Jay Schalin

Jay Schalin

  • December 29, 2020

    What Will 'Breaking Biden' Bring?

    One of the most iconic scenes from the AMC drama “Breaking Bad” was the murder of Hank Schrader. Schrader was a DEA agent lying on the ground as a neo-Nazi gang leader pointed a gun at him. Hank’s brother-in-law, Walter White, a bri...

  • December 17, 2020

    Rethinking Pinochet: In Praise of Strength

    Almost nobody is more reviled by the international intelligentsia and media than the late Augusto Pinochet, the late 20th -century Chilean dictator. He holds a prominent position in the political left’s “rogues’ gallery” compr...

  • November 12, 2020

    Surveying the Aftermath of a Stolen Election

    I drove to Chapel Hill to meet a friend for lunch the other day. As I turned onto the main drag, I was beset by carloads of students shrieking with joy, shaking their fists, and honking their horns. I was startled at first, but quickly realized it wa...

  • September 27, 2020

    The Four Young Men Who May Help Carry Our Nation through These Tough Times

    Many of the young people rioting today are not committed Marxist revolutionaries.  (There are large, powerful, dark forces behind the riots; the actual rioters are just political fodder.)  Many are rioting largely because it's...

  • August 16, 2020

    Conservative Institution-Building Threatened if Dems Win

    So much hangs in the balance with this upcoming election.  One crucial area of concern is the threat to recent alternate institution–building by conservatives, traditionalists, and right-libertarians. Clearly, many longstanding ins...

  • July 16, 2020

    Will President Trump take on Academia?

    Recently, President Trump tweeted about his intention to use federal funding as a lever to stop that extreme politicization in our schools. The tweets were: Too Many Universities and School Systems are about Radical Left Indoctrination, not Educ...

  • March 18, 2017

    An Institution of Unreason in an Age of Renewal

    Willie Sutton robbed banks because “that’s where the money is.” Connie Francis went to Florida for Spring Break because “that’s where the boys are.” And if you want to preserve American culture, you have to reform ...

  • February 3, 2017

    ‘Daddy’ Should Drain the Academic Swamp

    It is difficult not to cackle with irony at the possibility of President Trump -- he of the monosyllabic vocabulary, odd sentence structures, and Joe Six-pack mentality -- forcing  Ivory Tower elitists to raise their sights above their current p...

  • August 29, 2014

    New Wave or Clever Ruse?

    Upon the appointment of Omid Safi as director of Duke University’s Islamic Studies Center (DISC) in July of 2014, the dean of the university’s Trinity College of Arts & Sciences proclaimed that “Duke has a long tradition of extr...

  • January 18, 2014

    Global Citizens of the World, Obey!

    The political left never rests in its drive to transform the U.S. into a more statist, more collective society.  Its adherents are always scanning the status quo for openings and vulnerabilities to exploit, and they tirelessly produce a wid...

  • August 17, 2012

    Political Fog Finally Lifts

    At long last, the decades-long attempt by both parties to blur ideological lines has come to a halt.  Bill Clinton's "triangulation" and George W. Bush's "compassionate conservatism" are out, and contrasting visions are in. With the country's fu...

  • August 5, 2012

    Misreading the Quran

    Few topics are more important to the future of the free world than its relationship with Islam.  Muslims are on the march, here and in Europe, and many make it clear that they have no intention of leaving the West as they found it. Frighteningly...

  • May 17, 2012

    The Rules Are Changing for Talking about Race

    (See also: Racism and the PC Inquisition) Attorney General Eric Holder should have been more careful about what to ask for.  When he first took office, he called for a national dialogue on race, calling us "a nation of cowards" for not facing th...

  • April 24, 2011

    Torturing the Truth at Duke Divinity

    Should we automatically accept -- at face value -- Duke University's first Muslim chaplain, Abdullah Antepli, as part of an emerging loyal, moderate American Islam, simply because he insists that we do so?Perhaps not, when all his words and associati...

  • December 31, 2009

    More Radicalizing of Higher Education Ahead

    In 2008, Congress disbanded the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity (NACIQI) because according to the website Inside Higher Ed, the panel "had become too politicized." If the previous committee was "too p...

  • April 23, 2009

    How to Silence an Unruly Mob of Campus Radicals

    Last week, an unruly mob of radical protestors at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill chased former U.S. congressman and anti-illegal immigration spokesman Tom Tancredo from his speaking engagement. Police were forced to use pepper spray at ...

  • February 28, 2009

    What I Learned at Duke University's 'Gaza Teach-In'

    I attended a "teach-in" about Israeli-Palestinian relations at Duke University the other night. Part of my job is to attend college lectures and report on them, in order to provide the public with some idea of who is being invited on to the...