Jan Whitt

Jan Whitt

  • February 19, 2012

    Lost in the Magoo: Women and the Great Political Divide

    The central character in "The Mr. Magoo Show" suffered from nearsightedness.  In each episode of the 1960s television program, Mr. Magoo blinked rapidly and struggled to find his way out of his confusion.  Mr. Magoo's failure to address his...

  • January 12, 2012

    Tim Tebow and the College Generation

    One group of readers, viewers, and consumers of popular culture appears only rarely in the extensive media conversations about Tim Tebow: America's college students. Commentaries in international publications -- from "Tim Tebow Infiltrates Sport's Se...

  • September 26, 2010

    Going (More Than) Rogue: Sarah Palin and the Pink Elephant in the Room

    "How's that hopey-changey stuff workin' out for ya?"  Sarah Palin's parody of Barack Obama's presidential campaign slogan elicited enthusiastic applause and a roar of laughter during a February 2010 Opryland Hotel engagement (Klein 21)...