Jed Skillman

Jed Skillman

  • September 17, 2010

    Five Saturdays

    The difference between winning big on November 2 and winning really big could be decided by five Saturdays in October.It is daily becoming more apparent that Republican candidates will unseat many Democrats. A lot of deadwood will get trimmed, and a ...

  • August 7, 2010

    The Monument at Ground Zero

    In Columbus, Ohio stands a statue dedicated to that city's namesake: the discoverer of America, Christopher Columbus.  Let's not quibble about whether a band of Vikings or an errant Chinese vessel reached the New World centuries earlier. Other t...

  • August 2, 2010

    The Pottery Barn Rule

    A few years ago, regarding Iraq policy, Colin Powell warned George W. Bush of the Pottery Barn Rule: "You break it, you own it." It's time conservatives started emphasizing this when it comes to key issues like the border.By shutting out lo...

  • July 14, 2010

    Suppressing the Political Impact of the Gulf Oil Crisis

    The Obama administration and its media handmaidens are doing their best to move the Gulf oil spill in the directions of Orwell's memory hole as rapidly as possible.All of a sudden, they seem pretty optimistic over at BP. Sounds like they may finally ...

  • July 1, 2010

    After November

    Why kid ourselves?  There is something seriously wrong with our government.  Some of us may choose to ignore it, others may wish it would go away, but we all, at least on some subconscious level, see it in dozens of ways: persistent high un...

  • June 4, 2010

    When It Rains in Chicago, It Pours

    As President Obama discovered when he tried to deliver his Memorial Day speech near Chicago last weekend, "when it rains, it pours."The mile-deep gusher now polluting Louisiana and the Gulf of Mexico is a metaphor for the Pandora's Box of m...

  • May 11, 2010

    Deep Cover at Organizing for America

    Democrats are already gearing up.  They can't wait for the November elections to arrive.One of the Chicago blogs I check into, Marathon Pundit, ran an interesting post this weekend. I don't want to mention the writer's name and risk blowing his ...

  • May 8, 2010

    'Vote for the Crook. It's Important.'

    If you ever wonder why politics in the State of Illinois is such a bucket of worms, you need look no farther than the shot a CBS Chicago bureau producer fired at Republican U.S. Senate nominee Mark Kirk the other day.Said CBS producer, Ed Marshall, t...

  • May 1, 2010

    California Considers a Boycott of Arizona

    Dude, what's with California?Leftists in Los Angeles and San Francisco are so hopping mad at Arizona that they are working themselves up into a boycott of that whole state. Democratic officials in California are seeking a way to cancel public contrac...

  • April 30, 2010

    Fancy Nancy

    That's a pretty amazing photograph of Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the cover of the May/June issue of Capitol File magazine. I saw it linked on The Drudge Report and didn't even recognize her. The change is nothing short of remarkable.At first I thought t...

  • March 20, 2010

    Democrats Have Painted Themselves into a Corner

    Democrats have painted themselves into an ugly corner with their Health Care Reform Bill  (HCR).The Obama administration has managed to take what has been a standard Democratic vote-getting ploy -- promise government largesse to core constituenc...

  • March 4, 2010

    Jim Bunning: None In, None Left On

    Late last week, the word on retiring Kentucky Senator Jim Bunning and his one-man bust-up with the Democratic majority was grim. "Looks like some dour Republican has opened his yap and picked a fight he can't win."By Sunday, a few details h...