James Taylor

James Taylor

  • Beware of Climate Activists Cosplaying as ‘Conservatives’

    May 16, 2024

    Beware of Climate Activists Cosplaying as ‘Conservatives’

    As a general rule of thumb, if the only reason you would identify somebody as a conservative is because they repeatedly insist they are a conservative, they likely are not a conservative. Readers should keep this general rule in mind if the...

  • September 20, 2023

    Fewer hurricanes are hitting New England

    With Hurricane Lee churning off the New England coast this past weekend; the mainstream media is now filled with articles claiming climate change will cause more hurricanes to strike New England. In reality, the objective data show New England is exp...

  • July 10, 2020

    How the Left Misuses Federalism

    If two of the following policies clash with each other, which one should conservatives support? (a) high-tax, big-government, big-subsidy, anti-free market policies enacted at the state level, or (b) limited-government, conservative, low-tax, free-ma...

  • January 14, 2019

    Global Warming Crop Apocalypse Is Just Media Fear-Mongering

    Global warming alarmists and their media allies launched a new scare last week, claiming that global warming is causing crop failures and food shortages around the globe.  In one of their biggest whoppers ever, the media are claiming that g...

  • November 20, 2018

    Election Slaughter for Climate Activism

    This month, voters throughout the country inflicted a bloodbath on climate activism and climate-activist political candidates.  Voters rejected the two highest-profile climate-activist ballot initiatives, severely punished Republicans who j...