the nation to its knees, but here he is living in the White House.  And on our knees we have been, pr...

  • June 8, 2011

    The Strategic Debate We Need To Have

    The U.S. federal debt is our nation's greatest strategic weakness.  As the debt continues to grow, our military posture around the globe is threatened.  Defense cuts are coming, and with that reduction must come a reduced mission.  In ...

  • December 1, 2010

    Could China's Instability Threaten America?

    China's double-digit economic growth over the past thirty years has been breathtaking. Growth has limits, however, and China may soon be reaching them. With worldwide recession and inflation coming to the yuan, a slowdown in China's growth is increas...

  • October 27, 2010 ad - you're in it!

    You may find it interesting to see what is up to this campaign season. Well, it seems they have created an innovative video that includes your name in the audio and visual presentation. Just type your name into the pop-up box and then watc...

  • June 2, 2010

    Just Finish the Dang Fence

    Why did building the fence along our southern border stop? Instead of building the fence, Barack Obama would rather build a political party of illegal aliens and their supporters. Unless we want to be dealing with immigration problems in perpetuity, ...

  • April 29, 2009

    When the Obama Backlash Comes

    Public opinion can be very fickle. Barack Obama has ridden a positive wave of opinion all the way to the White House. The public has welcomed him into office in that same spirit of hope in which he ran. Since the inauguration, however, the President ...

  • June 2, 2008

    Was the Iraq War Worth It?

    They say if it bleeds, it leads on the nightly news. The recent silence from the mainstream news media on Iraq, however, is speaking volumes. While the war remains unpopular, our success there has been unmistakable. The Iraqi people, with the help of...

  • July 1, 2007

    Richard Nixon Reconsidered

    Among the many remarkable presidents of the 20th Century, Richard Milhous Nixon remains the most fascinating and controversial. Nixon was a man of great vision who could have been a great president. He was a paradox - a political phenomenon and a man...

  • April 26, 2007

    The Way Ahead in Iraq

    Retired US Army General Barry McCaffrey, military news commentator and Adjunct Professor at West Point, recently returned from Iraq after meetings with military and political leaders, and has reported his findings. McCaffrey has been generally indepe...

  • April 22, 2007

    The Awakening Russian Bear

    The fearsome Russian Bear appears to be coming out of a 16-year hibernation. President Vladimir Putin says he wants to regain Russia's prominence in the world community, and his actions are backing up his words. Unencumbered by Marxist dogma, he is a...

  • November 28, 2006

    Did U.S. Elections Signal End to Democracy in Iraq?

    Elections have consequences. And for our recent election, the consequences have been a major setback in the war on terror and a greater threat to terrorist attack at home. This is so because a public with an attention deficit disorder has elected a l...