Jay Michaels

Jay Michaels

  • September 29, 2018

    Rachel Mitchell, the Creampuff Prosecutor

    Maybe the optics required a female special counsel.  But wasn't it possible to find someone who understands that the job of a prosecutor is to undermine the credibility of any witness testifying against the victim he's supposed to b...

  • October 10, 2017

    The case for libertarianism in 50 seconds

    [Editor's note: The credits at the end of this video attribute it to Inaki Merro and Diseno audiovisual, which may indicate that some special effects were employed.] The "Invisible Foot" of government puts the pedal to the metal in t...

  • September 12, 2017

    Hurricane Hillary: Was Irma Over-Hyped?

    Hurricane forecasting is no more an exact science than election forecasting.  In both cases, the caution of experts is thrown to the wind – so to speak – by partisan news actors.  Just as we heard ad nauseam during the first two...

  • August 27, 2017

    Charlottesville: A Counterfactual for Jews

    According to Messrs. Bing and Google, there are no statues of Theodor Herzl in the U.S.  Still, it’s not inconceivable that there exists one somewhere, or, on some university campus, at least a bust of the founder of political Zionism. He ...

  • April 8, 2017

    Not the real thing

    Yes, the Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad was perfectly awful.  But as always on those rare occasions when it's right, the left was right for the wrong reasons. The ad's creators were obviously reprising the iconic Coke ad from 1971, "I...

  • February 23, 2017

    Google disses George and Abe

    In the last few weeks, Google has celebrated in its "doodles" Valentine's Day (for four days), Carmen Miranda's 108th birthday, Aletta Jacobs's 163rd birthday, and Edmonia Lewis (impatiently not waiting for the birthda...

  • November 9, 2016

    Media disgrace themselves once again

    I tuned in at 7 EST and flipped channels 'til 2 a.m. The imbecilities flew thick and fast from the get-go.  For the first hour and a half, the talking heads were all on the same page: Trump had awoken a “sleeping giant” in the...

  • October 19, 2016

    Stay tuned after the debate

    If Hillary Clinton has to negotiate a few steps to get to her limo in the underground VIP parking garage at UNLV’s Thomas and Mack Center, the real drama may come after the debate.  Watch what happened following the October 9 deb...

  • October 18, 2016

    Deconstructing Dr. Cross

    Tamika Cross is the young African-American physician in the Delta plane incident that took place last week. Her Facebook account of the reluctance of a flight attendant to let her examine a sick passenger went viral, and the mainstream medi...

  • October 14, 2016

    Are polling firms now factoring in Democratic voter fraud?

    Trump supporters have repeatedly questioned not just the findings, but the motives of pollsters. Earlier this week, Thomas Lifson expressed skepticism about a Hart Research Associates poll showing Donald Trump down by 11 points.  As Conservat...

  • October 12, 2016

    (Lawn) signs of the times

    At this time four years ago, my neighborhood was festooned with “Mitt” signs. It’s a middle-class subdivision of 130 homes in a sprawling development just north of Tampa.  My neighbors are cops, nurses, teachers, plumbers, ...

  • October 11, 2016

    When Muslims complain about ‘Islamophobia’

    She pops up like clockwork whenever there’s a townhall.   Wearing a hijab and a doleful expression, the Muslim woman asks plaintively what the candidate intends to do about “Islamophobia.”  She will mention that she...

  • October 8, 2016

    Where’s Hillary?

    On October 3, Madame Secretary was in Ohio.  She spoke at events in Toledo and Akron.  The next day she was in Pennsylvania, speaking at Haverford and Harrisburg, where she informed the crowd that “voting is important, because it give...

  • October 7, 2016

    Dr. Ted Noel Takes a Close Look at Hillary’s Debate Performance

    To the untrained eye, Madame Secretary looked fit as a fiddle on the 26th.  But Dr. Ted Noel, in a new video, discloses possible evidence of Parkinson’s symptoms, and the masking of these.  He also discusses Clinton’s three-day ...

  • October 6, 2016

    What Is Hillary’s ‘Pep Pill’?

    Hillary Clinton looked and (if you ignored the content) sounded great in the first debate.  She was relaxed, alert, confident, and was still perky at the end.  She seemed like the smiling, waving woman who strode out of her daughter’s...

  • October 4, 2016

    Debate Advice for Pence: Don’t Be a Wuss, Mike

    There may be a temptation in the Pence camp to have the governor play good cop to Trump’s bad cop.  But Trump in the first debate was not a bad cop.  Trump was Trump.  He said the things he always says in the way he always says t...

  • September 26, 2016

    Hillary’s Priorities: Helping fellow blood-clot sufferers is not on the Agenda

    Former Jacksonville Jaguars QB David Garrard has Crohn’s Disease.  He’s raised money for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America ($180,000 in one year), has visited children with the disease, and recently set up his own f...

  • September 26, 2016

    In Tonight’s Debate: Don’t Read Her Lips, Watch Her Eyes

    Dr. Ted Noel has an interesting new video, embedded below. It discusses Hillary’s disconjugate gaze, when her eyes don’t move in sync.  Also referred to as loss of vergence, this is likely a neurological problem, Dr. Noel explains...

  • September 24, 2016

    Dr. Lisa Bardack’s Faustian Bargain

    “Oh what tangled webs we weave, when we first practice to deceive.”  Sir Walter Scott When Dr. Lisa Bardack[*] was asked to become Hillary Clinton’s personal physician in 2001, it had to have been a crowning moment in t...

  • September 19, 2016

    NeverTrump and Jewish voters

    Caroline Glick has a sobering column in the Jerusalem Post that’s well worth reading.  She notes how the Democratic Party has turned sharply against Israel over the last decade and a half.  Who can forget the boos and jeers at the 201...

  • September 11, 2016

    Does Hillary Have Parkinson’s Disease?

    Dr. Ted Noel, former Director of the NovaMed Surgery Center in Orlando, has recently released a video replying to critics of his earlier analysis of Hillary’s medical condition.  That video makes a detailed, persuasive case that Parkinson...

  • July 25, 2016

    The Trump-Cruz Kerfuffle: The Art of the Deal...Not.

    Contra Clarice Feldman and the other Trump apologists, the Trump-Cruz contretemps at the convention last week says a lot more about Trump’s skills as a negotiator than it does about Cruz’s pride and pettiness.  There are only two ...

  • March 19, 2016

    James Comey ‘s Trump Card

    In the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s misuse of classified material, FBI Director James Comey holds the trump card, so to speak.  He may already have sufficient evidence to indict her, and for obstruction of justice as well as funnelin...

  • March 14, 2016

    The weekend numbers

    The mêlée in Chicago and the mêlée in Jupiter, Florida pushed the two weekend primaries below the fold.  (Note to journalists: If you want to ask Donald Trump a question about affirmative action, have your pepper spray ...

  • March 13, 2016

    Cruz’s Dilemma, and Kasich’s

    Ted Cruz needs to go one-on-one with Donald Trump.  He has to consolidate the anti-Trump vote, about 55 to 65% of Republicans.  Trump won’t be able to avoid debating him, and will get pummeled.  So Kasich and Rubio have to drop o...

  • March 5, 2016

    Ted Cruz telegraphed a possible game-changing strategy in Thursday’s debate close

    If we’ve heard the candidates’ closing statements once, we’ve heard them eleven times: “The 21st century can be the greatest century in the history of the United States!”  “I did it in Washington.  I...

  • March 3, 2016

    Cruz still has a fighting chance

    Here are the numbers for Super Tuesday (from the NY Times and Politico): (below)                         Trump     ...

  • February 29, 2016

    One More Option for Ted

    You know the times they are a changin’ when you get into political discussions not only with total strangers, but with a car salesman after test-driving a car.  This happened to me yesterday. The guy was for Trump and when I asked him w...

  • February 29, 2016

    Trump’s yuuuge negatives and the Ron Paul delusion

    During the 2012 Republican convention, I spent a day at the Saddlebrook Resort outside Tampa, where the Texas delegation was staying.  Ron Paul had 20 of the state’s 155 delegates, and there were 20 alternates along for the ride. I had ...

  • February 25, 2016

    Two Options for Ted Cruz

    The clock is ticking down for Ted Cruz.  After March 1, Hillary’s dream opponent may be unstoppable.  Here are the two things Cruz can do to save his candidacy, the party, and the country. 1.  Pledge to end Affirmative Action ...

  • February 15, 2016

    Ben Blew It in The Saturday GOP Debate

    About three-quarters of the way into the debate Saturday night, moderator John Dickerson threw Ben Carson a hanging curveball.   He reminded Carson that he’s repeatedly spoken out against political correctness and, in effect, invited ...

  • December 4, 2015

    The jihadist and the Messianic Jew

    The workplace for jihadist Maj. Nidal Hasan was Ft. Hood, and his 13 victims were soldiers in the infidel army that was occupying parts of dar al Islam.  Jihadist Mohammod Adulazeez also attacked military facilities earlier this year, killing fo...

  • November 15, 2015

    Some Logos for the Left

    Fellow Multicultists:  We’re on a roll.  We got rid of Mizzou’s President and Chancellor after just a few days of demonstrations.  How cool is that! But we’re missing something every great movement needs.  Sur...

  • November 13, 2015

    Tuesday's Debate: The Rhetorical Strategies

    James Arlandson took a stab at analyzing the Tuesday night debate, candidate by candidate, and was roundly abused for his efforts in the comments section.  When I last looked, comments ranged from the annoyed to the indignant.  No one said,...

  • November 1, 2015

    The Three (Clinton) Stooges and CNBC

    I was a day trader in the early 2000s.  I told myself it was a form of gambling for intelligent people.  I was kidding myself.  It’s just a form of gambling. After the markets closed, I’d always watch CNBC.  I stopp...

  • October 21, 2015

    Thinking about giving some money to Ben Carson? Read this first.

    It’s easy to like Ben.  It’s a little harder to like John Phillip Sousa IV (yes, the great-grandson), Vernon Robinson, and especially Bruce Eberle.  But they’re going to get a hefty percentage of whatever you for...

  • October 12, 2015

    The Mask of Sanity: Psychopath-in-Chief?

    Does this sound like someone we all know? “Poverty of emotional feelings, lack of remorse or shame, superficial charm, pathological lying, egocentricity, a lack of insight, absence of nervousness, an inability to love, impulsive antisocial...

  • September 10, 2015

    Trump, the First Amendment Candidate?

    It was supposed to be a triumphal procession for Hillary and a series of carefully choreographed duels between Jeb and the conservative du jour.  But the campaign has been transformed.  Lady Macbeth of Little Rock has been laid low by her s...

  • August 26, 2015

    Let's Offer the GOP Candidates a Conservative Manifesto

    Let’s do things a little differently this time. Instead of arguing about who is the most conservative candidate, or even the most electable conservative, let’s present each candidate with a short list of policy prescriptions for him or...

  • July 30, 2015

    Trumping Donald: How Conservative Candidates Can Boost Their Polling Numbers

    Donald Trump has surged to a lead in the polls for one reason and one reason only.  It’s not his abrasive personality.  It’s not his net worth.  It’s not the comb-over. Trump has been willing to speak candidly about a...

  • July 20, 2015

    Ban the flag (the flag of Islam)

    Whoa!  It turns out that Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez is a Muslim name.  Who’da thunk?  It gets worse.  The Chattanooga shooter was a diligent student of the Qur’an and the Hadith.  He’s described as becom...

  • June 25, 2015

    Charleston and Chicago

    According to the Chicago Sun-Times, ten African-Americans have been killed in the city since the Charleston church murders on June 17.  Read about them here. The Chicago news and entertainment website Redeye lists 16 murders between the 10th ...