Jeff Greenlee

Jeff Greenlee

  • March 18, 2013

    Is It Time To Starve The Beast?

    The exact time when the government ceased serving 'We the People' and became our master is impossible to pinpoint. The best estimate coincides with the beginnings of the progressive (isn't "regressive" a better description?) movement and Theodore Roo...

  • March 13, 2012

    We Are All Libertarians Now

    Less than two months after Barack Obama's inauguration, Newsweek magazine ran a cover story written by its editor, Jon Meacham, with the title "We Are All Socialists Now."  The giddy faux-journalists in the predominately leftist media were still...

  • January 14, 2012

    An Endless Parade of Small People

    They come in all sizes and shapes.  They can be male or female.  They are tall, average, and short, as well as slim, athletic, portly, or obese in stature.  Their ages vary from late twenties to octogenarians and sometimes even older....