Jason Kissner

Jason Kissner

  • February 6, 2015

    A defense of Brian Williams (sort of)

    Why is everyone in such a dudgeon about Brian Williams’s helicopter lies? Williams himself has disavowed responsibility for the lies, in part by saying, “I would not have chosen to make this mistake...I don’t know what screwed up...

  • November 26, 2014

    Wasted Breath and Ferguson Subtext

    Much of the news coverage subsequent to the no true bill result in Ferguson has amounted to litigation of the evidence, moral condemnation of the rioters (or oblique defenses of those parties), and, interspersed therewith, declarations from the usual...

  • November 23, 2014

    A Brief Criminological Comment on Bill Cosby and Bill Clinton

    Bayes’ Rule (a simple algebraic transformation of Bayes’ Theorem that converts probabilities into odds) supplies the appropriate guidance with respect to how recently announced evidence against Bill Cosby should update our belief with res...

  • November 13, 2014

    Jonathan Gruber and Barack Obama's University Transcripts

    Democratic policy star, Ivy League elitist, and ObamaCare architect Jonathan Gruber thinks Americans are too stupid to understand the “Cadillac Tax” and much else besides. Given that Obama decreed that ObamaCare was to be constructed b...

  • October 5, 2014

    Is the CDC Playing Immigration Politics with Ebola?

    Astoundingly, CDC Ebola screening/isolation standards issued following the Duncan Dallas Ebola case still do not properly contend with cases like Duncan’s -- and who knows how many of those there now are in America? The CDC’s new polic...

  • September 26, 2014

    Amnesty and John Ellis (Jeb) Bush

    Recent remarks by one John Ellis Bush (Jeb) on the subject of amnesty very arguably encapsulate, in ways that no other words could quite as precisely, what is wrong with today’s Republican Party. Many conservatives are still unwilling to acknow...

  • September 6, 2014

    Sexist Sharks Baffle PC Scientists

    Certain scientists in Australia are utterly baffled as to why “Sharks are nine times more likely to kill men than women.”  We also have: “Men are targeted in 84 per cent of all unprovoked shark attacks, and make up 89 p...

  • August 24, 2014

    President Obama's Character and Faith are Legitimate Issues

    The beheading of James Foley by Muslim terrorists, coupled with President Obama’s virtually instantaneous, smiling, fist-bumping return to the golf course, has unleashed outrage throughout America. Importantly, this outrage has seated itself...

  • August 21, 2014

    Ferguson and Eric Holder's Violent Past

    Attorney General Eric Holder has at least one redeeming quality: he fights for what he believes in, and he doesn’t hesitate to express sentiments he knows many people will disagree with vociferously. As long as it’s done within the bou...

  • August 6, 2014

    A Quick Note on Ebola Testing

    We’ve been treated to a series of accounts concerning Ebola tests of subjects that produced negative results.  Ebola test subjects with purportedly negative results have been drawn from places such as London’s Gatwick airport, New Yo...

  • August 6, 2014

    Ebola Optics and Questionable MSM Smiley Narratives

    Conservatives can be forgiven if, after having carefully reflected upon a sampling of MSM Ebola narratives, they conclude that something seems a bit askew. Certain optics and associated stories appear to put a giant smiley face on the Ebola situat...

  • August 6, 2014

    Dr. Sanjay Gupta's Ebola Errors

    Too many people think that if someone is a medical doctor, his opinion on medical questions is automatically authoritative no matter the subject matter.  Knowledge is tremendously specialized across academic disciplines, including medicine....

  • June 26, 2014

    The Drone Kill Memo: Obama's Murderous 'Logic'

    The Second Circuit has just compelled the release of a memo, prepared by then Acting Assistant Attorney General David J. Barron (who now sits on the First Circuit Court of Appeals) that purports to outline the legal rationale for President Obama...

  • June 6, 2014

    Will Republicans Fail on the Bergdahl Affair?

    It appears that many commentators are now agreed the Bergdahl deserted his post.  The gathering of additional information as to the circumstances of his desertion, if that is indeed what happened, is certainly critical. Among other issues,...

  • June 5, 2014

    Bowe Bergdahl: Conversion to Islam and Bomb Instructions for the Enemy?

    Evidence, from multiple sources, that Bowe Bergdahl deserted his post is receiving substantial coverage even in MSM outlets. However, there are two other distinct, extremely disturbing possibilities related to Bowe’s seeming desertion, also ...

  • June 4, 2014

    An odd coincidence in the Bergdahl release?

    There are a few potentially important details surrounding the timeline leading to Bowe Bergdahl’s release that might deserve some discussion. Truth Revolt supplies some details on the timeline: This week’s [the week of Bergdahl...

  • June 2, 2014

    AB 1014: California Democrats Wage War on the Constitution

    Two California Democrats in the State Assembly, Nancy Skinner and Das Williams, have authored what may well be the most draconian and flagrantly unconstitutional bill in the state’s, and maybe even the nation’s, history. AB 1014 provid...

  • May 27, 2014

    A Plague of Lone Gunmen in the Age of Obama?

    Straight away let’s address an issue that is very important in what follows: Eyewitness evidence is often very unreliable and hearsay evidence is often very unreliable. Numerous biological, psychological, and sociological processes can disto...

  • May 23, 2014

    Loose Drugs and Manslaughter at the Veterans Administration

    “Corpseman”: that’s how man currently known as Obama vocalized the word “corpsman” in 2010. Remember that? Of course, he’s a genius (his undisclosed transcripts show that), and so maybe he was, as usual, simp...

  • May 14, 2014

    Might Hillary Clinton Have Suffered a Stroke?

    Might Hillary Clinton Have Suffered a Stroke? Via the Drudge-linked PageSix, the latest from the Medical Doctor-Architect Karl Rove: Karl Rove stunned a conference when he suggested Hillary Clinton might have brain damage. Onstage with Rob...

  • May 8, 2014

    Was an EMP Attack Just Tested on the United States?

    An unsettling series of events arguably bearing on national security transpired last week that the MSM hastened to paper over.  On April 30, the FAA, as a consequence of “computer glitches”, halted outgoing flights at LAX as well as ...

  • April 17, 2014

    Barack Hussein Obama and Harrison J. Bounel

    Who is Harrison J. Bounel, and might the name suggest something about possible Obama ID fraud? To be sure, healthcare.gov’s failure to verify Obama’s identity implies nothing whatsoever as to whether ordinary citizens should question i...

  • April 15, 2014

    Harry Reid and 'It's Not Over'

    When Harry Reid says, “It’s not over,” it’s time to get a little worried. Readers are by now well aware that Harry Reid, lookin’ smug (and rather like a mobster) in dark suit and black sunglasses, had this to say on Apri...

  • April 10, 2014

    Cliven Bundy and Eric Holder's 'Rule of Law'

    See also: Ruby Ridge Redux? By now, you’ve surely heard tell of a land dispute between the federal government and a certain  Nevada rancher. A publication back in Texas called The Blaze has relayed certain pointed, and mighty raw, se...

  • March 15, 2014

    A Criminologist Questions: Was Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Hacked?

    On March 11 and March 13, yours truly published (here and here respectively) criminological reasons for believing that the most reasonable view to hold was that Malaysian Airlines flight 370 was hijacked/stolen. Establishment media figures such as...

  • March 13, 2014

    Was Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 Stolen? A Brief Criminological Inquiry

    Obviously, nobody can be sure what happened to Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.  That does not mean, however, that some explanations are more likely to be true than others. For example, it is exceedingly unlikely that the flight was “ab...

  • February 12, 2014

    John Boehner, Eunuch

    Less than 24 hours after President Obama illegally rewrote the law he had previously jammed down Boehner's -- and the country's -- throat, Boehner handed the budding dictator a clean debt-ceiling hike. Last October, Obama vindictively shut down the ...

  • February 3, 2014

    Barack Hussein Soebarkah: In Two Places at the Same Time?

    The 44th President of the United States is, of course, Barack Hussein Obama II. Barack Hussein Obama II has also been known by names such as Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, and Barack Hussein Obama (Soebarkah).  To be sure, only supposed madmen ...

  • January 22, 2014

    Barack Hussein Soebarkah?

    One of the unexplained mysteries in the scanty documentation of the early life of the 44th President of the United States is the appearance of the name Soebarkah as his last name on an official document filled out by his mother. In a recent contribu...

  • December 26, 2013

    Obama Goes Bronze

    At this juncture, none but the most irretrievably deluded is going to confuse Barack Obama with a genius -- or even with someone who is possessed of anything beyond what amount to today's standard allotment in regard to intellectual ability. But who...

  • December 24, 2013

    Did the White House just inadvertently confirm Obama ID fraud?

    President Obama's personal data is "not in particular government data bases" so his identity cannot be verified. And this according to White House sources. Huh? What kind of data? And what kind of president cannot have his identity verified. And this...

  • August 15, 2013

    Clowning the Os

    Who has not heard about the "iniquitous", white (and therefore guilty -- like Zimmerman, who of course is not white, but never mind) rodeo clown who donned an Obama mask? Who has not gotten wind of the Ruling Aristocrat Oprah Winfrey's manufacture of...

  • July 19, 2013

    What the Zimmerman Prosecution Did Not Do (and Why)

    Post-verdict analysis and commentary on the Zimmerman trial has run the gamut from predictably, ostentatiously, and dangerously clownish to the genuinely insightful.  Given such a broad range, it is most curious indeed that while there has been ...

  • June 15, 2013

    The Collectivist Government Surveillance Paradigm

    At CNN, a Mr. Glenn Sulmasy has posted an article entitled "Why we need government surveillance." This article uses Sulmasy's views as a springboard, but what I have to say applies just as well to what any other government surveillance statist says....

  • May 23, 2013

    Holder, the AP, and CIA: Subpoena Subterfuge?

    At first blush the administration has already suffered -- and stands to incur -- even more embarrassment as a result of DOJ's unconstitutional (if you're a constitutionalist, anyway) encroachment on free press territory. And yet...what if Holder's ha...

  • April 18, 2013

    A Criminologist Questions Sandy Hook

    Who in their right mind would even think of questioning accounts of politically momentous events (such as Sandy Hook) proffered by various MSM outlets? Well, at this point, many will agree that the MSM has dropped even the merest pretense of object...

  • April 3, 2013

    Using Conservative Jujitsu on Progressives

    Readers of American Thinker are well aware that conservative thought has made considerable advances with respect to identifying the theoretical shortcomings of Establishment power. While there is still plenty of work to be done in this area, it is ...

  • March 29, 2013

    A Criminologist Questions the Bin Laden Episode

    Just last month (February 11),  Esquire magazine published a lengthy article by Phil Bronstein purporting to supply the definitive "insider" account of what transpired in connection with the May 1, 2011 raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbo...

  • February 7, 2013

    'Skeeterism' and Obama's Columbia Years

    Can you believe it? Even the (ahem) news outlets the Washington Post and the New York Times are questioning the veracity of Barack Obama's claim that he skeet-shoots "all the time." Happily, the propagandists' hard-hitting, integrity-filled attempts ...

  • October 21, 2012

    Persuading the Undecided Voter

    As a group, undecided voters are unlikely to be swayed by reason alone and its often dry abstractions.  If they were moved by these things, undecideds would already be in Romney's camp. Obama's campaign is almost entirely predicated on the manip...

  • October 5, 2012

    How to Counter Obama's Blame Bush Argument

    Romney's debate performance was so fantastic that it's easy to overlook one more thing he can do to complete the rhetorical, analytical, factual, and forensic demolition of the  president's  position on the economy.  "We tried that bef...

  • September 18, 2012

    Romney's 'gaffe' a plus for him

    Russian warships and Turkish jets appeared at a godless, we-all-belong-to-government DNC with abolitionist dreams of annihilating Israel, and soon thereafter a tape slips out  (reportedly courtesy of Jimmy Carter's grandson James Earl Carter IV)...

  • September 5, 2012

    Bill Clinton Has Obama Right Where He Wants Him

    There are good reasons to believe that the 42nd president thinks that the chair in the Oval Office is either empty or might as well be until Mitt Romney is elected. Can you believe that the fellow -- Mr. Clinton -- who is widely reported to have call...

  • September 1, 2012

    Dirty Harry's Revolutionary Act

    What will ObamaCare do to the next Clint Eastwood? Rachel Maddow has the answer: "he's 81", so what more needs to be said? Since when did Communists not like old people? The answer: forget about families: what good are old people to the state? Theref...

  • July 27, 2012

    Science and the Second Amendment

    Numberless scientific studies conducted over a period of decades have addressed the evidence relating to gun ownership and its effects.  The studies have included units of analysis ranging from individuals through nations and beyond.  Diffe...

  • July 7, 2012

    Seizing Mortgages?

    The Wall Street Journal had a front-page article entitled "Cities Consider Seizing Mortgages" just two days ago. The information in the article allows us to derive a formula that tells us how Emperor Obama and imperial functionaries plan to convert p...

  • June 27, 2012

    Did Justice Roberts Trade Votes with Justice Kennedy?

    Did Justice Roberts trade votes with Justice Kennedy in the Arizona decision handed down Monday?  I certainly hope so, for he would have struck a blow for constitutional conservatism. I will explain: Many Court observers have expressed surprise ...

  • June 22, 2012

    Obama's Amnesty and Affirmative Action

    Many readers are by now well aware of Mr. Obama's decision to confer what amounts to amnesty upon a certain class of illegal immigrants. According to Mr. Obama, Congress didn't act (apparently settled immigration law doesn't constitute action), so Mr...

  • June 8, 2012

    Did Bill Clinton Deliver a Coded Warning about Obama?

    A crescendo of jabs from Bill Clinton aimed at Barack Obama's re-election chances have caused much commentary, but the pundits have ignored an anomalous digression in a recent speech, which may be a startling coded warning about Obama. In a June 4 Ne...

  • May 31, 2012

    Mystery Religion: Mr. Obama's Contradictory Conversions to Christianity

    Reasonable people will agree that much of Mr. Obama's biography is not exactly an open book.  Many things about him are unknown because they remain undisclosed, and much that has been disclosed leaves many questions unanswered at the same time a...

  • May 21, 2012

    Bayes' Theorem and Mr. Obama's Literary Agency

    A mathematical tool is offered to evaluate the likelihood, in light of the Breitbart disclosure, that Mr. Obama was born in the United States.   How ought one evaluate the evidentiary significance of the 1991 literary agency promotional boo...