Jay Kronzer

Jay Kronzer

  • November 11, 2012

    Remaking the GOP

    It's the end as we know it.  The end of an era for the Republican Party.  But with every end, there comes a new beginning. It has long been said that America is a center-right nation.  But many are wondering: how that can be when such ...

  • January 12, 2012

    Panderer-in-Chief: Why Obama's National Security Record Is Weak and Dangerous

    One of Obama's greatest strengths, according to the mainstream media and establishment pundits, is his national security and defense record.  After all, they say, he has taken out Osama bin Laden, overthrown a dictator in Libya, and now (at leas...

  • June 4, 2011

    Top Ten Reasons Why Michele Bachmann Could Win the 2012 Republican Nomination

    1. She is a fundraising powerhouse.  She raised more money in the first quarter of this year than any other member of Congress except Speaker Boehner. 2. She has a loyal base.  She is the only true conservative in the race (except for Herma...