Jay Latimer

Jay Latimer

  • December 19, 2020

    Trump should declare a state of emergency, impound voting machines

    Trump must act, and act now while he still has the power of the office of POTUS.  He should follow Sidney Powells advice to declare a state of emergency to impound voting machines across the country. What could possibly be more important...

  • December 9, 2020

    Forget fancy language. Trump's re-election is all about killer instinct.

    How do you fight an obvious election fraud?  It's a matter of political will.  Who has the strongest killer instinct? That's really what it all comes down to.  Never mind the fancy legal arguments; don't b...

  • December 6, 2020

    Our approach to election fraud is lunacy

    Nothing is more important to our rights as a citizen than being assured of a free and fair election.  If we can't trust in our election process, are we really in a democracy or just a banana republic? Tens of millions of Americans fe...

  • November 21, 2020

    Why the Status Quo Wants Trump Out

    I confess to having been utterly naïve.  I had wondered why on Earth the business community would prefer a frail and corrupt president Biden over a pro-business president Trump.  Trump has a track record of economic growth an...

  • November 15, 2020

    How would a President Biden handle the Trump treatment?

    If, God forbid, Joe Biden actually becomes president, it almost certainly will be a contested election.  Should this come to pass, the Trump administration should roll out the welcome mat — the same one the Dems used for Trump. Tru...

  • July 5, 2020

    Defund the universities

    Fed up with Defund the Police? Worried that hordes of “peaceful protestors” might soon show up to burn and pillage your neighborhood? Want to make your views known but unsure where to begin? Here’s a way to hit back: defund the u...

  • April 3, 2020

    Coronavirus has changed our perception of risk

    Once the pandemic is over, will you want to jump right back onto a crowded cruise ship?  Neither will many others.  The reason is that we now perceive cruise ships as being more risky than we did before.  We've all s...

  • February 10, 2020

    It's time for Trump to fight fire with fire

    Another coup attempt has failed. Fact: The Russia investigation known as Spygate arose not because the FBI and CIA thought it likely that Trump colluded with Russia — everyone knew that was nonsense.  The Russia probe and the resul...

  • February 5, 2020

    Three takeaways from the failed impeachment

    It Proves Trump Is Clean as a Whistle The impeachment was a monumental waste of time, but it did prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Trump has not committed any illegal offenses while in office.  In fact, it shows we really have to st...

  • November 11, 2019

    'He's not a king!' A brief encounter with the swamp

    I recently spoke with an old acquaintance, just out of government, who had worked in the Intelligence Community in Washington.  The venue was a neighborhood party in a deep-blue area of the U.S., in one of the highest of high-income ZIP cod...

  • August 19, 2019

    The Hong Kong protests and Brexit

    One of the few things liberals and conservatives can agree upon is solidarity with the Hong Kong protesters.  Indeed, the protests in Hong Kong have received almost universal international approval, from both right and left sides of the spe...

  • April 27, 2019

    Did Mueller jump or was he pushed?

    Dedicated armchair observers of insider Washington political maneuvers make a hobby of reading the tea leaves.  Like the lethal version in "Game of Thrones," nothing happens by chance; there is always an underlying strategy to eve...

  • September 15, 2018

    Hey Obama, Where Did My Ten Trillion Dollars Go?

    So former President Obama is back out on the campaign trail. Maybe this time the press will hold him to account with some tough questions (spoiler: don’t count on it). Here’s a quick question for our former president, and a possible ta...

  • June 6, 2018

    Ignoring the Samantha Power bombshell

    One of the challenges of Spygate is that it's such a sprawling, complicated tale, filled with competing narratives and motives open to interpretation.  We understand that this is a serious situation – possibly the biggest scandal ...