James Reynolds

James Reynolds

  • October 21, 2009

    Domo Arigato, Mr. Fallows

    A snippet from James Fallows, Sage of the Atlantic:obamu: (v.) [Japanese] To ignore inexpedient and inconvenient facts or realities, think "Yes we can, Yes we can," and proceed with optimism using those facts as an inspiration (literally, a...

  • October 13, 2009

    Victory is Near!

    The Washington Post reports this morning that the Pentagon is deploying 13,000 new troops to Afghanistan.  (Article here.) The President has made a decision!  Our troops in the field can now breathe a sigh of relief. They are going to get 3...

  • September 29, 2009

    Hey Kids! Obama Sleepover!

    Whew. The children haven't been left out:  Kids For Obama.com is still up and running!Kids, did you know that with just a click of the mouse you can continue your very own personal political indoctrination?  Remember, the senator (now Presi...

  • September 28, 2009

    The President as Educator

    Every now and again an American politician makes a silly pronouncement about education to the effect that our primary and secondary schools should be in session longer each day, and for more days throughout the year.  Apparently, our current pre...

  • September 21, 2009

    The Ents Have Gone To War

    In the Tolkien mythologies, the Ents are a race of human-like trees living deep in a primordial forest. Ancient, towering creatures, Ents move slowly and deliberately, requiring decades of contemplation before coming to a decision on matters great an...