Jay Davidson

Jay Davidson

  • Who wins in a tariff war?

    March 7, 2025

    Who wins in a tariff war?

    The race to the bottom begins. Let’s see who can hurt his own consumers worse... There is always a counterparty and a counter-reaction to an economic stimulus.  In this case, the U.S. consumer pays the tariff on imported items beca...

  • A new malaise, and a new cure

    March 4, 2025

    A new malaise, and a new cure

    There is a war for an idea going on in America and the world.  This battle has, at times, erupted into military conflict, but usually it is fought in the minds of private and public figures.  We’ve seen our nation drift prec...

  • The death of community banks?

    February 18, 2025

    The death of community banks?

    As the founder and CEO of a 30-year-old community bank, I’ve seen the regulatory burden grow on community banks out of all proportion, to the point of takeover of our business decisions. Our business model is simple, uncomplicated, and direc...

  • Free citizens have a unalienable right to ownership

    February 6, 2025

    Free citizens have a unalienable right to ownership

    Every time we support an expansion of our government, with a new program or the expansion of an existing one, we drive another tax burden onto every citizen.  Someone has to pay for it.  Using debt, through money-printing or Q.E.,...

  • Hooray: The Fed is done with climate change

    January 25, 2025

    Hooray: The Fed is done with climate change

    As founder of a commercial bank, I am dependent on the policies the Federal Reserve implements, especially Monetary Policy.  So if I am critical, it is because the Fed’s actions have such a dramatic impact, not only on my bank, but on...

  • Surprise! Inflation is not getting better

    January 15, 2025

    Surprise! Inflation is not getting better

    Directors of the Federal Reserve board are admitting that inflation is not coming down, in spite of the massive increase in Fed Fund interest rates two years ago.  That rate increase was touted as the solution to Jerome Powell’s ...

  • The center of our belief

    January 9, 2025

    The center of our belief

    There is a vast, profound difference between a constitutionalist — those who believe in and study our Constitutional Republic — and those who believe that more government is the solution.  The difference is neither Republican no...

  • Capitalism and enlightened self-interest

    December 22, 2024

    Capitalism and enlightened self-interest

    Economics is the study of human nature.  It seeks to explain how individuals interact in the exchange of a medium of value: money, barter, services, etc.  Psychology, social science, even philosophy also study human nature. ...

  • The war behind the scenes

    December 11, 2024

    The war behind the scenes

    There is a war going on behind the scenes, below the conscious level, for the hearts and minds of every individual.  The battle rages in the realm of thoughts and principles, of philosophy and religion.  Its outcome determines the...

  • Who has the right to impose taxes on us?

    November 18, 2024

    Who has the right to impose taxes on us?

    The supply of money (number of dollars in circulation) is probably the least understood and most powerful aspect of the economy.   When the Fed Reserve began printing dollars in 2008, it broke the mold and unleashed massive inflation on ...

  • A warning about success

    November 15, 2024

    A warning about success

    Winning an election carries the seeds of future loss.  The accelerant is hubris, arrogance, excess.  There is an ancient principle that moderates hubris and excess.  That virtue is called temperance.  It is one...

  • Are Americans finally noticing media bias and propaganda?

    November 13, 2024

    Are Americans finally noticing media bias and propaganda?

    Looks as though the bias in mass media has caught up with them.  They overplayed their hand.  According to a recent Gallup poll, only 52% of Democrats, 27% of independents and 12% of Republicans trust mass media.  Younge...

  • Normal people versus bureaucrats

    November 13, 2024

    Normal people versus bureaucrats

    Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch is a constitutional scholar. Gorsuch was instrumental in repealing the Chevron Doctrine. Chevron, passed in 1984, amassed incredible powers to the office of the president, his Administrative State, and bureaucrat...

  • How much of our tax money does the school district deserve?

    October 26, 2024

    How much of our tax money does the school district deserve?

    We all venerate certain teachers from our early years.  They were the ones who inspired and challenged us.  It’s natural to expand that veneration to schools.  After all, schools are where we were taught, where tea...

  • The bright line from inflation to federal control

    October 9, 2024

    The bright line from inflation to federal control

    Inflation did not start because the supply of goods and services was scarce and demand high.  If that were the case, then Fed Fund interest rate increases, starting in 2021, would have reduced inflation much lower than 4%.  I...

  • Two solutions to inflation

    October 2, 2024

    Two solutions to inflation

    The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 with one purpose, one directive: protect the value of the U.S. dollar.  In other words, control inflation to prevent deflation of the buying power of the dollar.  The other directives, like ...

  • The Constitution is anti-democratic

    September 28, 2024

    The Constitution is anti-democratic

    Have you heard? The Constitution is anti-democratic. This springs from the people who scream we are a democratic form of government, who think nothing of stealing more of your money through higher taxes or making you pay off someone else’s d...

  • The battle lines are drawn

    September 14, 2024

    The battle lines are drawn

    Imagine standing on the highest point in the land before the greatest battle of our time, so that you can see the battle lines being drawn, the two armies arrayed across the field from each other, and the strategy finally revealed for both sides....

  • The bureaucratic dystopia

    September 4, 2024

    The bureaucratic dystopia

    The original progressive (communist) president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, in 1911, started what is now a behemoth, a leviathan of  public (government employment)-sector bureaucracies.  These bureaucracies have prolifera...

  • Where public and private sectors part ways

    August 23, 2024

    Where public and private sectors part ways

    It helps to understand economic theory if we first understand the vast difference between the public and private sectors — between government employment and non-government, between government and the individual. The public sector is local, s...

  • Buy the same stuff, but spend more dollars

    August 13, 2024

    Buy the same stuff, but spend more dollars

    My bank’s bond portfolio is generating a greater yield than loans are.  That is rare.  A 525-basis-point increase in the federal funds rate in less than one year is very rare, too. The Fed Reserve drove short rates up dra...

  • Where free trade meets the individual

    July 31, 2024

    Where free trade meets the individual

    Free trade is really simple: a willing buyer and a willing seller agreeing on a price and transaction terms, without outside coercion.  This concept is the foundation of capitalism.  Note the bedrock concept in free trade and capi...

  • The source of national anxiety

    July 23, 2024

    The source of national anxiety

    Excessive power in the hands of any politician, bureaucrat, or government employee is the source of pervasive malaise we feel today.  When any president issues executive orders or regulatory agency bureaucrats issue new regulations, we expe...

  • Nationalism and patriotism

    July 17, 2024

    Nationalism and patriotism

    Nationalism is sometimes associated with patriotism.  Take care.  This thought process can lead, and has led, to world wars.  Nationalism can be the catalyst for genocide.  Judge a concept by its outcome, not i...

  • Chevron is a big, big deal

    July 3, 2024

    Chevron is a big, big deal

    If you believe in limited government, or fear that government bureaucrats rule every decision, then you’re going to love the ramifications of the Supreme Court’s recent overturning of Chevron v. National Resources Defense Council. Conv...

  • Fighting the left's obsession with power

    July 3, 2024

    Fighting the left's obsession with power

    Leftists is more adroit at manipulation; they’ve been doing it a lot longer.  After all, their political philosophy is one of destruction and control.  Just look at socialism or communism, whose principle characteristic is c...

  • Fascism: Left or right?

    June 11, 2024

    Fascism: Left or right?

    Words have meaning — especially words that mean the opposite of what one thinks.  Clear definition has greater meaning. Fascism allows the business to keep the means of its production, the factories or farms, but takes the output (...

  • Libertarians: Vote for Trump with your eyes open

    June 4, 2024

    Libertarians: Vote for Trump with your eyes open

    After the travesty of justice so evident in New York, and in America for years, and if for no other reason than to show the left that it cannot prevail, I hope Trump can win the Libertarians and the independent vote.  But Trump and MAGA nee...

  • When government (mis-)manages your money

    June 4, 2024

    When government (mis-)manages your money

    “When government over-extents and reaches into the private economy, into our independent and individual lives, a balance has been broken.” Few understand the interactions connecting prices, inflation, economic stagnation, and monetary ...

  • A swing and a miss from Clarence Thomas

    May 22, 2024

    A swing and a miss from Clarence Thomas

    Our nation’s founding documents, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, established a government entity with one purpose: to protect the rights of the individual citizen.  It did so by limiting the ...

  • To restore liberty, kill <em>Chevron</em>

    May 2, 2024

    To restore liberty, kill Chevron

    One of the most powerful and profound elements of our nation’s founding was the concept of separation of powers among the three branches of government: president (administrative), Judiciary (SCOTUS), and Congress.  The objective is to...

  • Republicans need to get it together

    April 25, 2024

    Republicans need to get it together

    I was born a Republican. When we had the entire state of Colorado, our party got fat, dumb, and happy.  We fell asleep at the switch.  We sat around in our meetings and congratulated ourselves on how smart we were. Rut, Jare...

  • Our constitutional republic: Freedom is never free

    April 25, 2024

    Our constitutional republic: Freedom is never free

    I was raised in a remote part the country.  It wasn’t the end of the world, but you could see it from there.  As a regional comedian said, “the weather up here spent six months trying to kill ya.”  But ...

  • Recessions are a monetary phenomenon

    April 15, 2024

    Recessions are a monetary phenomenon

    “Balance and control government activity, which always tends to want more power. Force our government to live within the bounds of our Constitution. For the Constitution explicitly limits the power and scope of only the government. It...

  • An equation to understand America’s financial woes

    April 14, 2024

    An equation to understand America’s financial woes

    An equation to understand the current confusion: National debt = issuance of Treasury bonds = printing dollars (Q.E.), and increasing the supply of money = federal spending.  Therefore, national debt = federal spending.  It’...

  • The Ethics of Capitalism

    March 27, 2024

    The Ethics of Capitalism

    The deepest principles of capitalism are found in the definition of free trade: “A willing buyer and a willing seller deciding on a transaction without outside coercion.” Two individuals arrive at an agreement.  This point is crit...

  • A way out of all the chaos

    March 1, 2024

    A way out of all the chaos

    There is a persistent mindset that thrives on chaos.  The author (Andy Kessler) of this WSJ article, “America’s ‘Chinatown’ Politics,” does a commendable job bringing order to the chaos.  His conclusi...

  • National morality and ethics: The short version

    February 29, 2024

    National morality and ethics: The short version

    The errors of leftist politics, socialism and communism, come home to roost.  Extreme Democrats and big-government Republicans have had free rein for years.  We see the results of excessive government spending (inflation), lax law...

  • Yes, the deficit impacts you

    February 15, 2024

    Yes, the deficit impacts you

    The deficit, in this discussion, is an annual number.  It is the amount that tax revenues are less than spending by Congress.  In other words, Congress is spending six-plus percent more each year than the government can cover by t...

  • The source of economic misery

    February 9, 2024

    The source of economic misery

    The Federal Reserve’s decision to increase rates rapidly is a decision to crush private enterprise, not improve the dollar.  High rates will bludgeon the private economy into recession but will not improve the purchasing power of the ...

  • January 31, 2024

    Government says, ‘Trust me! The economy’s fine!’

    Listening to federal economists and the president, whose job evaluations are based on a growing economy, the economy is not embroiled in a recession.  They quote arcane figures and ratios like GDP, CPI, Jobless Claims, etc.  And t...

  • January 20, 2024

    How your government shackles you with debt

    When the Federal Reserve was created in 1911, its prime directive was to protect the value of the U.S. dollar.  We see the effect of the Fed’s failure to do so: inflation is destroying the value of every dollar we earn and save. ...

  • January 11, 2024

    Rule by majority? Or freedom of the minority?

    As O’Reilly points out, most journalists are left-wing.  So we get nothing but highly biased news (basically propaganda and gossip).  If it upsets you, why watch it?  You already know their lies. Ninety percent ...

  • December 28, 2023

    The beginning of wisdom is doubt

    The beginning of wisdom is doubt. It is the admission that we don’t know everything, a willingness to learn, and the ability to think rationally.  Our lives are a path for learning, perfecting rational thinking, perfecting ethical ...

  • December 21, 2023

    The tree of freedom and responsibility

    The Federal Reserve’s latest comments on interest rates are encouraging.  Chairman Powell continues his statements about reducing rates.  This action reduces the cost of borrowing, which allows businesses to expand, resultin...

  • December 10, 2023

    Financial literacy and self-awareness

    Financial awareness, like the study of economics, is a lesson in human nature.  Your nature.  Are you one not to care about the effect of your decisions, or do you over-obsess?  Or perhaps a more balanced approach best s...

  • November 29, 2023

    The most powerful force in nature

    It’s just an electric impulse in the brain that fires through synapses and along nerves.  Yet that impulse fires the mind and gives rise to the most powerful force in nature: the lowly idea.  Every great nation and every gre...

  • November 18, 2023

    How the left infiltrates through government

    Senator Ted Cruz’s new book accurately describes how our nation’s government, in collusion with universities, media, and bureaucracies became a breeding ground for the mentality of central control.  This book provides the method...

  • November 11, 2023

    Shocker: No matter how bad the economy gets, government jobs are doing fine

    Consider the irony.  Government job creation is high and growing.  Private-sector job creation is much slower.  This shouldn’t be a surprise — the pseudo-government agency called the Federal Reserve has guara...

  • October 31, 2023

    What is the Republican Party’s guiding principle?

    Here is a discussion of principle, understanding, and insights into the newest speaker of the House.  He is quoted as saying:  Our people are losing their faith in government. ... I think we have to be mindful of that. We...

  • October 26, 2023

    How the Federal Reserve affects your freedom

    Banks are the instrument through which the Federal Reserve enacts its monetary policy.  It doesn’t matter whether we want to play that role or not.  The Federal Reserve’s FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) sets monet...

  • October 25, 2023

    What can our government do to help us?

    Q.T., Quantitative Tightening, is finally in vogue.  Q.T. is a method to reduce the money supply.  It is an important concept that affects every part of our economy and individual freedom. Some of us have lamented its opposite,...

  • September 30, 2023

    Can the Fed be made to go against human nature?

    Rate hikes and federal spending don't seem related, until we get into the underlying intent of our fiscal leaders.  It's not a pretty sight.  But it is to be expected that a government entity, the Federal Reserve in this c...

  • September 16, 2023

    The way to save the dollar

    As I read about the demise of the U.S. dollar's status in world trade, I'm struck by the misdirection and irrational "thinking" employed by our politicians and bureaucrats.  In this article, legislators think another law, ...

  • September 7, 2023

    Conservatives must be honest with themselves

    Where did the conservative movement go wrong?  Why is it a shell of its original intent? When a movement starts believing its own propaganda, it is approaching its failure point.  When we human beings stop questioning our own i...

  • August 30, 2023

    A lesson from Chinese 'capitalism'

    The Wall Street Journal published an article on the demise of communist china's capitalism. A friend wrote the book All Roads Lead to China.  He often said that China was more capitalistic than America.  It was.  ...

  • August 8, 2023

    Government bureaucrats vs. the Rule of Law

    The power to regulate and to tax is wisely bestowed on only those who are elected by the people, who are thereby held accountable to the citizens who elected them.  There is genius in the simplicity of this feedback loop. However, when t...

  • July 12, 2023

    What the Republican Party needs

    Lots to complain about, and my friends are doing a lot of that.  This article brings the complaint to a point. The author argues persuasively about the reason Republican's won't prevail in the ESG debate.  We agree on m...

  • June 29, 2023

    Where will the Federal Reserve take us next?

    First, I'd like to go on record that I've been studying the Federal Reserve's monetary policy, in particular the direction of future interest rates, for decades, and I can say with great certainty...I don't have a clue.  Or ...

  • June 16, 2023

    Rule of law makes a country, so when rule of law goes...

    Decades ago, a brilliant but evil person funded district attorney races to emplace left-leaning district attorneys across America.  We now see the consequences of those efforts.  These D.A.s were chosen because of their belief tha...

  • June 13, 2023

    When the national security adviser complains about free markets...

    Joe Biden's national security adviser (NSA), of all people, has strong opinions about free markets.  He says they are the cause of all our economic problems and the solution is a stronger central government that guides markets. To ...

  • June 10, 2023

    The Fed won't fix our problems

    A year before the Great Recession hit in 2008, bank regulators were concerned with a "$600-billion debt overhang" in commercial real estate (CRE).  We didn't pay much attention to it because all our loans were well collaterali...

  • May 30, 2023

    'Debt default' and 'government spending' are misdirection

    Biden, Schumer, Yellen, and Brainard, luminaries in the leftist galaxy, spread fear of default.  They focus solely on Treasury obligation default.  Were they honest, these federal bureaucrats should also discuss default on exorbit...

  • April 28, 2023

    Why SVB's meltdown shouldn't make you panic

    Perfect storms occur in batches. It's never a single event, a single wave.  Bank execs, like ship captains, earn their keep during times of upheaval, in the storm.  The good ones have insights that shine by anticipating events...

  • March 30, 2023

    The Federal Reserve shot itself in the foot

    By now, most understand that SVB failed due to an extreme mismatch in maturities between its deposits and its assets.  Can you believe that the Federal Reserve has fallen prey to the same mistake?  Further, the Feds' own actio...

  • February 19, 2023

    The Bright Line between Inflation and Spending

    Talk about a tale of two realities.  Certain Wall Street Journal articles quote two Federal Reserve presidents saying interest rates will remain high for a couple more years, until business activity eases.  In other words, that...

  • February 1, 2023

    Republicans need a good look in the mirror

    How can a Republican agenda be more popular than the Republican Party or its candidates?  Simple: Our candidates are scattered all over hell's half-acre.  Where is the consistency among Republicans?  What is the unde...

  • January 8, 2023

    Economic Theory and Individual Freedom

    The Federal Reserve has determined that our private economy should be placed into a recession.  The decision is revealed not only by the increase in short-term interest rates, but also by the extreme rapidity with which rates have...

  • January 8, 2023

    Before we can defend our society, we must know ourselves

    While studying the ancient texts, one arrives at an amazing conclusion: the ancient philosophers knew as much, and perhaps more, about human nature, eternity, and the way as any today.  The ancients didn't have access to technology, mod...

  • December 22, 2022

    What's in a name? What's in a principle?

    Changing what we call ourselves is as useful as changing our shirt to cure an underlying disease.  Appearances are important, but they won't truly change what is "off" with our party — nor what is wrong with the tre...

  • December 7, 2022

    Does your government control you, or do you control your government?

    Too much is happening, simultaneously, not to see a grand scheme leading to destruction — or, if a leftist, transformation.  The irony is that our form of government, called a constitutional republic, has been far more successful than...

  • November 18, 2022

    'Equity' is just communism

    DIE.  Diversity, Inclusion, Equity is the mantra, the maniacal chant of the religious zealots of the left. Equity comes from the elitists and globalists in the dominant political party.  But look more deeply. Equity is ...

  • November 5, 2022

    What is a conservative for?

    Strange that, while Democrats prevail in Washington, their candidates seem to have large donations supporting Dems' run for office.  Is it possible that certain left-leaning bureaucrats and politicians, who believe the end justifies the...

  • October 18, 2022

    Inflation and devaluation: Two sides of the same coin

    There are inherent dangers in the immense debt our government has placed on each of us.  Following is an attempt to draw bright lines between inflation and money supply, between cause and effect and solution. The amount of money circulat...

  • October 6, 2022

    Chaos heralds awareness

    Regardless of political party, or other tribal interest, most of us are concerned about the direction "civilization" is taking.  Extreme rhetoric and violent acts abound — and are abhorrent to all, except those few extr...

  • September 19, 2022

    The truth about leftists and leftism is coming out

    Ever since Obama crept into national politics, we've seen the inner workings of the left, the progressive, for what they are: socialist and communist, which is ultimately control by a government so that elites can rule.  Obama and Biden...

  • August 17, 2022

    Enough leftist 'paradigm changes'...let's try one of our own

    If Obama and Biden represent the two poles of the Democrat party, the evil and the profane, and if the Democrats are inexorably dedicated to the path of greater central control, which they are, then the rest of us have an obligation to resist their e...

  • July 24, 2022

    Why would anyone prefer socialism?

    "I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves; and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform ...

  • July 2, 2022

    If we lose this foundational concept, we wreck America

    Law leads to order.  Order allows a society to function in the safest and most efficient manner.  The essence of law is a set of rules on which all citizens have agreed; it determines how we behave toward each other.  La...

  • June 26, 2022

    How can we fix things if you don't get involved?

    Joe Biden and his puppet masters want to destroy fossil fuel use in the name of an unproven theory called "man-made global climate change."  Not only do they refuse to admit their guilt for the current crisis, but they don't s...

  • January 28, 2022

    A bedrock principle for the GOP

    Funny how treatment of a disease has become a weathervane for the country.  Yet treatment has emerged as the issue that defines today's political parties.  According to Rasmussen (thank you, Michelle G.), 78% of Democrats supp...