James Longstreet

James Longstreet

  • August 26, 2018

    Confederate Monuments and the Destruction of a Nation's History

    They tore another Confederate statue down.  A mob of misinformed lawless miscreants in North Carolina, ignorant of history but allowed to alter history.  Violating law and allowed to do so by gutless local authorities guarding not history o...

  • April 19, 2018

    A sanctuary within a sanctuary

    Turnabout is fair play, and when the game of disregarding higher authority begins, the tumbling dominos ensue.  Perhaps some clarity will manifest as to why this game from the left should never have been started.  Perhaps the left...

  • January 20, 2018

    The government and the stock market are yin and yang

    With the stock market at all-time highs after a record fourteen-month run on top of seven years straight up, with real estate in the same condition, but with the federal government on the verge of a shutdown due to dire financial considerations, it i...

  • December 29, 2017

    Disinformation is driving us all crazy

    Disinformation feeds divisiveness.  The most common question of the 21st century seems to be "What is true?"  And that inquiry always seems directed in the same direction: Washington, D.C. The divisiveness of our country has be...

  • September 5, 2017

    What's in a name?

    Pointing out inconsistencies in left wing thought is a sport which requires as much effort as rolling dice. Seven, again. In the name game dustup, the puddle-deep intellect and thought process of the left wingers is in full display. Ta...

  • August 25, 2017

    Goodbye, history: No brown wrapper required

    In the summer of 2003, the editor of Blue and Gray magazine issued a warning.  His editorial was titled "Civil War History Under Attack". Blue and Gray magazine is a publication rife with maps and military information...

  • August 17, 2017

    Leave the Rebel Battle Flag at home

    The counterproductive imagery, be it true or false, of the Rebel Battle Flag should be evident by now. Leave it at home! When I see the flag at this type of rally, I must wonder if the "other side" is paying people to show up with it....

  • August 16, 2017

    Orwell was never more correct

    As George Orwell put it in 1984, "those who control the present control the past, and those who control the past control the future."  And who controls the "present"?  It is the media, and less apparent, those wh...

  • June 24, 2017

    In His Own Image: How to 'Flip' a Country

    It was no mistake.  And now, we seem free to notice. The President of the United States for eight years was, and still is, a hidden identity.  But what can be known of him, short of all that is still hidden, can be aligned with subtle an...

  • April 29, 2017

    Richard Dreyfus and Tucker Carlson: Six minutes with two real American thinkers

    How about six minutes with a real American thinker?  Refreshing and crystalline, patriotic and commonsensical is the description of these six minutes of Richard Dreyfus with Tucker Carlson. Take a look: The first issue Dreyfus touches on ...

  • April 4, 2017

    Debating trade deficits

    Guns and Butter, that old economic school exercise delving into the choice of a nation's production, is well known.  But when it comes to trade, and trade deficits, the analogy might be framed with "disposables for farmland." Mi...

  • March 21, 2017

    ‘Super’ Federal Reserve moves inflation goalposts

    CNBC reports: It's OK if inflation overshoots target a bit as the labor markets tighten, Fed's Harker says. The preannounced target thus is not the target.  We receive yet another stream of reworked definitions from our quasi-f...

  • March 15, 2017

    Think Obama's sycophants remember all his 'transparency' promises?

    Obama's taken a "Parthian shot" at the notion of accountable governance.  He rode out the door, his legacy concerns trumping the empty pledges of accountability and transparency. The adoring crowd will turn their heads to these ...

  • March 8, 2017

    Wouldn't you like the answer to these questions?

    Question for Barack Obama.  Did you have knowledge of any surveillance by intelligence agencies of Donald Trump or his personnel?  If so, did you approve of such activity? Question for Nancy Pelosi.  In light of the fact that you ar...

  • March 5, 2017

    Take that, Barry. Turnabout is fair play.

    Senator Schumer, do you disavow any knowledge of wiretappings of Trump offices? Representative Pelosi, do you disavow any knowledge of wiretappings of Trump offices? Wouldn't we love to see the twisting, the facial expressions, the stammeri...

  • March 4, 2017

    The folly of proving a negative

    At some point, accusations must transform to some sort of factual presentation. The certainty of Schumer and Pelosi is not proof of anything.  Their insistence is not fact, nor is their opinion evidence. The Democrats and the media have wo...

  • March 1, 2017

    University money machines

    The ivory towers and the ivied walls, the statues of great persons past, that hallowed alma mater and the professorial types shuffling between classes across the quadrangle – all combine to create and maintain the imagery of higher education in...

  • February 19, 2017

    If these things were in a movie, no one would believe them

    The peculiar string of events in the past decade or so is really something to behold in thoughtful retrospection.   What just happened?  If, ten years ago, Hollywood put these events in a movie, no one would believe it.  The past ...

  • February 17, 2017

    When does bureaucratic sabotage border sedition?

    Our government is populated by those who oppose the duly elected president. That has become blindingly evident.  The past eight years of systematically packing the system with a certain ilk is to blame. In the recent election, the one in w...

  • February 16, 2017

    The Steady and Inexplicable Theft by the Federal Reserve and Its Violation of Mission

    Once there was an emergency.  Now there is not. There was a conflagration in the financial world eight years ago. No more. The bonuses are back on Wall Street, bank CEOs are pulling in huge compensations, and the stock market is holding at all t...

  • February 6, 2017

    Is the feeding trough empty at the University of California?

    The protesters and rioters of the University of California seem distracted.  Perhaps they are distracted on purpose.  So much to which they allegedly object on the other side of the country in Washington, D.C. is fresh, bold, and alive righ...

  • February 2, 2017

    The California twins: Feinstein and Pelosi

    There is something peculiar and ironic when the representatives of a state in constant and willful violation of federal law lecture us on the Constitution and the legalities of executive orders. Like an atomic clock, there is nothing more reliable...

  • January 31, 2017

    Sen. Schumer's fake tears for a fake issue

    If Chuck Schumer and other apoplectic Leftists are right about Trump’s intent to ban a religion via his immigration executive orders, they must admit that he also did a terrible job. Of the 57 nations that are members of the Organization for Is...

  • January 30, 2017

    A poem has never been immigration policy

    In 1901, a poem by Emma Lazarus was inscribed on a plaque and affixed to the Statue of Liberty.  It reads in part: Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free... Two years later, The Immigration Act of...

  • January 22, 2017

    If not America First, who or what should be first?

    That is a simple question that is begging to be asked. Chris Matthews referred to Trump’s “America First” attitude as “Hitlerian.”  George Will had issues with Trump’s assessment of domestic manufacturing a...

  • January 21, 2017

    George Will dumps on Trump’s inaugural speech

    I know that you will brand me as a sub-intellect for disagreeing with you.  It is your way. I held you in high regard.  Was I an intellect then?  You began your usually brilliant articles with snippets of history or historical quote...

  • January 17, 2017

    Disrupting the disruptors

    The inauguration could get messy. There was a time in this country when if you were caught planning an illegal event – say, disruption of a presidential inauguration – your little group just might get a visit from the FBI or local auth...

  • January 4, 2017

    Whose cars would you flip? Tucker Carlson engages the left

    It is fun to watch, but then the echo of the discourse becomes troubling.  The thought process of this self-anointed university intellectual is discomforting. A University of Chicago campus newspaper editor is angry.  Jake Bittle is deep...

  • December 21, 2016

    Bill Clinton’s trifecta

    Well done, Bill.  Mr. Clinton has hit all the leftist trigger points in just one sentence. “Trump was elected by angry white men.”  One, two, and three.  The lefist trifecta. Angry For Bill to use the word “a...

  • December 6, 2016

    As Trump forms his cabinet, compare and contrast Obama’s approach

    Barack Obama lived in the ivory tower of academia, from which he selected much of his cabinet.  Those selections appear to be have been more grounded in perceptions of intellect than abilities or the promise of extraordinary contribution.  ...

  • November 28, 2016

    Inflation, tariffs, and the Federal Reserve

    The Federal Reserve has been attempting to push up inflation to a 2% annual rate. With the promise of Trump’s initiative to maintain or even return manufacturing to the United States comes the promise of tariffs or value-added taxation on im...

  • November 26, 2016

    Campus revolutionaries warping words

    The hypocrisy is blinding.  The game is but an old one, yet extremely effective.  The funding for the activity is endless courtesy of the federal behemoth. Victor Davis Hanson, in this article of late titled “Words Matter: How...

  • November 21, 2016

    They’re not ‘liberals’ anymore, so it’s time to deny them that label

    They engage in self-aggrandizement when they refer to themselves as “liberal.”  In most cases, they are anything but “liberal.”  Names and labels provide initial impressions, but when they prove false, they should be...

  • November 21, 2016

    Crying and lying: Hysteria and repeated false claims showered upon us by the left

    Greg Gutfeld brutally calls out the left and the fake cable news shows that push out the false narratives and refuse to investigate the veracity of the claims that pass over their airwaves. Remarkable is the stream of claims that America is now ta...

  • November 19, 2016

    The left is ‘projecting’ its own evil onto conservatives

    Have there ever been better examples of the psychological phenomenon known as “projection” than what we see and hear from the left each day? Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend the...

  • November 4, 2016

    Assange: ‘Trump will not be allowed to win’

    In a most recent and revealing interview, Julian Assange met with his favorite documentarian, John Pilger.  Assange offers several predictions and analyses, most quite revealing. Via RT: “RT (Russia Today) provides an alternative per...

  • October 12, 2016

    A Contrast of Justice: Sheriff Joe won’t get the Hillary Treatment

    The Department of Justice is taking Sheriff Joe Arpaio to court.  He will be asked to provide computers and hard drives.  He will be accused of breaking the law for attempting to enforce a law, a federal law. He is going to court because...

  • October 10, 2016

    We Have Come to This

    We are now engaged in a national debate and a final judgment as to which candidate has engaged in the more despicable behavior. Is it the crude offhand private comments of Donald Trump, or the malfeasance of a very high official in the federal govern...

  • September 29, 2016

    Why isn’t Trump driving home these points?

    Donald Trump is failing to hammer a number of points that could badly hurt Hillary while boosting his own campaign, each one a win/win proposition. Hillary Clinton declared, “Don’t let anyone tell you it’s corporations and bus...

  • September 23, 2016

    Why are out-of-state Charlotte rioters not being prosecuted for crossing state lines to engage in destruction and rioting?

    The non-enforcement of the law has become sport in the past eight years.  Hidden under gimmicks such as “prosecutorial discretion” and other feints, the Department of Justice and other such entities have seemed to turn their backs wh...

  • September 21, 2016

    They attack us, and we aren’t supposed to notice

    Noticing and mentioning terrorist attackers is now considered – by the left and Hillary Clinton – giving comfort to the enemy.  Where in the history of the world has this ever been true? Hillary and the left are pouncing on the al...

  • September 15, 2016

    The cyber-peep hole: How our government really operates

    Nice work if you can buy it.  How much would you give the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to be ambassador to Monaco? Oh, the promises Obama offered during that first campaign.  A clean and transparent administration it will be, fre...

  • September 6, 2016

    Why is Obama insulated from the disaster that was his State Department under Hillary Clinton?

    The buck can’t find a place to stop. Obama should: Be embarrassed that this shakedown and padding of the Clinton Foundation occurred right under his nose. Be angry at Hillary Clinton for operating as secretary of state even though sh...

  • August 29, 2016

    Who Seeks the Truth?

    Is your elected representative demanding that the State Department promptly release calendars of the past activities of the Secretary and also the prompt release of emails and other government communications?  These materials surely exist and co...

  • August 25, 2016

    Whose State Department is that?

    Hillary was having her “own way” with the office of secretary of state.  Sure, she set the record for countries visited and miles traveled.  She also set the record for money dumped into a foundation controlled by a secretary of...

  • August 22, 2016

    In 1995, Bill Clinton channeled Donald Trump

    Here is a short clip of Bill Clinton in his 1995 State of the Union address. It sounds just like a Donald Trump speech from 2016.  What has changed so much that ideas and policies spoken by Bill Clinton that received bipartisan applause i...

  • August 21, 2016

    The Higher Education Racket at Chicago State University

    Who’s watching, and who made these decisions?  Those are the questions that leap to mind.  The wicked relationship of bad people with their hands on an endless pot of imaginary money, operating under the guise of “education...

  • August 12, 2016

    The supply of truth always exceeds the demand

    This statement makes one ponder, especially in the 21st century.  It seems the greatest question in recent years is "What is true?"  The question should be asked more often. A more curious question is why some choose not to see...

  • August 10, 2016

    Hillary: ‘Don’t let anyone tell you corporations create jobs’

    Remember this lame-brain comment by Hillary?  Are the Trump people missing this?  I haven’t seen or heard the Trump camp pick up on this bizarre comment. Hillary, in this video, said, “Don’t let anyone tell you that ...

  • August 9, 2016

    James Comey must rebut Hillary

    We have seen Hillary play helter-skelter with the truth regarding what James Comey said and what Hillary, short-circuited as she may be, understood to be said and agreed upon. Hillary creates sound bites for the liberal media to spew to the under-...

  • August 3, 2016

    The buck stops where?

    Breibart reports, “WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange: Clinton Lied Under Oath About Her Knowledge of Libyan Arms Exports.” And the Gateway Pundit offers, “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton knew that the US was sending arms...

  • August 2, 2016

    Hillary’s lying about lying

    I hope FBI director Jim Comey watched the Chris Wallace interview with Hillary Clinton.  I trust he did.  Perhaps he noticed the alternate world, the altered reality of Hillary Clinton.  Maybe Mr. Comey has a tinge of regret. In thi...

  • July 31, 2016

    News to mainstream media: Russia must relinquish emails by law

    The shoot-from-the-hip media has run with the "Trump encourages treason" story even though it is as fundamentally false and inherently misleading as the "hands up don't shoot" misdirection of Ferguson.  This, apparently, ...

  • July 30, 2016

    If the 33K emails still exist: the scenarios

    If the 33,000 emails that Hillary deleted off her server were hacked and still exist, what could be the consequences?  Forensically scrubbing the hard drive is a few steps beyond a simple deleting.  The “yoga” emails must hav...

  • July 14, 2016

    The attorney general impeachment quinella

    It is tough to make this bet on who comes in first and who comes in second in the Attorney General Impeachment Derby.   A quinella is a horse racing bet in which the wager must be placed selecting first and second place finishers in orde...

  • June 26, 2016

    'We reserve the right...'

    "We reserve the right" – what wonderful words.  They are on a par with "don't tread on me." The people of Britain rejected rule by plutocracy, at least in part, with the Brexit vote.  To help prove their rej...

  • June 3, 2016

    Outrageous violence against Trump rally attendees in San Jose

    Yesterday, following a Trump rally in San Jose, California, demonstrators became unpatriotic and violent. They wave the flag of a foreign country. They burn the American flag. They attack Trump supporters. Woman who supports Tru...

  • May 25, 2016

    Give us your tired, your poor, your unassimilated masses yearning for a handout

    Nothing remarkable here except the lack of outrage resulting from the lack of reporting. Michigan, and the Dearborn area in particular, is a beehive of Arab culture.  In this video, the federal financial subsidization of immigrants is melded ...

  • May 24, 2016

    It’s Too Late Hillary -- We Already Have Had a Female President.

    In her “60 Minutes” interview, Valerie Jarrett partially reveals the sway and power she possesses in the Obama White House.  The full disclosure of her power must wait for another time, perhaps in a “tell all” book, post ...

  • May 11, 2016

    The guidelines for federal coercion

    If the power to tax is the power to destroy, then what of the power to withhold federal funding for education or highways from the states from which the monies were originally extracted? "The power to tax is the power to destroy," wrote ...

  • April 23, 2016

    A Recasting of Our Currency to Promote a ‘New’ History

    Patrick J. Buchanan is an historian.  In his piece, “Dishonoring General Jackson”, Buchanan conjures up facts.  That is what historians do.  Regarding the recent proposal to put new faces on our currency, and noticing a ver...

  • April 20, 2016

    28 pages. And why not the truth?

    The 9/11 Commission’s unreleased 28 pages are apparently a truth that We, the People can’t handle. Fully aware of the ramifications of nations being sued for their actions and all the legal spin-offs and dovetailing that may come from ...

  • April 18, 2016

    Still waiting…the 'I'll look into that' game

    In the Samuel Beckett play, there are those gathered waiting for a man named Godot.  Godot never arrives.  Not one of my favorite narratives. I like when things that are incomplete become completed.  There is a satisfaction involved...

  • April 18, 2016

    The closed loop economy: Washington, DC and Wall Street

    “From Sea to Shining Sea” is only a reference to geography.  The concentration of money and its control is embedded in the arrangement among the Federal Reserve, the big banks, and the federal government.  George Gilder in hi...

  • April 16, 2016

    Fining the Banks

    Goldman Sachs has evidently bought their way out of jail, as did the others, with a headline billion-dollar settlement for financial wrongdoing leading up to the 2008 financial crisis. Case closed, we are told.  “The Residential ...

  • April 12, 2016

    Goldman Sachs pays Federal Government to Keep Its Partners from Jail

    Nice arrangement. Rob a bank. Get caught. Forced to put some of the money back, or rather, give money to the alleged watchdogs (Washington DC) for their pet projects. The headline reads, "Goldman Says U.S. Mortgage Settlement to Cost $5....

  • March 17, 2016

    Today's central banker is the medieval barber of yore

    It seems it is just never good enough for the Federal Reserve to normalize rates. The Federal Reserve has rewritten its federal mandate with its own hand.  There is no objection from the largest borrower in the world, the federal government o...

  • March 15, 2016

    Illegal alien criminals must be released after 6 months?

    The Washington Examiner reports: The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has released a study by Jessica Vaughn, director of policy studies at CIS. “ICE reported that there are 156 criminal aliens who were released at least twice by IC...

  • March 12, 2016

    Trump could pre-empt the field by filling his ticket and cabinet

    Donald Trump could pre-empt the field very quickly right at this moment. If Trump moves forward and promises appointments to his cabinet, he could slip into the presidential mold very quickly.  He could name Ben Carson as vice president ...

  • March 7, 2016

    The turning point of a nation? Socialist state count startling

    The forgotten question of this campaign season was asked by none other than Chris Matthews of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. What is the difference between a Democrat and a Socialist? Debbie was stumped, as were several others who were given...

  • March 6, 2016

    Trump’s Muslim Immigration Suspension Suggestion Not Without Precedent

    Are we there yet? The McCarran-Walter Act of 1952. Oh the outrage from the Left when Trump suggested a suspension of immigration from Muslim countries.  So often he was misquoted as the “temporarily” condition was usually omitted ...

  • March 4, 2016

    One month and counting on Hillary’s Goldman Sachs transcripts

    Hillary’s “welcoming” of the releases of her State Department emails, the ones that survived, took over a year.  How long for the Goldman Sachs transcripts?  And why more than one day?  It is coming up on one month...

  • February 29, 2016

    Brace yourself for the greatest prosecutorial discretion event in history

    As Barack Obama finishes his final year, his attorney general, in all likelihood, will execute the greatest instance of prosecutorial discretion in the history or our nation. Prosecutorial discretion refers to the fact that under American l...

  • February 25, 2016

    If San Bernardino had been an Apple Store...

    It's frustrating to want the entire story behind the FBI request for iPhone information and the Apple Tim Cook counter-argument for not granting the capability.  We get bits and pieces.  First it was one phone, then it was nine phones....

  • February 20, 2016

    Scandal at the Federal Reserve?

    The Austrian School of Economics would be quick to note that central planners create a condition in the marketplace, a moment where some “know” and some “don’t know” of a central planning decision.  It is one of the...

  • February 19, 2016

    Suddenly, law professors weighing in on presidential powers post-Scalia

    I had wondered where they were.  I wondered why there was so little commentary and "expert" analysis from the ivory towers about the Supreme Court and Executive powers issues over the past seven years. The university law departments...

  • February 18, 2016

    The left cares not to understand originalism

    Clarence Page has authored yet another errant piece.  In his Chicago Tribune article, “With Scalia Death, Your Vote Just Took on New Life,” he writes (emphasis added): Originalism, simply put, holds that the U. S. Constitution m...

  • February 15, 2016

    How poetic!

    For seven years, we have seen this president display a constant disregard for the process that is our three-branch system. From discouraging the enforcement of immigration law via executive directives and Department of Justice lawsuits hamstringin...

  • February 2, 2016

    Hillary email scandal: Feinstein moves the goal posts, raises many questions

    Dianne Feinstein officially weighed in on the Hillary email scandal with parsed and guarded words, some of which shift the focus and obviously were designed for Democrat primary impact. From her website, Dianne Feinstein, Senate Select Committee o...

  • January 30, 2016

    No, Bernie: The State Department emails are not 'personal'; they are 'national'

    Sometimes I just don’t understand how the liberal mind works.  What side of the brain are they using?  Either? Bernie Sanders, in a effort to be above the fray, to be the shining knight in a mud-slinging contest, has gone so far in...

  • January 29, 2016

    Negative interest rates resemble theft.

    “Who are these men?” That is a quote from a Paul Newman movie called “The Verdict”. It isn’t about Central Bankers setting interest rates, but it might as well be. Last night, the Bank of Japan (BOJ) went to a nega...

  • January 28, 2016

    An answer every conservative candidate should have at the ready

    The other day, a commentator asked a GOP candidate this simple question. “What is the federal government doing that it should not be doing?” The candidate did not have a ready answer and did a soft-shoe talking-point response that h...

  • January 25, 2016

    For some, the bank bailouts were a wonderful success

    “Goldman Sach’s Lloyd Blankfein officially became a billionaire in July, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. JPMorgan on Thursday announced that CEO Jamie Dimon's 2015 total compensation was $27 million — a 35% rais...

  • January 24, 2016

    Juxtaposing Hillary’s Antics to the Reality of National Security

    You won’t see Democrat candidates for President concern themselves with national security.  There will be no questions at the Democrat “debates” regarding the safety of the nation, the guarding of our borders or the guarding of...

  • January 20, 2016

    Robert Gates confirms Obama’s hubris and conceit

    No great revelations here for the suspecting observer of Barack Obama.  But crystal-clear confirmation of certain suspicions has been offered by Robert Gates, former secretary of defense to President Obama. Gates confirms in his book A Passio...

  • December 23, 2015

    Bowe Bergdahl's bondsman

    The odds are very high that Bergdahl, if found guilty of charges filed against him, will be relieved of his punishment by Barack Obama. The president will have a pocket full of pardons in about 12 months, and it is likely that in order to smooth o...

  • December 22, 2015

    Some Common Sense I Need to Hear From My Candidate

    1.  Why wages in this country don’t rise fast enough for some is a simple supply and demand issue. Labor numbers in this country are inflated by illegal and legal immigration, and by visas and overstayed visas. The aggregate swells th...

  • December 17, 2015

    A remarkable provision of the omnibus bill

    Senator John McCain is leading the charge against language in the omnibus bill that allows the continued use of Russian rockets in our space launchings of U.S. military satellites. In an article from Defense News: Senate Armed Services Commit...

  • December 3, 2015

    The San Bernardino shooting is America's fault, according to Obama

    Already, à la the Skip Gates-Officer Crowley rush to judgment, the president is quick to explain that these shootings happen more in the United States than in any other developed country.  He goes on to explain how our country needs tight...

  • November 27, 2015

    Poetry does not an immigration policy make

    During the immigration debates prompted by the coming election, the likes of Eleanor Clift and other liberal spokespersons often cite the poetry on the Statue of Liberty as confirmation that our nation is steeped in some type of open-door immigration...

  • November 25, 2015

    Ralph Nader scolds the Federal Reserve

    Ralph Nader has said what so many have been thinking, and he did so in a blunt and effective manner.  No mild glossing over here, no mincing of verbiage.  Nader rips the Federal Reserve chairwoman, her predecessor, and the entire arran...

  • November 19, 2015

    Loretta Lynch: Abuse of prosecutorial discretion and evasion of duty

    Prosecutorial discretion was first described to me thus: If a police officer catches ten people speeding, and the traffic court has the resources to prosecute only five, then those five who were most egregiously in violation of the speed limit wil...

  • November 4, 2015

    Obama ties another crowd to the leash

    As if he were a contestant at the Westminster Dog Show, President Obama tied the crowd to which he was speaking to an imaginary leash and trotted them around like a show dog.  The media then took the sound bites and clips and ran them on th...

  • October 31, 2015

    Hillary's nightmare. Bernie, what will it take?

    There was much discussion about Donald Trump and his possible third-party run.  The media loved discussing it, and one could sense they quietly hoped for it.  Sadly for the Democrats, Trump pledged not to spoil the Republican chances of vic...

  • October 29, 2015

    Boehner, Yellen, and bigger government

    Rand Paul sees it. Bond traders see it. The Federal Reserve policy of zero interest rates (ZIRP) tilts the scales and misallocates resources. In this matter of the two-year budget deal, spending is let loose and is free from the market disciplin...

  • September 25, 2015

    A Nation's Demise by its Own Design

    We are a loving nation, open armed and understanding.  But, as the inflow of foreigners entering our country threatens to accelerate and as our schools become less American, the teaching of American History is hitting new lows.  With the lo...

  • September 22, 2015

    GOP candidates should lock onto this topic

    The tax code is a giant complex problem with a giant complex solution.  But of nearly equal weight is the idiocy and built in budgeting process for the federal government that guarantees bigger government and bigger deficits. Base line budget...

  • September 22, 2015

    Ask Hillary about a Muslim president, and more

    Let us flip the tables.  Let us be fair.  Hillary should get the same "gotcha" questions that the GOP candidate get, like the Ben Carson question. Tell us, Hillary: now that you have probably prepped an answer (dodge) already, ...

  • September 21, 2015

    The Federal Reserve redefines itself, subtly

    The investment community is all for the hand-holding and propping of equity prices. They anoint themselves free marketers yet enjoy the central banking and central planning that adjust economic knobs to their liking, sans free market forces. ...

  • September 18, 2015

    Frozen Fed

    The Federal Reserve is frozen. Its recent decision and its convoluted reasoning suggests an inability to act. Janet Yellen and her team reach for tortured justifications to substantiate further zero interest rate policy. (ZIRP) Let us revisit the ...

  • September 11, 2015

    Democrats once again place party before country and duty

    Back in May of this year, the Senate voted 98 to 1 on a measure that allowed Congress to review a nuclear deal with Iran.  That would mean that roughly 44 Senate Democrats voted for the legislation at that point in time. Flash forward to toda...

  • September 6, 2015

    Obama dismissing the real reality

    With Jon Stewart retired and David Letterman off the air, media darling Barack Obama pursues other avenues by which to preen his ego.  This time the President has opted to be schooled in a reality survival television show in Alaska.  Thi...

  • September 3, 2015

    Should Government Employees be Allowed the Fifth Amendment Plea?

    “The Fifth Amendment says that “No person. . . shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself.” As the Supreme Court has long held, “The privilege afforded not only extends to answers that would in t...

  • August 31, 2015

    Time to resurrect 'Un-American Activities'?

    The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) was created in 1938 to investigate alleged disloyalty and subversive activities on the part of private citizens, public employees, and those organizations suspected of having Communist ties. An...

  • August 26, 2015

    A simple question for all the amnesty proponents

    There is a litany of GOP candidates who have put themselves in the warm and fuzzy imagery of allowing illegals to remain in the United States.  Former congressman Joe Walsh, now a conservative radio host, has made an astute observation.  Mr...

  • August 26, 2015

    A few questions for Jorge Ramos

    Jorge Ramos seemed bent on the disruption of Donald Trump’s media event in Iowa the other day.  He posed as a questioner, yet was more a distraction pushing a declarative.  He had a speech to make and a spectacle to create. Recall ...

  • August 24, 2015

    Federal Reserve foolishness coming due

    All one needs to do is turn to the financial shows and get a litany of “financial experts” blaming the Federal Reserve and its coming rate hike for the recent market break. They are incorrect.  The recent break in equity prices is...

  • August 21, 2015

    Hillary's email scandal will head for the bone yard, right there with the others

    The investigations and the scrutiny will have their effect.  A resignation here, a candidate choosing not to run there.  But no one will go to jail or be punished in the legal sense for the violations of law in Hillary Clinton’s use o...

  • August 21, 2015

    The Illusion of Inspection: Iran <em>and</em> our Department of Justice

    There will be inspectors who will inspect, with exceptions and limitations. What then, exactly, is gained other than an illusion?  We might as well roll dice over the phone.   We all read now about the absurdity of the Iranians ins...

  • August 19, 2015

    Is Playing Stupid a Good Tactic for a Candidate?

    Hillary is just a little too good at playing stupid.  “Wipe? You mean like with a cloth?” she says in answer to a question about her private email server.  She continued on to declare she doesn’t know much about the dig...

  • August 9, 2015

    Strange doings at the University of Illinois (updated)

    The Chicago Tribune reports: U. of I. released 1,100 pages of emails Friday on three hot-button issues, some of which would have been responsive to previous open records requests. The documents are related to Steven Salaita, the professor whose ...

  • August 3, 2015

    Loretta Lynch's Black Panther Moment

    Have we come to expect this now, of our United States Attorney Generals? The image is still emblazoned on my mind: those Black Panthers with billy clubs and paramilitary outfits confronting voters at a voting station.  Video, proof, and no ac...

  • August 1, 2015

    A seminal moment. Wasserman Schultz dumbfounded when asked about the difference between Democrats and Socialists

    Democratic National Committee Chairman Debbie Wasserman Schultz got a jolt of introspection, a quick glance at oneself, like walking by a picture window and being surprised by the reflection. Chris Matthews, bravely admitting that he once kne...

  • July 27, 2015

    Force Obama to veto a bill prohibiting sanctuary cities

    One day, or perhaps it has already occurred, the legal citizens of this country will realize that wage depression and job competition issues revolve around illegal immigration and overstayed visas. The crime statistics coming from Texas, the ...

  • July 17, 2015

    Contempt of Congress a new national pastime

    More over, baseball.  It seems contempt of Congress is becoming so commonplace that one must wonder, what is the penalty for contempt of Congress?  If there is a penalty, why the lack of implementation? This Republican-controlled Congres...

  • July 9, 2015

    Cognitive dissonance of the highest order

    Cognitive dissonance is defined as such: Anxiety that results from simultaneously holding contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes, beliefs, or the like, as when one likes a person but disapproves strongly of one of his or her habits. ...

  • July 7, 2015

    China's support for its markets and the Federal Reserve's lead

    China has announced that it is prohibiting IPOs (initial public offerings – i.e., companies going public) and has also created a fund to support the stock market. The fundamentals of economics are lost on the Chinese.  They, and the Fed...

  • July 6, 2015

    Governments, monopolies, and power

    Gone are the days of Teddy Roosevelt and his “trust busting.”  That was an old technique, grounded in good intentions.  It was held that competition was good, and that monopolies were bad, for they would inhibit competition. ...

  • July 4, 2015

    A Winning Quinella in a Bad Horse Race

    “In April 2014, Judicial Watch first obtained smoking-gun documents showing that it was the Obama White House’s public relations effort that falsely portray the Benghazi consulate terrorist attack as being “rooted in an Internet vid...

  • July 2, 2015

    Considering last week at the SCOTUS, George Mason would look good on a sawbuck

    Two hundred twenty-seven years ago, there were predictions of errors and usurpations by the Supreme Court. Hamilton, within Federalist #81, addressed the following concern. The errors and usurpations of the Supreme Court of the United States ...

  • July 1, 2015

    The tiny region that dominates

    Is one section of the country imposing its will upon the entire nation? In light of the recent SCOTUS rulings, one might ask, one might suspect, that there are regional and educational influences playing against the States, which diminish their co...

  • June 30, 2015

    Churches and their schools next target of the left

    Federal involvement seems to be the exploited niche of the motivated left.  For the tax code and the special tax treatments carved into the most complicated compilation in the Western world are what affords the activists their openings. The g...

  • June 30, 2015

    Elon Musk and SpaceX poor substitute for strong NASA

    It was always curious that President Obama had NASA on his radar so early in his administration.  Why would there be such a planned reduction in the support of NASA and a push to have it replaced by infant private-sector efforts? Recently, on...

  • June 27, 2015

    States lose big this week

    The Tenth Amendment reads: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. See anything in the Constitution about defining mar...

  • June 26, 2015

    The Supreme Court and the Self Expanding Powers of the Unelected

    The importance of Congress seems to be constantly diminished by the self expanding powers of other segments of our government. Interesting that these parts of our government that are garnering more power are loaded with the unelected. Appointed czars...

  • June 25, 2015

    Jim Webb gets it right as he breaks ranks with the fashion of the moment

    Jim Webb, Reagan’s former secretary of the Navy, former Virginia senator, and oft-mentioned Democrat candidate, gets it right regarding the great battle flag issue. You see, other than his political history, Jim is a historian.  I read ...

  • June 7, 2015

    Three nails in the middle-income family coffin

    We hear the term “middle class” often in this country, but it is a subliminal use of Marxist rhetoric.  There are no “classes” per se in this country, but the left would have you think otherwise.  Thus, I refer to...

  • May 27, 2015

    Like cattle before a thunderstorm

    There is an uneasiness.  As with cattle before a thunderstorm, there is a sense of the impending. Maybe it is because we all tend to expose ourselves to the same news outlets, the same websites.  Perhaps we are creating our own uneasines...

  • May 22, 2015

    Two for one: Higher inflation and higher unemployment from higher minimum wage

    With the organized push for higher minimum wage rates, Janet Yellen and the Federal Reserve must have mixed emotions.  For with the higher minimum wage will come higher real inflation.  That burger, that burrito, the clothes at the discount...

  • May 19, 2015

    Public 'servants' insulate themselves from the ill effects from that which they insist for others

    Our public “servants.”  They know what is best for us, and if it isn’t, well, they’ll be safe.  Forgotten now (it was years ago, dude) is that our elected representatives have their own health care, and they wish us ...

  • May 18, 2015

    Federal Reserve Implies Indirect Tax on Savings

    The net effect of keeping interest rates at zero while promoting inflation is a reduction in the value of savings.  If you have money in the bank, and interest rates are pegged at near zero and inflation is at the Federal Reserve’s desired...

  • May 13, 2015

    John Locke, the Fed, and the Constitution

    One might read “The Second Treatise of Government” to see how far we have drifted from the work John Locke authored on government, and the source from which Thomas Jefferson and James Madison drew wisdom.  The skeleton of a fair, rep...

  • May 7, 2015

    Federal Reserve is pushing on a string with a bulldozer

    Butterflies may flap their wings in Brazil, with the effect felt in Europe, but a string pushed by a bulldozer can sometimes merely produce a crooked string.  The velocity of money is the Federal Reserve’s crooked string. A simple calcu...

  • May 5, 2015

    The debt binge and the reckoning ahead

    Markets know.  Central bankers apparently don’t. When what was balanced becomes imbalanced, market forces push back.  Low prices cure low prices (increased consumption) as high prices cure high prices (increased production).  ...

  • May 5, 2015

    More Clinton word games

    Parsing.  The Kennedys played touch football.  The Clintons parse words. “I did not have sexual relations with that woman.”  Is that the truth?  That depends on what the meaning of “is” is.  Haven...

  • May 2, 2015

    The ominous push to federalize local police

    The new cause célèbre from the Left is typical: the answer to the violence in the urban areas of our nation is More Federal Government, It has been suggested that cities and states can no longer handle their policing duties. Of cours...

  • May 1, 2015

    The news cycle saveth

    Deny, deflect, but most of all delay. “You know, we never did find out what happened there, did we?” With the Baltimore rioting we bring the usual news triage, and the usual pushing down the line of scandalous stories.  Eventua...

  • April 27, 2015

    Janet Yellen, meet Isaac Newton

    The mutual admiration society of the Federal Reserve and their economists, nourished by theories from the ivory towers of academia flush with accolades and degrees, have created a mess.  An inextricable mess.  The stimulus has become the cr...

  • April 25, 2015

    Since the house is on fire, let us warm ourselves

    “Since the house is on fire, let us warm ourselves” is an old Italian proverb Our burgeoning debt, our loss of manufacturing, scandal upon scandal, government waste and fraud, and a decline in world stature all point to a slow and stea...

  • April 17, 2015

    You can't take it with you, or leave it

    Republicans are pushing for the repeal of the federal estate tax, as they should.  The responses from the Democrat/Progressives is revealing, to the point that it distills the nature of the inherent differences between conservatives and progress...

  • April 16, 2015

    In bed with the Fed: The 'unholy nexus'

    Zerohedge reports: The one TBTF (too big to fail) "bank" which unabashedly admits it is just a taxpayer backstopped hedge fund printing money for its owners (while supervising the NY Fed and all other central banks with various former ...

  • April 15, 2015

    Hobgoblins and little statesmen

    One of the first episodes of Obama’s pretend intellect was the 2001 NPR interview.  Barack spoke of his expertise regarding the Constitution, then proceeded to demonstrate he was not an “expert” at all.  It was subtle yet ...

  • April 1, 2015

    Senate majority leader admits lying to sway a presidential election

    We recall the then-Senate majority leader standing in the Senate chambers, speaking to a nation and on the Senate record, declaring that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney did not pay taxes. And now it is clear he was not only incorrect, but i...

  • March 28, 2015

    Rahm's airports, battleships, and favorite son blunders

    Rahm Emanuel, the “tiny dance” ex-ballerina mayor of Chicago, gave us all a peek into his knowledge about that city and his unbound affection for whom he called “Chicago’s favorite son,” Barack Obama. Rahm suggested t...

  • March 24, 2015

    Janet Yellen: The Chairwoman frozen in the headlights

    Carly Fiorina, in reference to Hillary Clinton’s travel record as a Secretary of State, offered that “Hillary must remember that activity is not accomplishment.”  We can make the same observation about Janet Yellen’s firs...

  • March 5, 2015

    Taking interest rates to less than zero would create a run on the banks.

    What is the mission here, exactly? The central bankers are distorting markets to the point that the intent of their actions must be questioned.  What are they trying to do? Are they trying to force all money into the stock market or into the ...

  • March 4, 2015

    Shame on the Chicago Tribune for printing this 'cartoon'

    Despite the fact that the Chicago Tribune presents an article speaking of the “ire” created by this alleged artist, his plagiary, and his awkward attempt to make himself relevant, the paper should not have reprinted this picture. T...

  • February 25, 2015

    Will auditing the Federal Reserve 'politicize' it?

    You will end up politicizing the Federal Reserve Board if you choose to begin auditing.  So says the chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, who wishes to remain operating behind the screen. The convenient leap made by Janet Yellen is that if audi...

  • February 23, 2015

    A former Virginia governor failed to follow the Clinton model

    Virginia’s ex-Governor Bob McDonnell and wife should have taken hold of the Clinton’s champagne glass and learned from the masters.  If they had been more driven, more nefarious, more diabolical, they could have merely followed the t...

  • February 22, 2015

    A Fair Question

    The negotiations with Iran seem to be an opaque procedure in a boastingly transparent administration.  Perhaps the delicacy and the international nature beg a level of secrecy. Perhaps.  There are those in Congress who believe the secrecy i...

  • February 20, 2015

    DHS shuns the label 'Islamic' extremists but is okay with 'Christian' extremists

    A quote from the Department of Homeland Security report issue April of 2009. “Antigovernment conspiracy theories and “end times” prophecies could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition, and weap...

  • February 18, 2015

    Holder the 'Coward' redux

    Attorney General in limbo, Eric Holder, in reference to the Islamic terrorists and their recent activities said, “We spend more time on ‘what do we call it’ as opposed to ‘what do you do about it’”. Seems like a...

  • February 6, 2015

    Whose history and whose talking points are these?

    This is the same president who in Cairo declared himself a student of history and  flaunted the “golden age” of Islam and its great contributions to European development.  Actual historians have a contrary view. And we keep g...

  • January 30, 2015

    The Bridge on the River Potomac

    There comes a point, a “Bridge on the River Kwai” moment, for those who enter into public service with the intent to serve the public, and then suddenly realize they are engaged in quite the contrary. I refer to the 1957 movie The Brid...

  • January 26, 2015

    A general holds another Obama military umbrella

    There is a breach in the fiduciary arrangement that is our national chain of command. Bowe Bergdahl left his post.  There has been testimony and investigation as to why.  A report has been written based on that testimony and investigatio...

  • January 14, 2015

    There is just something creepy about this administration and a certain religion

    There is something creepy, outré, bizarre, curious about the Obama administration’s reactions to violent Islamic events.  Pseudo intellects will offer that the President is above us all and understands on a different level.  Ma...

  • January 14, 2015

    Where will the next price implosion be?

    We have witnessed the price implosion of oil, and the subsequent decline in gasoline prices.  Is this the beginning of a trend, and what industry will admit and be subject to an inability to control its pricing structure? Cable television?...

  • January 11, 2015

    A White Al Sharpton?

    My first thought is a question, “Would he be invited to the White House multiple times?” Back in 2013, a man was killed by a police officer.  It was a mistake.  The officer did not want to kill the man, but the man died....

  • January 9, 2015

    Justice for terrorists must be swift and sure

    Why do they try to capture a terrorist?  Nidal Hasan’s shooting wasn’t videotaped, but his body count is two higher than the event in Paris.  Yet what of Major Hasan?  Swift justice?  Or "out of sight, out of mind...

  • January 9, 2015

    France and its 'fundamental transformation': indications of a country lost.

    Multiculturalism.  If you are against it, you must be a dolt, a non-intellect, a heathen stuck in some prior jingoistic era.  Embrace the concept.  Think of all the new restaurants, clothing, interesting people. But what of the newc...

  • January 5, 2015

    Hey, central banker: got a match?

    What tangled webs we weave when first we practice to manipulate free markets. Hey Janet, got a match? Like acrobats with balls in the air and plates spinning on sticks, the central bankers are attempting to understand why the theories aren...

  • January 2, 2015

    No Rush for a Zero Corporate Tax

    An opinion piece by John Steele Gordon in the Wall Street Journal proposes that many good things would come of reducing the corporate income tax to zero. I suggest there are many unforeseen ramifications of doing away with the corporate tax, and...

  • December 30, 2014

    What should we expect from a lame-duck liberal president?

    Power seeks more power.  And in our system of government, it is the executive branch that seems to be unbridled in this endeavor. There are different types of power, and it is imperative to understand not only the power, but the direction of ...

  • December 23, 2014

    Numerology for the central planners

    We will have $18 trillion in debt and an 18,000 Dow to end 2014.  What will we have for 2015’s end?  Looks like a 20,000 Dow and $20 trillion in debt.  And who could be against that? The correlation of these two metrics ...

  • December 21, 2014

    The Cost of Race Hustling

    Stirring emotions and wearing expensive suits before a fawning media with microphones and cameras has its countervailing effects.  Burning buildings and lost businesses are terrible material consequential losses. But of late, the deaths, the exe...

  • December 19, 2014

    The most powerful woman in the world without an army

    The most powerful woman in the world, without an army, just propelled the Dow Jones to a two-day 700-point spike by saying “patience.”  Janet Yellen said the Federal Reserve, the quasi-agency that neither is “federal” nor...

  • December 19, 2014

    Beyonce now free to travel Cuba

    Thank you Barack.  What a wonderful favor for your friend.  Now Beyonce won’t have to go through the “was it legal, was it not” when she travels to Cuba.  Was that the driving force and clever diplomatic foreign polic...

  • December 17, 2014

    An Excuse for Russian Bellicosity from Oil Cartel Collapse

    Vladimir Putin is thinking.  His country is on the cusp of economic turmoil.  The Russians, in an attempt to support their currency, have raised their interest rates to 17%.  The Russian money tree, oil-exporting, is dying.  Th...

  • December 17, 2014

    Elizabeth Warren's broken clock

    They say a broken clock is right twice a day.  With Elizabeth Warren, it might be just once a day.  But let us celebrate the singular occasion. Senator Warren was “on fire” as she correctly pointed to the ridiculous last-minu...

  • December 10, 2014

    While We Are at It

    The Obama administration mantra has been “we don’t want to create more terrorists.” This is true only to the point at which the Democrats must be forced to decide to maintain that position, or take a convenient parthian shot at t...

  • December 8, 2014

    Senator Warren and President Obama, Meet John Steinbeck

    In his masterpiece East of Eden, Mr. Steinbeck reveals, through a literary back door, some of his beliefs.  Chapter 13 is short but powerful.  I have applied some of those beliefs to the currents of thought promoted over the past six years ...

  • December 8, 2014

    Gruber and group identification 101

    You people over there, you’re stupid. You people over here, well you’re haters. Jonathan Gruber apparently is dripping in certitude and victimhood.  Aren’t these the two paramount characteristics of a progressive?  M...

  • December 6, 2014

    18 and 18: Coincidence?

    Twenty-four hours in a day lining up with 24 cans of beer in a case is a good comical coincidence (or is it?). Here is another numerical coincidence that is more disconcerting than comical.  The Dow Jones is at 18,000 just as the national deb...

  • November 27, 2014

    All Cartels Eventually Fail

    Much in the vein of Lincoln’s declaration that you can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time (or for very long), central planning must economically fail. Witnes...

  • November 25, 2014

    Al Sharpton and the next AG

    Business Insider offers this… The Rev. Al Sharpton said his civil rights organization, the National Action Network, is "engaged in immediate conversations" with the White House as they work to name a successor to Attorney G...

  • November 23, 2014

    Where are the Law Departments of the 'great' Universities?

    We have seen, on certain media outlets, the repeated declarations by the President, that in the past he recognized that he did not have the authority to write law or circumvent Congress. No where to be found during these past declarations were the...

  • November 1, 2014

    Deflationary Effects of Illegal Immigration

    The “economists” from the ultra-liberal institutions can’t connect these dots, apparently. Just as the law departments of these ivory-tower institutions were mute on Obama’s castigations of the Supreme Court and his ever-ex...

  • October 31, 2014

    Janet Yellen Can See the Future if She Dare to Look

    The Federal Reserve has the luxury, if it would so indulge, of seeing the future.  All that is needed is to witness the gyrations Japan’s economic planners are spinning to see exactly where the United States is heading Central planning,...

  • October 19, 2014

    Illinois' Last Chance?

    It is remarkable that there are still those who choose to invest time and money into attempting to rectify that which appears to be politically irretrievable and out of reach.  It is as if a car mechanic was trying to fix a car from outside the ...

  • October 18, 2014

    Curious Calls for Help from Federal Reserve

    As the stock market whips around and trims the yearly gains to zero, the talking heads are calling for the Federal Reserve to “do something.” “Markets looking for another lifeline from the Fed”  “Based on th...

  • October 17, 2014

    Liberalism just not up to the task anymore

    As the cinematic director said, “Once more, with feeling.”  And, this is what we get from liberalism.  Optics, and feelings.  (No wonder Hollywood is liberal.) It is often observed that liberalism is steeped in feelings ...

  • October 7, 2014

    Pigs Go Airborne

    I saw a few pigs fly by my office window, so I knew something was up. I don’t watch Bill Maher, by intelligent choice, but when I went to my news sources, I was soon inundated with clips from his "debate" with Ben Affleck. Poor ...

  • October 7, 2014

    Isn't the CDC head Thomas Frieden supposed to be working on behalf of </em>Americans?</em>

    Confronting the criticism of his tactics, Center for Disease Control head Thomas Frieden posted comments and defense of his chosen course on his blog. What seems a hot point is Dr. Frieden’s dismissal of what has commonly been the first defe...

  • October 5, 2014

    When the Fulcrum Collapses

    We now witness the unfolding of the promised transformation of our country by Barack Hussein Obama.  Having promised action but not direction with platitudinal rhetoric of transformation, hope and change, the final product is now in sight. ...

  • October 5, 2014

    Dick Durbin's wife discovered to be a Lobbyist

    The Chicago Tribune headlines that Dick Durbin’s wife is a lobbyist, and that there may have been instances in which her clients received federal funding.  We are quickly told that this was just a coincidence (and that our fly is open). ...

  • October 5, 2014

    Are You Dumber than you were Four Years Ago?

    If you are part of the roughly 40% that still think that the President is doing a fine job, the answer would be yes. If you are indeed one such person, you seemed to have missed the mountain of empirical and evidentiary missteps and agency failure...

  • September 22, 2014

    How Many Straws?

    The act of impeachment has been in recent discussion. The clever move would be to focus the discussion on the attorney general rather than the president. The attorney general has provided incident after incident of his politicization of the Departmen...

  • September 19, 2014

    The end of market rate interest

    Here are some Cookies for you.  And you.  And you.  Grandma has been baking all day. Would you like some tea? Interest rates will remain historically low for the coming years.  Return on savings and interest-bearing securities ...

  • September 19, 2014

    The money in pro sports attracts the lawyers

    Angry at your former NFL NBA boyfriend, ex husband?  Lawyer up!  Lawyers find money, or is it the other way around?  Regardless, there has been discovery and a nexus. Here we go.  Many thought the concussion issue would be the ...

  • September 17, 2014

    Centers for Disease Control Quiet about Open Border Policy. Why?

    Who is telling the Centers for Disease Control to stand down on illegal immigration? Making certain that nefarious diseases do not enter our country should be integral to the workings of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).  For logic would...

  • September 17, 2014

    United States Military Action in Syria. A Cocktail for Disaster? A Trap?

    According to the New York Times, Obama senses the possibility of Syria firing on US planes as they conduct ISIS strikes in Syria.  It is likely somebody will shoot at them, and it is likely that who did the shooting will be up for debate. ...

  • September 13, 2014

    Exactly how much 'training' does the Iraq military need?

    We are to send young men to Iraq to train those who can’t be trained, or who have not been trained by others.  We just left behind hundreds of millions of dollars in structures, weapons and armaments. The US Military has been training I...

  • September 11, 2014

    They aren't who they say they are, really.

    It has been said that “All wars are religious.”  In some instances this point is difficult to make. But in so many others, it is glaringly obvious. To suggest that religion is not integral to the current conflicts in the Mideast is f...

  • September 9, 2014

    Cameron's Common Sense

    Citizens who leave our country to embrace those who wish us harm forfeit their citizenship. No more passport, and no, you can’t come back in.  (Oops, that would require a secure border!) If we drone-attack, or if a “reported...

  • September 9, 2014

    Rep. Luis Gutierrez keeps the low information voters misinformed

    I seriously wonder if Mr. Gutierrez knows he is not telling the truth and merely is saying what he hopes is true.  Either way, the truth becomes victim, once again.  Journalists where art thou? “President Obama, in the last 5 yea...

  • September 7, 2014

    Thanks for the Warning, Mr. President

    Put this interview in a time capsule and stow it away. Open it in the future, hopefully a future in which the thinking and the analytic will smirk and shake their heads at the nature of this interview and the lame responses from “the President...

  • September 4, 2014

    Stock Markets: A Managed Affair?

    There is no other place to put your money. Investors from around the world are parking their money in the United States stock market.  The economy is rebounding.  All this may be true.  But is it not also true that the “stock ...

  • September 2, 2014

    Funding Terrorists via Bailouts

    Bloomberg notes, “The insurance law, enacted after the 2001 attacks, authorizes the government to provide financial support for insurance companies in the wake of terrorism. It is up for renewal this year. Under TRIA, insurers cover a fixed amo...

  • August 20, 2014

    The Anti Riot Act. One more law unenforced by this administration.

    Inciting a riot is against the law.  Crossing state lines to incite riots exacerbates the violation of the law breaking.  Yet the President and the Attorney General don’t mention this law-breaking.  We begin to see where exactly ...

  • August 20, 2014

    Our Federal servants are sheltered from the effects of their own actions

    Well-discussed and revealed is the arrangement our federal system has arrived at wherein those who pass legislation are not necessarily bound to its constraints and effects.  Notable are the securities insider trading laws and the health insu...

  • August 18, 2014

    Christie, then Perry. But not Cuomo.

    Selective outrage is nothing new. It rides on the back of selective news coverage. We had the Chris Christie  Fort Lee bridge incident. Was it ever proven that Christie ordered the draconian lane closures? It certainly was sugg...

  • August 18, 2014

    Holder to the Supreme Court?

    It may appear a lateral move. Ginsberg out, Holder in. But how many unwelcome foreign objects can the Supreme Court “punch bowl” take. Holder could be a floater in that bowl, and likely to be a lifetime one at that. Words fail in attem...

  • August 13, 2014

    Looting. Celebration or Protest?

    Name the team. They win the NBA Championship. Police cars are overturned and set ablaze.  Stores are broken into and looted. Yet when an unarmed man appears to be wrongfully shot and subsequently dies, as in Ferguson MO, police cars are ov...

  • August 13, 2014

    A Nameless Hero.

    I couldn’t find his name in any of the reports.  He was lifting Yazidis survivors off the mountain where so many were stranded.  He had made at least one trip already that day and had come back for more people.  Those he left beh...

  • August 12, 2014

    Dragging the Country through Undesirable Territory.

    Are We in a World Without Rules? And when did it all begin?  It didn’t used to be this way.  It could have been with the O J Simpson verdict, vindicated despite blood evidence and an attempted escape.  The jury seemed to take ...

  • August 11, 2014

    Fore Left! What goes around...and other ironies

    If ISIS commits a heinous attack on the United States, as they promise, will Barack Obama be forced to initiate his own military insertion, boots and all, into the mid east in response to that attack?  Won’t that be history repeating itsel...

  • August 9, 2014

    We have officially picked a side in a Religious War

    I must offer this premise. There is no easy way out nor an easy path to follow.  But we are indeed down a path, one that attacks the Sunni backed ISIS.  We now have picked sides in a religious war. What must be realized in this region of...

  • August 5, 2014

    I guess you droned some 'folks' too, Mr. President

    Folks.  Ross Perot was lambasted for using the term.  Now the president uses it as often as the “you can keep…” and “period” verbiage.  As always and forevermore, it is not what is said, but who says it. ...

  • August 4, 2014

    Are you losing your state university? Illinois has

    The big business of education is forever altering the state university systems around the country.  They have become vessels of profit and enrichment for some, and are steadily distancing themselves from the citizenry of the home state. Hidin...

  • August 1, 2014

    Obama's synthetic victimhood

    “Can you believe it?  Now they want to sue me for trying to help you!” Milton Freidman once stated that “sincerity” is an overrated virtue.  Being sincere doesn’t mean you are correct, or that what you a...

  • July 30, 2014

    A couple of questions for amnesty supporters

    1.  What is wrong with having a measured and monitored immigration policy backed with the proper legislation? If the answer is “nothing," then it certainly is something we should implement and enforce But wait.That is what is curre...

  • July 28, 2014

    Curious Imagery

    Don’t kid yourself. Every move is calculated for impact. Thus we are free to measure exactly what imagery has been decided to be put forth by the Obama Administration and the consequential end results. Meet the spokespeople, spokes...

  • July 28, 2014

    What Margaret Thatcher Missed

    The “Iron Maiden."  She was the staunch and sturdy leader of Great Britain who once held up F. A. Hayek’s masterwork “Road to Serfdom” and declared “This is what we believe in.” Hayek’s work is a...

  • July 27, 2014

    Obama's Parthian Tactics

    Obama is now riding backward on his horse and firing arrows at his opposition.  His poll numbers plummet, and the word “impeachment” can be heard.  He likely will stay mounted in this fashion for the next two years. The Parth...

  • July 21, 2014

    Exporting Corporate Headquarters and Importing Broken Families

    There is a phenomena based on quirky tax policies that have fostered in an era of formerly United States based corporations moving their headquarters and thus their tax status from the United States to such locales as Ireland. The reason is lowe...

  • July 17, 2014

    Breaking decorum and procedure

    When one examines the much referred to “rules for radicals," it is revealed that these “rules” are nothing more than a rude departure from intellectual debate.  These rules do not speak of making cogent points or salient a...

  • July 16, 2014

    A Quick Stroll Down Memory Lane with Obama. Seven Lies in Two Minutes.

    A quick and reflective stroll down memory lane.  The slick orating, teleprompter reading, public misleading new face in politics in full bloom in this video from the archives. I will make our government open and transparent…..that o...

  • July 15, 2014

    The ramifications of an open border begin to hit home

    Could declining real estate values in the Southwest be the canary in the cage? As suggested in this article, imbalances might be occurring in the real estate market in Phoenix AZ. Demand has been much weaker since July 2013. The slight recove...

  • July 13, 2014

    Rebutting Obama

    Speaking to a crowd that was “invitation” only, and taking on a revival meeting air, the President engaged in his favorite political pastimes of blaming others and issuing half truths.  If we had an inquisitive and analytical jour...

  • July 12, 2014

    Illinois attempt to stop corruption short-circuited by DoJ

    Maybe DoJ stands for Delaying of Justice. One more investigation designed, allegedly, to get to the bottom of the issue, has been launched by the Obama DoJ.  This time, in Illinois, the bastion of Democrat games and finances, a bald-faced del...

  • July 12, 2014

    Thief Sandy Berger emerges from his dungeon

    On July 11, Maria Bartiromo dragged the criminal Sandy Berger out of his rightful dungeon to be her mid east expert. Shame Shame Shame. This Mr. Sandy Berger stole items from the National Archives. He lied about the incident.  And he was g...

  • July 7, 2014

    The attention getter regarding the recent eruption of illegal immigration? Money.

    Banks hold the mortgages on properties in these border states.  They should be very concerned with this border issue and the apparent uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants.  If people flee, if people decide to move from the southern sec...

  • July 6, 2014

    There are 50 Stars on that flag, not just one big one

    Those in the federal government seem to desire and promote the steady creep of federal powers over their intended balance to State rights.  Since Obama’s election and during the reign of Eric Holder as Attorney General, a clever game of la...

  • July 1, 2014

    Enough of the Obama as 'constitutional lawyer' schtick

    We are told, once again, that President Obama is an expert in the Constitution and that he is a “constitutional lawyer.” I await his written works on the topic. The White House says "the constitutional lawyer in the Oval Office ...

  • June 30, 2014

    Cicero's 'great appealer', or Mencken's 'moron', or Both?

    Two pertinent observations provided centuries apart. From Marcus Tullius Cicero: "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known...

  • June 28, 2014

    'Please don't rob a bank with a gun.' Obama's Illegal Immigration attitude revealed.

    President Obama has asked the Central Americans not to send their children to our borders “unaccompanied”.  Implicit is the suggestion that accompanied is just fine.  “Please don’t rob a bank with a gun.”...

  • June 28, 2014

    Stripping disposable income from the middle class

    It has long been acknowledged that taxing the private and corporate sectors removes money from the economy and places it at the disposal and direction of the public or government sector.  This dampens free market activities. The government is le...

  • June 27, 2014

    Is the Federal Reserve Directly Controlling the Stock Market?

    Is the Federal Reserve directly controlling the stock market?  I do not ask this question with reference to policy or open market operations.  I suggest the Federal Reserve is micro managing the stock market just as they have now micro mana...

  • June 14, 2014

    Countries Drawn Up on a Bar Napkin

    The Treaty of Paris, 1919. After much contested and intense deliberation, the resolution of how the peace would be applied to Europe post-WWI was decided.  Labored and protracted, the deliberations wore down the triad of David Lloyd George (U...

  • June 11, 2014

    Feeding the Monster

    This administration is bending over backwards to ease the pain of student loan debt management.  Perhaps they should curtail the ever increasing cost of education. To forgive or give special allowances for student debt will be to perpetuate t...

  • June 5, 2014

    Propping up the Markets on the backs of Savers

    In an effort to push money out into the economy for loans and economic activities, the ECB has moved to drastic measures, negative interest rates. Once again the anointed “central planners” get this wrong. Drastic indeed.  Confisc...

  • May 28, 2014

    Obama Meets Congressional Resistance, Selectively Sulks

    It worked.  And somehow, the man who is the alleged expert on the Constitution did not perceive that the mechanism of the bicameral Congress and the three branches of government would impede reckless agendas.  It worked. Mr. Obama seems ...

  • May 26, 2014

    Hypocrisy on Memorial Day

    I wonder how the school superintendents and principals that sent Johnny home from school because he wore a United States flag on his t-shirt spend their Memorial Day? Certainly it is some type of compensated vacation day in which they eat a f...

  • May 24, 2014

    'You're a conservative, aren't you?'

    I think we have all had this encounter: a kind of condescending jab, suggesting a non-chic, misguided, non-intellectual train of thought possessed by a non-progressive-thinking person.  “You’re a conservative, aren’t you?...

  • May 22, 2014

    The Fed has Built a Bomb

    We have turned the Free Market over to the Federal Reserve and they have replaced it with a bomb.  Meddling academics floundering in a mutual admiration society cleverly expanding their impacts and powers over our economic system.  As th...

  • May 20, 2014

    The Quiet Sesquicentennial of the War between the States

    Not much media coverage, not much fanfare, not much reflection.  A war that carved over 600,000 lives from the nation when the nation’s population was just 31 million.  To compare, that would equate to a loss of life in today’s ...

  • May 19, 2014

    Think Tank Question: Russia is to the Ukraine as China is to what?

    Embolden and agitated, but agitated by actions initiated by themselves.  Clever ploys? No. History is rife with staged provocations. Gulf of Tonkin, the Panay, the opening shots of the Mexican War, and the Greer incident in 1941.  Of lat...

  • May 13, 2014

    Punishing the Prudent. Rewarding the Irresponsible.

    The European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has mentioned the possibility of using a negative interest rate to stimulate the European economy.  Remarkable.  “The potential move by the world’s biggest custody bank comes...

  • May 11, 2014

    Market Discipline and the Glaring Correlation that Bernanke and Yellen Ignore

    In a distant galaxy, in a land far away governed by the law of economics, an increase in supply would have a resultant effect on price.  More of something would reduce the price of that something.  Hence, more debt sold via bonds and notes ...

  • May 8, 2014

    'The world (that would be us) seems to disappoint him'

    “The World Seems to Disappoint Him.’ Says Obama biographer David Remnick, an Obama biographer and the editor of the New Yorker. The problem, looked at another way is thus.  He has miscalculated the realities of the real world....

  • May 5, 2014

    Dems Anxious for the Truth yet Boycotting Congressional Investigatory Committee.

    What could be a greater display of partisanship and a fear of the truth than to boycott the special committee on Benghazi? “There are none so blind as those who will not see”….or look.   And now the Democrats attempt t...

  • May 4, 2014

    Let Two More be 'Botched'

    “You come down to Texas and kill someone, we will kill you right back.”  Ron White, comedian As in all comedy, there is a strong element of truth to the poignancy.  Swift and decisive, retributive and final, cautionary to oth...

  • May 3, 2014

    Space programs: Relying on the Russians, a blind eye to the Chinese

    Our country’s military’s missile capabilities are partially dependent on technologies developed via our space program which of late is further heavily reliant on Russian engine technology.  Additionally, our astronauts, or is that si...

  • May 3, 2014

    And When the Feds Lie To You?

    Benghazi misdirections for political purposes; Obamacare’s doctor and plan retention; Obamacare’s promised cost per family savings; Fast and Furious stonewalling; and the IRS political attacks.  What do they all have in common? Lying...

  • May 1, 2014

    Laying open the soul of the NBA

    Finally.  The National Basketball’s allegiance to high ethical standards has been revealed and now is inscribed to stone. There is no room for racial slurs, intolerance, blah blah blah. Mr. Sterling is banned for life.  This seems ...

  • April 27, 2014

    Swan Lake or Lake Michigan?

    Here is what the world needs: another “staged” reality show.  Also, another item we are in dire need of: a mainstream media outlet slobbering over a Democrat operative.  Our prayers and wishes have been answered yet again. Ch...

  • April 26, 2014

    Following the Setting Sun

    Japan is way ahead of us, and we should notice.  The Japanese central bank broke trail in 2001 and locked itself into the mentality that a Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP) would be the solution to their economic woes.  Bernanke and the Fede...

  • April 23, 2014

    Yellen proposes taxing savings at 2% a year until further notice

    What?  She did? Yes she did.  She ….She has decided … yes, She has decided that a 2% inflation rate is just the answer to our economic troubles.  And She has also decided that zero interest rates are here to stay for a...

  • April 7, 2014

    Putin's next gambit?

    There are 32 months to go.  Then there will be another President of the United States. This is the window for Obama and Holder to jam all they can through the system, Congress and Law be damned.  Enforce some laws, alter others, and igno...

  • April 5, 2014

    The other currency, Food Stamps

    As we sit and watch prices rise in the food sector rise, we must all draw comfort from the fact that the price rises aren’t real, that the Federal Reserve removes the unwelcomed realities from their metrics. The number of people on food stam...

  • April 4, 2014

    The Mendacity of the Fed and the Ruination of Capitalism

    David Stockman tells it like it is.  In his interview and from his articles posted on his website, “Contra Corner”, Mr. Stockman gives the cold hard and politically incorrect version of what the Federal Reserve is up to in all its mi...

  • April 2, 2014

    'Bad optics' for gun control advocates

    Who better to push the pendulum to the wall on the idiocy of casual gun imagery than Uncle Joe? Please take note all you grade school bureaucrats that defend your positions and pensions by over reacting to little kids forming their hand as a p...

  • April 1, 2014

    Is Yellen Howlin' mad?

    “Yellen said today (yesterday) the Fed hasn’t done enough to combat unemployment even after holding interest rates near zero for more than five years and pumping up its balance sheet to $4.23 trillion with bond purchases.” A thirsty man doesn’t ne...

  • March 31, 2014

    60 Minutes details what everyone in the industry knew...except the SEC

    “The stock market is rigged.” The arrangement that “for profit” exchanges had seemingly struck with high frequency traders was no real secret. Wire into the network, beat the orders by a nano second, front run the flow. If ...

  • March 30, 2014

    Bilingual Nations: Language as a pretense for invasion.

    History has many examples of language and culture being used as a pretense for invasion. Of late, Putin’s reasoning for invading Crimea contained some type of ordained responsibility to protect Russian speaking people.  This follows the...

  • March 28, 2014

    College athletes and Unions

    College sports are big money. No secret there.Athletic department inflows are enormous pots of gold.  Here is some data, taken from a Forbes article of late detailing just the Football monies.   Total Fo...

  • March 26, 2014

    The most powerful woman in the world

    Janet Yellen is now the most powerful women in the world without an army. She heads the under defined “shadow” branch of the United States government.  Under her control is the cost of money and thus the valuation of assets. ...

  • March 25, 2014

    Give us your 'Huddled Masses, Gangsters, and FSB'

    And what of our “other” illegal immigration problem? Our exposed vulnerabilities enhanced by lax immigration enforcement might become a national security issue from a different direction. In the mood of the “reset," we have ...

  • March 10, 2014

    A Boneheaded Administration

    “There were some boneheaded decisions made.” Oh… okay. That explains it.  On to the next question.  As George Will notes, and I suggest, if only the next question had been , “if all the “boneheaded” d...

  • March 8, 2014

    'Change is Novelty'

    So attractive is the notion. Change. Clever, one word political directive. What is missing is the complicated, curiously undisclosed, direction of the notioned “change”. I offer a quote from Edmund Burke ( 1729-1797, political theor...

  • March 6, 2014

    Free Lois Lerner!

    Looks like Lois is headed for arrest and jail time for contempt of Congress. Are we far from the “Free Lois” bumper stickers? Representative Cummings went apoplectic when Issa closed the proceedings shortly after Lois refused to tes...

  • March 3, 2014

    Putin's Gambit: A History Lesson.

    “We must protect the Russian speaking people in Crimea” and the Ukraine…Putin. “We must protect the German speaking people in the Sudetenland”  and Czechoslovakia…Hitler. Look familiar?  Ga...

  • March 2, 2014

    Half a League, Half a League, Half a League onward rode the Obama Foreign Policy Team.

    Trapped.  The Fedioukine  Hills to one side and the Causeway Heights to the other. At one end of this box is the British cavalry represented by British dragoons and dragoon guards. At the other awaits Russian artillery and cavalry. Ch...

  • March 1, 2014

    A Familiar Pattern

    Friedrich A. von Hayek was an Austrian and British economist and philosopher known for his defense of classical liberalism, prior to the term "liberal" being corrupted to its current meaning. Hayek maintained that free-market capitalism and the infor...

  • February 27, 2014

    Author of Deadlines, Keeper of None

    “The U.S. has now shot so many rhetorical arrows that its quiver of indignation is empty — and the world’s troublemakers may know it. An administration that ignores almost all of its own Obamacare deadlines surely cannot expect othe...

  • February 26, 2014

    Ignoring Collective Wisdom

    Corrupted by flattery and a ranking member of the mutual admiration society, Mr. Obama rides his “unicorn of intellect” through these next few years, the balance of his second term. His “punch list” is now being implemented wi...

  • February 13, 2014

    An Executive Order that Hurts

    Here is another "red line" for the president. After endless and lawless tweaking and rewriting the Affordable Care Act aka ObamaCare, there now can be a definitive declaration of a group being harmed. Employers with 50 to 99 employees have been give...

  • February 13, 2014

    The Whimsical Application of the Supremacy Clause

    There is a strange wisdom in a substantial and sustained movement required to exert legal efforts to transform one's wants into law.  The movement's validity must sustain itself and convince others of its merits before formal codification. ...

  • February 12, 2014

    Hereditary Democracy?

    Thomas Paine once said, "Hereditary government violates the rights of the governed." Of course Paine referred to the likes of monarchs and generational rule by birth.  However, is our current condition so distant?  Birth alone may not occ...

  • February 12, 2014

    Bob Costas seeing Red. Or is it Dorian Gray?

    The "sports announcer," amateur political commentator, and sage of current affairs has pinkeye.  Actually he has pink eyes. In the book The Picture of Dorian Gray, Mr. Gray's portrait was altered as he wove and spun his mischief. ...

  • February 11, 2014

    The Missing 43 Million

    During the misinformation campaign that launched Obamacare we were told that 46 million Americans were in desperate need of health insurance. This was the noble reason for the Federal Government to take over 1/6th of the US economy. This was the huma...

  • February 9, 2014

    Subsidies will set you free

    If you are making an income that is low enough, you are entitled to a substantial health insurance subsidy.  But don't seek any more income, for it may cost you dearly.  Stay put, be static.  If for example, you are making 29K a year, ...

  • February 9, 2014

    Putin's Cat and Mouse game...and he's not he Mouse.

    Some saw it immediately.  The Putin resolution to the Syrian chemical weapons "red line crossing" was a finesse by the astute upon the unwitting.  Obama was short term released from the little box into which he had placed himself. The relie...

  • February 9, 2014

    Failing to 'Sign Up' Part 2

    With the Affordable Care Act, we have witnessed what happens when theory deflects off the hard surface of reality.  Like magnets with the same polarity, they never quite meet, but naturally push themselves apart with an invisible force. "The y...