James Tygart

James Tygart

  • September 22, 2018

    Even if it's true, can a victim be immoral?

    Let's pretend for one minute that Christine Blasey Ford's facts-not-required accusations are truthful and that she was sexually assaulted by Brett Kavanaugh, or really anyone, some three decades past.  With due sympathies to the pas...

  • October 19, 2017

    Jeff Sessions and the Conservative Talkers

    Over the last few years a good guess suggests that at least 50% of conservative talk content has been devoted to the inter-connected scandals of:  Clinton-Rhodes-Lerner-Holder-Comey-Lynch-Powers-Rice-Mueller.  And, of course, their boss....

  • September 22, 2017

    AG Sessions: Justice reformer or justice feeb?

    He's a feeb. Sorry, but it has to be said.  We're all thinking it.  Why waste any more time with this disastrous mediocrity? Like some bizarro-world opposite of the courageous little Dutch boy standing up to the weight of an o...