Jason Pappas

Jason Pappas

  • March 23, 2020

    Coronavirus economic bloodletting will hit the young hardest

    When the state suddenly establishes a totalitarian grip on the economic activity of our fellow citizens, the rationale given should be critically examined with a great deal of skepticism. Liberty forged by the blood, pain, sacred honor, and very live...

  • November 17, 2012

    Obama vs. the Rule of Law

    What would you do if you were asked to sacrifice the life of individual for the nation's alleged economic progress? I'm sure the readers of this journal would be indignant and outrage at the request. We uphold the doctrine of the rule of law, which h...

  • August 29, 2012

    Red-Baiting vs. Rand-Baiting

    The anti-Rand hysteria continues.  Every day we read about the specter of Ayn Rand looming over America in the person of Paul Ryan.  Michael Kinsley warns us that Ryan, the super-hero, has contempt for the common man.  Bill Maxwell dec...

  • August 3, 2012

    Has the MSM fallen in love with Capitalism?

    It seems Fareed Zakaria has. Responding to Mitt Romney's observation that some cultures keep their people in poverty, Zakaria says it's not culture but capitalism that makes for prosperity. Pointing out that Japan and China were once thought inherent...

  • May 7, 2012

    Pro-Islamic Bias in Wikipedia

      Wikipedia mirrors the cultural-at-large in ways that show mainstream biases. Recently I searched for "anti-Islam" on Wiki and was immediately redirected to "Islamophobia." The implication was that any criticism or negative assessment of Islam ...

  • March 13, 2012

    Pro-PLO Filmmaker's Awakening

    A trip to the Middle East was an eye-opener for a leftist filmmaker who set out to make a pro-PLO documentary. Nicky Larkin is an Irish filmmaker and had heard nothing but leftist anti-Israeli propaganda. Naively he went to the Middle East to intervi...

  • February 17, 2012

    Conservatives Lose on Health Care Mandate

    The recent Obama mandate for universal birth control gave the Republicans an opportunity to fight for individual liberty -- and they missed it by a mile.  Instead of attacking government-imposed health care as a violation of liberty, they only s...

  • February 13, 2012

    Greece: OWS on Steroids

    The best way to understand a principle is to follow it to its logical conclusions. During the Cold War if you wanted to understand socialism, you only had to look at communist countries that were pure examples. Today, if you want to understand Occupy...

  • October 28, 2011

    Phony Downtrodden in Zuccotti Park

    The self-professed dispossessed camped out in Zuccotti Park reminds one of the Hoovervilles of the Great Depression.  The difference, of course, was that there were real poor in the Hoovervilles while the OWS activists in today's Obamavilles are...

  • September 11, 2011


    The critical examination of Islam is no longer possible as it is deemed "hate speech" that is prosecuted in some Western nations and swiftly condemned in all the rest. The left-dominated mainstream culture has created a philosophy of anti-anti-Islam ...