James T. Moodey

James T. Moodey

  • It’s Not the Fed That’s Causing Inflation

    September 9, 2024

    It’s Not the Fed That’s Causing Inflation

    Inflation causes poverty, and the poor have no defense.  Kamala Harris said inflation was caused by the COVID crisis.  More recently, she said it is caused by greedy retailers.  No, Kamala — it was caused by you an...

  • Greenhouse Gases Are a Scientific Myth

    August 7, 2024

    Greenhouse Gases Are a Scientific Myth

    The most recent climate stupidity suggests that American factories report their greenhouse gas emissions.  As we learned from our country’s first cap-and-trade rule in California, reporting led to required reduction of clean-burning n...

  • Climate Stupidity

    May 24, 2024

    Climate Stupidity

    The specific gravity of carbon dioxide is 1.52 relative to dry air — the same weight as propane.  It is even heavier in relation to our humid atmosphere, ranging around 1.61.  It falls through the atmosphere about like a cot...

  • The Cure for Poverty Isn’t So Hard to Find

    March 10, 2024

    The Cure for Poverty Isn’t So Hard to Find

    Poverty is isolated in the private sector.  Public-sector workers’ salaries are almost twice that of private-sector workers, and their pensions are enormous.  This is not meant to begrudge public workers, but they would do w...

  • October 13, 2023

    Carbon Dioxide Does Not Cause Warming

    The climate-change scheme and net-zero carbon policy are based upon a false notion that carbon dioxide and other gases cause global warming.  They do not.  We don’t have to guess about this.  We have empirical and ...

  • September 4, 2023

    Zero Carbon Is a Whale-Killer

    John D. Rockefeller destroyed the whaling industry by replacing whale oil with Earth's natural compost: refined oil.  Whale oil had many uses, pharmaceutical and industrial, including lubricants for nearly all machines and trains. ...

  • July 30, 2023

    The True Definition of Socialism

    A few weeks ago, Dennis Prager said, "No one understands what socialism is."  He is right.  Even economists are confused, and for good reason.  After Joseph Stalin gave socialism a bad name, socialist journalis...

  • January 16, 2023

    What Is Capitalism? Even Conservatives Can’t Explain It

    It is a shame that, in the country that invented capitalism, we can’t explain it. Perhaps that is a reason we are losing it to socialism. Ask any conservative, or even an economist, and they are likely to describe it as “free markets....

  • October 29, 2022

    What made America great? Unfettered capitalism.

    The United States began with our Founders having wealth similar to the gentry in Europe. However, the ordinary people comparable to ourselves were essentially paupers. We built our homes with wood and mud (log homes and adobe), sa...

  • September 7, 2022

    Babe Ruth's record

    I run one of the original, Daniel Okrent fantasy baseball leagues that we started in 1988.  Daniel Okrent named it Rotisserie baseball after the Rotisserie Restaurant in New York, where he penciled the first rules that became known as fanta...

  • August 25, 2022

    The student loan scam

    Student loan debt was accelerated by the Democrats' Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act, which was introduced two weeks after President Obama took office.  The education portion of the legislation kicked private lenders ou...

  • April 23, 2022

    How many Democrats does it take to cause inflation?

    My first economic essay was written in 1978 regarding the oil crisis and inflation.  The commonality with today is that a few men can cause inflation.  Another similarity is that each episode was preceded by a dramatic increase in...

  • February 6, 2022

    The baseball COVID truth-o-meter

    Let's time warp back to the pre-Fauci-cranial scramble — say, 2019.  Everyone knew that the flu goes away during summer.  The heat of summer chases it north.  Our bodies heat up to about 103 degrees to kill it....

  • January 9, 2022

    Are the vaccinated harming their immune systems?

    Here is some number-crunching.  Using natural immunity as a base and the fully vaccinated to mean two mRNA shots, we can conclude the following: An unassailable stat from the Israelis, which made Fauci change his guidance from "if y...

  • November 29, 2021

    Vaccinate children? Not mine

    What will happen to our children when we mass vaccinate them?  Since the vaccine side-effect of myocarditis is more prevalent in children, will the low dose be enough to mitigate, or will they die at a higher rate?  What else can ...