Jay Rooney

Jay Rooney

  • July 10, 2009

    The Obama Show

    Life sometimes imitates art, even in the Obama presidency. The old movie, The Truman Show, starring Jim Carrey as the earnest and clueless Truman Burbank, a man literally raised in a bubble since he was born, and the star of a popular television show...

  • March 19, 2009

    Obama's failure to lead

    President Obama was called upon to lead and has utterly failed, and in less than two months. From the stimulus package that won't stimulate even Chris Matthews' leg, to the continuing series of ethically questionable political appointments, through a...

  • November 5, 2008

    The American Eagle Needs Two Wings to Soar

    More than a week before Election Day, a prominent MSNBC commentator was clearly irritated that McCain was continuing to campaign strongly and, at least in her view, with extreme negative attacks.  She surmised that the only purpose behind this c...