Jeanette Colville

Jeanette Colville

  • April 23, 2011

    Happy Birthday, William Shakespeare

    "To be or not to be, that is the question..." Oh, yes, don't we all have those days when we feel a little like Hamlet -- when things become a bit overwhelming, we feel confused and indecisive?  But then we're blessed on other days when...

  • April 5, 2011

    Lindsay Graham's capitulation to Islamists

    South Carolina Senator Lindsay Graham appears to be coming out of the failed John McCain election closet to launch himself back onto the national political stage. Graham appeared on Sunday morning's CBS Face the Nation in an interview with Bob Schief...

  • September 11, 2010

    Quran burning slated for Wyoming

    A burning of the Quran is to take place Saturday morning, not in New York City or Florida, but in far away fly-over country on the steps of the Wyoming Capitol building in historic downtown Cheyenne.  WyomingTribuneEagle repor...

  • July 4, 2010

    Remembering those who served: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Virtual Wall

    The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Virtual Wall was created by a volunteer group to bring the moving Washington, D.C. memorial into your home. What could be a better time than this very special American Fourth of July weekend to share this bittersweet...

  • January 5, 2010

    Confessions of an American Thinker Moderator

    It's 6:00 a.m. Bleary-eyed and groggy, the AT moderator drags herself out of bed with a pounding heart and the urgency of an astronaut headed for a space launch. Pulling on sweats, she shuffles into the kitchen to crank up Mr. Coffee while her trusty...

  • January 5, 2010

    Join the Discussion: American Thinker 6th Anniversary Reader Symposium

    American Thinker invites readers to "Join the Discussion" twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. Today's 6th Anniversary celebrates the outstanding American Thinker family of readers, writers and commenters --  a community of ...

  • August 30, 2009

    Obama throws Eastern Europe under the bus

    We knew and feared this was coming. Obama kissed Putin's behind on his European campaign extravaganza and threw our Eastern Allies under the bus (back when that business with Georgia was blowing up) and now it's all but official. From IBD:The U....

  • July 31, 2009

    Caution: Trolls at Work

    Construction sites warn drivers of danger ahead, proceed with caution. Cyber sites have now become hazardous terrain at reader forums, and it bodes well for readers at American Thinker to be aware of the often elusive pitfalls of Trolls at Work.What ...

  • July 17, 2009

    Confessions of a gov junketeer

    This week's dust-up over a mere $700,000 federal employees "group-hug" at the ritzy Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix made me chuckle. Ah, the memories that story brought back from my twenty-five years as an authentic, although sometimes reluctant,...

  • July 4, 2009

    Join the Discussion: An American Thinker Readers' July 4th Symposium

    When readers come to American Thinker, every article and blog invites them to "Join the Discussion." American Thinker readers reflect a vast range of the American demographic spectrum economically, professionally, and spiritually, but they ...

  • April 21, 2009

    President Stud Muffin?

    Just when we think the media can't get any worse, they do. (hat tip: ABC News' Political Punch -Karen Travers and Jake Tapper)....

  • March 13, 2009

    Obama ducks press event

    Barack Obama will become the first president to skip the Gridiron Dinner since Grover Cleveland held the office. He begs off the March 21st event, noting that his daughters' spring break will begin, and the family plans to travel, probably to Chicago...

  • March 8, 2009

    Gullible's travels

    In the wake of his oafish handling of a gift for UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and his Secretary of State's cringe-inducing gaffe in Moscow, President Obama plans more reckless diplomatic maneuvers.1. "Reconciliation" with the "moder...

  • February 23, 2009

    More Guards to Guard the Guards

    Transparency is the name of the game, says former community organizer President Barack Obama. Don't let the broken promise of the White House to post the "Stimulus Bill" for 48 hours before the vote cloud your thinking. According to Mike Al...

  • February 20, 2009

    New Urban Affairs Czar

    Change comes to America, as promised by President Barack Obama, with the establishment of the brand new White House Office of Urban Affairs. This new presidential urban power house is a critical need according to the former community organizer and ag...

  • February 18, 2009

    New labels to bring more union dues

    Bringing the Chicago Way to the White House, President Obama is wasting no time in paying back consumer groups and Big Labor friends who helped him get elected. Obama's handpicked Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack tells consumer  groups that ...

  • February 17, 2009

    Now we applaud dictators?

    A power-hungry Marxist removes a barrier to becoming president-for-life, and the United States applauds:The United States Tuesday welcomed Venezuela's "civic" referendum lifting term limits for the president and all politicians, but urged s...