James Lewis

James Lewis

  • Is the Ayatollah Delusional?

    November 6, 2024

    Is the Ayatollah Delusional?

    History is filled with entire nations following leaders who were becoming increasingly delusional due to age or illness. The Iranian absolute ruler of today, Ali Khamenei, is now 85, and while he might be sharp as a tack, he could also be so deeply e...

  • Tim Walz vs. the truth

    October 5, 2024

    Tim Walz vs. the truth

    An "impulse" is a sudden, involuntary desire. A compulsion is a long-term, highly repetitive habit that can be pathological if it "does harm to self or others." "Impulsive" and "compulsive" are not th...

  • Shakespeare saw the malevolence behind Kamala’s and Tim’s manic laughs

    August 16, 2024

    Shakespeare saw the malevolence behind Kamala’s and Tim’s manic laughs

    Throughout Western history, myth creators, playwrights, and actors have understood the value of a real laugh and the danger of a fake one. When it comes to Kamala’s cackle and Tim’s manic laugh, we aren’t looking at joy; we’re...

  • Death fears of the Democrats

    June 7, 2024

    Death fears of the Democrats

    Nearly everyone is afraid of dying, and atheists may be more vulnerable than traditional people.  When we get older, the end of life can become something of an obsession, and despairing people can attribute their own fears to some popular s...

  • Who runs the American agitprop machine?

    April 28, 2024

    Who runs the American agitprop machine?

    “First, conquer the organs of propaganda,” wrote Karl Marx, who was a genius mob agitator and nothing else.  Mob agitators were already a kind of specialty in Prussia, Poland, Russia, and Eastern Europe, but Marx wrote the instr...

  • August 30, 2023

    The Democrats are Dixiecrats -- again

    The Democrats who ran the segregationist South were called Dixiecrats. Anybody who knows that today has to be wondering "where have I seen these Democrats before?" Because the Dems are back to that old Dixiecrat song again, only...

  • August 21, 2023

    Vivek's two duds

    I like Vivek Ramaswamy very much, because he is bright and talented and has good ideas — except for two bad ideas, both having to do with small but formidable long-time U.S. allies, which would be Israel and Taiwan.  Vivek wants to du...

  • August 1, 2023

    Lose Ukraine? Lose Poland, Germany, France?

    Vladimir Putin is restoring the tsarist empire, in good part because Kievan Rus was the source of Muscovite Rus.  The Russian Orthodox Church traces its history to Kiev.  The Russian and Ukrainian languages are very similar, and o...

  • July 26, 2023

    The pope versus the past

    At the end of the movie Amadeus, Mozart is shown on his deathbed, frantically trying to complete his Requiem Mass, a work that may be more beloved around the world than ever before, three centuries later. "Requiem" means "may t...

  • June 24, 2023

    Freud vs. wokism

    Sigmund Freud was a lifelong conservative, but American conservatives tend to misunderstand that.  This misunderstanding robs us of a big weapon in the culture wars. If Freud were alive today, he would be an anti-woke warrior. Woke ideol...

  • June 9, 2023

    A sex-addicted regime

    Sex addicts live for their next kick, do it today for sure and right now if possible — and they always need bigger and bigger kicks. Medical people have long thought that the specific triggers for bigger kicks don't matter much. ...

  • May 20, 2023

    Soros is a lifelong antisemite

    George Soros is one of the strangest persons ever to achieve power and celebrity, in my opinion.  Because he is genetically Jewish, any public criticism of Soros is instantly followed by attack-dog howling by the leftist media, because Soro...

  • April 17, 2023

    Biden is losing the Middle East

    Joe Biden has been unbelievably wrong-headed and disastrous in his Middle East policy, so that the U.S. has now been excluded from the new hegemony, the Chinese-Russian-Saudi-Iranian "anti-Abraham Accords."  For the first time in ...

  • April 4, 2023

    Biden hands the Middle East to China

    While the United States has been hypnotized by our domestic battle of Biden versus Trump, China has made a major move in the Middle East. It has negotiated an alliance of convenience between those thousand-year enemies, the Saudis and Ir...

  • March 24, 2023

    Is woke Marxism made in China?

    The current period is very much like the Stalin period, when Moscow had enormous hidden power in the U.S. and Europe. Now Moscow is down, and Beijing is up. Why would they change the playbook? Marx: First, CONQUER THE ORGANS OF PROPAGAN...

  • March 23, 2023

    The woke have a sadistic streak

    Psychologists have now found good evidence for Sadistic Personality Disorder, a fact that the rest of us could have told them a long time ago. Hitler set his audiences roaring with laughter at his favorite scapegoats, and Karl Marx, a ferocious hater...

  • March 10, 2023

    Kamala Harris may suffer from aphasia

    Kamala Harris's verbal utterances are bizarre, repetitive, and often not completed.  She starts a sentence and then loses the thread.  See Matt Vespa in Townhall, especially her "explanation" of Ukraine: “...

  • November 28, 2022

    Why Ukraine Deserves Strong Western Support

    Respected conservatives like Tucker Carlson and Pat Buchanan are raising objections to our involvement in Ukraine, and they deserve to be heard. But I think they are wrong, with all due respect. They miss the geopolitical picture almost entirely, whi...

  • July 27, 2022

    Narcissistic Rage on the Left

    Different people have different emotional styles — a fact that is important today, because the Democrat party, which used to sound moderate, is now specializing in screaming rage.   When New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin ...

  • January 30, 2022

    When the people stop believing the government and the media

    Arguably the USSR crumbled because everybody was lying to everybody else, so that nothing could be believed, including (especially) economic transactions.  With the Biden Administration, the US has entered this same territory. Anyon...

  • November 13, 2021

    Biden's cobra presidency

    Have you noticed how Joe Biden says he wants to lower gas prices, so he cancels the Keystone pipeline? He wants to lower unemployment, so he pays people not to work? He wants to beat inflation, so the Fed prints more money? Biden is Presiden...

  • October 29, 2021

    The deadly word games that brought us 'Gain of Function'

    Washington, D.C. is the biggest home of lies and word games in the known cosmos. In D.C., a seven-trillion-dollar punch in your wallet costs you absolutely nothing, according to the president of the United States himself. In Washington, D.C. a ...

  • July 19, 2020

    Your light skin is now your yellow star

    It is amazing how closely the Antifa movement is tracking Nazi practices in Hitler Europe. Antifa’s colors come from its German parent organization, called Antifaschistishe Aktion. Street fighting for bloody headlines was part and parcel of the...

  • January 23, 2020

    Medical Science Flips on Fetal Pain. What Else Will Doctors Change Their Minds About?

    In 2006 a landmark article, the British Medical Journal claimed that abortions without fetal anesthetic were okay before 26 weeks of gestation, because fetuses at five and a half months can't feel pain. That was the 2006 opinion of D...

  • September 11, 2019

    Will Swedish cannibals save the planet?

    In their never-ending search for foods to Save the Planet, a Swedish professor named Magnus Soederlund has proposed eating dead human bodies, presumably fresh from the morgue.  (Although French chefs might wonder if human flesh will ta...

  • July 9, 2019

    Epstein panic hitting US and Euro elites

    In 2015 at CPAC, Donald Trump said Jeff Epstein was "a nice guy, but I believe Bill Clinton will be in trouble over the [Epstein] island."  Epstein has now been re-arrested for systematic underage sex abuse, and already the partis...

  • June 24, 2019

    A Jihad Basis for the Coup

    What were the top professionals in intelligence and Hillary's State Dept so afraid of — so mortally afraid that they gambled their careers to block Donald J. Trump? How did a dozen top FBI and intelligence officials blunder into virtual ...

  • May 1, 2019

    The New York Times Discovers Jihad. Sort of.

    Those joke headline writers at the N.Y. Times have figured out a new way of talking about jihad, the ancient war theology of the Qur'an, straight from Mecca and Medina, and now of course from the Iranian city of Qom. Jihad is not the only war ...

  • March 21, 2019

    The joy of Left Privilege

    Karl Marx was right: when you run the schools and the organs of propaganda, you can do anything. These days, people can lynch you with the word "privilege."  For our Democratic line of Rockettes, "Left Privilege" is a...

  • March 4, 2019

    Who Is Paying for Sandy O?

    So, a new star is born! Not just a pop star, but a D.C.  power pop star. Alexandria! But if we have any political brains, we know perfectly well that miraculous new stars coming out of bartending in the Bronx represent Big Money so...

  • February 18, 2019

    Infantile disorder on the left

    There are many ways to measure cultural decline, but the most important one might be emotional regression to infancy.  This idea is old, but it has been studied carefully since Sigmund Freud saw it in Vienna.  Freud hims...

  • December 13, 2018

    How Does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Explain Communism's 100 Million Dead?

    Well, the new sex object for liberals – who hate the very idea of sex objects –  is a cute young lady named Ocasio-Cortez, who is famed in legend and song for her extreme ignorance of the U.S. Constitution.  But whaddaya...

  • December 9, 2018

    Human bones for sale online

    This is not an illegal trade, except in the states of Georgia, Tennessee and New York, but I find it morally and ethically repulsive to the max. Human bones can be purchased online at a site called The Bone Room: Real Human Bones From full hu...

  • December 3, 2018

    The EU Reich versus Britain

    Europe has a neurotic compulsion to repeat the past.  This is bad news, because nobody wants to repeat five (count 'em!) East-West wars exploding out of Europe over the last two centuries. But – the E.U. now has a better idea. ...

  • November 10, 2018

    Trump Versus the Euro-Swamp

    This guy Donald Trump has amazing physical staying power. Right after his end-sprint in the Midterms, which ended pretty well, and only pausing for a White House presser to deliver a kick to Jim Acosta, Donald Trump is in Europe, where the 100th anni...

  • April 29, 2018

    But Mueller is an honorable man!

    Jeez, I wish American politics would stop imitating William Shakespeare already.  Now we have Robert Mueller acting like a Roman assassin, and I just heard Victor Davis Hanson on YouTube say, "Mueller is an honorable man." Hans...

  • April 27, 2018

    A real Indian answers a fake

    At a time of ugly race-baiting in politics, a good laugh is like a ray of sunshine.  For the funniest candidate of the day, conservatives owe a big vote of thanks to a gentleman named Shiva Ayyadura (pronounced ah-yah-DOO-rah) in the C...

  • April 20, 2018

    Iran plans to attack Israel from Syria

    Debkafile reports on April 17 that Iranian Guard troops are massing in four Syrian air bases near Israel in an apparent preparation for a major attack from UAVs and perhaps by armed thrusts over the Syrian border.  President Trump want...

  • April 16, 2018

    Hate-Whitey Racists Are Poison

    Sane people have to wonder at the doped up left on the campuses, which keeps trying to turn reality upside-down. Today we hear that the AP has a new "history textbook" with the premise that "white people have a hard time adjust...

  • April 13, 2018

    Saudis admit paying for jihad

    In an interview with the Atlantic, Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman revealed that Saudi Arabia has financed terrorism.  Most people will ignore this.  The U.S. left has successfully colluded with jihad against nati...

  • April 11, 2018

    In Trump we trust

    On the surface, it looks as if Trump is losing the battle against Mueller.  I'm not so sure.  Mueller has had to attack Trump by giving away his own credibility.  He's way off his original target of the phony-bal...

  • April 4, 2018

    An American POTUS is being persecuted

    We are in the second year of the Trump presidency, and things are going amazingly well with the administration – such as the Saudi recognition of Israel this week, an amazing breakthrough after sixty years of war.  Trump must get...

  • March 24, 2018

    Patriotism and the Three Scoundrels

    The three biggest scoundrels of the swamp – Comey, Clapper, and Brennan – have been fired, which is a good start.  And yes, it has to be said that there are good and decent, even patriotic people in the swamp, probably the major...

  • March 10, 2018

    Godflix, according to the Prophet Bama

    Jill Abramson, once the editor-in-chief of the Democrats' Holy of Holies, the very NYT op-ed page, has just revealed an extremely private secret.  Wait.  Hold on.  Don't say a word. In her own private purse, say...

  • March 2, 2018

    Marijuana's increasingly potent psycho-toxins and vulnerable teens

    High THC has long been known to be toxic to vulnerable groups, and for some reason, teenage boys may have psychotic breaks as a result.  This has been suspected by medical doctors for many years, and now we know experimentally that pure (sy...

  • February 27, 2018

    The War of Trump's Hair

    Narcissists don't laugh at themselves. Can you imagine Obama laughing at himself, in public, maybe laughing at his own big ears?  Never in a million years.  Or Michelle?  She might be going for the Democratic nomi...

  • February 24, 2018

    Even a police loudspeaker could have disrupted the Parkland killer

    Now we hear that there was a cop on the school grounds in Florida, and four deputies were outside the school, waiting for backup.  Some people are blaming the cops, but even an armed cop has to have the tactical advantage to go in shooting....

  • February 22, 2018

    Cruz told everybody: 'I'm a killer!'

    Psychiatrists look at suicidal kids and instantly ask, "Was he signaling rage and desperation?  For how long has this kid been screaming, and nobody did anything effective?" Almost all female suicide attempts fail because they ...

  • February 16, 2018

    Stopping an epidemic of school killings

    The Florida high school killings are disgusting and awful, and mass shootings threaten to be become epidemic. Is there any answer within the bounds of the U.S. Constitution and the First and Second Amendments?  There are some potential ans...

  • February 1, 2018

    Will Putin rescue Mueller?

    Two unprecedented crises are coming to a head this week. First the Nunes Committee memo may be released at any moment, thereby exposing a number of FBI, DOJ, and IRS biggies. Maybe also CIA, State Department, and Obama’s National Security Co...

  • January 19, 2018

    'White Privilege' and the Great Stink of 1858

    Among the roster of white privileges is the ability not to step in other people's poop too often in public, or to ingest it with our food and drink and pass it on to our children and friends, who could actually sicken and die from some strains of...

  • January 8, 2018

    Trump Crazy? Like a Fox

    Hum, ho – the Trump-haters have found a new authority figure to swear that the man is crazy.  Rocketing to fame thanks to the objective media today is a woman with the extraordinary name of Bandy X. Lee. Dr. Lee, M.D. is now in dan...

  • January 3, 2018

    The Never-Ending Mueller Witch Hunt: An Affront to the Constitution

    Over the holidays, Robert Mueller, the special counsel, leaked word to the hate-Trump media that in the coming year of 2018, he would not stop with a simple failure to find any truth in the "Russian collusion" charges against POTUS Tru...

  • January 3, 2018

    Settled science hates pot

    My psychotic friend Mike from high school calls me every now and then to say hello.  Mike was the smartest kid I ever knew – and also the most pot-smoking, acid-dropping, high-all-the-time kid.  Vulnerable boys usually have their firs...

  • December 29, 2017

    The Left's Strategy: When All Else Fails, Return to Race Hatred

    In the 1960s and '70s, under cover of peace and love propaganda, the radical left "marched through the institutions" (their slogan), especially American universities.  Beginning in the '60s and '70s, indoctrinated students ...

  • December 26, 2017

    New study finds that cosmic rays, solar activity have much greater impact on Earth's climate than models suggest

    A new study is certain to provoke fierce reactions from the vast global establishment devoted to spending billions of dollars a year fighting atmospheric release of CO2.  Demonizing the production of energy from the burning of organic fuel has p...

  • December 22, 2017

    Israel and the scarcity of ordinary decency

    The United States and Israel routinely protect basic human rights.  The noisiest United Nations members do not. That basic fact never seems to get through the thick skulls of Democrats and left radicals. The left keeps wondering why most A...

  • December 13, 2017

    Does Mueller need blood?

    How is this revenge movie going to end? Every legal trial is also an emotional revenge drama. The legal system tries to impose whatever dignity, fairness, and honesty it can on the bloodthirsty aspects of accusations and punishments. But the more ...

  • December 12, 2017

    The Swamp against the People

    Anybody who still believes that there is no Deep State in America might recall three major Deep State rebellions against constitutionally elected administrations in recent history. 1. The Stalin period, when communists, both overt and covert, had ...

  • December 6, 2017

    How dumb are these people?

    Donald Trump said a while ago that he preferred to write with a pen on a paper notepad and send his notes by messenger rather than trust email.  The usual hyenas howled at the moon, the way they do. But now Robert Mueller has exposed himself ...

  • December 5, 2017

    Mueller's FBI Will Never Recover Its Good Name

    Robert Mueller just fired a senior FBI agent for openly twittering against POTUS Trump. But if Mr. Mueller imagines that firing one guy will restore his shredded credibility to the public, fuggedaboudit. The unprecedented witch-hunt against a ne...

  • December 4, 2017

    Did Brits Plant the Hillary Bomb?

    Americans generally know nothing about our European "allies" and the nefarious plans they may occasionally hatch against us.  But people familiar with history know how the British Foreign Office was a primary mover in getting the Unite...

  • December 1, 2017

    Is There Really Nuke Danger from North Korea?

    The lib media are running around screeching at the heavens because that madman Trump is going to get us attacked by Kim III's  nukes.  If you Google it you'll see scare stories all over the web. But we know the left lies every da...

  • November 29, 2017

    Saudis Purging Jihad Backers?

    While the U.S. media have been playing deaf, dumb, and blind, as usual, Saudi Arabia is seeing a huge, unprecedented purge from the top. King Salman is planning to step down and pass the power to his designated heir, Mohammed bin Salman (aka MbS). Th...

  • November 28, 2017

    New York Times: Men are brutes!

    The New York Times Sunday edition just joined the running mob against Harvey Weinstein and all those other male brutes.  Its headline reads, "The unexamined brutality of the male libido," straight out of the handbook of enraged feminis...

  • November 24, 2017

    'Special Counsel' Mueller Is Guilty of Misconduct and Must Resign

    What's a witch-hunter to do when there's no witch, and witchcraft itself turns out to be imaginary?  When even the latest accusation against the biggest scapegoat of the house is a crock? Alan Dershowitz, a liberal in good standing wi...

  • November 22, 2017

    Trump: The End of Jihad?

    The Sunni equivalent of the pope, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia, a revered figure in half the Muslim world, has just declared that it is forbidden to kill Jews.  This is the culmination of years of delicate diplomacy between Israel and Saudi A...

  • November 19, 2017

    Robert Mueller Is the Cover-Up

    Friendship is a beautiful thing, and it's really good to know that Robert Mueller, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper have known each other for many years.  They're loyal friends.  Mueller is a former top FBI dude, who helped to clear B...

  • November 13, 2017

    Trump Shines in Foreign Policy

    Remember ISIS? When Obama left office, it was still a growing network of eager sadistic killers, with secret sponsorship by Turkey, by some Gulf Arab regimes, the Wahhabi radicals, and by the Iranians. Today a lot of those boastful YouTube killers ar...

  • November 10, 2017

    Harvey and the Hypocrites

    I suppose there's some kind of poetic justice in seeing Harvey Weinstein looking like a deer in the headlights, frantically jabbering, "That's not me!  I'm not that guy!"  Your average casual Hollywood rapist.  Bu...

  • November 5, 2017

    Time to Get Dead Serious: This Is War

    Didn't you want to wipe the sneer off that kid's face – the one who drove a truck into eight innocent people on that Manhattan bike path?  The Manhattan truck killer should finally get all American patriots to cry out in outrage...

  • November 1, 2017

    Inspector Clouseau pounces!

    Shazam!  The crack legal team of Herr Robert Mueller have pounced on a real crime (they say), and all the loudest voices in today's politics have agreed on this farce, just as if it were the real thing.  Liberals around the country are ...

  • October 29, 2017

    Lib Ruling Class Goes Daffy Duck

    Well, well, well. At some point, sane folks just run out of words for the lyin', cheatin' media-Democrat-Deepster complex, and only cartoon characters will do. In all those old Warner Bros cartoons where Daffy Duck was thwarted by Bugs ...

  • October 27, 2017

    Addictions: Sex, Alcohol, and Marijuana

    Michelle Malkin has just published an exposé of child porn photographer Terry Richardson.  This is an important exposé of the creeping (and creepy) child endangerment racket sponsored by advertisers, fashion industry powers, and th...

  • October 24, 2017

    Sex Addiction Destroyed Harvey Weinstein

    Harvey Weinstein is a Boomer Leftist, which means that he came of age around the Sixties, the time of love and peace propaganda. Love was good, hate was evil, and peace would come when we all imitated the Bonobo chimps of the jungle and spent our fre...

  • October 9, 2017

    Paddock and the prostitute

    Psychopathy, the inability to feel guilt, is one statistically important predictor of mass murder, and psychopathy is significantly heritable, at an h(square) up to 0.74.  Two first-degree relatives of the Las Vegas massacre perp were highly lik...

  • October 8, 2017

    This form of murder is no longer bad enough to be a felony in California

    Please note that Governor Brown of California has just signed a bill that seems patently immoral, making it a misdemeanor rather than a felony for HIV-infected men to knowingly have anal intercourse with other men, without the receptive partner's...

  • October 1, 2017

    Living on a Paranoid Planet

    Sigmund Freud's first patient was called Anna O. (not her real name, to protect her anonymity). When Freud and his mentor Joseph Breuer first encountered young Anna, she was traumatically affected by the traditional family duty of caring for...

  • September 25, 2017

    Self-Esteem, Good; Patriotism, Bad

    Patriotism is love of country, but the Left hates people who love their country. Especially if that country is America. If you express noisy love for Castro's Cuba, liberals have no problem with you. But if you love Amerika… no.  ...

  • September 14, 2017

    Mueller Could Destroy the Last Faith in the Justice System

    When Watergate brought down Richard Nixon, I was a sort of puzzled but fascinated young watcher. But I didn't question the process, except when Sam Dash, the Senate Committee attorney, admitted that he had been leaking to the media at every ...

  • September 13, 2017

    Would you answer a telephone poll?

    The media and Democrats (but I repeat myself) are still baffled by Hillary's lousy polling last year, because a lot of money and a lot of reputations are at stake.  There's one obvious answer they never consider.  Hillary's p...

  • September 11, 2017

    Were the Saudis Behind 9/11?

    1. On September 9, 2017, Paul Sperry of the New York Post dropped the biggest headline hint so far that, Yes, the Saudis plotted, trained, funded, ordered, and covered up the assault on America on 9/11.  The headline does not come out and act...

  • September 9, 2017

    Is Trump Flipping?

    Some well-known conservatives are worried that President Trump is flipping on major issues:  1. General McMaster has fired all the publicly known foreign policy conservatives from the National Security Council. 2. Trump finally called Jiha...

  • August 21, 2017

    Antifa Is Un-American

    The week before Charlottesville, Liz Warren, the newest and biggest fraud from the left, came out against a more centrist Democratic Party.  The N.Y. Times op-ed page had actually allowed some Democrat moderates to publish a piece pleading for m...

  • August 14, 2017

    Delighted with Trump

    Don't tell anybody, but I'm actually beginning to love Trump.  Not physically, natch, but as our funniest and most truthful president since Calvin Coolidge.  Normal Americans have watched our politics turn to mud for a quarter-ce...

  • July 26, 2017

    Have the Supremes ruled on the Grand Inquisitor?

    The corrupt D.C. establishment is now checkmating Trump by threatening him with a "special prosecutor" – an ad hoc invention from  the Nixon days, when Hillary (remember?) wanted to simply deprive POTUS of all his constitutional ...

  • June 20, 2017

    Take the Fifth, Mr. President

    Donald Trump is a man of courage and honor.  He is therefore a big target for the swamp snakes of D.C.  All they have to do, they believe, is to accuse Mr. Trump often enough of dishonorable actions and imaginary crimes like the fairy tale ...

  • June 19, 2017

    Shakespeare Would Defend Trump

    If Shakespeare were alive today, he would instantly recognize the New York Times and its treasonous ilk, because Shakespeare feared nothing more than treason and civil war -- which is exactly what happened to the Roman Empire after the plotters stabb...

  • June 15, 2017

    Trump-Hatred and the Death Fears of the Boomer Left

    If the prospect of hanging in a fortnight concentrates the mind wonderfully, that goes even more for the Boomer left, who are now reaching their '70s.  That would include Hillary, Bill, John Kerry, and Bernie Sanders, as well as those cuddly...

  • June 14, 2017

    Is This Treason in Time of War?

    Imagine a movie scenario. The nation is at war for its very survival, following an unprovoked assault on the Twin Towers in Manhattan and on the Pentagon, killing more than 3,000 innocent people. But the nation has been infiltrated, sabotaged, and su...

  • June 12, 2017

    The New Media Should Drive the News Cycle

    I believe that the New Media deserve major credit for deconstructing the Old Media narrative.  Right after James Comey's much-hyped congressional testimony, several New Media sites picked up the real news – namely, that Comey had actua...

  • June 8, 2017

    Islamofascists and Marxists versus Trump...and Each Other

    It was Admiral James Lyons who warned us about jihadist infiltration into the U.S. government and media.  Every American with a non-P.C. brain should reread his words.  Jihad infiltration is not a new thing.  The Soviet KGB infiltra...

  • June 5, 2017

    Stockholm Syndrome and Fifty Shades of Gray

    Stockholm Syndrome was first named in 1973 when a failed bank robbery resulted in four hostages being taken. To the surprise of Stockholm police – and just about everyone else on the planet – the hostages assisted the robbers, defended th...

  • June 3, 2017

    The Truth Goes Marching On

    When Angela Merkel betrayed her own country by allowing its girls, boys, and women to be raped and abused by 200,000 “rapefugees” from Syria and Turkey, men from a culture that openly teaches that women and children should be degraded and...

  • June 1, 2017

    Liberals Are Anxious-Avoidant

    After years of puzzling about the cultification of the left, which only talks to itself, and then censors even its internal words to conform to PC, I think I've finally hit on the difference between us and them.  Take me and my sister. (P...

  • May 28, 2017

    Why Jared Kushner Was Crucial to the Saudi Opening

    Well, the libs have a new scapegoat for their more sadistic rants, Donald Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner. They just want to draw a little blood, or maybe see the kill, like the old crowds in dog fights and the bull ring. You have to understand...

  • May 27, 2017

    Marijuana: Another Obama time bomb?

    In December 2016, Obama holdovers in the FDA published a regulatory time bomb designed to make trouble for Trump.  The agency reclassified marijuana and its medically useful molecules to the same danger category as heroin (Schedule I)....

  • May 23, 2017

    Trump's Chance for Greatness

    When Abraham Lincoln came to town as the first Republican president, the Democrats hated him on sight. They were the party of African-American slavery, after all, and while Lincoln phrased his beliefs carefully to give minimal offense, he was clear t...

  • May 22, 2017

    Trump Is POTUS, and Leftist Hysteria Is Noise

    It's helpful to watch the SecDef press conference on YouTube, if you want to see how Trump's troops are taking charge.  Obama's limp-wristed and arguably pro-jihad policies, which had some of our military in despair about the crimes ...

  • May 17, 2017

    Democrats project their own Soviet betrayals on Trump

    Democrats acted in close collusion with the Soviet Union when Lenin, Stalin, and all the other Red totalitarians were in power.  In some cases, leftists betrayed U.S. national security secrets to the Soviets, the most famous being the atom bomb ...

  • May 15, 2017

    The Mass Media Cult Goes Pathological

    In the five months since the election, the media haven't been able to get over getting Trumped.  They've gone through the five stages of grief, some of them over and over again, and still The Donald drives them crazy.  Hillary was o...

  • May 14, 2017

    Trump fu traps James Comey?

    According to Jim Comey (who was just fired as director of the FBI), Trump invited Comey into his parlor and asked him a very tricky question.  Now the question is who trapped whom, because they are both quite capable of setting a trap, and at le...

  • May 9, 2017

    The Real Reason Washington Post Republicans Hate Donald Trump

    When George Will and other leading intellectuals started to rip holes in their warm comfort couches in despair at Donald Trump's long series of victories, culminating in his election to the presidency, a lot of us were scratching our heads. ...

  • May 6, 2017

    North Korea needs a Deng Xiaoping

    I don’t usually feel compassion for aging mass murderers like Mao Zedong and Pol Pot, but I’ve learned to keep a special loathing in my heart for the Evil Gallery of Western enablers of genocide, the people who give support and media prot...

  • April 30, 2017

    The Racist, Hate-Preaching 'Anti'-Fascists Are Back

    The trouble with being a "revolutionary" who is against everything, including fictional Forces of Evil, is that in the long run, you end up doing Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao Tse-Tung, and Mussolini all over again.  The logic of lynch mobs ...

  • April 21, 2017

    Russia and China Can't Afford Rogue Nuke Neighbors

    Vladimir Putin is an eminently sane power player.  So is China's Xi Jinping.  Donald Trump, contrary to his liberal enemies, built his hotel and reality show empires using careful chess moves against tough competition. There is an op...

  • April 17, 2017

    Another Massacre of Innocents in Syria

    For those whose feelings have not yet been blunted by the endless truck bombs in civilian markets in Iraq and Libya, the deliberate targeting of children in Syria, and Jihad murder attacks in Europe --- not to mention 9/11 -- please note that a car b...

  • April 15, 2017

    On Stealing Anne Frank’s Good Name

    I beg to differ with one Steve Goldstein, a professional gay activist (the "Harvey Milk of New Jersey") who has had the unmitigated gall to call himself the “Executive Director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect.”...

  • April 8, 2017

    When Obama turned tail in Syria, Putin moved in

    On October 4, 2015, without any prior public warning, Putin started a major bombing campaign in Syria.  Around the same time he sent in cruise missiles from the creaky old Soviet cruiser Moskva – parked off the coast of Syria – and f...

  • March 31, 2017

    RIP: Nat Hentoff, the last honest liberal

    Your kids won't believe this, but there used to be honest liberals in America.  Even in the Democratic Party. The reason for that was a man named George Meany, who chased Stalinist fanatics out of the AFL-CIO, and a guy named Ronald Re...

  • March 27, 2017

    Was Watergate a black op, too?

    The Myth of Watergate – the one that's repeated over and over in the media – tells us that two intrepid young reporters, Bob Woodward (R) and Carl Bernstein (CPUSA), discovered a Secret Source nicknamed Deep Throat.  Deep Thro...

  • March 13, 2017

    The Arabs Know that the Moslem Brotherhood are Terrorists

    Conservatives see the threat of aggressive Islam, which puts us far ahead of liberals, who merely live in stupefied denial. But conservatives tend to treat Islam as monolithic, which it is not.  Right now the Trump administration is consideri...

  • March 7, 2017

    Stopping CNN spies

    CNN just published the results of an outright espionage operation against the Trump White House, by pointing a vibration-sensitive camera at the window of the Oval Office.  This is an espionage technique, and it is obviously a major violation of...

  • March 6, 2017

    Lynch Mobs of the Left

    "Comrades! The kulak uprising in your five districts must be crushed without pity. The interests of the whole revolution demand such actions ... You must make an example of these people.  (1) Hang (I mean hang publicly, so that people ...

  • February 22, 2017

    The Left: False Premises and Suicidal Actions

    Donald Trump is a realist and a pragmatist. He has to be, because he wouldn't last in business if he was mentally fixated on only one way to get things done. So he's tried and failed, changed his mind many times, kept what works and dumped wh...

  • February 14, 2017

    Patriots Must Organize to Keep Winning

    Leftists always out-organizes conservatives.  They build new organizations, or they infiltrate them and take over.  But the last election shows at least that we are a majority in the country. Conservatives have crucially important ideas ...

  • February 13, 2017

    Trump’s game in Saudi Arabia

    Mike Pompeo, the new CIA head, just flew to Riyadh to give a medal to Crown Prince bin Naif*.  While some conservatives regard this as a travesty (e.g., a "Not the Onion" commentary from Zero Hedge), I think this is meant to be an open...

  • February 8, 2017

    Liberals Now Getting a Taste of How the Obama Years Felt for Conservatives

    Ah, the fear and leftist mob hysteria greeting President Donald J. Trump today!  It just keeps going on. Sometimes it seems that our news mob agitation may never end, at least for this generation of leftists.  I would feel...

  • February 6, 2017

    European Conservative Parties Are Not 'Far Right'

    I keep reading in the European fakestream media that the new upsurge in conservative democratic parties in Europe all comes down to fascists and paleo-Nazis. They are not – any more than Republicans are fascists and Nazis. Euro-conservatives...

  • February 3, 2017

    Obama: Jihadophile

    Before World War 2, the German Bund played a big role in American politics, generating sympathy for German-Americans, and even for the Kaiser and the Hitler regime, at least until Pearl Harbor. But in the end, in both world wars, Americans of Germ...

  • January 30, 2017

    The Marxist Cult of Destiny, 2016

    Smart conservatives immerse themselves in the real world. Liberals do not. Which is why we can take Trump’s more outrageous utterances as hyperbolic exaggerations, while Libs are convinced that Trump is a Demon from Hell. It would be funny if i...

  • January 24, 2017

    A Typical American President

    The Democrat Fakestream, filled with liberals who make a practice of not reading history, are now telling us that Donald Trump is not just a weirdo with fascist tendencies, not just a Fat Cat Monster of Wall Street, but also "an anomaly" --...

  • January 22, 2017

    The Left-Jihad Alliance revives the notorious ‘backstab’ mythology

    It is now clear beyond reasonable doubt that Obama and the corrupt establishment represents a Left-Jihad Axis that now appears to be worldwide. The simultaneous "women's marches" and other staged demonstration making headlines in the Fa...

  • January 10, 2017

    I Meet my First Obamacare Commissar

    When ObamaCare was first promulgated, my fine HMO doctor called it quits. MDs who hate the New Medicine talk about it very quietly, if at all, and mostly among themselves. Shutting up the medical profession was the first order of business for the Lef...

  • January 6, 2017

    Obama Still Doesn’t Get America

    President Obama came as a stranger, and is leaving as a stranger. The Obama presidency has been different from any other administration in the last two centuries. From the start, he has gone out of his way to defy the very essence of the American ...

  • January 3, 2017

    I meet my first ObamaCare Commissar.

    When ObamaCare was first promulgated, my fine HMO doctor called it quits. MDs who hate the New Medicine talk about it very quietly, if at all, and mostly among themselves. Shutting up the medical profession was the first order of business for the Lef...

  • January 2, 2017

    Obama is sabotaging Russian-American rapprochement

    Barack Obama is not a standard American president. For one thing, he has made it very clear that he considers the US Constitution, the greatest blessing of this land, to be an easily trashed piece of paper. Abe Lincoln would have disagreed, but then ...

  • December 30, 2016

    What if Obama dropped Hillary's email bombs?

    The phoniest and most irresponsible lie in current politics is Obama's accusation that "the Russians did it!"  Dropped Hillary's email bombs, that is.  This was originally just attributed to the CIA and FBI at secondhand, ...

  • December 27, 2016

    Infantile Rage on the Left

    It was Anna Freud, Sigmund Freud's daughter, who first described the most common ego defenses in detail.  Later, scientists and clinical psychiatrists expanded the list of accepted defense mechanisms and did much improved research, like Harv...

  • December 27, 2016

    Jihadists already acting to counter coming Trump presidency

    Stealth warfare is breaking out, as jihadists take account of the new sheriff in town, President-Elect Donald Trump.  They, and their allies, know they must employ all of the dark arts to counter an active opponent taking the presidency and...

  • December 26, 2016

    National Review compares Barron and Eric Trump to Uday and Qusay

    Apparently Kevin Williamson at National Review has jumped over that deadly lemming cliff, along with millions of Trump-maddened New York liberals. Williamson writes in NRO: My own view is that Donald and Ivanka and Uday and Qusay are gen...

  • December 19, 2016

    Watching the Fakestream Break Down

    I never thought I'd see the day when U.S. political elites went stark raving mad.  But this is what Hillary Clinton told her big money donors recently. HILLARY: Vladimir Putin himself directed the covert cyber-attacks against our electora...

  • December 4, 2016

    Winning the Jihad War

    With Trump's excellent team, such as USMC (Ret) General James Mattis in charge, the U.S. government has all the battlefield expertise it needs to win the Jihad War. We can start by keeping in mind that the U.S. military won every engagement ...

  • November 14, 2016

    When the Left-media Becomes a Crying Cult

    In July of 2011, when North Korea's butcher-dictator Dear Leader Kim Jung-Il died, all the NK Communist Party members in the land were ordered to cry hysterically, to ululate in grief at the death of Dear Leader, in public, altogether, on co...

  • November 5, 2016

    Qatar gift to Clinton Foundation underlines blackmail potential for Bill and Hillary

    See also: Hillary violated ethics agreement and accepted million-dollar secret donation to foundation from Arab petrostate It seems the media are trying to misattribute the 1 million from Qatar to the Clinton Foundation to Bill only.  If it w...

  • October 28, 2016

    Of course Trump is a real conservative

    War has a way of clarifying where people stand.  When the Hitler War came to Europe, the French government fled from Paris to Vichy and offered to Hitler all the innocent French Jews he could murder.  Vichy France surrendered with hard...

  • October 26, 2016

    Democratic 'oversampling' is a dirty trick

    WikiLeaks just dropped a Democratic Party memo demanding an "oversampling" plan of all the demographic districts in the country.  But "oversampling" is a lie.  All of statistics is based on "random" sampling,...

  • October 25, 2016

    Hillary’s rages

    The United States cannot afford a president subject to fits of irrational rage.  Yet that is a serious possibility, given what we can reasonably infer about the health of Hillary Clinton.  Dr. Ted Noel's diagnostic talks (here, here, an...

  • October 24, 2016

    Democrats’ push-polling strategy revealed by WikiLeaks

    Donald Trump is publicly accusing Hillary of "rigging the system."  Push-polling is one way to do that.  It amounts to artificially blowing up the Democratic poll numbers to "push" a psy-ops mission – to encoura...

  • October 21, 2016

    Why Hillary can't stop smiling

    We live in an age of facial manipulation, and our celebrities and politicians routinely get their faces "done." In the third debate with Trump, Hillary's happy face could not seem to stop smiling, a good indication that it ...

  • October 19, 2016

    The Whigs Are Back, and Cowering More Than Ever

    The American Founders often wore wigs, at least in their official portraits.  The term "Whigs" became a label for the Founders' intellectual elite of highly (self-) educated men like Jefferson, Washington, Madison, and the others, ...

  • October 19, 2016

    Are polls set to tighten November 1?

    This election pits a very corrupt establishment against a voter revolt. We just learned from Wikileaks and FOIA leaks how deeply the federal government has been corrupted in this administration.  The media are largely bought off.  So are...

  • October 17, 2016

    Donald Trump's Moral Fervor

    At a time when the "news" media betray their own hyped up values of objectivity and fairness, I am beginning to hear a growing voice of moral outrage in America – and it's actually expressed in clear words, day after day, by the R...

  • October 15, 2016

    Bill Clinton received $1-million ‘birthday present’ from ISIS funder

    The Gulf sheikhdom Qatar is a major ISIS and world terrorism sponsor.  It is a little disturbing that the sheikhs of Qatar gave Bill Clinton a one-million-dollar-birthday present. The WikiLeaks document dump of Hillary Clinton campaign chai...

  • October 14, 2016

    What's Putin's big worry?

    Vladimir Putin is putting up spectacular aggressive displays these days, making near-miss air attacks on our recon planes, expanding his military bases in Syria and Iran, and probably helping the Yemeni Houthis launch cruise missiles perilously close...

  • October 8, 2016

    ISIS Already Is Here

    If this article by Adm. James Lyons (USN, ret) is correct, and I believe it is, ISIS will start to stage attacks on US home territory. 9/11/01 was one example of a Jihadist attack, backed by the same Sunni Wahhabi forces that has now declared that IS...

  • October 8, 2016

    Unlicensed staff now has your medical records

    I suppose it was bound to happen.  If you squeeze all the doctors and all the hospitals between high demands for medical services and low money, something's got to give.  That's the fantasy sales pitch Obama gave us when the Democra...

  • October 3, 2016

    United Kingdom Declares Its Independence

    Bring out the red, white, and blue!  Call out the band, and play the Star-Spangled Banner (originally an English drinking song). The political world is in an unholy mess, but sometimes things happen that are genuinely good and progressive....

  • October 2, 2016

    ‘Hillary, You are Ill And Cannot Serve as President’

    This is all Trump needs to say. For evidence he can cite literally hundreds of highly qualified, licensed medical doctors, including specialists in Neurology, Parkinson's disease, possibly degradation of the brain's blood supply. Forget perso...

  • October 1, 2016

    Libs Wrong Again: Humans Are Naturally Violent

    Are humans innately violent? Anthropologists have often said "no" -- in public. But troubling facts kept bubbling up, until in 1966 Napoleon Chagnon published a breakthrough field study of the violent Yanamamo tribes in Venezuela.  ...

  • September 28, 2016

    Email blunder or espionage?

    In the intelligence game, the appearance of espionage is treated as espionage.  You generally don't have time to hold a long legal trial, so suspect agents and assets are immediately choked off to prevent further damage.  By that rule, ...

  • September 26, 2016

    Putin's 'Blazing Sun' is a weapon of mass destruction

    According to The Australian, Vladimir Putin's troops in Syria are using a weapons system "one step below a nuclear weapon" on the city of Aleppo. The TOS-1A "Blazing Sun" fires a near simultaneous missile bat...

  • September 23, 2016

    Angelina Jolie rips ISIS for crimes against women

    One of the most astonishing facets of politics today is the left-feminist surrender in the face of jihadist violence against women and children.  Jihadists openly glorify rape, kidnapping, slave markets, and worse.  The holier-than-thou Swe...

  • September 20, 2016

    Hillary's Hate Code

    Hillary Clinton is an Alinsky disciple, going back to her Wellesley College days, fifty years ago, long before old age left its indelible marks on her.  Half a century ago, Hillary was thoroughly indoctrinated by first-generation feminist leftis...

  • September 20, 2016

    Is Hillary setting a trap for Trump?

    Hillary may not be a great politician on the stump, as she has admitted, but Bill+Hill+that enormous staff know a lot of P.R. tricks.  One trick could be called the "broken wing strategy," after ground-nesting birds that lead hunting f...

  • September 10, 2016

    The Party of Compassion runs a sick woman

    Hillary Clinton has been seriously stressed for most of her adult life, and since 2012, when she had her fall and sustained close-to-the-brain damage, she has been looking more and more impaired. The Benghazi crisis broke on September 11, 2012, ri...

  • September 3, 2016

    Huma for Acting President in 2017?

    Has anybody noticed that Huma Abedin, lifelong Muslim Brotherhood symp, is now the acting Democratic candidate for President? I'll bet the DNC knows it. Hillary's condition could be fatal if she has as stroke, or takes a little too mu...

  • September 1, 2016

    Hillary at Bay

    See also: Obama’s former doctor recommends neurological testing for Hillary Clinton The sicker Hillary Clinton looks on the campaign trail, the more the Media Left tells us to deny the evidence of our eyes.  Mrs. Clinton has suffered tw...

  • July 19, 2016

    There can be no citizenship by fraud

    If I come to your country and swear to obey its laws, when in fact I am totally dedicated to destroying you, my oath means nothing.  It is a perjured oath.  If I deceive you into believing my false oath, any legal citizenship that is grante...

  • July 1, 2016

    Benghazi and Hillary

    In 1976, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's older brother Jonathan was killed leading the IDF raid to rescue 100 passengers taken hostage by terrorist groups protected by Uganda's Idi Amin. Because IDF officers physically lead t...

  • June 29, 2016

    Good riddance to George Will

    I like and respect George Will, and over the years I've been one of his fans. With the rise of Donald Trump, Will has decided to resign from the GOP, along with Mitt Romney and the other folks we might call "decorative conservatives" --...

  • June 24, 2016

    Neo-fascist Grillo wins in Italy

    ​Europe really does not have the Anglo-American conservative tradition; historically, you got fascists of the right or left.  Giuseppe (Beppe) Grillo is a comedian who started the "Five Star Movement" as an internet cult, mostly follow...

  • June 14, 2016

    Bang: Trump's Second Barrel Explodes at Jihad

    This is Donald Trump on the latest horror killing in Israel. Read it, and you realize it's not the Trump you thought you knew.  ​​I condemn, in the strongest possible terms, the outrageous terrorist shootings that took the lives of at l...

  • June 13, 2016

    Trump's Double-Barreled Shotgun Strategy

    We've argued from the beginning that Trump is conducting a brilliant psy-war strategy against the enemy media* like the New York Times.  It's really brilliant, because it's double-barreled. Let's call it Trump's do...

  • June 2, 2016

    Betrayed by an America-hating press

    When Trump calls a reporter a "sleaze," most Americans know exactly what he is talking about.  We have often talked about it on American Thinker, and, judging by our commentators, many Americans truly hate the media.  Other than o...

  • May 27, 2016

    Collusion with Genocide Is Evil Incarnate

    The left is all about peace and love, as everybody knows.  But the reality is somewhat different. The American and British left actively colluded with Stalin's Soviet Communism at the very time Stalin was killing millions of peasants and ...

  • May 25, 2016

    But is Trump nasty enough?

    Donald Trump, we are assured by the first two big pages of Google when you search for "Trump news," is the meanest, nastiest, most racist (etc., etc.) son of a bachelor to come down the pike in many a long year. Our angelic media cultists a...

  • May 23, 2016

    Keep the Feds Out of Your Children's Bathrooms

    Obama has asserted, by pure fiat, on no legal, medical, scientific, or commonsense grounds whatsoever, that he can dictate how children use school bathrooms around the country.  This is an obnoxious and dangerous abuse of federal power, and it l...

  • May 21, 2016

    Does Obama's Troubled Childhood Explain His Bathroom Weirdness?

    It is not considered polite to mention it, but Obama observers have ignored a great deal of evidence that the president of the United States was abused at approximately age ten and afterwards, in a way that would be criminal under American and Europe...

  • May 19, 2016

    Obama’s great bathroom edict

    The Obama administration is full of oddities – all ignored by the media.  Obama’s bowing episodes, for example, with the international media video recording deep bows to the Saudi king and the emperor of Japan.  Then there is Ob...

  • May 18, 2016

    The Three Abrahamic Faiths

    The three great monotheistic traditions have more in common than they like to say. Symbolically, all three claim common roots in the figure of Abraham, the first monotheist, who migrated from Sumer (modern Iraq) to what is now Israel and Jordan. Abra...

  • May 17, 2016

    Trump Must Prioritize National Defense

    We've had two presidents, Obama and Bill Clinton, who failed to defend this nation against predictable jihadist attacks, including 9/11.  Obama and Clinton wouldn't even talk about it to the public, which is itself an enormous failure of...

  • May 13, 2016

    Donald Trump and the meaning of 'Patria'

    One of my favorite folk singers is Colombian musician Alejandro Bassi, who sings guitar songs with perfect articulation, playing, and timing.  His music is gentle and unpretentious. Because my Spanish isn't very good, it's a pleasure to ...

  • May 11, 2016

    Obama's Most Dangerous Year?

    We've had enough day-to-day exposure to B.H. Obama by now to understand both his personality and his mentally fixated ideology.  He is totally predictable.  The question is, how dangerous is Obama?  Specifically, in his last year i...

  • May 7, 2016

    Trump names the enemy

    Chances are that Donald Trump and his foreign policy crowd have not been reading The American Thinker.  I would rather believe that Trump & Co. are just endowed with common sense and a genuine concern for the American interest.  This al...

  • May 6, 2016

    George Will Takes On Edmund Burke

    The word "populist" is being tossed around a fair amount today, mainly to discredit Donald Trump.  The implied idea is that populist politicians are demagogues who appeal to the lowest denominator of the popular imagination ...

  • May 1, 2016

    Media starting to come together on Saudi 9-11 involvement

    Under cover of 2016 election headlines, the liberal media have  finally confessed  that the Saudi ruling clan is directly responsible for the 9/11/01 mass terror attack on the Twin Towers in New  York City and on the...

  • April 17, 2016

    Saudis threaten US economy if 9/11 truth is revealed

    Fox News and other sources have reported that Saudi Arabia just threatened the United States with economic retaliation if the truth is reported.  That truth is that the Saudi royals (and maybe others) were directly responsible for the bigge...

  • April 16, 2016

    A Time for Patriots

    This November looks like a do-or-die election. The stakes couldn’t be higher. If we win, we could save the country. If we lose, the Marxi-Jihadi-fascists take over.  But we have something to celebrate. This is the feistiest, most people...

  • April 12, 2016

    Trump is not a narcissist, but he plays one on TV

    Real narcissists don’t laugh at themselves. So it’s interesting that Donald Trump is now seen as a big, heartless bully by millions of people. But in this video he had Miss USA and Miss Universe, both gorgeous, each...

  • April 8, 2016

    Is Trump a Policy Dummy?

    It's a pleasure to explore C. Edmund Wright’s critique of Donald Trump in the American Thinker, now that the Orange Beast is apparently on course to the White House -- if Cruz, Hillary, Soros, Bernie and the GOP-Democrat-One-Party Machine d...

  • April 3, 2016

    Donald Trump and the Farmer's Mule

    Just a few days ago, B.H. Obama, former cocaine snorter, blamed white folks for the crack epidemic in black neighborhoods.  Apparently B.H doesn't see the irony of his own in-your-face drug use and damning white folks as being responsible....

  • March 27, 2016

    Jihadi Doublespeak/Democrat Doublespeak

    Democrats are imitating Jihad in the art of double-speak. Hillary and a Muslim propagandist presented a five-minute pack of lies in defense of Jihad, with Hillary only nodding, nodding, and nodding, and never saying a word  — like a proper...

  • March 26, 2016

    You Can't Ever Say 'Jihad'

    Imagine Winston Churchill refusing to say "Hitler."  And then think how Hitler would interpret Churchill's silence. Like other killers in power, Hitler was an expert in spreading terror, because  fear is the cheapest way to...

  • March 24, 2016

    Why I like Don

    I have a confession to make. I actually like Donald Trump. I also like all the other conservative GOP candidates. I’d vote for any one of them over Hillary, Obama and Sanders, who all represent the totalitarian Left, the curse of American po...

  • March 20, 2016

    The Case for Trump Cruz

    There is an atmosphere of doom and despair hanging over the capital of the United States today.  The cause is by far the most competitive and genuinely democratic Republican primary season in many years, with by far the best team of Republican c...

  • March 19, 2016

    Trump Fights

    For Americans who favor Donald Trump, their choice can be summarized in two words: Trump Fights. We haven’t seen a fighting Republican since Newt Gingrich and the Contract with America. But we’ve seen plenty of abject surrenders...

  • March 15, 2016

    Europe Emasculated

    In Sweden, the headline goes, in the small town of Oestersund, “Women are warned not to go out at night to avoid multiple sex attacks by “foreigners.”  As in most of Europe and a good chunk of America -- like the White ...

  • March 13, 2016

    Trump and Jihad

    Donald Trump just broke another PC taboo by telling the truth, and he put it in just a few words: “I think Islam hate us.”   By now American Thinker readers are familiar with the overwhelming evidence on that point, while the...

  • March 9, 2016

    Trump's Healthy Humiliations

    Was Jackie Gleason a narcissist? Gleason was a wonderful comedian at a time of genuinely funny comedy in America. In the classic television series "The Honeymooners", Gleason (as Ralph) and his no-nonsense wife (Alice) played off each other...

  • March 6, 2016

    How Donald Trump affects the ruling class

    Since Donald Trump is running as a Big Rorschach Blot, the biggest question is what he would (try to) do as president.  So far, his main goal has been to make Donald Trump a household name, in politics, not just in TV and expensive real estate. ...

  • March 3, 2016

    Obamanism Is the Real Enemy

    I don't like the word "enemy" for domestic political opponents.  It is Saul Alinsky who introduced (or re-introduced) that word into our political discourse.  But we cannot doubt for one single second that the Left-Jihadist Ax...

  • February 28, 2016

    What does Donald Trump really believe?

    Conservatives don't worship at the feet of perfect human beings, because we know very well they don't exist.  There are no perfect politicians except in the minds of the sucker-bait left.  We also know that some people ar...

  • February 25, 2016

    Trump and the Culture War

    Our corrupt media keep yelling that Donald Trump is a totally new and scary thing in America. He insults people! (Just like the Washington Post and the New York Times). He is a threat to the Establishment! (Just like Abe Lincoln.) He talks ...

  • February 19, 2016

    Suicidal Overcompensation in Germany

    Back in the days when Garrison Keillor was still funny, he told stories about the pioneering settlers who founded Lake Woebegon, Minnesota in the 19th century.  In the story, Norwegian immigrants settled in the coldest part of Minnesota because ...

  • February 15, 2016

    We must have an immediate Scalia autopsy

    Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has died, deeply mourned by his friends and admirers, while liberals are happily celebrating his demise (in their usual indecent fashion).  La Raza, radical environmentalists, and the affirmative action estab...

  • February 12, 2016

    That Clever Mr. Trump

    Donald Trump is a vulgarian.  Trump is a winner.  Trump is not a real conservative.  Trump is this, that, or the other thing.  Everybody has an opinion. I have to start by confessing that I like Ted Cruz as a principled conserv...

  • February 2, 2016

    European Pathology Hasn’t Changed

    After the Hitler and Stalin disasters, Europeans swore “Never Again!” over and over again. Never Again to the Holocaust and Stalin massacres, but also to the many occasions of mass bloodshed that began with the wars of the Reformation. ...

  • February 1, 2016

    Who Received Hillary's Secret Emails?

    Congressman Darrell Issa has predicted that Hillary and Huma will never be indicted for leaking top-secret information through their illegal email scam. "I think the FBI director would like to indict both Huma and Hillary as we speak,...

  • January 28, 2016

    Time for a Trump-Cruz Unity Ticket?

    In parliamentary systems, when a nation like Britain was faced with a deadly threat, competing parties tended to form unity governments – because "the prospect of hanging in the morning concentrates the mind wonderfully."  In dea...

  • January 24, 2016

    The Madness of Frau Merkel

    Quran (33:50) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to …  those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee"   Quran (23:5-6) - "..who abstain from sex, except ...

  • January 5, 2016

    Jihad, Trump, and the Lessons of Churchill

    In 1940, on the eve of America's entry into World War 2 but after Britain's, when the English Parliament finally grasped the full disaster of appeasement, those were the words M.P. Leo Amery spoke to Neville Chamberlain.  The full quote,...

  • December 30, 2015

    Putin's Rationality

    Vladimir Putin seems to catch the West by surprise every single time he invades another country — starting with Georgia, then Crimea, Ukraine, and now Syria.  He hasn't yet reconquered the old Soviet Empire, but Eastern Europe and the ...

  • December 28, 2015

    Why WaPo conservatives fear Trump

    Mild-mannered WaPo pundit George Will is panicking at the prospect of President Donald Trump. Mr. Will tells us that Trump will destroy conservatism -- which doesn’t seem likely, because about a third of Americans strongly and consistently lean...

  • December 14, 2015

    Edmund Burke Meets Donald Trump

    Conservative intellectuals like George Will and Charles Krauthammer are always telling us to read Edmund Burke, the founder of Anglo-American conservatism.  Burke (1729-1797) was an Irishman who became a leading member of Parliament in London, f...

  • December 7, 2015

    Europe begins to recognize jihad

    When people come out of deep denial about dangers like global jihad, it’s often agonizingly slow and indirect.  Obama still can’t see out of his box of jihad denial, and he isn’t even willing to try.  After all, he has a l...

  • December 2, 2015

    Obama's 'Peace' Strategy.

    I haven’t checked lately to see if the oceans are still rising, due to human sinfulness and love of big cars, or whether the waters are finally receding, as per Obama’s instructions seven years ago.  Peace is breaking out all over...

  • November 29, 2015

    The Folly of Disrespecting Putin

    I never expected to see the leaders of the two biggest nuclear powers in the world spitting in each other's faces.  But it's happening today before our very eyes, with Obama's "best friend" Recip ErdoДџan of Turkey hav...

  • November 25, 2015

    Was the US complicit in an attack on a Russian jet?

    When modern armies fight in close proximity, lethal incidents are almost inevitable, because events happen much faster than human beings can react.  Sane nations therefore work out very careful flight rules to avoid accidents and provocations. ...

  • November 23, 2015

    We Need a Congressional Declaration of War

    Nobody wants war, but war has been thrust upon us – exactly what FDR said after Pearl Harbor.  Under the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8), there is one and only one provision for times like this.  No president can be ...

  • November 19, 2015

    What Putin Knows

    Could Putin ever be trusted as an ally in the jihad war? Here are some thoughts. 1)  Putin can be trusted to act in his own self-interest. If we elect a patriotic American next year (i.e., never a Democrat), a win-win arrangement might be ...

  • November 16, 2015

    Europe's Neurotic Suicidality

    Suicidality is the medical word for the chances that someone will commit suicide.  But medicine has no word for ideological suicidality – as in Japan's Bushido war cult, Jim Jones in Guyana, and jihadist war doctrine, which glorifies m...

  • October 20, 2015

    Trump blows it, blames Bush

    So far Donald Trump has used his brash celebrity style to drive out GOP competitors, without spending serious money -- but taking the risk of being perceived as a lightweight. But now he has to deal with charge of being "Trump the Clown,...

  • October 19, 2015

    Henry Kissinger: Is nuclear catastrophe inevitable?

    Henry Kissinger, who is still (to my mind) the wisest foreign policy analyst in the land, just wrote a Wall Street Journal piece called "A path out of Middle East Collapse." Today that article is being carefully analyzed all over the wor...

  • October 16, 2015

    Israel Fails the First Duty of Government

    I once faced an Arab kid in the Old City of Jerusalem, who was reaching for his knife.  The whole thing was a stupid teenage prank, including my teenage friends and the Arab kid.  We shut down the confrontation pronto, and nothing happened....

  • October 14, 2015

    Czar Putin defends the West

    Well, Obama has systematically undercut our friends in the Middle East, and Vladimir Putin is picking up the pieces. Obama promised big change -- only not the ones we see happening. As Obama promised the radical left, America is now drastically weake...

  • October 7, 2015

    Wanted: A President of Good Character

    The GOP establishment is really annoyed with conservative voters for not letting them pick the next president, and Peter Wehner has just been given a megaphone to tell us so in the New York Times. Mr. Wehner calls his piece, "Seeking a presid...

  • October 5, 2015

    Crucifying Israel: Obama's Brave New World

    Barack Obama keeps a special big smile for times when the people he hates most really get screwed.  He smiled that great big smile again recently when he said how much he loves the Jews – right after selling Israel out to its most dangerou...

  • September 30, 2015

    Russia is the New Hegemon

    Under Obama and the Left, America has retreated from the world. We have abandoned our allies, all the way from Japan and South Korea to Saudi Arabia and Israel. Obama has supported the paleofascist Ikhwan (brotherhood) in the Sunni Arab world, and Ir...

  • September 29, 2015

    Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser reported transiting the Suez Canal

    The Chinese are coming.  A website linked to Israeli intelligence reports that a new Chinese aircraft carrier and missile cruiser has passed through the Suez Canal.  That fact cannot be hidden, so it is likely to be true.  The Chine...

  • September 28, 2015

    Three Deeply Pro-American Candidates

    We are beginning to understand the GOP field, and to me the most interesting thing is three front-runners who seem to be genuinely pro-American. I don’t mean that the others are not pro-American; I just don't understand them yet. The ...

  • September 21, 2015

    How dare the voters pick a candidate?

    When it comes to sneering contempt for ordinary people, it's hard to out-perform the left, with its long, bloody history of mass murders by tiny radical elites.  But we are now being treated to conservative pundits' revolt against the ba...

  • September 5, 2015

    Why Conservative Pundits Despise Trump

    A lot of conservative pundits are spittin' mad about Donald Trump's spectacular rise in the polls. Mad to the point of unreason. But the same folks claim to admire the founder of Anglo-American conservatism, Edmund Burke, who placed his trust...

  • September 3, 2015

    Europe sells the hangman's rope - again

    It was V.I. Lenin who sneered that the last capitalist would sell communists the rope to hang him with. That's what happened in the Soviet Empire, which ran Eastern Europe for half a century. But even in the 1930s most European nations were ready...

  • August 31, 2015

    Officers' Letter to Congress on Iran Deal Is Not a One-Day Story

    The most dangerous presidency in American history is now rushing to its climax.  This is the lethal moment that Bush and Cheney warned us about – the catastrophic moment when a fanatical Armageddon regime in Tehran will be guaranteed a pat...

  • August 14, 2015

    When the Hitler Comparison Fits

    Some time ago, Jonah Goldberg criticized political pundits for overusing the Hitler cliché. He was right to – almost. Hitler will be an example of evil for a long time to come, because he inflicted more sadistic pain and death on m...

  • August 10, 2015

    O to Israel: Drop dead!

    Won't you please commit suicide, dear ally Israel? (Said with a million-dollar Obama grin.) That's the message to Israel when you look behind Obama's words.  He has totally abandoned a close ally surrounded by primitive barbari...

  • August 8, 2015

    The possibility of treason

    Since the U.S. Congress has abdicated its duty to declare war when the country is actually at war, it may be technically impossible to convict someone of treason, even if he actively "aids and abets" our enemies.  But murder is still m...

  • August 6, 2015

    Why History will Curse the Democrats

    What will happen when the fanatics of Iran explode their first bomb? What if they drop a dirty bomb on Tel Aviv or Riyadh, as they can already do today? What if they stage an armored blitzkrieg against Saudi Arabia by way of Syria and Jordan, under t...

  • August 3, 2015

    Obama's Mental Rigidity Is Dangerous

    It was Plato who wrote that "the ability to keep two opposite ideas in mind is a sign of the civilized mind."  Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle were all about spirited dialogue.  That is why the Greeks of the Golden Age discovere...

  • July 31, 2015

    Ben Stein explains Obama-Kerry's genocidal danger

    At Breitbart, Pam Key smmarizes an appearance by Ben Stein on Newsmax TV's The Steve Malzberg Show (video below): Wednesday on Newsmax TV’s “The Steve Malzberg Show,” actor, author and former White House speechwriter Ben St...

  • July 21, 2015

    Obama's Next Move is to Gang up on Israel

    Last week, when four unarmed U.S. Marines and a Navy petty officer were murdered by a 23-year-old fanatic named Mohammed in Chattanooga, Tennessee, the President of the United States was in the process of hyping our national surrender to Iran’s...

  • July 17, 2015

    Will Nuclear Panic Trigger Political Backlash?

    Obama has given Iran the bomb, and the Saudis and Egyptians are out shopping for their own, to keep the balance of power between traditional religious enemies.  If ISIS holds territory and establishes another radical state, it could buy nukes fr...

  • July 8, 2015

    What Europe Has Become

    I know a medical scientist who believes he is being boycotted by European scientific journals, normally a "do or die" matter in science.  If you don't publish you don't survive.  Like any sensible person in the U.S. tod...

  • June 6, 2015

    Finally: New York Times blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11

    After 15 years of silence and cover-ups, the New York Times has confessed what it has known all along: that Saudi Arabia was complicit, to say the least, in the mass murder of 3,000 innocent civilians on 9/11/01 in New York City; in Washington, D.C.;...

  • June 5, 2015

    Gertz Expose: Pentagon docs show Obama supports Muslim Brotherhood

    Bill Gertz, top Pentagon reporter for the Washington Times has just reported that "Obama secretly backed Muslim Brotherhood."  The Brotherhood is literally a fascist Muslim radical group from the Nazi period. Writes Gertz: Pres...

  • June 4, 2015

    Is Obama a villain? Or only delusional?

    President Obama is trying to make nice with Jewish American voters again -- those who haven’t caught on to his multiple betrayals in the Middle East.  Israelis -- those who are in touch with reality -- feel betrayed.  The Saudis feel ...

  • May 30, 2015

    Silence about Muslim horrors means consent

    Brigitte Gabriel is a hero for our times, a Churchillian voice of moral outrage -- which our president and liberal media seem unable to hear. Their silence means consent, because they know, they know. On April 4 Brigitte Gabriel gave a passionate,...

  • May 23, 2015

    Is Obama as naive about Iran as he claims to be?

    Obama just peddled another “Iran only wants peace” interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, a reliable leftist propagandist. But is Obama really as naïve as he pretends to be? Jimmy Carter did nothing when Ayatollah Khomeini’s fa...

  • May 18, 2015

    Obama the Magnificent

    You have to give President Obama credit: he is a transformational figure, and the American media are loath to give him the credit he deserves. Of course, the transformation he has had in mind and has partially accomplished had to be covert, for the A...

  • May 14, 2015

    The World Is Hungry for Leadership

    So how's Obama's "leading from behind" working for ya? It's working fine for the rogues of the world. North Korea just announced a new sub-launched ICBM, allowing it to send nuke-tipped missiles anywhere in the world. ...

  • May 8, 2015

    It's the War Theology, Stupid!

    For many centuries, “shouting fire in a crowded theater” set the limits of free speech under English Common Law. The reason wasn’t a rash of practical jokers shouting “fire!” in London theaters.  It was endless, ...

  • May 4, 2015

    Jeb Bush Pulls an Obama Trick

    Jeb Bush did a decent job as governor of Florida, and he can sound conservative when he wants to. Most presidential candidates start by running to their ideological base.  But Jeb is doing the opposite, running hard left.  Immigrati...

  • April 25, 2015

    Iran after the Bomb

    Obama has now created a worst-case scenario in the Middle East, by covering up Iran’s nuclear development for six years, while swearing up and down it would never happen. The media has finally admitted that the mullahs don’t even nee...

  • April 20, 2015

    Who authorized Obama to kick over the nuclear balance?

    The whole world now understands President Obama’s caudillo style, his autocratic style of governance. We know about the abuse of the IRS, the Department of Justice and our immigration system. We see his contempt for the constitutional powers of...

  • April 16, 2015

    Thinking the Unthinkable: Are we Looking at Nuclear Treason?

    Nuclear treason is nothing new. It happened in the 1940s when U.S. Communist Party members smuggled Manhattan Project secrets to Stalin’s Soviet Union, allowing him to explode his first bomb in 1949, just four years after Hiroshima and Nagasaki...

  • April 15, 2015

    Obama as Nuclear Arsonist

    Obama is the most dangerous president in history.  He lied when promising the world that the U.S. would never allow Iran’s war fanatics to have nuclear weapons.  While Obama was demagogically repeating, “Never! Never!,” hi...

  • April 11, 2015

    The Left, Both Here and There, Betraying Israel

    Well, the facts are all in, and we know what Obama is about. Obama’s betrayal of this country and the world did not start with his  worthless “agreement” with the mullahs, a pure kabuki shadow play.  The war-priests of ...

  • April 9, 2015

    We now have a genocide-enabling President

    Welcome all you good folks to the Obama Presidency, which came in as a messianic mediagasm six years ago, and which will go out in 22 months as a genuine “first” -- the First American President to openly sign an “agreement” wi...

  • April 7, 2015

    Obama's UN Ambitions

    Why does Obama do dangerous and irrational things? By now half of American voters have pretty much figured him out as a power-hungry and self-serving Chicago pol with strange Muslim sympathies, and damn the U.S. Constitution and the law. A lot of ...

  • April 6, 2015

    Israel must explode a nuclear device

    President Obama has set the clock back to 1949, when Stalin exploded his first nuclear bomb. That meant there were two opposing nations in the world with nuclear weapons. The United States and the USSR exploded series of test bombs, later on undergro...

  • April 4, 2015

    Nuclear Breakout by Iran and North Korea

    This from Caroline Glick in the Jerusalem Post on April 3: … we are now facing the unfolding disaster that Obama has wrought. … the US has just given the Iranians a green light to behave as if they have already built their nuclear ...

  • April 1, 2015

    How many more allies have to be sacrificed for Obama's ego?

    When George W. Bush left office, Libya was a halfway ally, which had dropped its nuclear weapons program at the insistence of the Bush administration. That was a victory for sanity over extreme danger – i.e., the risk that nukes would fall i...

  • March 31, 2015

    Iranian forces advancing toward Israel's border in the Golan

    The Times of London is confirming what I wrote about over a month ago: Iran is close to putting its forces on Israel’s northeast border for the first time, as its allies crush rebel groups in the Golan Heights area of Syria. This is p...

  • March 30, 2015

    Obama Creates Chaos and Calls it 'Peace'

    President Obama has surrendered to Iran’s fanatical thirst for nukes, and now all of Iran’s Muslim enemies are going to war, because they understand the mullahs a lot better than Obama does. A huge regional war is breaking out between ...

  • March 27, 2015

    Why is Obama so Obsessed with Israel?

    Barack Obama is a man with amazingly fixed beliefs, which seem to orbit the White House at some faraway distance in space. After Ferguson, Obama’s feelings of rage against whites and cops are hard to deny. Obama’s Islamophilia and even hi...

  • March 22, 2015

    Obama's Jihadist Bias and Israel

    At this point there is no honest doubt that Obama is not just pro-Muslim, but that he favors Jihadist imperialism, whether by infiltration or violence. Or both. Iran is an outright jihadist imperialist power, and it has been called the biggest ter...

  • March 19, 2015

    Now that 'treason' charges are in the air

    According to the noisy left, Senate Republicans are “traitors” for explaining the Constitutional requirement for the Senate to “advise and consent” on treaties, so that the world and the mullahs will know the truth. Obama...

  • March 18, 2015

    Liz Warren: The next Obama

    The radical left is never satisfied with its power.  It always wants more.  Two terms as president won’t satisfy Obama’s power-lust. On December 12, 2014, CNN reported that “300 ex-Obama staffers” had written a p...

  • March 16, 2015

    Buy American Oil: How to Starve the Jihad War of Money

    Jihad war is paid for by OPEC oil regimes, including the Saudis and Iran, and by mandatory "charitable" contributions from fundamentalist Muslims.  In the case of the soi-disant Palestinians, jihad is paid for by our own tax dollars, t...

  • March 14, 2015

    Muslim Sacralized Rape and Feminized Sweden

    On a visit to Stockholm several years ago, a Swedish professor blandly told me the old Vikings were not as warlike as we think.  He told me this flaming lie while we were gazing at an enormous burial mound of some Viking chieftain long ago, when...

  • March 7, 2015

    The Nuke Horse is out of the Barn

    Obama is on another one of his noisy campaigns to build his ‘legacy’ -- but his legacy is a mountain of phony three-dollar bills. The fact is that the nuclear horse is out of the barn, ready to ride with the other four horses of the Apoca...

  • March 6, 2015

    Iran general and 10,000 troops, within six miles of Israeli border

    Last week we reported a potential Iranian armored blitzkrieg through Syria to the Golan Heights, on the northern border of Israel. Today’s news may confirm that report. Israeli General Israel Ziv (res.) reported in Jerusalem that Iranian gen...

  • March 2, 2015

    Bibi's Truth: Forty years of Liberal Betrayal

    I don’t know what Israel’s Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is going to say to the U.S. Congress on Tuesday. Obama and the sleaze media will try to make this story all about Bibi and phony “violations of protocol.” Bibi will t...

  • February 26, 2015

    Obama's Submission to Iranian Nukes

    Suppose Hitler was still in his bunker today, and rushing to get the Bomb. Or suppose that Imperial Japan was on the verge of its first nuclear explosion at the time of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If Obama were president in such a time, he would sign ...

  • February 21, 2015

    Iran prepares to attack Northern Israel

    Take an old-fashioned iron bar magnet and a flat piece of white paper with hundreds of scattered iron filings. As soon as the paper is placed on the magnet, all the particles align around the two separate poles of the bar’s magnetic field. Ever...

  • February 17, 2015

    What a Statesman would do Today

    In the long view of history President Obama is not a statesman -- not a strategic thinker and actor -- but a very odd bird who just loves to show the fickle finger to the rest of us. Obama’s presidency is a strange interlude of what Friedrich N...

  • February 15, 2015

    A Little Quiz for Journalists who think they know Darwin

    Our fair-minded media have decided to make Darwin’s theory of evolution a test of presidential qualifications. Governor Scott Walker refused to answer on the basis that he wasn’t a biologist. Nobody knows if Obama knows anything about sci...

  • February 10, 2015

    To become UN Sec General Obama must 'Solve' the Existence of Israel

    President Obama is basically a Marxist of the “Third World” variety, which means that he lives in the faith that some elite political minority can rule first the United States and Europe, and then the world. In Washington speculation...

  • February 8, 2015

    Obama Struggles to Name the Nazis

    It is a year after December 7, 1941.  Our Pacific fleet was almost destroyed in the Pearl Harbor attack, and by now, Hitler’s tanks have knocked over Poland, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, and all the rest, including a g...

  • February 5, 2015

    Samantha Power, Genocide Enabler

    Genocides happen when the civilized world shuts its eyes and does nothing while some gang of barbarians slaughters human beings by the thousands.  Civilized silence promises safety to the killers and demoralizes their victims. Samantha Power,...

  • February 2, 2015

    Obama Is Openly Colluding with the Enemy

    We are in the middle of a hot war in the Middle East, with constant terror attacks all over the world, including the United States, Europe, and Asia.  The enemy is called violent Islam, or radical Islam, or fascist Islam, or reactionary Islam, o...

  • January 29, 2015

    Obama Squirms to Dodge the Truth

    We don’t want war; but war has been declared on us. That is the dilemma of the political elites, and their string of puppets in the media. Obama is the dance-away politician. He has always danced away from the consequences of his actions. But t...

  • January 24, 2015

    They Are <em>Not</em> Liberals

    Today’s self-proclaimed “liberals” would have no truck with the real John F. Kennedy, or LBJ, or Harry S. Truman, or Daniel Patrick Moynihan, or other patriotic liberals. If the phrase “patriotic liberal” has an odd clan...

  • January 20, 2015

    The Muslim World's (and Our) Moment of Truth

    It looks like a Churchill moment in the world.  With the Charlie Hebdo massacres in Paris the French have had enough.  Finally -- finally! -- after years of terrorist murders followed by appeasement or worse, ordinary people are ready to ta...

  • January 13, 2015

    Obama Tries to Co-opt the Charlie moment

    There is reason to suspect President Obama’s attitude toward the Muslim Brotherhood, a long-time jihadist movement that forty years ago assassinated Egypt’s President Anwar Sadat for making peace with Israel. The Moobers also overthrew Eg...

  • January 7, 2015

    J.R.R. Tolkien and the Courage to Face Evil

    Great books can be read again and again without losing their freshness. J.R.R. Tolkien’s two famous novels – The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings – reveal more and more layers of meaning on each reading.  Critics like to arg...

  • January 3, 2015

    Egypt's President Al Sisi calls for 'religious revolution' in Islam

    In a major positive development, Egypt's President Al Sisi has made an impassioned plea for a "religious revolution" in Islam.  Speaking at Al Azhar University in Cairo, Sisi spoke directly to the religious establishment of Egypt:...

  • December 27, 2014

    The Jihadist Connection to Epidemic Child Abuse

    The Cambridge Spies in Britain were the most destructive spy network of the Cold War. Soviet intelligence recruited lifelong moles among students at Cambridge University, who went on to careers in British intelligence and even Buckingham Palace. The ...

  • December 16, 2014

    The Democrats and Treason

    “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same ov...

  • December 11, 2014

    Alisher Usmanov's Magnificent Gesture

    Our unspeakably sleazy media have been having a field day hag-riding Dr. Watson as "the disgraced DNA scientist" – because he made a remark about sub-Saharan African IQ.  But to sane people, Dr. Watson isn't remotely ...

  • December 9, 2014

    Obama and Putin are both Frozen in the Past

    The free web is making it possible to see politicians more clearly than ever before, and yes, they all have feet of clay. Obama’s personal psychology has been discussed so much that even the Left is beginning to take notice. Videos of Vladimir ...

  • December 6, 2014

    Vladi Putin Goes the Full 'Bama.

    Egomania is all the rage in politics today.  We know about the Current Occupant of the White House, whose me-me-me song has become so repetitive that even his worshipers are bored.  No!  Not another TV special on the Thoughts of Chairm...

  • December 5, 2014

    GOP Coherence Should Trump Presidential Politicking

    A couple of odd intra-party GOP quibbles appeared this week, aimed at Senator Ted Cruz, an early frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination. National Review has a curious attack on Ted Cruz, written by Jim Gehrke, called “Ted Cruz tries...

  • December 4, 2014

    James Watson and the PC Witch-hunters

    Let’s suppose that James Watson, who co-discovered the structure of DNA together with Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin, is wrong about race and intelligence. And let’s even suppose that it was immoral for him to say that this fact ...

  • December 1, 2014

    The War Preachers of Islam

    “I hate your government, your lies, your corruption, your religion, your double standard and your hypocrisy,” wrote the son of Ayatollah Rouhani, just before he killed himself. “I was forced to lie to my friends each day, telling...

  • December 1, 2014

    Iraq ambassador to U.N. confirms ISIS dirty bomb potential

    The Iraqi ambassador to the U.N. has written a letter confirming this ISIS social media claim.  The U.K. Daily Mail: In a letter to the United Nations, Iraq's U.N. Ambassador Mohamed Ali Alhakim told Ban Ki-moon 'Terrorist grou...

  • November 29, 2014

    A Fantasy-driven Muslim World can Never Become Modern

    Obama’s “best friend,” Recip Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, who wants to revive the universally-hated Ottoman Empire, says that Muslims discovered America. Oddly enough, the same claim is made by Spain and Italy, who think it was Colu...

  • November 15, 2014

    Compelling Israel to go Nuclear: Another Obama Triumph

    Don’t look now, but the Japanese government under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has just dumped its sixty-year anti-nuclear policy. The reason is simple: the United States’s nuclear defense guarantee protecting Japan can no longer be bel...

  • November 10, 2014

    Now Fire the Media

    Today, twenty years after the fall of the Soviet Empire, the Left still runs the Western media. Such a monopoly guarantees massive corruption, uniform indoctrination, constant media lies, and toxic politics. It shuts the voters out of power. The...

  • October 18, 2014

    Naomi Wolf and the Sponsors of Mass Rape

    What was she thinking?  There was Naomi Wolfe last year, coming out in a Manhattan press conference as the latest pretty face for Al Jazeerah -- owned and controlled by the desert patriarchs of Qatar, reactionary Muslims who believe in covering ...

  • October 11, 2014

    We know how to win the Jihad War

    While liberals have been frozen in deep denial since September 11, 2001, conservatives often feel outrage and despair -- because nobody listens to our constant alarms.  Under Leftists our national response to Islamic aggression has been feeble a...

  • September 29, 2014

    A Modest Proposal to Quench Ethnic Hatred in the Middle East

    The Middle East is like a vast dysfunctional family.  Western leftists like to place all the blame on Israel, but for 1,300 years before modern Israel declared its independence, Muslims were routinely killing each other, following the rule: Me a...

  • September 22, 2014

    The worldwide rise of sadistic political pathology

    Charles Krauthammer has an excellent recent piece on the political logic of ISIS, the most recent demonic cult to emerge from that hellish part of the world. Krauthammer easily knocks down all the clay pigeons in Obama’s “foreign policy o...

  • September 15, 2014

    No Victory without Extirpating Terror Sponsors

    A basic rule of war is not to permit one’s enemy safe harbor in which to retreat, regroup, resupply, and plan new attacks. That was our main handicap in the Vietnam War – the U.S. never allowed itself to take out Ho Chi Minh’s safe ...

  • September 13, 2014

    The utter failure of our political class to respond to mortal danger

    Nations are much like living organisms.  One fundamental function of life is to tell the difference between friends and foes.  When a nation fails to do that it will soon die. For more than two centuries the United States has known how t...

  • September 8, 2014

    The Awful Truth: The World is at War

    American Thinker and other commentary sites have been covering the Jihad War in great detail. But a coherent overview only came together for me after visiting the Long War Journal’s Threat Matrix, sponsored by the Foundation for the Defense of ...

  • September 5, 2014

    Yes, There Are Modernist Muslims

    William James thought there were two kinds of people, the “tough minded” and the “tender minded.” Today, thinking conservatives are tough-minded about politics, while most liberals are unconscious victims of media propaganda. ...

  • August 30, 2014

    Does ISIS Have Black-op Backers?

    The bloody-handed butchers of ISIS behave like the worst Islamofascist gang we have seen so far -- worse than the Taliban, worse than Hamas and Hezb’allah, worse than Al Nusra, worse than the Muslim Brotherhood, worse than all the little maniac...

  • August 23, 2014

    Dangerous Times: ISIS: The End of Denial

    The Vietnam War was won by American forces in the field, together with South Vietnamese, but it was lost in the media.  Even forty years ago the media were largely penetrated by the hard left, which has its real sympathies with Marxist internati...

  • August 13, 2014

    Obama's Mess: Regional Jihad in the ME

    Since the start of this administration, Obama has plotted with jihadist forces in the Middle East to stir up conflict -- not, repeat not, to build stability. That is an essential point to understand about this administration. This column (and others)...

  • August 2, 2014

    Obama's Inexplicable Love for the Dark Side

    Even the American left is finally realizing that this is the strangest administration in living memory. Obama simply has no real precedents, which is why he seems so utterly foreign. American presidents tend to be pragmatists, but Obama is locked int...

  • July 29, 2014

    Putin and Obama, the Bobbsey Twins

    For half a millennium the Russian Tsars proudly proclaimed themselves to be guardians of Christian civilization against barbarian invasions from the Asian steppes and the Muslim Middle East. Although the Tsars generally excluded Catholics from their ...

  • July 12, 2014

    Obama: Dancing Barefoot on the Embers

    I can remember several times when Obama just started to laugh in public at various disasters triggered by his policies. Happy laughter now seems to be the official White House reaction to domestic and international chaos and human suffering. You c...

  • July 5, 2014

    Dangerous Times: Obama the Betrayer

    “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Which of those solem...

  • June 14, 2014

    Obama's Children's Crusade

    The Children’s Crusade that has invaded our southern borders has an amazing number of well-fed gangster types, grabbing their crotches and giving the finger to the news cameras. These adult-sized gangsters are not children, and they don’t...

  • June 7, 2014

    American Nazi gives Hitler Salute from Rose Garden

    No, it didn’t happen exactly that way this week. But hippie jihadist Bob Bergdahl got his chance to stage a classic agitprop stunt (“spontaneously,” of course), by twice reciting the jihadist credo in Arabic as a public signal of su...

  • May 27, 2014

    African-Americans: Boko Haram just Enslaved Africa's Children -- Again

    Slavery can be some sadistic thug standing over you, wielding a whip. Or it can be a slick con artist selling you crystal meth. Both of them are after your freedom, your body, your soul. They want you to be their slave. Boko Haram and its ilk have...

  • May 24, 2014

    Dangerous Times: Benghazi Means Betrayal

    “Danged if I know!” answered Dr. Susan Rice when asked about the administration’s multiple betrayals of U.S. policy, its many violations of ordinary decency, its massive electoral coverups, Obama’s daily bad faith lies to the ...

  • May 3, 2014

    Dangerous Times: Still Missing the Strategic Meaning of Benghazi

    Strategy comes before tactics. Strategic goals dictate tactical actions. Today we are allowed to talk about the obvious tactical lies and malfeasances that the Obama administration blew in our faces in the Benghazi fiasco and its aftermath, but not a...

  • March 29, 2014

    Dangerous Times: How Putin Might End up Saving Europe

    Liberals think in fixed clichés, and a current favorite is that Europe represents the peaceful and enlightened future. Why, just look at ‘em --- everybody gets free health care, even if they kill babies (now legal in Belgium) and old peo...

  • March 22, 2014

    Dangerous Times: Obama Surrenders

    The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche described the “inversion of values” -- how deeply envious people can twist good into evil. Obama has now accomplished a perfect inversion of American values. Putin’s thuggery in the Crimea is rewa...

  • March 15, 2014

    Dangerous Times: Will Europe ever Defend Itself?

    In purely cynical geopolitical terms, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has completely outfoxed President Obama and the whole foreign policy apparatus of the West. The United States and our overfatted intelligence apparatus were caught with their pants do...

  • March 3, 2014

    Dangerous Times: Putin slaps down Euro-American Fantasyland

    When JFK looked weak to Nikita Khrushchev, we got the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1963. When Jimmy Carter bear-hugged Brezhnev, we got the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. When Bill Clinton failed to stop Bin Laden for seven whole years, we got 9/11/01 in...

  • February 22, 2014

    The Freedom to Fornicate

    For the last five years the world has waited with bated breath to discover Obama's real values. Does our first post-modern president really care about democracy in the world? Not much, no: His deep public bow to Chinese President Hu --- the master of...

  • February 8, 2014

    Winston Churchill answers Obama

        One of the first acts of Barack Obama's presidency was to send back to Britain a powerful Oval Office sculpture of Winston Churchill, looking beetle-browed and determined, the way Churchill really looked when he was defying Hitler. At...

  • January 18, 2014

    The Three Christs of Obamanism

    I start with an apology to faithful Christians  who believe in one Christ the Savior.  This column is not about religion, but about a classical psychological study of three mental patients in Ypsilanti, Michigan, each of whom beli...

  • January 11, 2014

    How Saudi hate propaganda empowered Iran

    Genocidal hate propaganda is back in the world, though it's never reported in the American and European media.  To report the constant stream of hate agitation against the West and Israel would undermine the socialist-Islamist alliance that appa...

  • January 4, 2014

    Dangerous Times: The New York Times Goes the Full Pravda

    Every thoughtful person knows the NY Times peddles shameless whoppers every single day, just as Pravda did in Soviet Moscow -- "pravda" meaning "the truth" in Russian.   In the good old USSR you didn't read Pravda for the truth.  ...

  • December 28, 2013

    Why Jesus was a Zionist

    After the 1960s, the radical left conquered America's Organs of Propaganda, which now run robotically identical "news" stories every single day. Yet normal people don't all march to the same drummer. Big Media coordination of the "news" proves that w...

  • December 17, 2013

    How Obama ran down the nuclear doomsday clock

    Americans don't pride themselves on acts of treachery, but there are times when we as a nation have betrayed people. We abandoned our own Ambassador and staff in Benghazi to protect Obama's political fortunes in the last election. In Vietnam, a Democ...

  • December 7, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Inspector Clouseau Brings Peace

    A nuclear arms race is now arising in the Middle East, starting with an Iranian nuke, then a Saudi and Egyptian one. Nobody knows the end game. Obama's biggest legacy may be worldwide instability for years to come. This administration is coming to a...

  • November 30, 2013

    Obama and the EU push Genocide

    "Why can't Iran be allowed to have its own nukes?" asked a good friend of mine. "It only seems fair." My friend is an intelligent person who has seen politics up close. And yet, such is the power of mass indoctrination, she doesn't know that Iran is...

  • November 23, 2013

    Dangerous Times: A Looming Strategic Disaster in the Middle East.

      If you think ObamaCare is bad, just wait till you hear the new "peace" agreement that is due to be imposed on the Middle East over the coming weeks. Even if it works, a giant if, it will make the world much more dangerous: 1. Iran will have nu...

  • November 13, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Obama and the Crisis of Evil

    The Atlantic, November 2, 2012: Obama's Crystal-Clear Promise to Stop Iran From Getting a Nuclear Weapon. USA Today, October 25, 2013: Iran bomb one month away. The New Republic, March 2, 2012. "...never has an American president treated an Israeli ...

  • October 19, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Is Rouhani Rolling Obama?

    When Mullah Rouhani was smiling for the abject media in New York the other week, Obama got double-teamed but good. The President of the United States asked to meet Rouhani three different times and was refused three times. Then when the truck bomber ...

  • October 12, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Obama Bows to the Mullahs

    It looks like the fix is in. The mullahs will certainly get their nukes and ICBMs, and neither Israel nor the Saudis (who are scared to death of the mullahs) will rely on American protection as long as Obama is in office. Obama just put out the welco...

  • October 5, 2013

    Dangerous Times: The Crisis-Monger

    Obama thrives on crises, not solutions. That's the key to this whole administration. The budget crisis today is the direct result of five years of over-the-top deficit spending, all demanded by Obama, who doesn't really care if the economy gets b...

  • September 28, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Nobody can Deny Violent Islam

    No one can deny the nature of jihad after last week's horrors in Kenya were broadcast around the world. Everybody who saw the brutal Nairobi mall killings gets it. But our profoundly corrupt and Muslim-penetrated media and political class will keep d...

  • September 21, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Does Putin want a Nuclear Suicide Cult Next Door?

    When it comes to survival, nations act in their own interest. All talk about friendship and personal warmth between national leaders is pure fairy dust. That's for the goo-goos, while political leaders need to deal with reality. That is why Russia, ...

  • September 19, 2013

    Why America is Exceptionally Exceptional

    Well, our "leaders" have now resorted to personal name-calling, Obama twisting Putin's tail about looking lazy, and Putin catcalling right back by warning Obama about "people who think they are exceptional." I think Putin was talking about Our Hero, ...

  • September 14, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Putin the Peacemaker vs. Obama the Warmonger

    President Obama has now sabotaged four decades of stability in the Middle East.  First he pulled down the biggest pillar of peace, the Mubarak regime in Egypt; then he bombed Libya into the Dark Ages; and now he has paraded "My Army"  and "...

  • September 7, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Are Obama's Syrian Stumbles Good for America?

    Conservatives are patriots. When we see an American president in trouble, we tend to see his problems as our own. Which makes it hard to know how to react to Obama's troubles in Syria. I am going to make an unusual case here that Obama's Syrian stum...

  • August 27, 2013

    Is Iran behind the Syria gas atrocity?

    Things are moving fast to a Cuban Missile Crisis in Syria, where Obama has been outfoxed by a combination of Russia's Putin and the war theocracy of Iran. Today we see the makings of a regional war, with weapons of mass destruction and intercontinen...

  • August 24, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Russia Rising in the Middle East

    Now that America is leading from behind, more serious powers are rushing to fill the vacuum. Obama seems ready to let that happen, which is why India just launched its first homemade aircraft carrier and why Japan is rearming to keep China from steal...

  • August 17, 2013

    September 11, 2012: A day that will live in infamy

    September 11 of 2012, just eleven months ago, was the eleventh anniversary of the Declaration of Holy War signaled by three simultaneous attacks on America by nineteen Saudi Arabian suiciders, killing 3,000 innocent people in Manhattan, at the Pentag...

  • August 10, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Two Great Fissures in the Global Jihad.

    1he Muslim world is always ready to fragment, following the traditional Bedouin saying, "I against my brother, my brothers and I against my cousins, then my cousins and I against strangers". This is the war logic of the desert, and it appears everywh...

  • August 3, 2013

    Obama is trapped in Syria

    President Obama has now united the world -- not a single country trusts us anymore, because our hero has shafted those who relied on us: Britain, Poland, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, even Syria and Libya. Our solemn national pledges kept the peace fo...

  • July 27, 2013

    Global Jihad Is Here

    "Global jihad is at our doorstep," said the head of Israel's Military Intelligence this week. Unlike our media and politicians, Major-General Aviv Kochavi is paid to see reality without fear or favor, and to tell it like it is. American conservat...

  • July 20, 2013

    Choosing Evil

    Clare M. Lopez is that vanishing rarity in Washington, a professional intelligence analyst who tells the truth. This week she writes about Obama's systematic surrender in the Jihad War, the aggressive war on America that our political class has denie...

  • July 13, 2013

    Dangerous Times: When America Supports Evil

    When the United States resisted Soviet imperialism over seven decades, liberals lost no opportunity to accuse the country of supporting evil. Then the Soviet Union fell, in good part because its own people realized that free markets and electoral dem...

  • July 6, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Obama's Arab Spring Logic

    Wanna have an authentic people's revolution?  Wanna have an Arab Spring? Well, Egypt is having a people's revolution of sorts, as the Egyptian military have cobbled together a political coalition ranging from the Coptic pope to the hyper-react...

  • June 29, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Obama's Perversity

    In economics, a "perverse effect" means getting what you don't want.  If McDonald's makes an executive decision to sell lousy burgers and ends up bankrupt, that is a perverse decision.  Markets are tough on companies that act perversely, bu...

  • June 22, 2013

    An Uncontrollable Ego

    IRS. FBI. NSA... Under Obama they consistently exceed their previously understood legal powers. Yes, there was technical consent by the secret FISA court for massive NSA spying. In times of national threat the FISA court is a pushover; just imagine i...

  • June 8, 2013

    The Totalitarian Left is Back

    The New York Times is the fountainhead of the Leftist propaganda machine in the United States. It is therefore significant that its Editorial Board, stocked with Boomer radicals, has just made a fundamental admission against interest. In reaction to ...

  • June 1, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Benghazi Revealed Collusion with Al Qaida

    All scandals have layers of meaning. Watergate was about a second-rate burglary, but more importantly, it was about Richard M. Nixon's abuse of presidential power. However, much of that message was ruined by the fact that Lyndon B. Johnson abused po...

  • May 25, 2013

    Benghazi and Obama's Ambition to Be U.N. SecGen

    Washington rumor has it that Obama wants to be U.N. Secretary General. There are several reasons that make that likely, and if it's true, it throws new light on a lot of Obama's oddities -- including his Royalty Bows, his Apology Tours, his Muslim ...

  • May 18, 2013

    Dangerous Times: The genocidal logic of anti-Zionism

    Physicist Stephen Hawking is a famous media scientist, with all the pristine morality of a Hollywood starlet starving for publicity.  By calling for an academic boycott of Israel, Hawking just joined the long, long list of bloody-minded professo...

  • May 11, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Milton Friedman just won his euro bet

    Even as President Obama is following in Eurosocialist footsteps, the 14-year utopian experiment on a single currency is collapsing. The architect of the euro just ran up the white flag on the biggest policy mistakes in history. Former German Finance ...

  • April 27, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Will Shale beat Shari'ah?

    A week after the Boston Marathon bombing, Conservative London Mayor Boris Johnson wrote a shameless puff-piece celebrating the glories of "sensuous" camel racing in the Gulf emirates in the London Telegraph. Gulf Arabs, including the Saudi Arabi...

  • March 30, 2013

    Dangerous Times: America will Survive Obama

    Can America survive the age of O? Many conservatives are worried sick. Some friends invited me to their Passover seder the other night, and for the first time I really paid attention to the meaning of the words. As you know, the seder celebrates the...

  • February 26, 2013

    Beppe Grillo forces win nearly a quarter of votes in Italian elections

    Even the normally well-modulated NPR is calling the success of Beppe Grillo in the Italian elections "stunning" and "astonishing." With ballots from about 98 percent of polling stations counted in Senate races, Interior Ministry figures showed Bersa...

  • February 4, 2013

    Rape Squads and Saudi Dollars

    Forget Springtime for Hitler. In the Era of Obama we have official Arab Springtime for Morsi, complete with Muslim Brotherhood rape squads going out for the very moral purpose of teaching Egyptian girls and women never to escape their sacred house ar...

  • January 26, 2013

    Dangerous Times: Gimme a General Who Won't Fight!

    It was Lincoln who said "Give me a general who will fight!" That was after the North was defeated over and over again by Robert E. Lee's smaller and more agile armies. Lincoln's first generals fought desperately hard, but not hard enough to win. In t...

  • January 19, 2013

    Dangerous Times: John Brennan's Black Ops

    President Obama's second inauguration could have been a celebration of national unity, but already it has become yet another campaign to scapegoat and marginalize those who have dared to oppose Obama -- like the Republicans, gun owners, and Bibi Neta...

  • December 18, 2012

    Can Islam reform?

    When liberals sound out on religious fundamentalism they never seem to think of Islam. Yet the Religion of Surrender -- Islam means "surrender," not "peace" -- is by far the most fundamentalist religion in the world. Everything is supposed to go back...

  • November 21, 2012

    ...And Then a Miracle Occurs.

    So American voters can be bought cheaply and fraudulently, with ObamaPhones and Obama's promises: free medical care forever, withdrawing from the world, regular scapegoating of the productive people, reverse-racism, the works.  America is now Ch...

  • November 11, 2012

    Israel: 'We can expect the US to abandon us'

    Post-election, a self-deluded American electorate will get its comeuppance. Unfortunately, that includes the innocent, and among them are our allies who have been abandoned (like Egypt) and those who will be abandoned very quickly (like Israel). Ther...

  • November 7, 2012

    The Death of Ordinary Decency

    This has been a mean-spirited campaign, and the meanest, most destructive people won. So be it. In the last two Democratic administrations we have seen a sleazier, angrier and more selfish part of America rising up more and more in our political clas...

  • November 5, 2012

    The Worst News from Benghazi

    It is now apparent that the president of the United States countermanded standing Pentagon orders to help American personnel under attack.  Ambassador Stevens and three others were left to die without AC-130 Spectres and rescue teams that are al...

  • November 1, 2012

    Benghazi Reveals Obama-Islamist Alliance

    The nature of the Benghazi disaster is now clear.  Ambassador Stevens was engaged in smuggling sizable quantities of Libyan arms from the destroyed Gaddafi regime to the Syrian rebels, to help overthrow the Assad regime in Syria.  Smuggling...

  • October 27, 2012

    Obama still lying; He Knew Within Minutes.

    When did the President know, and what did he know about the Benghazi assault? Fact 1: According to Special Ops Lt, Colonel "Doug" calling Rush Limbaugh today, there are standing orders for instant flash communication about any attacks on US Ambassad...

  • October 27, 2012

    George W. Bush Never Evaded Responsibility

    Look here, upon this picture... A man of character and honor, who deals with a damned difficult situation --- the attack on America on 9/11/01 --- and is smeared by the liberal media for two presidential terms. That would be President George W. Bush ...

  • October 26, 2012

    In Benghazi Osama Defeated Obama

    This administration's proudest foreign policy boast is the assassination of Osama Bin Laden. But the Benghazi fiasco and the simultaneous mob burning of our Cairo Embassy by Al Qaida on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11/01, proves to radical Muslims t...

  • October 19, 2012

    Why Benghazi is a Crucial Strategic Moment

    "Ghazi" means "great warrior" in Arabic.  The name "bin ghazi" means "the tribe of ghazi."  Turkish Sultans used "ghazi" as an honorific, as in Caliph Sultan Ghazi Mehmed II Khan Caesar.  Benghazi, the town in Libya, is also a notoriou...

  • October 15, 2012

    Al Qaida strikes America; America denies reality

    Al Qaida, "The Foundation," represents resurgent Muslim imperialism, which dates back to Mohammed, fourteen centuries ago. Like Lenin and the Viet Cong, AQ does not have to win every fight, only the last one. Al Qaida's late leader, Osama bin Laden, ...

  • October 13, 2012

    Benghazi: Osama's Revenge on Obama

    Talk about chickens coming home to roost.  Talk about the Mother of All Fiascos.  It's the revenge of Osama bin Laden from the bottom of the ocean, and the message is plain: al-Qaeda is very much alive, and America is a paper tiger. The Mid...

  • October 12, 2012

    Stratfor Wikileaks: Did US give guns to Sinaloa Mexican drug gang?

    Was Eric Holder's Fast and Furious gun running operation just stupidity mixed with a plan to blame legal gun owners for the killings in Mexico? Or was Fast and Furious more sinister -- given that most of the guns went to the Sinaloa drug cartel, whic...

  • September 21, 2012

    Obama and Religious War

    A liberal friend writes that, okay, so all religions are crazy, and the Muslims are, too. He is wrong, of course.  All the great religions -- the ones that have grown over thousands of years -- have had periods of violence and war.  All the...

  • September 17, 2012

    Denial is Now National Suicide

    It is time for America to stop its suicidal denial. It is time to open our eyes, and to tell our friends to stop it. Now. Before the most important election of our lives. The New York Times now says that the President of the United States is avoiding...

  • September 17, 2012

    Why the New York Times forgets 9/11

    It's a funny thing, but the New York Times and its faithful followers never seem to remember 9/11. A week ago, when  Al Qaida's black flag of Holy War was raised over the US Embassy in Cairo  on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11 -- and the A...

  • September 13, 2012

    Iran Has Obama in a Headlock

    Iran's Armageddon cult now has Obama at its mercy. After appeasing the sadistic regime in Tehran for almost four years Obama only has to make it through the next two months without the Middle East blowing up, and he's set for life. This is the last e...

  • September 12, 2012

    Obama's All the Rage

    Obama ran for president four years ago in the guise of Martin Luther King, the man of reconciliation and peace. He has governed like his hero Malcolm X, the celebrated radical of Obama's crowd.  That's why Attorney General Holder is now running ...

  • September 9, 2012

    Socially Acceptable Hatred

    All the liberal Jews I talk to seem to believe that the age of anti-Semitism is over. That is often true, in countries that have mature, democratic political systems. The United States, which all good liberals learn to sneer at, has the single most m...

  • September 5, 2012

    Obama's First Real Election

    Barack Obama is an odd bird in American presidential politics.  Not because he's black, but because he is so far out of the norm that he doesn't instinctively follow all the standard moves.  American politicians have a certain standard set ...

  • August 28, 2012

    Does Liberalism Make You Fat?

    Obama's way of beating Romney and Ryan has nothing to do with real issues.  It's pure trash-talking and deliberate flipping of the truth: R&R are poopie kids!  Yuck! Which makes this election about the lowest point in American politics ...

  • August 21, 2012

    Israel's Nuclear Warning Shot Option

    When the United States terminated World War II by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Soviets did two things: they invaded Sakhalin Island to grab the most territory before peace was declared, and they rushed development of their own nukes (based on ...

  • August 18, 2012

    Ayatollah Khomeini's Al Quds Day is celebrated in Toronto.

    "Al Quds" means "the holy place," which sounds just fine until you realize it's Ayatollah Khomeini's name for a day to whip up genocidal rage against Israel. The "holy place" they refer to is Jerusalem, which has a history going back about a thousand...

  • August 17, 2012

    Obama and the Other Side of Imperialism

    Among other peculiar things about the Obama White House, we just found out that El Presidente can't be called by his first name, except by three or four special intimates. It all adds to the imperious pose of this White House.  Mr. Obama is a m...

  • August 14, 2012

    Fiasco: Islamists purge Egyptian Army

    Don't expect our navel-gazing media to take much notice, but our national security has just hit an Arctic iceberg, scraping long rows of steel rivets from our luxury ocean liner, and leaving a long, gaping gash in our bottom.  Thousands of tons ...

  • August 7, 2012

    A Muslim Agent of Influence?

    The newest revolutionary stance for the mentally infantile is radical Islam, which is being spread by the same tools of agitation and propaganda that launched Marxism a century ago. During 70 years of Soviet genocide and tyranny, the KGB penetrated t...

  • August 3, 2012

    The Capital Strike

    The coast of Maine is serene and gorgeous this summer, but tourists are staying away.  Hotels stand empty, workers have been laid off, parking lots are abandoned, and faces look grim.  New Englanders aren't complainers, but you can tell tha...

  • August 2, 2012

    Caroline Glick: The grim truth about Obama and Israel

    The truth about Obama and Israel cannot be repeated too often, especially in the runup to the most crucial election in many years.  Caroline Glick is a fearless truth-telling commentator for the Jerusalem Post, a rare voice in the wilderness. Fo...

  • July 17, 2012

    Is Obama Ripping Off the Mask?

    American candidates for president have a predictable trajectory.  They begin by telling the party troops that they are really coming from the honest-to-gosh right or left, and then they move steadily toward the great fuzzy middle, so that by ele...

  • July 13, 2012

    Libs Say the Darndest Things

    In my never-ending effort to understand the liberal mind, I'm beginning to scribble down nutty sayings from the liberals I happen to run into.  I call it Libs say the darnedest things. This idea started for me a couple of weeks ago, when a ...

  • July 8, 2012

    Obama vs. Romney: The Kitty Genovese Test

    So a Mormon and a leftist are walking on a street in New York, and they hear screams.  It's Kitty Genovese being stabbed to death, and it becomes a huge preachy New York Times guilt-tripping campaign, because Kitty's neighbors heard her screams ...

  • June 24, 2012

    An Iron Curtain Descends on Islamistan

    "An Iron Curtain has descended over half of Europe" said Winston Churchill's in his historic Iron Curtain speech of 1946. It was ominous news for the West, but millions of people at that time were adult enough to listen. Unfortunately, we do not live...

  • June 21, 2012

    Socialized medicine in UK uses 'death pathway' for inconvenient elderly

    A UK doctor estimates that 130,000 elderly are put on a "death pathway" under socialized medical care to spare the medical system inconvenience.  According to the UK Daily Mail: "NHS (National Health Service) doctors are prematurely ending...

  • June 18, 2012

    Obama the Reactionary

    In a perverse way this is the most utopian administration in American history. That's after all what Marxism comes down to, a stubborn fantasy that the world will flip into utopian perfection as soon as all the evil capitalists are in Siberian labor ...

  • June 11, 2012

    The Most Pathogenic Media in History

    For the fourth time since 1900, the West is trying to commit suicide.  This time it's not training battalions of goose-stepping young men to put their bodies in the cold and soggy trenches of Germany, France, and Russia, as in World Wars I and I...

  • June 9, 2012

    Syria's Horror in Houla

    It is extremely important to do what the mainstreams refuse: To spread the truth about the Houla massacres to the world. Here is one report from the scene by AP. The killers apparently went around and systematically killed young children, using the s...

  • May 5, 2012

    Dr Krugman's Magic Dogma

    Harry Truman famously complained about his economic advisers, who wouldn't give him  simple, straight answers. "All they say is 'On the one hand this, and on the other hand that,'" he was quoted. "I'm looking for a one-handed economist!" Well, o...

  • April 30, 2012

    Obama's Nakba

    The Arab word "nakba" means catastrophe.  Because the Palestinians live in an endless self-inflicted catastrophe, they have now been ordered to make "nakba" their word for Israel's Declaration of Independence. But Jews living in their land is no...

  • April 7, 2012

    President Scofflaw

    I've seen many debates about the war powers of the U.S. Congress, but I've never seen an American president openly laugh at the idea of seeking congressional approval for a major U.S. military assault on another country. Obama did it with Libya, Yeme...

  • April 3, 2012

    Galloway won't go away

     "All praise to Allah!" yelled George Galloway in his Parliamentary victory celebration last week in London. But Galloway is not a Muslim. He's just a radical leftist of the Eurosocialist kind -- like some famous politicians here in the United S...

  • March 28, 2012

    Obama Becomes O'mobba

    In another historic first, President Obama's backers are actively whipping up mobs.  Not just the Occupoopers of Wall Street, but also Twitter mobs, Facebook mobs, and flash mobs. Every active conservative should spend some time on social media ...

  • March 14, 2012

    Iran: Obama Has Surrendered

    It's vital for Americans to realize that Obama has already surrendered the defense of the civilized world.  We know that, because the critical window of opportunity to prevent Iranian nukes has been closing, closing, closing.  The risk of p...

  • March 12, 2012

    The Great Obimi Does His Magic Act Again

    Ever wonder why Obama looks so sharp in a dark suit?  Ever wonder about that ear-to-ear professional grin he's got?  About those little dramatic pauses before he drops a well-rehearsed line?  Ever wonder where he keeps his high hat and...

  • March 6, 2012

    Mitt Gets Iran

    Mitt Romney just fired two warning shots in a single Washington Post column, one across Obama's bow, and the other one aimed at the mullahs' mad rush to nuclear weapons. I don't know if Romney's The One -- I'm not a big fan of messianic politicians. ...

  • March 5, 2012

    Would You Trust Obama to Protect You?

    In dealing with Iran, the whole "international community" is going "You first!"  Who gets to fight the cobra first?  There are no eager volunteers. For three years Obama has been trying sweet reason on the cobra of Tehran, which is not famo...

  • March 5, 2012

    The Fluke Gambit Pays Off For Dems

    Sandra Fluke  is now the official, media-designated victim of woman-hating Republicans, with an assist from Rush Limbaugh. Where have we seen this soap opera before? That's an important question, because this is the Big Play of the scapegoating ...

  • February 27, 2012

    Here Comes Obama's 3 AM Phone Call

    In the next 60 days Obama's presidential career will finally meet that concrete wall of reality.  He will either fail or survive.  Trouble is, he might take many innocent people with him if he fails. So far, the most hyped-up and unqualifie...

  • February 20, 2012

    Does Israel Have to Defend the West?

    The grotesque foreign policy of the Obama administration has now achieved its pinnacle of battiness. After three and a half years of bowing low to Dark Ages tyrants and shafting our democratic friends, with Iranian nukes well on the way -- so close t...

  • February 15, 2012

    Prof. Dershowitz calls Media Matters 'Stalinist'

    Does the left seem totalitarian to you? Does the vile scapegoating of every single GOP candidate but Romney (and his turn is coming) look like the rise of a one-party state? Who does Obama really remind you of?  Well, Harvard Law professor Alan ...

  • February 8, 2012

    How Dangerous Is Obama?

    It's now quite clear that Obama is playing chicken with Israel on Iranian nukes.  That is why Leon Panetta came out with a statement this week accusing Israel of planning to attack Iran.  If that statement is true, it's the worst kind of sa...

  • January 31, 2012

    Israel to Iran: It's Crunch Time

    It is indeed a cold day in Hell when the New York Times blunders into telling the truth about Iran.  Well, it just happened. This is serious business, because it means that the NYT is now expecting something real to happen soon. President Obama ...

  • January 23, 2012

    On the Intellectual Inferiority of Liberalism

    Liberalism used to be a respectable position for intelligent, well-meaning, and informed people. That was a long time ago. No longer. Today the "liberal" faith requires an extraordinary act of ignorance, purposeful forgetting, and constant spinning. ...

  • January 20, 2012

    The Phony Saints of Liberal Land

    I don't know any conservatives who think they are saints.  Funny thing -- I know lots of liberals who just know with absolute certainty that they are holier than thou.  (This means thou, buddy!)  Since they are saints, those who disagr...

  • January 3, 2012

    Why the Left Fears You

    Obama is a cuckoo's nestling, a little gift from the obsessively anti-American left, who has been dropped deceptively into our mainstream politics. Cuckoos are called "brood parasites" because they drop their eggs into strangers' nests, to leave the ...

  • January 1, 2012

    The Angel Chorus in Judeo-Christian Civilization

    "Good night, sweet Prince," says Horatio at the climax of Shakespeare's Hamlet, "and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest." It is a glorious sentence, a golden nugget of Western civilization. Horatio's farewell to Hamlet evokes a world in which H...

  • December 25, 2011

    Foreign Affairs author: 'Time to Strike Iran.'

    The magazine Foreign Affairs just published an article by Matthew Kroenig, former SecDef advisor on Iranian nuclear weapons, titled "Time to Strike Iran." Kroenig briefly presents the options (all of them bad) and then writes: "The truth is that a ...

  • December 19, 2011

    Horrific Egypt military abuse of woman protester

    Three Western female reporters have been raped and beaten in Egypt, with minimal coverage in the Western media. But many Muslim women and girls have been singled out for horrific abuse in Afghanistan, Iran, and Egypt. Yet prominent Western feminist...

  • December 16, 2011

    Whose ego, Newt's or Obama's?

    I like vigorous debates, like the one conservatives are having about Newt vs. Romney. Open debates are good in a democracy. One of the best things about debates is that both sides can call each other on logic or evidence.  But the attacks I've s...

  • December 14, 2011

    Hooray for the Brits!

    Well, they've done it. Prime Minister David Cameron has defied the EU-reaucrats of the EU-SSR by blocking yet another "rescue package" to pay off Spain and Greece with British taxpayer earnings.  The euro is going into a tailspin, and chances ar...

  • December 9, 2011

    A Hillary grudge match with Bam?

    Jimmy Carter was not just defeated by Ronald Reagan in the 1980 election. Carter, the president who could easily be confused with his own floppy sweater, was first knocked down by Smilin' Ted Kennedy, who was entitled to be president because he was a...

  • December 8, 2011

    Obama's Brinksmanship on Iran

    Caroline Glick just wrote in the Jerusalem Post that "Under Obama, the US is no longer Israel's ally." That is the most important headline to come out of the Middle East in my lifetime.  We are no longer Israel's ally.  It's obviously true....

  • December 7, 2011

    Why the left thinks Buffett isn't about $$$

    The Billionaires of the Left aren't interested in making money. The reason is that they're Good People, and Good People Don't Tell Lies. Warren Buffett is a Good Person who wants to pay more taxes. How do we know? 'Cause he says so, any time the medi...

  • December 5, 2011

    Why Gingrich Will Do

    Yes, he's imperfect.  Who's not? But compare Gingrich to Obama.  G has a Ph.D. in history (something the leftist media always forgets to tell us) and has written 20 books, some of them good ones, all expressing a deep understanding of the u...

  • December 2, 2011

    Obama and the Occupoopers

    Well, Obama had the youth vote last time, when one 27- year old white kid told me he voted for Obama "because Hillary looks too white." This is a middle-class unemployed irresponsible left-indoctrinated spoiled-rotten would-be Occu-pooper. I like him...

  • November 28, 2011

    Global Warming Bubble is Popping

    Hoo, boy, as Mad Magazine used to say.  Remember that old Market Crash of 2008? It started very slowly when some investors got suspicious about empty mortgages (wonder why?) wrapped in layers and layers of tin foil, then told some others about t...

  • November 27, 2011

    The Wall Street Occupiers as Mind Erasers

    Barack Obama may not be the kind of man you and I want as president, but he's a very slick stage magician.  That's how he's made it in politics, along with scandal bombs tossed by Axelrod.  The 2008 Obama campaign was an endless series of s...

  • November 20, 2011

    Top Iran Missile Chief Reported Killed in Explosion

    Last Monday a huge, double explosion was heard in Tehran. Based on Western spy satellites, the following picture is reported by Debka.com, a site close to Israeli intelligence, but also known for less than 100% accuracy. 1. The double blast involved ...

  • November 18, 2011

    The Only Good Reason for the European Union

    A public fight is breaking out in Europe, where the welfare model is breaking down along the southern rim -- Greece, Italy, Spain, maybe France -- as well as in the former Celtic Tiger of Ireland.  Those countries are the equivalent of welfare f...

  • November 18, 2011

    Speaking Truth to EuroThuggery

    A mind-boggling video (below) has just appeared on YouTube, showing passionate Euro-sceptic Nigel Farrage in the European Parliament in Strasbourg denouncing the "German take-over of Europe" -- which is now happening, as the Germans are telling the B...

  • November 16, 2011

    Liberals, Israel and Disaster

    Liberals start from false premises.  False premises always lead to false conclusions.  Being stuck with delusional belief systems, they keep running into brick walls, getting bloody noses, and being surprised every time it happens.  Th...

  • November 12, 2011

    What Sarko & Bummer were really thinking

    So these two slickster politicos get together and accuse Benjamin Netanyahu of lying? What's wrong with this picture? Obama lies every time he ...  (you know this one). Even the Democrats can't listen to him anymore, 'cause they can't keep track...

  • November 8, 2011

    The Only Good Occupation...

    The Only Good Occupation...  Is getting a job. So you won't have to leech off Mom and Dad anymore. Is taking responsibility for your own neurotic hangups, and not blaming your gnawing feelings of inferiority on the most miraculous, creative, ...

  • November 7, 2011

    The White House Goes Dr. Strangelove

    Get outtaheah, yabum!  Get a job! That used to be the standard American answer to folks like the Occu-pishers of Wall Street.  If you've ever wondered what "enfant terrible" means, check out the pics of the Progs, heroically pooping on the...

  • November 4, 2011

    I Forgive Herman Cain, the Only Conservative Left

    Judge not, lest ye be judged. Not a bad rule of thumb. Being alive means making mistakes.  Growing up means understanding that fact, and taking responsibility.  Bad actors never take responsibility.  Barack Obama honestly believes he'...

  • November 3, 2011

    Herman Cain and Human Goodness

    I don't know about this guy Cain.  He doesn't act like the militant black heroes all the liberals love. I mean, he says he loves Jesus, he sings Gospel at the National Press Club, and he doesn't hate white folks.  What is he, some kind of w...

  • November 2, 2011

    Cain Versus the Lynch Mob

    Hi Tech Lynching is here again! Shades of Justice Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill. They're going to play the same sadistic power game they lost with Justice Thomas. Well, let 'em try, but now they are facing a revived conservative media. This is a tri...

  • October 31, 2011

    The Parasite Left

    A wonderful historian named William H. McNeill makes a powerful  case for the idea that humans are chewed on by two kinds of parasites: the little ones and the big ones.  Our little parasites go from hair lice and gut worms down to germs an...

  • October 31, 2011

    How many eco-frauds can dance on a pin?

     How many climate modelers can dance on the head of a pin? As many as the Earth Goddess Gaia will permit, if you're a True Believer. The eye of faith beholdeth miracles. The latest "scientific proof" of climastrology just blew up, after only a w...

  • October 28, 2011

    Cain is the Real Thing

    Al Sharpton said the other day that Herman Cain is not a real African-American, a little slander that the nasty left took up with its usual sadistic glee.  But Herman Cain is one of the few real African-Americans in politics today.  Cain ha...

  • October 25, 2011

    Captain America Abandons the Entire Middle East

    I doubt that President Obama loves the name "Captain America," but that's the job he was elected to do in 2008.  National security is the president's first job.  But Obama has been by far the most catastrophic captain of the ship of state i...

  • October 18, 2011

    The 99% Lie

    The Radical Left has always claimed to stand for all "The People." That's why the Kim Dynasty in North Korea today has children starving from hunger, but still claims to be a "People's Republic." The Kim family claims every single soul in North Korea...

  • October 17, 2011

    Obama's Magic Mobs: Tahrir = Wall Street

    Ladies, Gents and Transgenders! I give you the world's greatest magic act, Baraka Hussein, the Wizard of O! Please welcome the Wizard! (Audience goes wild. Bamster walks out in his tux and a giant red Johnny Carson turban, smiling like a Cheshire Cat...

  • October 10, 2011

    President Obey-Me Is Not Being Obeyed

    Rejection is no fun, especially if you're a heavenly rock star with a savior complex.  When people with narcissistic personalities come into psychotherapy, they often complain that nobody loves them -- and they can't understand it, because aren'...

  • October 4, 2011

    Herman Cain and the Perfect Storm of 2012

    In 2012 the world will see a perfect storm. This is one of those few times in history when a year of crisis is predictable. Short-term outlook: big ups and downs. Long-term outlook: much better. Why? 1. The Biggest Presidential Election of the 21st C...

  • September 29, 2011

    Is Gadaffi's Yellowcake Going to Adolf?

    Like Aladdin's Genie, Moammar Gaddafi has disappeared in a puff of smoke back in Libya, but he left a piece of yellowcake behind for the rest of us.  No, not fattening cheesecake.  Bigger than that.   It's in the great Libyan desert, w...

  • September 26, 2011

    Obama Is Dangerous for Peace

    The president of the United States has just destroyed the longest-lasting peace treaty in the Middle East.  That Nobel Prize-winning treaty between Egypt and Israel was destroyed by Obama in broad daylight, right in front of God and everybody, w...

  • September 19, 2011

    Warmists have new excuse

    Oh, ye of little faith! Do you doubt Global Warming? Just because world temps haven't followed the computer models for, ummm, a decade or so? Rejoice! There is an answer. It comes to us courtesy of Reuters, the official home of Eurosocialist supersti...

  • September 17, 2011

    No Springtime for Hitler at Columbia?

    Columbia University just issued a heated denial-denial about Adolf Ahmadinejad's forthcoming visit to NYC.   This denial sounds like that old joke about the cheatin' hubbie telling his wife he's not nekkid in bed with Susie, he doesn't even...

  • September 16, 2011

    Barack Whobama?

    Oh, how soon they forget! Was it only a few years ago that Democrats and their Eurosocialist friends were knocking foreheads on the sidewalks of Manhattan and London, hailing the Great Idol Barack? Was it only yesterday that shivers were running up C...

  • September 13, 2011

    Obama Has Aggravated Muslim Extremism

    We have the first administration in American history that's both fabulously incompetent and anti-American to boot. This weekend Charles Krauthammer said on Fox News that Obama is simply in over his head.  But Rush Limbaugh thinks BHO is blowing ...

  • September 11, 2011

    Answering 9/11 with Mozart's Requiem

    In spite of ten years of massive disinformation by the left and the media about the events of 9/11/01, around the United States there are September 11 ceremonies to mark what really happened. In Oakland, California, among other cities, Mozart's Requi...

  • September 5, 2011

    On Being Governed By Scientific Frauds

    The news leaked out a while ago that Al Gore scored a D in natural science at Harvard.  That would be the science introduction for Other Majors, not difficult chemistry or calculus.  So Nobel Laureate Al Gore got a D in Science for Dummies....

  • September 4, 2011

    A Scientist's Appreciation of Religion

    Now that Bill Keller, America's Grand Inquisitor, has declared open season on the religious faith of Republicans (but never Democrats), it is high time for a non-believing scientist to express my love and admiration for the great religious traditions...

  • August 30, 2011

    Bill Keller, Red Pope of American Media

    The New York Times prints All the News You're Fit to Read -- and if you're not fit to read about the reality of the "Arab Spring" (a pure New York Times fabrication, without a smidgen of fact)  the NYT kindly protects you from ever knowing ...

  • August 25, 2011

    NYT Finally Reports Eurosocialist Autocracy

    It's gotten so obvious that even the New York Times has taken notice.  Europe is no longer governed by old-fashioned electoral democracies. That fact is even acknowledged by the European Union, which admits that, yes, Europe does have a "democra...

  • August 24, 2011

    Audacity As A War-Fighting Ideology

    Obama's "Audacity of Hope" slogan goes back to the French Revolution, now mainly remembered for its bloodthirsty guillotine executions of the French aristocracy. As Edmund Burke wrote in his classic work Reflections on the Revolution in France, the F...

  • August 23, 2011

    How Nixon Created Obama

    As Matt Patterson pointed out in these pages, Obama is the Affirmative Action President.  He was elected to make up for America's never-ending guilt about black folks.  That obsessional guilt trip works so well that it's landed us in racial...

  • August 22, 2011

    Living in a One-Party Machine

    How do you tell if you're living in Al Capone's Chicago?  Or in Stalin's Moscow?  The great Argentinean conservative writer Jorge Luis Borges once asked, "How can you tell if you're living in a Dark Age?"  The answer is you can't....

  • August 20, 2011


    Tea Partiers of the World, Unite! A New Spirit is Sweeping Over America! (See Marx & Engels, 1848). Or at least, Tea Party Phobia seems to be upsetting political tummies all over DC.  The other week Veep Joe Biden and Senator Kerry were hear...

  • August 17, 2011

    Israel, Liberalism, and Moral Cowardice

    There are touchstones of morality in life. In 1938, resisting Hitler was a big one in Europe; in 1990, support for freedom in the Soviet Empire was another one. Today we have a new test of character. Americans have never had much of a problem telling...

  • August 5, 2011

    The President Who Wasn't There

    We have a president named "Obama."  If you believe your media -- (hah!) -- he is a kind of Űbermensch, a more-than-human giant intellect.  Or, as one addled dork said two years ago, Obama must be A Light Bringer.  That's why the Norweg...

  • July 25, 2011

    Euro-killer ripped off peaceful Euro-critic

    Norway's "Knight Templar" killer of almost 100 innocent people is hardly a "Christian," although he is certainly an "extremist." The liberal media are having a field day confusing millions of people about Christianity and mass murder. Anders Behring ...

  • July 24, 2011

    Pandora's Box in Norway

    If you destroy civilization, the monsters that fly out will surely destroy you.  That is  the lesson of the barbarian who killed almost one hundred innocents in Norway last week. The Left will manage to blame the usual scapegoats, the way i...

  • July 22, 2011

    Demonizing Milton Friedman

    Un-beee-lievable! In the last half year, the Lynch Mob Media have tried their damnedest to tar and feather the following good and decent people: 1. Sarah Palin and little baby Trig. 2. Michele Bachmann and all the migraine sufferers who are not card-...

  • July 19, 2011

    Glossy mass murder

    The invaluable MEMRI translation site shows us the most recent Al Qaida version of Cosmo or GQ --- really. It could be called AQ CHIC. Check it out. It has heroic, full-color, glossy paper fauxtography of cute Al Qaida terrorists (who just ...

  • July 18, 2011

    Sarah Palin's Grace Under Pressure

    From Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn: The pitifulest thing out is a mob; ... they don't fight with courage that's born in them, but with courage that's borrowed from their mass[.] [And talking to the mob:] Now the thing for YOU to do is to droop y...

  • July 17, 2011

    Are Jews Permitted to Doubt The New York Times?

    Courage comes in many forms. But the rarest form of courage, it seems to me, is for a true addict to give up his (or her) New York Times. That seems to go double or triple for the NYT's Jewish readers, who cling to its daily prophetic utterances with...

  • July 10, 2011

    America's Floating Jews

    There's a German word used by European Jews after the Holocaust, called "Luftmensch." It means something like "space cadet."  I never quite got it 'til now. But if you look at the paintings of Marc Chagall you see the little village people ...

  • July 7, 2011

    Lynching Palin, Cain, West, and Bachmann

    It was Clarence Thomas who said it first, during his nomination to the Supremes.  Now Ann Coulter has written her book, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America.  But conservatives should be pointing to the lefties and chanting i...

  • July 3, 2011

    Obama's Final Solution

    President Barack Obama is the most dogmatic and dangerous leftist we have ever seen in this country.  He is not hard to understand.  Obama is very simple.  All his ideas were frozen in concrete a hundred years ago by Marxist-Leninism a...

  • June 30, 2011

    The Obamayyad of Barry Hussein

    Jimmy Carter and his National Security Advisor, Zbig Brzezinski, are personally responsible for the Islamic radicalization of the Middle East -- by pulling the Persian rug out from our loyal ally, the Shah of Iran, and letting mass-murdering thug Aya...

  • June 29, 2011

    Is Obama Making His Next Career Move?

    Obama always seems to crave more ego gratification.  There is no limit to his thirst for personal power and glory.  The slogan "The Audacity of Hope" is taken straight from Napoleon's creed, "L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace!"  Al...

  • June 22, 2011

    'Peace Flotilla' = Radical Left Islamic Fascists

    What do you call it when Bill Ayers, Jodie Evans, and Code Pink collude with Hamas in a disguised suicide attack on Israel?  You call it "A Peace Flotilla."  Or at least our incorruptible media do. The left has conducted agitprop operations...

  • June 16, 2011

    Barack O'Bully Wants to End Israel

    "Racism" is a killing hatred for an ethnos, a people or nation.  It could be cold hatred, where you just want all those people to disappear from the face of the earth, or red-hot hatred, where you're just itching to bring out your Turkish scimit...

  • June 14, 2011

    How the left wins

    Caroline Glick is discussing the biggest public secret in Israel, namely the dominance by the radical Left of the media and universities, when they represent only a fraction of Israeli political opinion. The identical process has happened in Europe a...

  • June 13, 2011

    Barracuda Snakecharmer Sarah and the Mob

    If you're not laughing along with Sarah Palin's playing Gotcha! with the media, you're not paying attention. Sarah Barracuda is playing the press for suckers, and they hate it. But they can't they leave the story alone.  Result: weeks of excited...

  • June 12, 2011

    Circumcision protects against HIV in Africa

    Now that Russell Crowe and the San Francisco City Council have come out against male circumcision, in their collective wisdom, it might be worth pointing out that medical scientists have long known that circumcision protects against HIV transmission ...

  • June 10, 2011

    The Oedipal Left

    Sigmund Freud had a nasty mind. The question today is, was Freud's mind nasty enough? To understand the Oedipal Left, for example. I've never known what to think about Freud's Oedipus myth, the uprising of the archaic sons to kill the father of the c...

  • June 8, 2011

    RAND Corp: Iran 8 weeks from the Bomb

    According to a RAND report, the United States and the world have blown the chance to prevent an Iranian nuclear weapon.  Half a year ago, US air strikes and a no-fly zone might have prevented a nuclear bomb in the hands of the martyrdom ideology...

  • May 31, 2011

    Will Obama Sink the Democrats?

    The media are playing "divide and conquer" games against Republicans now, a strategy that worked in 2008 by leaving us with John McCain as the only candidate.  This time they are swinging between viciously attacking Sarah Palin and her family, a...

  • May 25, 2011

    Seamus Obama's Dream

    Yo Bro, Seamus O'bama here, the last of the Black Irish. You know why I love the Irish? Cause they hate the Brits  just like I do!  "My name is Barack Obama, of the Moneygall Obamas, and I've come home!"I mean, what's the B-R-I-T-...

  • May 22, 2011

    The Coming Assault on Israel

    Suppose you've just turned 18, barely out of high school, and now you're on guard duty at the borders of Israel, like the girls and boys who check your tourist luggage at Ben Gurion airport.  It's an adult job, but you try to live a normal life,...

  • May 20, 2011

    Obama's borders Caused 60 Years of War

    Obama has just given an eager world his fantasy answer for the last sixty years of Arab-Israel conflict. The Great One's long-awaited solution is for Israel to pull back to the cease-fire lines of the 1948 War of Independence, or what Obama, in a mom...

  • May 10, 2011

    Obama: Deniability Man

    The liberal mafia was in full-blown ass-kissing suck-up mode last week, knocking their foreheads on the bare earth over and over, to pay homage to His Imperial Highness Barack H. Obama. Again. They were practically exchanging bodily fluids right ther...

  • May 8, 2011

    Naming Your Baby the Muslim Way

    In the sillier precincts of liberalism the fashion arose a while ago to give babies Earth-loving names, like "Cloud," "Ocean," "Rock," "Pansy," "Gaia," or "Sequoia."  These names are li...

  • May 4, 2011

    Therapy for the Left

    These are strange, strange people, our friends on the left.  France's Sarkozy calls Obama "alienated from reality," and that's pretty accurate. Today the liberal "news" is brimming with fulsome praise for Obama, who okayed th...

  • May 1, 2011

    You might be a left head, if ...

    Remember redneck jokes? Blonde jokes? Polish jokes? So --- why don't we have leftie jokes? The United States is infested by out-of-control lefties swarming around the media like body lice. Why don't we scratch where it itches? To start making up for ...

  • April 25, 2011

    Obama Versus the Constitution

    The genius of the Constitution is not some person, time, or place.  It is a very improbable conjunction of all three.  Jefferson and Madison were not the only ones to fear the abuse of power.  That idea goes back to the Epic of Gilgame...

  • April 22, 2011

    Obama Thinks You're an Idiot: Is He Right?

    I know too many educated idiots.  I'm sorry.  I know I'm not supposed to say that word.  It just keeps popping back into my mind, like some Politically Incorrect obsession that haunts you, until you want to scream "Sex is dirty!...

  • April 18, 2011

    A Passover Present From Obama

    For Mr. Geert de Wilders, leader of the new anti-fascist Resistance in the Netherlands, who is now on trial in Amsterdam for telling the truth.  "The lights are going out all over Europe." - Geert de Wilders, Feb. 7, 2011. Attributed t...

  • April 12, 2011

    Trump beats New York Times, 2-1

    Donald Trump is the anti-Oprah.  If Oprah and the headline-snatchers of Hollywood can drive the political headlines, well, so can celebrity rich guy Donald Trump.  In fact, Trump represents the smallest ethnic group in American history, the...

  • April 10, 2011

    The Silence of the Jews

    We live in an age of public cowardice. That goes for millions of Americans and Europeans, even in the face of simple PC witch-hunts that don't end up burning or jailing people, but only try to destroy reputations and careers. Human beings have stood ...

  • April 5, 2011

    The Lazy Left Settles

    I have two liberal friends who love Amerindian peoples enough to go to sweat lodge retreats and medicine rituals. They passionately argue on behalf of Native Americans, and are dead set against Western culture. Naturally they are liberals --- and no,...

  • March 31, 2011

    Obama's Good War

    Well, well, well, so Obama has embarked on his third war in little more than two years. You've got to admit that "flexibility" is his middle name. Or at least one of his middle names: Barack Barry Hussein "Flexibility" Soetoro Oba...

  • March 28, 2011

    Obama, Islam, and the Forcible Virginity Test

    Two months after Obama insisted that President Mubarak had to resign after 30 years in office for not being nice enough to the "young democracy demonstrators" in Tahrir Square, the New York Times has finally stated the obvious: the Muslim B...

  • March 25, 2011

    The Liberal Media Cult

    The last NPR biggie left standing is named Steve Inskeep, and he just assured the Wall Street Journal that NPR would never tell a lie. This would be funny if it weren't sickening. Where's my sick bag? How can habitual liars know they're lying? It's l...

  • March 23, 2011

    Can Europe Stabilize Libya?

    The European Union is trying to become a unified state. But at the same time the EU is claiming to represent a new model of statehood, one that means peace and love (and massive vote buying by importing 50 million Muslims) forever and ever. No such n...

  • March 21, 2011

    Paul Krugman and The Know-Nothings

    Paul Krugman recently was quoted as telling the world he doesn't follow contemporary conservative news commentary. Krugman's open contempt for the dominant political philosophy of the Western Enlightenment, including most of American history, is incr...

  • March 17, 2011

    Europe Misses the Tide

    This month Europe missed a last opportunity to grow up.  Libya was about as good a case as we will ever see of a hated little Generalissimo right under the soft underbelly of Europe, ready to be pushed out in favor of a better, if not perfect re...

  • March 15, 2011

    A Bully For You

    The President of the United States came out against bullying the other day, which I certainly found heart-warming. We sure wouldn't want a US Prez who supports bullying in any way whatsoever. Even if he comes from Chicago, a city where bullying is pr...

  • March 13, 2011

    The Value of American Promises

    Pax Americana has protected the world since 1945, when the Japanese Empire surrendered on the US Navy battleship Missouri in Tokyo Bay. But just like the dollar, Pax Americana is a promissory note. It is the solemn word of America as a nation that it...

  • March 11, 2011

    Obama: 'The best revolutions are organic'

    We finally have a quote from Obama that sounds authentic. It's something he believes, or at least it's something that some Marxist professor told him back at Occidental or Columbia, in the old dope-smoking days, one that stuck in his mind. Behind the...

  • March 8, 2011

    Obama gets Carter's Disease in Libya

    Some great powers talk big and act big. Some do big things quietly. But you can't talk big and do nothing and still expect to be taken seriously in a world of ruthless power players. That's what Obama is doing in Libya today, following in the patheti...

  • March 7, 2011

    Islamo-phobia and Palin-phobia

    A phobia is an unjustified fear, like a fear of harmless spiders or walking across a bridge. Our media specialize in spreading phobias: Global warming. Flesh-eating bacteria.  Carbon fuels.  None of those are likely to harm you, not unless ...

  • March 5, 2011

    So a narcissist meets a brick wall ...

    1. That's Bush's brick wall. Everything is Bush's wall! 2. I come to save you from rich folks' walls!  I am the change I've been waiting for! We break bricks the Chicago Way! 3. I accept the Nobel Peace Prize for my whole life running into brick...

  • March 4, 2011

    Why Does Uncle Stupid Have to Handle Libya?

    Europe is the world's hostile-dependent Welfare Queen, and it is high time for the United States to stop indulging Europe's childish irresponsibility. The Euromedia are constantly telling us they have the answer to the world's problems, and just to p...

  • March 3, 2011

    Obama at the Abyss

    It's crunch time in Washington, D.C.  President Obama must know that a dozen Republicans are saving those boastful videotapes of Mr. O pushing President Mubarak out of power, followed by an endless series of breakdowns throughout the Arabic worl...

  • February 22, 2011

    Obama Retreats, Ahmadinejad Advances

    When Saddam Hussein's tank battalions brutally invaded Kuwait in 1990, the United States was able to knock Saddam's Air Force out of the sky in a matter of days. In the subsequent tank battles the United States ruled the air. After kicking Saddam out...

  • February 17, 2011

    Europe Dumps the Multicult

    Don't look now, but the cult of multiculturalism is finally crumbling into the vast dustbin of history. Multiculturalism is the left-wing fantasy that all cultures are equal, no matter how many millions of poor people are deliberately starved, mutila...

  • February 13, 2011

    B.H. Obama: Shameless Imperialist

    We’ve just watched Obama commit an act of imperialistic aggression against a peaceful sovereign state. Mubarak’s Egypt threatened no one. It was the great pillar of stability in the Middle East for thirty years. Its government was far mor...

  • February 6, 2011

    Turning Egypt into Chicago

    In the first two years of Obama, we found out about his domestic policy, which was to turn the United States into the City of Detroit at a projected cost of thirteen trillion dollars.  Now we finally have an Obama foreign policy victory in sight...

  • February 2, 2011

    There's No Abe Lincoln in the Muslim Hood

    Today, Egypt is under assault by the fascist Muslim Brotherhood, which is pushing that old IAEA crook, Mohammed ElBaradei, who lied to the world about the development of Iranian nuclear weapons, for which he received a Nobel Peace Prize. This guy's a...

  • January 30, 2011

    How to Get Rich from Liberal Delusions

    The secret to instant wealth is to spot a mass delusion and bet against it.  The Tulip Craze.  Florida swamp land.   Getting the timing right is tricky, but we are blessed with an overload of mass delusions.  You can pick you...

  • January 27, 2011

    Sex and Sarah Palin

    The biggest drama in politics today is Sarah Palin and how she is constantly assaulted by the left.  Every week, we can watch how her rise in the national headlines causes the cultural elites to act like Snidely Whiplash -- evil curling mustache...

  • January 23, 2011

    A Modest Proposal for American Vets

    Near my town some leftie has put up a big lawn display of white wooden crosses, one for every American soldier who died in Iraq. That guy's intention is not to honor American heroism, self-sacrifice, and love of country. No, it's just the opposite. H...

  • January 16, 2011

    Stuxnet: It's Bush's fault!

    It's called "an admission against interest" in legal circles. Example: When the New York Times says something good about George W. Bush. It was George W. Bush's fault, the NYT just confessed, that the Stuxnet computer worm ended up destroyi...

  • January 7, 2011

    Why the Constitution is Better Than Marx

    George Orwell said that the first duty of decent people was to say the obvious.  So here it is for today. The United States Constitution enshrines a far greater political philosophy than anything Karl Marx ever dreamed of in his totalitarian ide...

  • January 4, 2011

    Prominent Editor in Egypt: 'I Accuse!'

    On January 1, 2011, a hugely important terror attack took place in Egypt that you probably were not told about.  A terrorist bomb went off at the al-Qiddissin (Saints) Church in Alexandria, Egypt, killing innocent civilians in the usual rut...

  • December 13, 2010

    The left sees history's fist coming. Again.

    Want to know why the Democrats in Congress are mumbling "f*** the president"?  Want to know why the Cancun mobsters are demanding world power for yesterday's climate fascism? This is Dunkirk, folks.  It's the Battles of Midway and...

  • December 10, 2010

    Monckton and the Cancun Warming Scammers

    They don't give up. That's the message from Viscount Monckton from the Cancun Climate Cabal. The scammers are still scheming. Monckton sounds discouraged. Here are some excerpts from Lord Monckton's report at Anthony Watt's WattsUpWithThat? ...

  • December 3, 2010

    Sarah Palin's Charisma

    Why does the left hate Sarah Palin with such screaming rage? Why do they lose their  cookies at the very idea of our Sally? Think about that for a second. Here's a beautiful, strong, intelligent, articulate, healthy-looking, truth-telling politi...

  • November 30, 2010

    Your Coal-fired Electric Car

    Rush Limbaugh has coined some of the best words for saving our PC-corrupted public language, but I think this gem should be remembered: Rush says that electric cars are "coal-fired." Which is exactly correct, and it's funny, too. Millions o...

  • November 28, 2010

    Did You Know Israel Created Radical Islam?

    Did you know that Israel provoked Muslims to crash airplanes into the Twin Towers on 9/11 and to blow up the London Underground? No? That's weird, because Lady Jenny Tong says it's true. Lady Tong is described in The Jerusalem Post as "a lifelon...

  • November 26, 2010

    Liberal Turkeys Come Pre-euthanized, Like ObamaCare

    Now Sarah's done it! Killing a fish on TV!Let's fade out of that horror scene for a second and watch the liberals moan about Sarah Palin killing a halibut. In public. In front of God and everybody. This is as bad as not aborting her baby. How could s...

  • November 24, 2010

    TSA Groping and Obama's Black Revenge Narrative

    The growing TSA groping scandal is another Obama political fiasco, almost a comical way for an American president to commit political suicide. TSA's groping of little kids and their moms instead of going for the bad guys who blew up the Twin Towers f...

  • November 14, 2010

    Whatever happened to 'Never Forget'?

    When I was growing up, the dark miasma of the Holocaust was still so pervasive that the famous slogan "Never Forget!" seemed almost irrelevant. How could anyone forget Hitler and his murderous goose-steppers? It was hard to imagine a world ...

  • November 11, 2010

    Great Nations Don't Decline -- They Just Get Tougher

    Hooray, we have a presidential cheerleader for American Decline. I capitalize those words A.D. the way I capitalize a lot of the fantasy slogans of the Left. Capitalizing their absurdities is a way of punctuating their empty heads and empty lives.In ...

  • November 7, 2010

    Fire the Media

    The Giant has awakened. The American voter just threw the bums out of Congress -- not enough of them, but a very good start.  The crucial question today is: Will the Giant just turn over and go back to sleep?It's happened before. After Ronald Re...

  • November 5, 2010

    For Libs Who Just Got Scared

    Bill Maher, the biggest mud-thrower on the left, recently had his Juan Williams moment. He's afraid that radical Islam will take over the world. Ten million other libs who get their news from comedy shows can finally admit they're scared, too. They w...

  • October 27, 2010

    Why Do Jews Vote for Their Enemies?

    American blacks vote Obama for the color of his skin. American Leftists vote O because they hope he will shaft this country more royally than anybody else has so far. So what excuse do the Jews have? The black and the radical leftist vote O for reaso...

  • October 21, 2010

    A Soulless White House

    I think Barack and Michelle Obama are secret totalitarians -- in spirit, if not yet in fact -- who believe mostly in their own superior intentions. Michelle really does think the country needs an all-powerful Food Mom who will make the kids eat right...

  • October 17, 2010

    Socialism Is Theft

    All you fans of the Left will recognize that title as a twist on Proudhon's historic slogan, "Property is theft." That's the personal catechism of Obama and his gang. Or, to put it more honestly, "Your property is theft. My property is...

  • October 9, 2010

    On the Dismal State of Political Wit

    This is a time of heated political arguments, which is not bad in itself. It means most Americans are finally waking up to the shaft that is about to hit  us -- trillions in inconceivable deficits, new taxes, high unemployment, regimented medica...

  • September 16, 2010

    W.H. Science Czar: 'Global Warming' Is 'Dangerous Misnomer'

    John Holdren, our official fraudulent "Science Czar" for our equally mendacious president, has dumped "global warming" as a "dangerous misnomer." Ah, yes, that would be it, then. It's not the facts, but the words that ar...

  • September 14, 2010

    Pax Americana (1949-2010)

    The Middle East is now sliding toward war, with potentially devastating ripple effects far beyond the region. Obama may not want it, but he has made war a near certainty by making the United States look like "the weaker horse" in a very tou...

  • September 12, 2010

    Obama's Wascally Wabbit Habit

    What do you call it when somebody is so stuck on some idea that he keeps pursuing it regardless of the results? Obama's first two humongous economic stimulus plans failed, as his own economic advisor Christina Romer just admitted. Obama's brand new b...

  • September 8, 2010

    'Web of Lies' -- A JournoLiar Browser App?

    If any of you techies out there want to get rich quick and Save the Republic to boot, here's your chance. This idea is all yours, free. All you have to do is write a tiny program. Here's what you need to know. Up to four hundred mainstream ...

  • August 29, 2010

    Fascism as Sadism

    In his book  Liberal Fascism, Jonah Goldberg defines "fascism" as an economic and political system. There's nothing wrong with that, but it misses a vital truth about Mussolini, Hitler, Tojo, Saddam Hussein, and Ahmadinejad: the politi...

  • August 25, 2010

    Apologia for the Left

    In the spirit of Obama the Apologist, I have to tell you how sorry I am. But not for myself, because I'm not responsible for anything. Just like Obama, I get to pin my apology on other people. That might not be your idea of saying "I'm sorry,...

  • August 17, 2010

    Bam to New York: Drop Dead!

    Some New Yorkers literally did drop dead nine years ago, because they chose to end their lives by falling from the top floors of the World Trade Towers rather than wait for the inferno to kill them by burning and asphyxiation. President Obama's Frida...

  • August 15, 2010

    Obama Is Colluding with a New Fascist Imperialism

    Nothing is more like the fascist Axis of the 1930s than Islamist expansionism today. Like the Hitler-Tojo-Mussolini Axis of the 1930s, Islamic fascists are fundamentally imperialistic, with an explicit order from on High to subjugate civilized people...

  • August 6, 2010

    The Age of Self-Inflicted Stupidity

    I now have to flush my toilet twice to make it work properly, and then still spray the bowl with bleach to make the remnants go away. How about you? This is of course because Americans don't know how to build proper toilets that actually work. N...

  • August 3, 2010

    Europe's Lynch Mob Mentality

    John Cleese is one of the great comedians, though his work is uneven. You can see his recent gags on YouTube, where he goes from very funny to obnoxiously hateful. That happens when he talks about American football. We don't really use our feet on th...

  • July 23, 2010

    'Progressive'? Awww, Grow Up!

    What's with this prissy little act all over the Dark Side of the Web, with millions of lefty kids texting on their iPhones, digging their toes in the sand, and shyly twisting around, making big eyes at Daddy, and going: "I'm a progressive!"...

  • July 21, 2010

    In Defense of W

    Angelo Codevilla has started an important conversation about the American "ruling class" against the "country class," who are also called "the normal people." As part of that critique, Codevilla groups George W. Bus...

  • July 18, 2010

    Put Some Harvard SmartCream On That

    The Obama administration takes great pride in Dr. Steven Chu, the Secretary of Energy, because Dr. Chu has a Nobel Prize. In physics, too, which is a real science that has something to do with energy. Sort of. And he's Chinese, one of the oppressed p...

  • July 14, 2010

    Barack Hussein Einstein at Harvard

    There's a funny story about Barack Obama at Harvard Law, both funny-ha-ha and funny-peculiar. It involves one of those cloud-borne Himalayan intellects of liberalism, Professor Larry Tribe, the Tyler Professor of Constitutional Law at one of the most...

  • July 11, 2010

    Alinsky, Stalinsky, It's Still the Same Old Agitprop

    "Stalinism" is a useful term for the totalitarian left -- even to the left itself. It's one word they haven't been able to chew up, gulp down, and transform into its opposite. They still know what "Stalinist" means, even after gen...

  • July 6, 2010

    The Left-Fascist Axis. Again.

    We are seeing another Left-fascist axis in our time, recapitulating Stalin's (and worldwide communism's) embrace of Hitler's Germany. The Gaza flotilla crisis was set up by the radical Left (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Jodie Evans, and other Obama ...

  • July 3, 2010

    Is Elena Kagan Morally Blind?

    Elena Kagan has now admitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee that as a Clinton lawyer in 1997, she fraudulently revised an official medical opinion by the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. The medical society was going to public...

  • July 1, 2010

    Will the Dems Get the Blame for Iranian Nukes?

    If there is any justice in the world, the Democrats should be blamed forever and ever for letting the nuclear genie out of the bottle after sixty years of the nuclear age. If there is any justice, they should go out of business as a political party, ...

  • June 21, 2010

    The Jews and the Bloody-Minded Professors

    No wonder Obama sent Winston Churchill's sculpted bust right back to London. Would you want Winnie's beetling brows staring down at you when your White House is just swarming with bloody-minded professors? If Churchill had done nothing else but simpl...

  • June 18, 2010

    Obama and the Rising Mob Against Israel

    The Middle East is now teetering on the brink of war because a vast international mob has been loosed, with the tacit approval of Barack Hussein Obama. That is the real meaning of the Gaza martyrdom stunt of May 31, 2010. That purposeful provocation ...

  • June 15, 2010

    The Unbearable Lightness of Zero

    To show he "cares" about the oil blowout in the Gulf, Obama flies Air Force One to Louisiana to get photographed eating seafood on the beach.  PR done, back to golf.  Meanwhile Governor Jindal gets the Louisiana National Guard to ...

  • June 14, 2010

    The Gaza Flotilla Ambush: What Did the White House Know?

    "What did the President know, and when did he know it?" asked Howard Baker about President Nixon during the Watergate hearings. The carefully planned May 31 ambush of Israeli naval commandos by armed Turkish martyrdom fanatics, in coll...

  • June 3, 2010

    What should Israel have done?

    We just saw a classic example of Martyrdom Theater off the coast of Israel. It was scripted to make Israel look bad. White hats, black hats, your basic Western B movie. The usual left-fascist media going ape, as per script, and suckering millions of ...

  • May 16, 2010

    Why Conservatives Love the Founders

    A Salon writer wonders, "What's the conservative fetish with the Founding Fathers?" It's because we read history, my sadly ignorant friend. So did the Founders. History is full of Obamas, and the people who idolized such power-hungry, self-...

  • May 11, 2010

    The New Middle East Peril

    In an unwanted "first," Israel turns out to be the first country in history to face a massed attack by intermediate-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs). Ballistic missiles are launched upward at an angle, like mortars, and reach high altitude ...

  • May 4, 2010

    Why wasn't Faisal on the terror watch list?

    Yesterday the FBI announced that the Times Square Bomber was placed on the No Fly list -- after he parked  his smoking car bomb in Times Square and was already on the run. Think about it: That little fact captures the entire Keystone Kops insani...

  • April 26, 2010

    Obama Is Enabling Nuclear Breakout

    Jimmy Carter didn't want to be known as the Ayatollah Appeaser, but that's how history has him chalked up. Bill Clinton played dumb about the 1994 World Trade Center bombing, actually blocking the flow of foreign intelligence between Justice and the ...

  • April 19, 2010

    A'jad gives Obama the high sign

    OK, this is serious, folks. Obama just got the significant digit from Ahmadinejad. That may sound funny, for the first President of the United States to actually use that famous street gesture in his television debate with Hillary Clinton. But it loo...

  • April 19, 2010

    Plan B: Privatize ObamaCare

    Plan A should be "Repeal ObamaCare." Plan B should be "Privatize ObamaCare." Here's why. Now that the Left is set to take over our medical economy, they think that they have America hooked forever. A federal monopoly over life-sav...

  • March 22, 2010

    Comfort ye

    The Federal seizure of our free medical economy is a great defeat for America's long tradition of individualism, freedom, and prosperity. It is a dangerous step toward dependent slavery and soft tyranny. Mourning is a natural reaction to this in...

  • March 19, 2010

    Is the White House Emotionally Lashing Out at Israel?

    When certain kinds of people feel frustrated, they lash out at the nearest target. Speculation has been rife about the extraordinarily grandiose character of this White House. So far, most of its major initiatives, trumpeted with major fanfares on th...

  • March 17, 2010

    How to really be accurate on 'race' on the Census

    Not many people like to fill in the "race" category on the Census, because we know perfectly well that it comes from the Left, which has found another way to slice and dice the American people, to set us against each other, and to empower t...

  • March 14, 2010

    Killing the best medical system in the world

    I study biomedical science for a living. I've also sampled foreign medical care myself, in Italy, Mexico, Israel, the Netherlands and Sweden. And the United States, needless to say. I've never had better treatment anywhere in the world than here in t...

  • March 14, 2010

    'Are Liberals, Atheists More Evolved than Conservatives?'

    National Geographic asks this profound question in a first screen headline on its website. By "evolved," they say they mean "biologically evolved," although, curiously, the original researcher used the wrong kind of IQ measure for...

  • March 9, 2010

    'Secret' Gates-Ahmadinejad meeting in Kabul?

    Funny coincidence. SecDef Robert Gates is going on a surprise visit to Afghanistan. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also happens to be going to Kabul, overlapping with the Gates visit. It's possible they will just drive past each other in Kabul. But it seems mor...

  • March 4, 2010

    Obama's Malignant Narcissism

    The hardest thing in psychiatry is to keep an open mind while sitting with a patient, who might be trying to provoke and manipulate the doctor, day after day, month after month. We want to understand troubled people, but people are complex. Psychiatr...

  • March 2, 2010

    Does Ahmadinejad Want a Radioactive Cloud over Iran?

    Why did Iran move its stockpile of low-enriched nuclear fuel to above-ground storage that is vulnerable to air attack? The New York Times reports that IAEA inspectors in Iran just saw this: ... imagine the surprise of international inspectors almost ...

  • March 1, 2010



  • March 1, 2010

    Obama to Dems: It's Harry Kiri or Nancy Kazi!

    The White House has just demanded "a simple up-or-down vote" on National Medi-Grab. That's like telling diehard Japanese soldiers at the end of WWII to either stick a sword in your belly or fall on a hand grenade. You've got a real choice t...

  • February 27, 2010

    Who Lost Iran?

    "Who lost China?" was the Republican slogan in the 1950s, after Mao Zedong conquered China and turned it into a Communist tyranny. Jozef Stalin was in power in the Soviet Union at the time and controlled half of Europe. China and Russia wer...

  • February 24, 2010

    The Left Will Try to Split the Conservative Vote

    When Bill Clinton was facing a risky 1992 election for president, Ross Perot appeared from nowhere to split the GOP vote, and Clinton got elected. Was there funny business behind the scenes? We may never know. We do know by now that Clinton and Perot...

  • February 22, 2010

    Exposing AGW fraud

    Burt Rutan is probably the most famous engineer in the country, and I imagine in Europe as well.  He really does a bang-up job exposing AGW fraud, from the perspective of an engineer who has always worked with complex systems. Anthony Watt has p...

  • February 22, 2010

    Is Obama Steering the Ship of State Toward the Rocks?

    Obama is now coming out with two contradictory messages. Either... (a) He is set to drive Medi-Grab through Congress, regardless of American popular opposition, or... (b) He is ready to junk it. Sometimes the administration leaks one story, sometimes...

  • February 19, 2010

    What Does 'Racial Socialism' Sound Like to You?

    The United States today has slipped toward race-based socialism: That's the true name for an overwhelming bias for one race above others, in employment, promotion, and educational opportunities. Our media are constantly stirring the witch's brew of r...

  • February 13, 2010

    On the Greatness of Kipling's Kim

    When Rudyards cease from Kipling And Haggards Ryde no more ... So goes the wittiest couplet in English. But it falls short by pairing two writers who are only superficially alike: Ryder Haggard and Rudyard Kipling. Only Kipling comes close to real gr...

  • February 9, 2010

    Obama on the legal implications of Einstein's theory of relativity

    Quote from the Washington Post: "This is someone who in law school worked with [Harvard professor] Larry Tribe on a paper on the legal implications of Einstein's theory of relativity," said senior adviser David M. Axelrod. "He does hav...

  • February 7, 2010

    Fracking the Academic Left

    Two seemingly unrelated stories this week came together in my mind:Howard Zinn is dead."Horizontal fracking" will produce much larger-than-expected amounts of clean, inexpensive natural gas over the coming decades. What do those headlines m...

  • February 3, 2010

    Obama's Strike Three: The Iranian Bomb

    Three strikes and you're out. Obama has blown two so far, and he's got one chance left when it comes to national security. What will happen if in the next twelve months or so the suicide-preaching fanatics of Tehran explode a nuclear bomb, as they ob...

  • January 28, 2010

    The Lesson of an Affirmative Action President

    You don't pick brain surgeons by the color of their skin. You pick them by competence only. Same thing with airplane pilots. But we have allowed the profoundly irrational liberal media to persuade the American public that we are supposed to pick a U....

  • January 23, 2010

    Obama's Suckers

    Obama's formula for suckering white folks: Don't make any sudden moves. This was usually an effective tactic, because (white) people were satisfied as long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves. They were more than satisfied;...

  • January 19, 2010

    Liberalism Is Dead

    The name "liberalism" has now drifted so far from its moorings that it has turned into a lie. Anybody who uses "liberal" these days is trying to put one over on you. It's like Florida swampland peddlers talking about their "b...

  • January 9, 2010

    When scientific fraud kills millions

    Scientific fraud often ends up killing people. Joseph Stalin's fraudulent "agronomist" Trofim Lysenko caused harvest failures when Soviet agriculture was ordered to follow his bizarre pseudo-science. "Scientific Marxism" killed 10...

  • January 5, 2010

    Did Obama Politicize the Terror Database?

    In his usual heroic fashion, Obama tossed that hot Christmas Bomber potato to Janet Napolitano, and when she dropped the potato, it got cannoned over to the CIA with a quick fake to Dick Cheney, who didn't even bother to answer. Obama kept his head b...

  • January 3, 2010

    History Is Knocking for Obama

    Gimme a "health care" bill...any health care bill! Even if it kills the old and the sick by compulsory rationing. See, if somebody has only a statistical ten years to live, then his or her life is worth only one-seventh of an infant who has...

  • January 2, 2010

    America Retreats -- Mullahs Advance

    There's good news and bad news for 2010. The good news is that there is a real hero of freedom in Iraq: a member of the Iraqi parliament named Mithal al-Alusi. In the Iraq war, one thing most Americans have wondered about is who really stands for the...

  • December 29, 2009

    Obama's Second Major Terror Failure in Two Months

    Luck was with us on Northwest flight 253. Dumb luck.This terror attack could easily have been averted but for the Aloha, baby! attitude of the Obumblers regarding domestic terrorism. At Fort Hood last month, a couple of cops finally brought down an I...

  • December 27, 2009

    Is Stalinism Back?

    Most conspiracies exist only in somebody's overactive imagination. Stalinism was one of those rare cases of a genuine, centralized, worldwide power conspiracy. It was extremely dangerous. Marxist histories boast about it. Stalinism came close to defe...

  • December 21, 2009

    Nelson's 'reprehensible' deal making

    You can't be half pregnant, they say. You can't be half dead, and you can't half-kill your fetus. King Solomon did not cut the Biblical baby in half, because you can't divide the world up that way. Aborting a pregnancy is an all-or-none action.You ca...

  • December 20, 2009

    Obama the Lightworker and the War in Afghanistan

    Alas, how have the mighty fallen! The Angel Barack has gone the way of his hero's hero, Lucifer, the Angel of Light, crashing on down -- far, far down -- from Fairyworker Heaven to the lowest circles of Darkness. The sight is absolutely Miltonian, a ...

  • December 19, 2009

    Grayson: Take Two

    Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) is possibly not the most stable member of the House. Against hot competition from the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee and Barney Frank, the Congressman appears to have the thinnest skin among all the Doomocrats, having publicly...

  • December 15, 2009

    Google honors Esperanto

    Ggoogle.com dedicates its main page today to honoring the 150th birthday of  L.L.  Zamenhof, founder of Esperanto, with an Esperanto flag icon:The leading exponent today of Esperanto is George Soros, carrying on the work of his father, Tiva...

  • December 15, 2009

    Obama the Red Avenger

    The French called Hitler a revanchiste -- a Kaiser soldier of World War I aching to avenge his old defeat. Hitler made no secret of his desire for revenge. He made it a Nazi slogan. Well, you can have ideological revanchisme as well -- for instance, ...

  • December 7, 2009

    Donald Kennedy and the Corruption of Science Magazine

    Science magazine has been stewing so long in the global warming bouillabaisse that its very brains are beginning to smoke. That may be because its august editor-in-chief Donald Kennedy (until last year) was a dedicated warm-monger. Science is the fla...

  • December 2, 2009

    On AfPak, Is Obama Clever or Stupid?

    LBJ is the name that comes to mind after Obama's decision to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. When he inherited the Vietnam War from JFK, LBJ had a big domestic program -- the "War on Poverty" -- to push through Congress. To...

  • December 1, 2009

    Obama and the CRUddites of Britain

    The CRU crew of liars and scientific frauds in the U.K. have been driving the climate fraud campaign for years. They shaped the corrupt and ridiculous IPCC U.N. report, designed to empower the Green corruptocracy as the new international ruling class...

  • November 29, 2009

    If We Sacrifice Jerusalem, Why Defend London?

    It is an interesting exercise to question all the assumptions of American foreign policy for the last sixty years -- that is, for as long as we've provided the defense umbrella for Europe, the free countries of Asia, and for our allies in the Middle ...

  • November 19, 2009

    Jerusalem Stone and the Genocide of Titus

    Israel's high-rise buildings in Jerusalem are built out of Jerusalem stone, a beautiful natural building material that makes even the new city look gloriously resurrected from the very hills themselves. Obama is a third-world socialist, meaning that ...

  • November 18, 2009

    Sarah Amazing

    I felt real pain when Governor Sarah Palin was trashed over and over again by hateful screaming libs last year -- just to demonstrate their vaunted compassion and tolerance, docha know? So they roundly assaulted her Down Syndrome child, her pregnant ...

  • November 18, 2009

    Honest Liberals on Mob-O-Care

    Yes, Virginia, there really are honest liberals, though they may go extinct long before the last polar bear slides off that melting ice floe. But they don't look happy, these good warriors of the Left, having voted for The O because he was America's ...

  • November 13, 2009

    The audacity of extremism

    Audacity is supposed to be a talent in great generals -- at least some of them.  That's where the phrase comes from: "L'audace, l'audace, toujours l'audace!" It's attributed to the Kaiser Friedrich der Grosse, to Georges Danton, (one o...

  • November 10, 2009

    The President of Resentment

    Some people have a government, and some governments have a people, said Ronald Reagan. We are being turned into a nation where the government owns the people. It is the demagogic heirs to the dreadful history of slavery who are now trying to turn the...

  • November 5, 2009

    Will the Left Try a Kamikaze Rush?

    Dick Morris thinks Mob-O-Care is dead after the Democrat electoral fiascos in the last week. I sincerely hope that Morris is right, but I'm not so sure. The trouble is that Obama and the Democrats have no other game plan -- their other ideas, like th...

  • November 3, 2009

    An O-Care Victory Will Make Him More Narcissistic

    O-Care is an awful idea for all kinds of reasons. It's a monstrosity. But one reason that has not been discussed is the problem of giving Obama -- a narcissist who has surrounded himself with thugs -- a crucial psychic victory. Narcissists have a pro...

  • November 1, 2009

    O isn't dithering on Afghanistan! It's a Harvard Law Seminar!

    In his slick PR fashion, Obama's answer to the charge that he is "dithering on Afghanistan" is to feed the hungry media a military photo op. Yes, Obama can be seen in the pic saluting a US Soldier's flag-draped casket coming back from Afgha...

  • October 28, 2009

    O'Dawdler - Failing to decide is also to decide

    Phew! Boy, are we lucky! Our President has assured our troops in Afghanistan that he cares about their safety. Whaddaguy! That's sure different from that evil Bush. No actually, it's not. It's much worse. Decisiveness matters. In war as in politics, ...

  • October 28, 2009

    Narcissistic Rage in the White House

    The term "narcissistic rage" gets 26,000 citations in Google Scholar. It is a common feature of extreme or pathological narcissism. While psychiatrists often say they can't do long-distance diagnosis, it really isn't that hard if you have a...

  • October 25, 2009


    Don't be deceived by the honeyed baritone voice and big smile. Bluffs, bully plays, and head fakes are the means by which President Obama tries to get his way. He learned the technique from Saul Alinsky.The best answer is to use Alinsky aga...

  • October 20, 2009

    Did Obama swing his own Nobel?

    Napoleon famously crowned himself Emperor of France and its conquered European empire, which he was trying to spread to Russia, Britain and Egypt, in its brief moment of grandeur. I'm wondering if Obama also crowned himself Nobel Laureate right after...

  • October 15, 2009

    Vladimir Putin and the Russian Inferiority Complex

    Vlad "the poisoner" Putin isn't such a tough guy after all. He's a sucker for Russian power and glory. That is why he has just proclaimed that it's OK for Ahmadinejad and the Twelver Suicide Cult of Tehran to have nuclear weapons. Putin is ...

  • October 13, 2009

    The Self-Censorship of Liberals: It's Too Scary to Look

    When the BBC finally ‘fessed up last week to the Global Warming Fraud  -- without admitting how much they aided and abetted the scam over ten years or more --  a liberal gent I know was shocked. He had sort of gritted his teeth and to...

  • October 12, 2009

    PC Prize for PC Prez

    Surprise: Some liberals have a sense of shame. It showed up with the farcical award of a Nobel "PC" Prize for the first real PC president in American history: A black guy who tells daily lies with real grace and artistry. Mr. Obama is the v...

  • October 10, 2009

    Disposable People

    This month reveals how deeply we have descended into an anti-human kind of Dante's Hell.  From Newsweek, which told us a month ago that "We Are All Socialists Now," last week's cover story was: The Case for Pulling the Plug on Granny. ...

  • October 8, 2009

    Iran: Why 'gaining time' is exactly what's needed

    Our top military officers have been doing what they should do: Sound the alarm when it's justified by strategic threats. They are being criticized for it in the media, but sounding the alarm is what they are trained for. The idea that generals should...

  • October 6, 2009

    Lose Afghanistan, Lose Pakistan, Lose Iran, Lose It All

    The gangster regimes of the world are on the march, and they've got our number. They know how to squeeze more civilized nations. Our weakness is cowardice, and that goes double or triple in the face of nuclear weapons. That's why all the rogues are t...

  • October 4, 2009

    Are liberal Jews secular millenarians?

    "Put not your trust in princes," says Psalm 146, but both liberal Jews and Christians put all their trust in a Prince from Chicagoland in the last election. A prince of a guy who now feels he is empowered to carry out a Revolution from Abov...

  • September 28, 2009

    Redefining Sarah Palin

    As President Obama fumbled badly at the UN and G-8 last week, Sarah Palin began redefining herself as presidential timber. When seasoned chess watchers see a game in progress, they can often pinpoint a critical moment when the players go from maneuve...

  • September 24, 2009

    The blessings of Pax Americana, the good cop

    Yesterday at the United Nations, Barack Obama renounced Pax Americana, signaling an end to the United States' role as global cop.Albert Einstein was a lifelong pacifist until Hitler came along. Then, after fleeing for his very life from Nazi Germany ...

  • September 21, 2009

    Obama cedes Eastern Europe to Putin and A'jad

    Last week Obama canceled American missile defense plans for Poland and the Czech Republic, leaving Eastern Europe at the tender mercies of Putin and Ahmadinejad. Tehran's missiles can already strike that part of the world, and when they get nukes in ...

  • September 20, 2009

    Science Proves: Maureen Dowd Is A Racist.

    Now dig this, friends. Maureen Dowd infamously read a whole frothing mud bath of race hatred into the mind of Rep. Joe Wilson, after he got up on his hind legs and yelled "You Lie!" in a moment of honest anger -- because President O lied a ...

  • September 16, 2009

    Fire the media

    Ahhh, I've wanted to say this for a long, long time, just like a lot of you. So here it is: It's time to fire the media! Peacefully, of course. Stop your liberal newspaper subscription; start a local news website yourself, and compete them out of bus...

  • September 16, 2009

    The race bullies

    When "communist" was the allegation of the day, it lost its sting in due course. Today, in spite of sixty years of immense black progress since Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights laws, the media and Demagogues love to read "racism...

  • September 16, 2009

    Obama Finds His Inner Bush

    US Navy Seals just assassinated one Ali Saleh Nabhan, "one of 4 co-conspirators wanted in the 2002 bombing of an Israel-owned hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, two senior US military officials told Fox News." No, this is not September 15, 2002. It's...

  • September 16, 2009

    Al Qaida moves the battle to Iraq

    Suppose you were Osama Bin Laden or his successor, and you're pitted against Barack Bin Obama, President by the Grace of God, Fearless Conqueror of Hillary, Pitiless Crusader against Greedy and Evil Doctors, Breaker of the Budget. Obama is trying to ...

  • September 14, 2009

    BREAKING: Ayatollah calls for overthrow of Tehran regime tomorrow.

    In an extraordinary development, MEMRI reports that Ayatollah Montazeri,  who has been a major critic of the Khomeinist regime, in effect called for a mass uprising to begin tomorrow, Qods Day, when mass demonstrations are  put on by the re...

  • September 14, 2009

    What's in a leftist's name?

    What hurts a lot of people is not so much their weaknesses, but their endless feelings of weakness and inadequacy. Take Van Jones. His birth name wasn't Van, which is a truck for moving things. Ludwig "van" Beethoven means Louie "from...

  • September 10, 2009

    NYT's Friedman's 'Enlightened Elite' Kills Baby Girls in China

    The pride of the New York Times stable of tame pundits, Thomas Friedman, has high praise for one-party autocracies. Like China's:"One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as...

  • September 10, 2009

    Who is the 'we' who 'spend too much' on elder care?

    The Left is terribly concerned that "we" are spending too much money on keeping people alive as they get older. But Ted Kennedy didn't seem to mind that "we" provided state-of-the-art cancer care for him, presumably through his wo...

  • September 6, 2009

    Making it up in global warming theory

    Science Magazine has good news for global warming crowd: The Hockey Stick is back! It was shown to be a fraud before, but now -- Shazam! It's back! Gee it's hot today. But... compared to what? That's the big question in the global warming game. The b...

  • September 5, 2009

    To the students of Tehran

    Last night I dreamtabout the students of Tehran and their sad eyesTheir eyes were dark and large, like ancient paintingsbrave hearts they did not know to flyCome fly, I told them in my dreamIt is easy. You can do it. Chagall learned how But it was to...

  • September 4, 2009

    ObamaCare -- Or Else!

    Now swallow your nice ObamaCare... it only tastes yucky for a second. No, don't throw it up! Now look what you did! Mommy will have to clean up after you. Again. Is there something disquieting about a president who only wants to spread love and compa...

  • September 2, 2009

    The Smiling Demagogue of the Age

    "A man may smile, and smile, and be a villain," wrote Shakespeare in Hamlet. That is even truer today, in the age of mass media, when demagogues can be elected president on the strength of their nice smiles and sucker-tailored sales pitches...

  • August 31, 2009

    Iran's Bomb: A Done Deal?

    Iran's nuclear weapons development is a done deal, according to a TV interview with a retired high Egyptian official at the UN nuclear agency, the IAEA.  They can make a bomb whenever they want to. Once they make the decision to enrich uranium i...

  • August 30, 2009

    Obama as Leninoid

    The parallels between Barack Hussein Obama and Vladimir Ilyich Lenin are intriguing. To be sure, there are differences: Barack Obama is not the absolute ruler of a tyrannical state. Lenin was. We are not about to see a violent Bolshevik coup like Len...

  • August 24, 2009

    Will America's bucking bronco finally be broken?

    You don't break a young bronco just by beating it. You break it by making it feel helpless -- confining it in a small corral, isolating it from the herd, running it around and around on a short rope, feeding it only when it follows commands, making f...

  • August 22, 2009

    The squeegee guys of health care

    This health care fiasco is beginning to look like the squeegee guys in New York City, who used to swarm around your car when you stopped at a red light, trying to talk you into fixing what wasn't broken. President Obama has failed to convince America...

  • August 19, 2009

    Iranian protestors being tortured and worse

    Michael Ledeen has a painful report about the mass rape, torture and execution of several hundred Iranian protesters.These are the Western-minded young people we saw in peaceful demonstrations in the streets of Tehran. I remember one iconic picture o...

  • August 19, 2009

    Death Care and the Commodification of Life

    Federal "healthcare" must inevitably turn into "Death Care," because the bureaucracy will have the sole power to determine the rules under which you and I will live and die. The bureaucrats will have a fixed pot of money, and mone...

  • August 17, 2009

    On being ruled by fanatics

    "At a dinner to celebrate Bill Clinton's first presidential victory [Rahm Emanuel] began to reel off the names of those who had 'crossed' him. He grabbed a steak knife and began plunging it into the table shouting "Dead! Dead! Dead!" a...

  • August 14, 2009

    Brits defend their much-criticized nationalized health care

    The worst thing you can do to the British media is repeat their own horror stories about the NHS, the socialist medical system. It's like a stranger criticizing your crazy uncle.    The family can do it all day long, but don't let outs...

  • August 12, 2009

    At what point does a liberal become a Stalinist?

    The first adjective that comes to mind for "liberal" may be "touchy-feely." The best adjective for a Stalinist might be "murderous." That's a pretty big difference. I would never want to mistake a well-meaning liberal fo...

  • August 10, 2009

    Obama as the Wizard of Oz

    Even as Science magazine is hastily backing off on the media fraud of "global warming,"    Obama's Medi-Scare Campaign is using precisely the same fear tactics perfected by climate fraud peddlers to take over American medical...

  • August 8, 2009

    Nancy's Nazis

    Nancy Pelosi has a very florid imagination. In her mind's eye she is seeing people "carrying swastikas" at Town Hall meetings to protest Obama's Central Plan for American medicine. Which makes me wonder why all the swastika-carrying nutsies...

  • August 7, 2009

    Sweden shows how to save money in health care

    Two scandalous news stories about Swedish medical care -- both from taking the cheapest way out -- by not doing routine brain scans.  Story 1, today: Doctors miss fist-sized brain tumour."A Swedish woman has reported four physicians to a na...

  • August 3, 2009

    Obama and the mad proliferators

    So you thought Iran was the most frightening nuclear madhouse? With North Korea playing catch-up?You forgot Syria. Its hidden nuke reactor was bombed by Israel in 2007. But nobody knows what else they have. You forgot Libya. Qaddafi got scared by Dub...

  • August 1, 2009

    Is Hillary Revolting?

    Don't answer that. I should have said: "Is Hillary Rebelling?" There. That's it. This is an "exclusive" from the NY Daily News -- a leak from the Clintons' permanent campaign staff. It proclaims that: "Hillary Clinton's camp ...

  • July 31, 2009

    Obama's birth debate: It's about loyalty

    The birth debate about Obama is real enough, but it is legally complicated, as analyzed by legal beagle Andrew McCarthy at National Review. No judge is going to question the Constitutional qualifications of an elected president. I'm sorry, but that's...

  • July 26, 2009

    Indulging craziness

    I'll bet this has happened to you. Some friend or relative is a little bit nuts -- maybe they just are, or maybe they have been burned by painful experiences. So they get very anxious about imaginary threats and outraged by imagined injustices. Maybe...

  • July 22, 2009

    Does Ted Kennedy deserve his extended cancer care?

    Senator Ted Kennedy, who is now 76 years old and was diagnosed with brain cancer in May of last year, is telling the world that nationalized medical care is "the cause of his life." He wants to see it pass as soon as possible, before he dep...

  • July 20, 2009

    Welcome to Mexico, Gringos!

    I once had a minor medical procedure done in Mexico. The doc wanted to be paid in cash, and I obliged. Then I asked for a receipt. What followed was Keystone Cops. It took a while for me to realize I was being stupid. By asking for a receipt in the d...

  • July 16, 2009

    Sophie's Choice, and Bibi's

    Benyamin (Bibi) Netanyahu has a fearful choice to make, like Sophie in William Styron's novel Sophie's Choice. The young Sophie of Styron's novel was forced to choose which of her two young children were to be murdered in a Nazi concentration camp. I...

  • July 13, 2009

    Obama the Trickster

    Remember when Obama slyly gave Hillary the single digit salute in a campaign speech, and his fans in the audience laughed their heads off? I've been thinking about that inspiring moment in American politics. I can't imagine any other president doing ...

  • July 7, 2009

    Obama reads Pushkin

    Two weeks ago it was the Urdu poets. This week it's Obama's love for Pushkin's poetry. The week before it was probably the Bhadavad-Gita in Sanskrit. If it's Tuesday this must be Zorba the Greek --- in Greek. It's all in a day's light reading fo...

  • July 6, 2009

    Let's cap and trade oxygen!

    Enough already with carbon cap and trade. I say let's cap oxygen, and then tax any family that can't achieve the Average Family Oxygen Target of 80% BOOTS (Before Obama Oxygen Trading Scheme). Remember, if you weren't inhaling all that O2 you wouldn'...

  • July 2, 2009

    Obama's biggest character flaw

    The President of these United States recently expressed his love for "the Urdu poets," a piece of inspired BS that nobody in their right minds believed for a second. But then the P was narrowcasting to Pakistan, he thought, and Americans we...

  • June 26, 2009

    When did the lowbrows take over the culture?

    I've been trying to grasp for a truth that is so obvious that all of us know it. But it's not a polite truth, so we don't talk about it. Yet I think it's important to say it out loud, because it is a truth that haunts our national discourse. As a nat...

  • June 24, 2009

    The little president who wasn't there

    Last night I saw upon the stairA little president who wasn't thereHe wasn't there again todayOh, how I wish he'd go awayThe White House is now occupied by a little president who just isn't there when he is called upon to take a clear, moral stand. Fo...

  • June 22, 2009

    On OJ Simpson and Barack Obama

    No, I don't think Obama is another OJ Simpson. The two men could not be more different. It's a common marketing strategy that links them. White guilt and that ache for black vindication were a huge part of OJ's celebrity campaign. That's also what go...

  • June 15, 2009

    Monopoly Bad, Centralized Medicine Good

    Here's an easy game to find out how media-savvy you really are. Just answer "Good" or "Bad" to the following words. Microsoft? ___________American Superpower? ________Multinational Corporations? __________I make that Bad, Bad, Bad...

  • June 5, 2009

    Consolations in a Dark Age

    Don't look now, but the web is rescuing Western Civ. That being the college course that once was meant to teach kids about their inheritance -- about Socrates, the Bible, the Renaissance, Mozart, Shakespeare and all that. When the Boomer Left decided...

  • June 1, 2009

    Journalists who don't kiss Obama's feet

    The London newsies of Fleet Street have no respect -- for very much at all, including the Queen, PM Gordon Brown or -- shock! -- not even for His Utterliness Barack Hussein Obama, He Who Must Not Be Laughed At. This lèse majesté will no...

  • May 27, 2009

    Defeating a Hitler with nukes: Nothing else matters

    May 25, 2009: Kim Jong-Il explodes his first full-sized nuclear bomb .  This day shall live in infamy.North Korea helped build a secret nuclear power plant in Syria, which was destroyed by the Israeli Air Force in 2007 while the CIA was still as...

  • May 21, 2009

    He Who Must Not Be Laughed At (a poem)

    I speak of One Beyond compare. Who came to save The USA (Chicago way,That Is To Say.)Beware! Beware! He Isn't Funny!Don't You Laugh!Wipe Off That SmileHWMN-BLA! HWMN-BLA! (*)His Flashing EyesHis Prancing AirHe baffles All the JokersFrom Hollywood to ...

  • May 18, 2009

    Barack's Epistle to the Egyptians

    Ahhh, he does love those grand gestures. Obama culminated his campaign with two of them, the famous styrofoam Greek temple charade in Denver, and his Citizens of the World! speech in Berlin. Not many Americans were told by our media about the Prussia...

  • May 15, 2009

    More Carbon: The Only Answer to Global Freezing

    Global Warming is dead. Global Freezing is in. According Dr. Terri Jackson, a physicist and climatologist, writing in the Belfast (Ireland) Telegraph, on May 13,"There is now irrefutable scientific evidence that far from global warming the earth...

  • May 15, 2009

    Would you have a personal computer without free markets?

    Capitalism is creative. Obama's America promises to be excruciatingly boring, among many other flaws. So two kids in a garage build something we now call a "micro computer" and end up beating Big Blue IBM and its hulking business empire. An...

  • May 11, 2009

    Liberals and O's Afghanistan policy

    Obama is following George W. Bush in making war, not love. Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan. Bush dropped bombs on those places, and all we heard about was gut-wrenching wailing and screaming from the Left for eight years because of all the innocent peopl...

  • May 10, 2009

    By Allah and the Five Year Plan!

    MEMRI reports on a Tehran TV interview with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the head of his nuclear program. It's an incredible mix of fundamentalist aggressive Khomeini cultism and modern nuclear weapons development. Just listen to the language: "... T...

  • May 7, 2009

    Why attacking Iran may be morally and militarily necessary

    The decision to go to war is always a profound moral question, for any sane and civilized country. It is also a military and political question, and in the case of Iran, situated as it is at the head of the Persian-Arab Gulf, a major economic questio...

  • May 5, 2009

    Psychotherapy for liberals

    Talking with liberals is frustrating, because you can't just talk about facts.  That will only get them all upset, and all they will get out of the experience is never to listen to people like you. Most liberals live in their heads, or in little...

  • May 4, 2009

    Discovered: 200 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

    Good news for America undermines the green energy agenda. The Wall Street Journal reports a huge new discovery of natural gas --- a fossil fuel so clean even liberals can stand it. "CADDO PARISH, La. -- A massive natural-gas discovery here in no...

  • April 30, 2009

    Brits going to war in dune buggies?

    The British armed forces in Afghanistan are not well supplied, as Eureferendum has been telling us over and over again, but this is ridiculous.  According to Eureferendum, the Ministry of Defense under Prime Minister Gordon Brown has just ordere...

  • April 30, 2009

    The Great Liberal Pandemonium Machine

    The Mexican swine flu pandemic? Oh, that's soooo yesterday. Global Warming? All those confident "scientific" predictions are falling apart around the world, even as greedy politicians still try to squeeze the last little drops of power and ...

  • April 27, 2009

    Afghan-Pakistan: Al Qaida's new safe haven

    The Obama administration looks like it's going to acquiesce in the face of a nuclear-armed radicalized Pakistan, just as Jimmy Carter bowed down low in the face of Ayatollah Khomeini. Soon we will have two radicalized Muslim states with nuclear weapo...

  • April 24, 2009

    Obama, Alinsky, and Scapegoats

    'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It  and Polarize It.'   - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals.  That's what Barack Obama taught his ACORN followers in all his Community Agitator classes in Chicago. That slogan defines m...

  • April 23, 2009

    American Imperialism, Obama Style

    The thing about imperialism is that it never looks like imperialism to the well-intentioned imperialists themselves. Most Soviet Russians were convinced they were just spreading peace and love to Eastern Europe and China, even with all their massed a...

  • April 20, 2009

    A Rahm Bomb for Jane Harman?

    Congressional Quarterly just reported a highly secret National Security Agency wiretap report on Rep. Jane Harman.    Wait. Before we get to the content of the wiretap, all you ACLU types should be hitting the ceiling in rage. Because ...

  • April 20, 2009

    No O'pology for killing three African youths?

    The pirate standoff was a classic Jack Bauer crisis: Either shoot the three nutters pointing AK-47s at Captain Richard Phillips, or watch him be killed. So Obama gave permission to use all necessary force should Phillips' life be in imminent danger, ...

  • April 17, 2009

    Obama flunks on social pathology

    Social pathology: crack and heroin epidemics, family violence, out-of-wedlock births, abortion as "just another option," alcoholic mothers having brain-damaged babies, violent and uncontrollable schools, constantly irresponsible and self-de...

  • April 16, 2009

    Send Obama's bill to your kids

    Want to know how to follow up Tax Day Tea Parties? Here's an idea: Send Obama's bill to your kids and their friends. Here's what Newt Gingrich predicts for Obama's high price to be charged to your children --- so far.  If you're a 50-year old-wi...

  • April 13, 2009

    Obama, Obushma, hey, what's the difference?

    OK, conservatives, here's a plan. Big deal, we lost the election. (Twice -- once for the GOP nomination, and once for the presidency). The solution? Coopt the Obamunistas. How? We've got the biggest ally in the world, called Reality. It's a place con...

  • April 12, 2009

    Is King Abdullah a white guy or a Muslim?

    It's a profound Obamadilemma. After a few days of media embargo on the pictures, the world has now seen Obama's Deep Bow to the Oil King. It's on YouTube. The Brits    and the Arabs are buzzing, buzzing.    Conservatives...

  • April 11, 2009

    Let us thank the Somali pirates

    Flashback: It's 1979, and President Jimmy Carter is facing a hostage crisis, with American diplomats being kidnapped by Islamist "students" in Tehran. Ayatollah Khomeini overthrew our Cold War ally, the Shah of Iran, with the tacit of the C...

  • April 8, 2009

    Hussein's Passover: more sales pizzazz.

    Barack Obama is offering a symbolic nod to Jewish supporters while he sells out Israel.Door-to-door salesmen used to have a trick with stay-at-home moms, to get into their homes and make their sales. They would do their well-rehearsed patter --- Good...

  • April 6, 2009

    Those arrogant Americans

    We have a rock star president who for the first time in American history fired the President of a private corporation, General Motors, then immediately flew to Europe with an entourage of 500 courtiers and a worshipful media, bowed waist-deep to the ...

  • April 5, 2009

    Surprise! Trees grow bigger on CO2

    Your  body is full of toxins -- it's just that the body self-regulates the amounts of all those molecules so they do no harm. Take NO, nitric oxide. If you breathe in pure NO gas you won't last long. But if you release little bits of NO at just ...

  • April 3, 2009

    Would Abe Lincoln bow down to a slave-keeping Arab king?

    Step aside, Queen Elizabeth dearie, and allow us to poke you in the ribs on Larry King. What a gag! And to you, imperialist swine Gordon Brown, we give you a well-considered diplomatic slap in the face. Take those cheap DVDs and shove them.  As ...

  • April 1, 2009

    Obama's revenge against GM

    Watching Obama is a psychiatrist's delight. Here we have a middle-aged man with no real-world accomplishments, but with truly astonishing grandiosity and a rock-star following that confirms his Jesus Christ Complex at every opportunity. Obama must ha...

  • March 31, 2009

    Whom the Gods Would Destroy

    ... they first make mad," said the Greeks. And they certainly knew what they were talking about, since what we call the Golden Age of Greece meant one savage war after another between the city-states, all of them riddled with plots, treason, sab...

  • March 25, 2009

    What kind of president thrives on chaos?

    Is it conceivable that a president would want matters to get worse? Lincoln did not pray for a Civil War to befall the country to make him look good; just the opposite. Washington and the Founders did not want the Revolutionary War.  FDR did not...

  • March 19, 2009

    Will Dems go for broke with Obama?

    This is the strangest, scariest political season in a long time. The Obama crowd is going for a Great Leap Forward, with socialized medicine, government ownership of the banks, industry-killing carbon taxes, daily scapegoating of the rich, and now de...

  • March 16, 2009

    Obama's essence

    Undisciplined. Disorganized. Overreaching. Dangerous. Even the Democrats are taking off the upside-down plastic buckets they've kept over their heads, like David Broder, David Ignatius, and even David Brooks, the house conservative at the NYT, who ke...

  • March 12, 2009

    Of course he's a socialist

    Of course he's a socialist. The real question is, how does he feel about America? His favorite Sunday preacher for the last twenty years is simply obsessed with a frothing hatred for this country. His good buddies Bill and Bernardine have been expres...

  • March 8, 2009

    How the Great Depression brought Adolf Hitler to power

    Oh goody! Looks like we're having another Depression -- maybe just a little one, but who knows how long we can stretch it out, if we give it a good try? So now we can play FDR and The Glorious New Deal. If that sounds insane to you, well, it's what b...

  • March 4, 2009

    Obama appoints Rush Limbaugh leader of the opposition

    Rush Limbaugh ‘just an entertainer?" Well, Mark Twain was an entertainer. But he was also one of the finest satirical voices in our history, a searing mocker of our national conscience at the time of Reconstruction. He made people laugh un...

  • February 27, 2009

    The WaPo gets the shakes at O-dacity.

    You and I know what an unbelievable series of high-risk gambles Obama is taking with the future of this country. None of the liberals I've talked to so far have the faintest inkling of a smidgen of a notion of even a tiny whiff of an idea. They are s...

  • February 15, 2009

    Can Israel make it alone?

    In 1938 the West abandoned Czechoslovakia and Poland to Nazi aggression, signaling so much weakness that Hitler immediately grasped that he could now send his tanks against France and the rest of Europe.  At Yalta, in 1945, the United States and...

  • February 12, 2009


    Famed physicist Freeman Dyson had it exactly right when he said that the global warming hype is driven by $$$. Our new Federal $timulus Gift Package has ju$t given 400 million greenback$ to that merry gang of global warming modeler$. Merry Xma$ Globa...

  • February 9, 2009

    The Rapacity of Odacity

    Just before the election, Barack Obama made fifteen references to "pie" in 100 seconds of a speech -- all about dividing up that yummy pie of the American economy.    His audience laughed and chanted, "Pie! Pie!" to...

  • February 4, 2009

    Obama may become a disaster

    By their actions ye shall know them. By now we are seeing an ominous pattern of actions by the O administration. We know that President Obama is a very slick liar indeed, but then so was Bill Clinton. But Clinton had a smaller majority in Congress, a...

  • January 25, 2009

    'Shut up,' he explained

    My, but this president has a short fuse. In his first week in office Mr. Obama has told Republicans to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh (thereby raising Rush's ratings to new highs).  He  terminated an argument about his proposed phony ...

  • January 19, 2009

    The triumph of hyphenism

    "Hyphenism" was H.L. Mencken's word for what we call "African-(hyphen)-Americans," "Latino-(hyphen)-Americans," and worst of all, "White-(hyphen)-Male-(hyphen)-Southern-(hyphen)-Americans." In the 1930s, when M...

  • January 14, 2009

    Four Traps for Obama

    2010 is do-or-die time for the Obama Administration. Bill Clinton lost a majority in Congress two years after he came into office. Enough voters switched against the Democrats to bring the Gingrich-led GOP Congress into majority status for the first ...

  • January 11, 2009

    The Media Collude in Terrorist Crimes against Humanity

    The Hamas War is now beginning to look like a ritual Kabuki play. We know all the moves -- all we can do is watch how well the actors play out their well-worn moves. Except that this is not a play, and real lives are being lost. The key is not the te...

  • January 5, 2009

    Bernie, Barry, and the art of the con

    What kind of sucker do you have to be to fall for the lovable pretensions of a really high-class hustler? Well, apparently exactly the same kind of sucker who falls for a really high-class Ponzi artist. In fact, you might be the very same person in t...

  • December 31, 2008

    Israel's Campaign Unlikely to be Conclusive

    Every government action in Israel is the result of endless debates and committee negotiations. The current  punitive campaign against Hamas in Gaza has so many military and political levels that it seems like Tolstoy's War and Peace. But the one...

  • December 29, 2008

    America's Amazing Resilience

    It's hard to believe that seven years ago Osama Bin Laden executed the worst attack on this country since Pearl Harbor. Three thousand people died in a few hours; but in weeks the country was fighting back in the frozen mountains of Afghanistan. New ...

  • December 26, 2008

    The psychopathology of Bush hatred

    The Bush hatred we are seeing in the media today belongs in the long catalogue of human psychopathology -- not rational behavior. The latest version is the shoe-throwing incident in Iraq. Iraq happens to be a hot war zone, in which tens of thousands ...

  • December 23, 2008

    Obama - Let's leave advanced weapons to the enemy?

    The UK Telegraph is reporting that Barack Obama is considering abandoning laser-based airborne anti-missile defense. Writes the Telegraph today: 'US laser warplane under threat from Barack Obama The future of a US warplane that fires lasers at the en...

  • December 19, 2008

    Is Obama vulnerable to blackmail?

    Suppose you're Bashir Assad or Putin, and you watch the Blago Blowup, a month before the next president even takes office. What are you thinking right now? First, Obama looks vulnerable to blackmail. His homey network is full of people who can't stan...

  • December 12, 2008

    Obama and Iran

    Mr. Obama, our President-Can't-Be-Waiting, will soon pronounce a Message to the Muslims. Maybe from Jerusalem -- who knows? Or Damascus. Both places with a certain historical resonance. The last person who tried a global address, acting as messenger ...

  • December 9, 2008

    The fairy tale school of political analysis

    "What really draws me to the notion of Caroline (Kennedy) as senator, though, is the modern-fairy-tale quality of it all. ... Caroline has always been part of my consciousness: The lucky little girl with a pony and an impossibly handsome father....

  • December 8, 2008

    Here comes the Great Man complex

    All Great Men intending to make their mark on history need great monuments. For Barack Obama just a single one won't do. No, this is more like a whole country full of shiny new buildings, an Edifice Complex so splendiferous that future generations wi...

  • December 5, 2008

    False pride and the liberal imagination

    Is the election of Barack Obama a victory for racial tolerance and equality? Or is Obama just a clever politician surfing the  fathomless supply of white guilt, like the three famous Revs --- Jesse, Al and J-Rite? Is Obama the bearer of post-rac...

  • December 4, 2008

    First lessons from the Mumbai Massacres

    It now appears that 10 commando-trained terrorists with Pakistani jihadist training were able to kill at least 172 people and wound almost 300 more in Mumbai, India, over some five days. That suggests major failures among Mumbai's firs...

  • November 30, 2008

    Obama tries on WOT rhetoric

    Who said this after the jihadi Mumbai massacres of last week? "These terrorists who targeted innocent civilians will not defeat India's great democracy, nor shake the will of a global coalition to defeat them... The United States must stand with...

  • November 30, 2008

    Why Rush Limbaugh is a leading American intellectual

    I have a bone to pick with Rush Limbaugh about the word "intellectual." He says he isn't one. But Rush is the sharpest political commentator we have today. He is a public intellectual in the old sense: A fine, original thinker who constantl...

  • November 20, 2008

    Iran has enough material for one nuclear bomb

    This is what we've been expecting. Iran has now produced roughly enough nuclear material to make, with added purification, a single atom bomb, according to nuclear experts analyzing the latest report from global atomic inspectors.The figures detailin...

  • November 20, 2008

    A damned defeat

    Yet I ... can say nothing --- no, not for a King,Upon whose property and most dear lifeA damned defeat was made!So said Hamlet the Prince of Denmark about the murder of the King, his father. Well, we've just suffered a damned defeat, not as bad as th...

  • November 14, 2008

    Be afraid: It's the Paranoia Paranoia Epidemic!

    Well, whaddaya know? The very same week that Nature journal revealed that we are all going to die from a Global Ice Age -- pay attention out there, kids, it's not Global Warming after all -- the "experts" on paranoia are telling us tha...

  • November 14, 2008

    Why Europe is secretly afraid of a socialist America

    Suppose you've been living under the protective wings of a benevolent superpower for sixty years. And suppose you've used that big half century to take off on an endless vacation -- spending all your tax money to buy votes for the socialist Ruling Cl...

  • November 2, 2008

    The Obama Bubble Could Cost the Democrats

    Obama's stealth campaign has now been exposed by the New Media as just another assault on power by the old-fashioned radical Left, beefed up with race-baiting demagoguery. As a result of constant New Media exposés, the Leftwing media are now d...

  • October 28, 2008

    Bill Ayers throws a racial Molotov cocktail

    It's right on Amazon -- the new book by Weatherman bomb throwers Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who sponsored Barack Obama's political coming-out party in Chicago leftwing politics. And no, it's not something Ayers and Dohrn wrote when Obama was ei...

  • October 17, 2008

    Barack O'Bonaparte, Man of Destiny

    What's so odd about Barack Obama is his extreme sense of self-confidence, matched with his extreme lack of experience. It seems as if Obama is utterly convinced he can do no wrong, and that Destiny is on his side. "Do you ever have any doubts?...

  • October 15, 2008

    On Bill Ayers and small 'c' communists

    Bill Ayers said in 1995 that he was just a "small ‘c' communist." He said it with a little laugh. And most of us aren't even shocked. We've heard words like that before. But we should feel shivers running up our spines. I know goofy l...

  • October 13, 2008

    The Left has destroyed anti-nuclear proliferation

    In a sane world every responsible nation and political party would pull together to keep the nuclear genie bottled up tight. By that standard we are not living in a sane world. Nuke proliferation is now out of control, and our Democrats have been the...

  • October 7, 2008

    Sowing ACORNs to reap the biggest oak tree in Washington, DC

    "From tiny ACORNs mighty oaks do grow" is the old slogan, from which the revolutionary organization ACORN derives its name.  Like so many little hints dropped by the Left, you get a very clear message if you just think about it from th...

  • October 4, 2008

    Out of the West Comes an Alaska Cowgirl

    It's Frontier Woman vs. Metrosexual Chic! Hold your breath -- who is going to win this clash of the archetypes? This is not just a matter of style -- Frontier Woman triggers a host of very real American associations -- self-reliance, strong family bo...

  • September 28, 2008

    McCain/Palin Could Win this Election by Exposing the Trillion Dollar Scam

    Sarah Barracuda could win this election on Thursday night for the Republicans. All she needs is the courage to tell the truth in her debate with human gaffe machine Joe Biden -- with John McCain's permission and support -- to tell it like it is. If t...

  • September 26, 2008

    The Song of O

    (An alphabet song)A is for Ayers and ACORN, Alinsky,             And Auchi and Axelrod,             All of a kind; B is for Bernardine, ...

  • September 25, 2008

    The Furies of Feminism, Fur Flying For Sarah

    If you ever believed the myth of female weakness and victimhood, consider the Greek Furies. When Sophocles and Euripides wanted to symbolize the vengeance of the gods they didn't choose some devilish-looking guy in red tights. No, they were fully awa...

  • September 25, 2008

    Barack Obama and Alinsky's Rules for Psychopaths

    "... the community organizer ... must first rub raw the resentments of the people; fan the latent hostilities to the point of overt expression.'     -- Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals "THERE IS ONLY THE FIGHT --- A...

  • September 24, 2008

    Obama lied about his tight link with Ayers

    Not the crime but the cover-up, as Woodward and Bernstein liked to say. Well, Obama's close alliance with Bill Ayers, Leftie bomb maker from the 60s, may not have been a crime. But O sure peddled a barefaced lie to the nation on ABC News about knowin...

  • September 23, 2008

    Oil, Oil, everywhere, but not a drop to drill!

    The Pelosi Dems in the House have passed a bill claiming to open the US Continental Shelf to perfectly safe oil exploration and drilling, but actually locking it up for another decade or two. If they did nothing, the existing prohibitions would just ...

  • September 23, 2008

    The press discovers 'unconscious racism'

    The Associated Press has discovered racism, and it's in you --- yes,  you, the ones who have doubts about Obama.    How was the AP able to read your ugly racist mind? By looking at word association, a method that was pioneere...

  • September 12, 2008

    New Scientist: Sea Ice Increases Due to Global Warming

    You gotta hand it to the global warming crowd. They have mind-bending gall. New Scientist, which used to be a good pop science magazine, now quotes a NASA scientist saying:"The Antarctic wintertime ice extent increased...at a rate of 0.6% per de...

  • September 12, 2008

    Iran: 50-60 Tons of Enriched Uranium 'Disappears'

    Enough enriched uranium to make 5-6 nuclear bombs has 'disappeared' from the Iranian enrichment plant at Isfahan. This according to Con Coughlin of the Daily Telegraph of London. This is according to IAEA inspectors at the plant.  According to C...

  • September 11, 2008

    Will Biden swap with Hillary?

    Senator Joe Biden is now saying out loud what everybody is thinking: "Hillary Clinton might have been a better pick than me."    Which raises an obvious but scary thought: What if the Chicago Machine -- pardon me, the Obama c...

  • September 11, 2008

    Why Feminists Fear Strong Women

    "I assume John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential partner in a fit of pique because the Republican money men refused to let him have the stuffed male shirt he really wanted. She added nothing to the ticket that the Republicans did...

  • September 10, 2008

    Would Obama have given up after Pearl Harbor?

    Obama: ... I think that the surge has succeeded in ways that nobody anticipated ... Bill, what I've said is--I've already said it succeed beyond our wildest dreams.O'Reilly: Why can't you say, "I was right in the beginning, and I was wrong about...

  • September 7, 2008

    Science slows global warming!

    Yes, kids, science is a wonderful thing. But not nearly as wonderful as climate modeling, which can perform supernatural miracles. Honest! Climate modeling can raise the level of the oceans (even without Obama's intervention), it can burn up the plan...

  • September 6, 2008

    The End of Boomer Weirdness?

    At Wichita State recently, a college debate coach dropped his trousers after a foul-mouthed argument with the opposing coach in a debating tournament. YouTube shows it for the world to see.  Coach William Shanahan, who sports a caveman beard rea...

  • September 2, 2008

    Is Sarah Palin really a woman?

    Contrary to all the pictures -- which I admit, make it look just as if Governor Palin is a woman -- I need to raise this urgent question for our friends on the Left. We have been told by black authority Toni Morrison that Bill Clinton was our first b...

  • September 2, 2008

    Sarah Palin and the narcissistic wounds of the Left

    Former Democrat national chairman Don Fowler admitted to ABC News that he rejoiced at the prospect of Hurricane Gustav hitting New Orleans during the Republican National Convention. "The hurricane's going to hit New Orleans about the time they (...

  • August 29, 2008

    The Obamababble Showman plays Ronald Reagan

    Last night we saw the Obamababble Showman as Ronald Reagan. He put on a great show. He talked tough last night. But to get the nomination, he talked weak. He ran like Carter and now he expects us to think he will govern as Reagan. Which one is he? To...

  • August 28, 2008

    Obama's Temple of Illusion (updated)

    Why the faux Greek Temple at Obama's mass rally at the Invesco Park, you ask? Actually, it's probably not his God Complex. It's just the basic stagecraft of visual illusion. If you want an actor on stage to look tall, put him in a short frame. It's s...

  • August 25, 2008

    Joe Biden is wrong on missile defense

    Joe Biden is supposed to add foreign policy credibility to the Obama ticket. But Senator Biden has been consistently wrong on at least one crucial national security issue: The steadily spreading danger of strategic missiles and nuclear weapons. ...

  • August 25, 2008

    Why are liberals so gullible?

    The Democratic National Convention is a great time to reflect on the Conundrum of The Century: Why are our liberal buddies so amazingly gullible? Why do they fall for the most obvious scam artists? Why, when Hillary crashes, do they slobber all over ...

  • August 24, 2008

    The Chinese infrastructure Obama admires so much

    Senator O recently told us how much he admired China's infrastructure -- based on those TV pics during the Olympics. But The Daily Telegraph (UK) reports a different picture, according to our blog colleagues at EUREFERENDUM. "... The Daily Teleg...

  • August 23, 2008

    Europe Betrays Itself in Georgia

    Europe has been the cause and battleground for all three World Wars of the 20th century. For that reason there has been one supreme question in world affairs since Hitler and Stalin: Can Europe ever learn to avoid repeating its own suicidal history?...

  • August 22, 2008

    Obama, Justice Thomas and Col. West: On Morality

    Far too many folks on the Left just point the finger of generalized bigotry at their critics, in a sort of moral version of a skunk's spray attack. That skunk smell of race baiting just hangs in the air for days afterwards. Random accusations of raci...

  • August 20, 2008

    Why Obama's Red Mentor is News

    Barack Obama is still an enigma because a lot of his life has been carefully hidden, as National Review's David Freddoso points out in The Case Against Barack Obama. His campaign is hypersensitive because his life is filled with awkward facts and dub...

  • August 15, 2008

    Barry the Unready and Putin the Poisoner

    Leaders were once named after their most (in)famous acts. In the 10th century Ethelred, king of England, was called "the Unready" after he panicked at the prospect of Viking pirates coming to raid his shores; he was forever after known as...

  • August 13, 2008

    Nemesis stalks the Democrats

    The Three Christs of Ypsilanti were three paranoid hospital patients in the early Sixties, each of them completely convinced he was the true incarnation of Jesus Christ. The psychologist Milton Rokeach put them all together in group therapy, thinking...

  • August 12, 2008

    A rogue power with nukes

    Ralph Peters has written far and away the clearest and most honest account of  Russian actions in brutally invading the democratic Republic of Georgia. "It's impossible to overstate the importance of what's un folding as we watch. Russia's ...

  • August 11, 2008

    March of the Obots

    "This is what we do. Just walkin' the halls all day, baby. F-k class, that s-t's for clowns man. [Laughter from his friends] We don't go to class 'round here. Man, f-k academics. That ain't me, dawg. Academics, we gonna leave that to them nerd-a...

  • August 8, 2008

    Does O Understand Anything About Ballistic Missile Defense?

    If the Middle East -- and the rest of the world -- survives the aggressive rise of Iranian nukes and missiles, it will be thanks to Ballistic Missile Defense -- a completely new technology that is just being put into place. The next ten years wi...

  • August 7, 2008

    A surprise choice for Obama's Veep?

    Victor Davis Hanson has a list of the things Barack Obama needs to win in November.   The key, according to historian Hanson, is his Veep pick. "The ideal selection for Obama would be crusty, sloppy, blue-collar, non-arugula eatin...

  • August 6, 2008

    Emperor Obama's New Clothes

    What I want to know is, how did Hans Christian Andersen know about Barack Obama more than a century ago?  Because Obama is straight out of Andersen's classic fairly tale,  The Emperor's New Clothes. Old Hans Christian, who lived in Denmark ...

  • August 4, 2008

    The Audacity Hustle

    "I've been hustled," said Obama, after a Euro tabloid fell down and worshipped his big muscles at the gym during the Ego Trip to Germany.  Well, yes. The Euromedia instantly recognized a slick hustler from America, and they celebr...

  • July 30, 2008

    Obama and the Affirmative Action Media

    Sometimes it's important to state the obvious, as George Orwell urged in another era of big lies and Political Correctness. It's obvious that the media are in the bag for Obama for one big reason, and one reason only: his race. The media have ad...

  • July 25, 2008

    A Runaway Ego is Barack's Blind Spot

    Every political campaign has its weak spot. Every human being has his own blind spots. In politics and war, it's those blind spots that eventually make for victory or defeat. When an opponent discovers that weak spot, he just needs to hit it over and...

  • July 23, 2008

    Obama's Berlin Moment

    Obama's Premature Inauguration Syndrome is still giving him trouble, witness the mass Obama rally scheduled for Berlin's SiegessSaeule or Victory Column, to celebrate his penetrating insight in foreign affairs. Google's top listing of this Ueberphall...

  • July 21, 2008

    Obama Meets a Grateful Planet

    Fox News has this headline:Obama "Never" Has Doubts About Foreign Policy Experience Logan: Do you have any doubts? Obama: Never. Golly. I don't think Abraham Lincoln would have said that he never had any doubts before the Civil War. I don't...

  • July 19, 2008

    How Obama could prove he has a sense of humor

    The nation is worried. Comedians from New York to LA are trying to figure out if they are allowed to make jokes about Barack Obama. Or even if they can think of any. REPORT about guy who said 20 times "don't think I'm a racist, but...". Mr....

  • July 18, 2008

    Barack's Disgraceful Global Phony-Ops

    Barack Obama has never been President, but he plays one on TV. The TV newsies find this utterly world-shaking, which is why the three major networks are sending their prime-time anchors along with the President of the World, Senator Barack Obama. Joh...

  • July 16, 2008

    Obama and Europe: the same moral arrogance -- and ignorance

    Obama won't debate John McCain in free-form Townhall settings, so he is jetting off to Europe, where millions of liberal suckers will fall down, kiss the ground, and worship him. He figures he deserves it.  Senator Obama should be running for Pr...

  • July 15, 2008

    Alfred E. Obama is Not Funny!!

    Q: How many feminists does it take to screw in a light bulb? A: That's Not Funny! [Note: Michael Savage's producer has demanded that we acknowledge prior use of the phrase "Alfred E. Obama" earlier by the talk show host. This came as news t...

  • July 15, 2008

    When is Obama Not Lying?

    Barack the messiah has fallen from grace. Here he was, a "racial healer," a hip Hypester straight from Change & Hope, hypnotizing millions of worshippers, a modern William Jennings Bryant dazzling the mobs with the image of an America c...

  • July 5, 2008

    The Ultimate PC Novel

    A review of Michael Chabon, The Yiddish Policeman's Union. Harper Perennial, 2007. 411 pp. $15.95. There are no pleasant, constructive or even likeable human beings in this gigantic book, written by an American Leftwing atheistic Yiddishist, living, ...

  • July 1, 2008

    The Obamas are Just the Ghosts of Clintons Past

    It's amazing how much the Obamas are like the Clintons -- who are now attacked by the same people who used to kiss the ground they stepped on. Carl Bernstein talks about Hillary's "dark side."  Bill, says an MSNBC blogger, is a serial ...

  • June 26, 2008

    Der Spiegel blames 'US NeoCons' for Irish Vote.

    So the Irish voted against the deceptive "Lisbon Treaty" --- which is really the European Union Constitution. Der Spiegel is a fanatically anti-American German magazine that routinely trashes the United States. Got that? So the fraudul...

  • June 24, 2008

    Obama's lack of ordinary modesty

    In his victory speech over Hillary, Barack Obama soared rhetorically about his feelings of humility. And yet he hardly sounded humble: "generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children (with mounting excitement) that this...

  • June 17, 2008

    Conservatives must act

    "These are the times that try men's souls," wrote Thomas Paine on December 23, 1776. It was a deeply demoralizing time for American independence fighters, with Gen. George Washington in constant retreat, always just managing to dodge defeat...

  • June 12, 2008

    Is the US Constitution a suicide pact after all?

    The US Supreme Court has just decided to allow terror suspects captured in foreign combat to challenge their detention in Federal civilian courts. This decision contradicts US law for the last 232 years, through the Civil War and the two World Wars. ...

  • June 9, 2008

    O, Stalinoid Canada

    If you want to look ahead to the United States under Barack Obama and an expanded Congressional majority for the Democrats, consider Canada. Canada's greatest gift to the contemporary world of letters --- Mark Steyn --- is being persecuted for f...

  • June 5, 2008

    Obama's church must not be forgotten

    Senator Obama is now trying to erase his personal history by resigning from his radical Left church, after two decades of active membership -- that's more than 1,000 Sunday sermons over twenty years. The media will do their best to help him fuzz...

  • June 3, 2008

    Phony-Ops build the Obama Myth

    Barack Obama's appeal to his legions of enthusiasts rests in no small part in their hearts. And where the heart is concerned, myths, images, and archetypes work their wonders on the nonrational faculties of the mind.The biggest Phony-Op of the electi...

  • May 30, 2008

    The demonic Father Pfleger

    If you want another proof that the Catholic Church has completely lost control of its ordained priests, consider another one of Obama's mentors, one Father Michael Pfleger -- a white race-baiting Marxist. Like Rev. Wright, you have to hear the truly ...

  • May 28, 2008

    True liberals must be appeasers

    "There he goes again," sighed Ronald Reagan in a TV debate with Jimmy Carter, just before the American people decided they had enough of Jimmy. Well, here we are again, thirty years later, and here Calamity Jimmy goes again, and again,...

  • May 23, 2008

    How crypto-Marxism won the Cold War

    Today, for the first time in American history we have two --- count 'em, two --- hard-core Leftists running for the Democrat Party nomination. The Left hasn't had this kind of chance for power since Truman defeated Henry Wallace in 1948. Hillary and ...

  • May 19, 2008

    The Omniphobia Epidemic

    Let us now take counsel of our fears. We're afraid of ozone and CO2. We're afraid of smog and cigarette smoke. We're afraid of Republicans because they are warmongers, and of Democrats because they are in utter denial of the real world. We're afraid ...

  • May 12, 2008

    Bugged by the miracle of Obama

    Is anyone else bothered by the superhuman rise of Barack Obama? Granted all his virtues, his intelligence, his fast footwork, and the grand rhetoric of his stump speech. Does anyone feel bothered by the fact that he has a conspicuously invisible trac...

  • May 8, 2008

    McCain needs an inspirational Veep

    In a sane world, if you were looking for presidential timber, John McCain would leap out for his experience and sagacity. Granted his policy flubs, like the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, McCain is still far and away safer than a half-term Sen...

  • May 6, 2008

    A Free Market Solution to White Guilt

    White Guilt is the locomotive propelling the Obama campaign. Without it the Junior Senator from Illinois would be just a skinnier Bill Clinton. American kids are being guilt-tripped in all the public schools today, from grade school to graduate schoo...

  • April 28, 2008

    The Moment of Truth for the Left has Arrived

    If you haven't listened to Jeremiah Wright's hate sermons at Hugh Hewitt's website, you must do so.  Every American with open eyes and ears has to listen to the voice of racial hatred, coming not from the Klan but from a clergyman of the Ch...

  • April 22, 2008

    Hillary 'obliterate' Iran? What nonsense!

    In the mad final days of the Pennsylvania Democrat Primary, Hillary is trying to out-troglodyte the voters. According to ABC News, "Clinton further displayed tough talk in an interview airing on "Good Morning America" Tuesday. ABC News...

  • April 21, 2008

    President Obama and a Nuclear Iran

    Assume for a moment: It's January, 2009, and Barack Obama has just been inaugurated as President of the United States. Ahmadi-Nejad explodes his first Bomb; he now has that itchy finger on the button as long as the mullahs stay in power. The Middle E...

  • April 18, 2008

    Stalking Barack Obama

    There are striking parallels between the Obama "bitter bomb" that Hillary brought up again in the debate Wednesday night and the dirty tricks campaign last year that shot down Republican George Allen's campaign for US Senate from Virginia. ...

  • April 16, 2008

    Good grief, Gordon Brown!

    Just before Prime Minister Gordon Brown's trip to Washington, he leaked a gratuitous media insult to George W. Bush, with whom he meets today. Said the UK Telegraph, in a big headline, "Gordon Brown calls for revival of US greatness." ...

  • April 14, 2008

    What's the message here?

    The Huffington Post ran a photo montage that absolutely stuns me. It shows a white man pointing a shotgun at Barack Obama. Here is a screen capture:This strikes me as the worst possible taste....

  • April 14, 2008

    Obama Chic

    Geraldine Ferraro  wasn't quite right: It's not just Obama's race that has made him the frontrunner on the Left. It's his chic-ness. It helps that Senator Obama is "international" and half black, but don't ignore his youth, his so...

  • April 9, 2008

    The slick trick behind global frauding

    In Stalin's Russia any dissenter from the Party Line was guilty. Innocence had to be proved. It's a standard tyrant's trick. During the reign of Oliver Cromwell in England, witchhunters did not have to prove that their victims were guilty. The accuse...

  • April 7, 2008

    Re-traumatizing blacks to serve the Left

    Keeping people on the boil makes for very powerful group politics, which is why demagogues and tyrannical regimes do it all over the world. But there is an awful cost when individuals or groups remain in turmoil over wrongs that lie in the past.Dr. C...

  • April 1, 2008

    Does Obama know America?

    When I hear liberals talk about this country I don't recognize the place. It's just as if they never talk to their own neighbors or go to their local market. The Left seems to constantly misunderstand normal people in a really paranoid fashion. Jerem...

  • March 28, 2008

    Whites Can't Make Blacks Happy

    One of the creepy things about our "need to have a conversation about race" is the assumption that whites can somehow make blacks feel better, or be happier, or be more self-accepting. Nobody has the power to do that, except what individual...

  • March 26, 2008

    How the Leftist Churches Set a Time Bomb for the Democrats

    Until  the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Senator Obama's spiritual mentor in Black Liberation Theology, popped out of the woodwork, I didn't even know about BLT -- Black Liberation Theology. But the doctrines of Black Liberation have been preached since...

  • March 23, 2008

    Woulda-coulda-shouldas on Iraq

    The woulda-coulda-shouldas sprang forth on the five-year anniversary of the overthrow of Saddam Hussein last week.  It was Monday morning quarterbacking, mostly. Pundits confuse their personal brainstorms with history, and pretend they coul...

  • March 19, 2008

    It's Time to Call the Democrats on Race Demagogy

    "For wicked men are found among my people;they lurk like fowlers lying in wait.They set a trap;they catch men....their houses are full of treachery"Jeremiah, 5:26Donna Brazil, Al Gore's 2000 campaign manager, has been quoted deploring the H...

  • March 16, 2008

    Lt. Col. Allen West and Michelle Obama

    I just sent my first political contribution to the Congressional campaign of former Army Lt. Colonel Allan West, who is running on the "R" ticket in Florida House District 22 --- that's in Broward County.   Colonel West is a man w...

  • March 14, 2008

    The Wages of Race-and-Gender Socialism

    Barack Obama has promised that he will rise above race. After all, his mother was white and his father was from Kenya. Senator Obama is a persuasive orator, and I am inclined to believe he is sincere.  But will the race and gender industry go ou...

  • March 12, 2008

    Does Hillary have a nuclear option?

    This is speculative. But I'll bet something like it is going on in those smoke-filled rooms the Democrats keep just for these occasions. Here's the problem if you're Hillary and Bill. You're going to need those unelected superdelegates to get the nom...

  • March 10, 2008

    The Epicycles of Global Warming

    When True Believers begin to harbor doubts, they don't immediately give up the faith. It's too scary; too much pride and money has been invested; too many jobs and reputations are on the line; and they need to find a new reason to live. So they alway...

  • March 9, 2008

    Vote McCain and you're a sexist pig racist Islamophobe, by J. Lewis

    We all knew the race-gender-homophobe card would be played at some point in this election. Well, it just happened. Mark this date on your calendar: On Sunday, May 8, 2008 the Big Guns of the Left fired both barrels at the same moment. If you're agin'...

  • March 6, 2008

    Rudy for Veep?

    John McCain is the GOP candidate for president. But who will run for Veep? One of the smartest decisions George W. Bush made was choosing Dick Cheney. Contrary to the Cheney image peddled by the hysterical Left, a sort of a projected Darth Vader on t...

  • March 4, 2008

    Hillary is Right About Obama

    Hillary Clinton is wrong on most issues, but she is right about Barack Obama. Obama is an empty dashiki; he has no experience in any job remotely resembling the presidency of the United States. Two terms in the Illinois legislature just won't do; and...

  • February 26, 2008

    Obama and school choice for the inner cities

    For years, free-market conservatives have proposed the best ideas for improving schools, public safety, and the economics of medicine. In every single case, they have been blocked by special-interest unions. The teacher unions are more intereste...

  • February 22, 2008

    Satellite shoot-down is a clear warning to Iran

    Wednesday night's SM-3 shoot-down of a US spy satellite tumbling out of its orbit was a magnificent success for anti-missile defense. It meant hitting a bullet with a bullet, with only a ten-second time window for the shot. The hit was kinetic, meani...

  • February 20, 2008

    The Paranoid Style in Democrat Foreign Policy

    This is one of those stories I hope is not true.  When I wrote "An October Surrender?"  about the apparent  Hillabama outreach to Damascus, I was raising a question. I didn't know the answer, and I still don't know whether th...

  • February 18, 2008

    Is an October Surrender in the Making?

    Get this: Right in the middle of the hottest presidential primary in decades, both Obama and Hillary are sending their foreign policy honchos to Damascus. These advisors are people who have a chance of running US foreign policy in the next admin...

  • February 14, 2008

    John McCain will keep the country safer

    John McCain's recent American Conservative Union ratings are not the 80% plus that we hear about all the time.  McCain has scored much less conservative in recent years, now making him one of the most liberal Republican Senators. That serve...

  • February 13, 2008

    Brits blast Bishop but not Brussels

    There was a fine display of British outrage yesterday at the UK Telegraph website. Even the Queen herself has now "expressed concern" that the Archbishop embrace of Shari'a law in Britain has undermined the authority of the Church of Englan...

  • February 10, 2008

    Shari'a for the Archbishop?

    In the Beatles movie Help! the great British actor Leo McKern (Rumpole of the Bailey) played a bloodthirsty priest of the Mother Goddess Kali, who goes chasing after Ringo Starr's giant ruby ring, which has somehow been stolen from a virgin sacr...

  • February 7, 2008

    Huckabee's anti-Mormonism: An old American lesson

    Why is it that Americans have never elected an ordained minister, priest or rabbi as President? After all, the Founders were steeped in what has been called the "civil religion" of America.   Every time when our survival was at st...

  • February 4, 2008

    E pluribus unum

    Out of multiplicity, unity.  As we yell and scream at the radio and TV and the computer screen these days, and even at each other, that's a vital principle to keep in mind. American politics ain't beanball. We fight for fundamental  princip...

  • February 2, 2008

    Abolish Texas? More global frauding

    Lord Christopher Monckton has the most trenchant short critique of the global warming fraud I've ever read.  Monckton is a former Margaret Thatcher advisor, and is fighting the good fight as vigorously and honestly as anyone in the world....

  • February 1, 2008

    A life-or-death reason to vote for any Republican

    Here's a survival reason to vote Republican regardless of who wins the nomination, McCain or Romney. It's Mahmoud A'jad -- the martyrdom fanatic who runs the Tehran regime. A'jad just told the world that: "his country would produce nuclear energ...

  • January 28, 2008

    Is Ahmadinejad setting a trap for Israel and the US?

    Like the Jedi Knights in Star Wars, much of Israel's safety depends on an absurdly small number of daring pilots and their jet planes. The Israel Air Force has managed to use that capacity with amazing skill and daring, as it showed last September wh...

  • January 25, 2008

    Are the Dems out of love with Hill and Bill?

    Liberals don't actually choose their leaders --- they just fall in love. To the rest of us that might seem pretty strange --- but then can you imagine conservatives going to a Broadway musical like Camelot, to sing songs about a politician?  Con...

  • January 24, 2008

    A love note from your local Islamist politician

    "You filthy idiot. WE ARE HERE TO STAY hahahahahahhahah DROP DEAD."  That's an email by a Dutch Labour Party politician to a constituent. According to the Dutch news agency NIS News, "Labour (PvdA) politician Bouchra Ismaili is re...

  • January 18, 2008

    Hillary's Oedipal Problem

    If you want to know what a Hillary Clinton Administration would be like, her known history is a pretty good indicator. We know a lot bout the woman who now stands a good chance to become the first radical Leftist President of the United States. ...

  • January 9, 2008

    The media won Iowa and New Hampshire

    Some conservatives are prematurely celebrating the death of the Big Media. Well, the BM just won the first and biggest PR battle of the election campaign, Iowa and New Hampshire. John McCain is the old love of the Left, and the Huckster is the new fa...

  • January 9, 2008

    Obama and the Childish Left

    What adult would vote for a totally untested presidential candidate by falling in love? Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich,  Senator Joe Biden, and a million other Democrats -- that's who. The New York Times stable of Leftie pundits is reliving the Decade...

  • January 8, 2008

    The one-two punch aimed at GOP conservatives

    John McCain has had a hate-hate relationship with GOP conservatives for years, and has locked himself into that position with the McCain-Feingold assault on the First Amendment. The establishment media loved McCain-Feingold, because it made  the...

  • January 3, 2008

    Huckabee - I'm NOT angry!

    Mike Huckabee is pretty slick. He's the one Republican who's been boosted by the big media. Those media headlines got him off to a fast start. But a couple of days ago he got the press laughing at his shenanigans with his "I'm NOT negative!...

  • January 1, 2008

    Happy End of Global Warming!

    Happy New Year. And just for another thing to celebrate, Dr. David Whitehouse, the British astronomer and former science editor of the BBC, tells us:   "'The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as 2006...

  • December 30, 2007

    Did Bhutto Martyr Herself?

    What would you say about a politician who refused to tolerate sensible security measures just a few weeks after a major assassination attempt came within a hair's breadth of killing her, using a baby wrapped in a bomb? That bomb in Karachi killed an ...

  • December 29, 2007

    Hillary frags Pakistan

    While the world holds its breath to see if Pakistan will explode, Senator Hillary Clinton tossed a fragmentation grenade into the fireworks factory yesterday. It may be the most irresponsible and selfish act by a presidential candidate in history....

  • December 28, 2007

    The lesson of Bhutto: A time for adults

    OK, playtime's over!  Time for the adults to take charge. The Clinton Nineties were a decade of playing pretend. The Soviet Union was gone, and conservatives heaved a sigh of relief. We didn't notice that the Boomer Left had infiltrated American...

  • December 27, 2007

    Huckabee's Amazing Coincidences

    A couple of weeks ago Mike Huckabee was skyrocketing out of sight.  Now the polls are tightening up. But Huckabee is a dark horse in more ways than one. For one thing, he must know that his public record is much too controversial for him to get ...

  • December 26, 2007

    $cience Mag Jumps on Global Moneywagon

    Scientists like money. (It's true --- be still, my heart.) Big Science is a Big Business, supporting nearly half the budgets of our major universities. Science professors are only hired if they can swing enough Federal grant money to pay for their la...

  • December 23, 2007

    Huckaboost my baby with a media melody

    This is true love. It's gotta be. What else could account for these adoring words from Dan Payne in the Boston Globe?  "THEY'VE found him! The punditocracy believes it has spied a rare species: a moderate Republican who's candid, funny, cha...

  • December 23, 2007

    The Fundamental Truth About 'Fundamentalism'

    Fundamentalist Christians have become the new target for the Old Media. One big reason is that media scribblers are simply ignorant of Western and world civilization. That thought comes to mind on listening to Verdi's Requiem, one of the most gorgeou...

  • December 22, 2007

    The Rage in Huckabee's Voice

    Foreign policy is about national survival. That's why we need a president who has really thought about rising Islamist nations with nukes.  All the more reason to appreciate the calm and mature thinking of Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani and M...

  • December 20, 2007

    Romney scores two good ones

    Speaking just for myself, I admire Romney, Giuliani and Thompson. I could vote for any of them. Huckabee makes my skin crawl (sorry, Huck fans). But Romney has just warmed my heart with two "Right On!" statements. One is about loyalty; the ...

  • December 18, 2007

    Is sly ole' Huckster Clintonizing the GOP?

    Why is Mike Huckabee such a mean-seeming guy?  All my neck hairs are rising, like a growling puppy.  Well, look at Huckabee's media bombs -- just the headlines stories he's dropped "by accident." According to a long New York Times...

  • December 18, 2007

    The Algorism of Global Doom

    Heads I win; Tails you lose. That's the guiding principle of Algorism. When the story of our time is written -- as soon as future historians can stop laughing -- Al Gore will be Exhibit #1 for the unprecedented nuttiness of our politics. In Florida i...

  • December 16, 2007

    22 UN climate models flunk

    Prediction is hard, especially about the future, said Neils Bohr. So why not try to predict the past? A study in the Royal Metereological Society journal did just that, focusing on the best available evidence of the past 25 years. Measuring instrumen...

  • December 13, 2007

    The new European Union - the Empire Returns?

    With the signing of the Lisbon Treaty on December 13, 450 million people are now under a new, single government, called the European Union, headquartered in Brussels. Individual countries like Britain and France are yielding their national sovereignt...

  • December 13, 2007

    Hating Mormons for Christmas

    There's an ancient madness alive in the land, one that reflects miserably upon some Christians and some Jews, as well as the usual voices of the Left. It is being exploited by demagogues for political gain. Some conservatives, sincere or not, have ju...

  • December 12, 2007

    Mind-reading George W on the Middle East

    The trouble with politics is that it forces us to try to read minds, when we know darned well that we can't. So we end up with hypotheses in much the way scientists do. It's fatal to fall in love with an hypothesis (the way the Global Fraudsters have...

  • December 10, 2007

    Iran's Vast Military Inferiority and the Prospect of Nukes

    One madman with a gun can hold off a hundred cops. The difference is who is more willing to lose his life. Such is the situation between the Khomeini regime and those it has directly threatened. Beginning with Khomeini's rise to power after 1979...

  • December 7, 2007

    What if the NIE is a Bush gambit?

    The NIE report may have been a political move by Bush opponents in the State Department, as many have speculated. Or it could be disinformation. But what if it is something else entirely?Intelligence breakthroughs are extremely rare and never ad...

  • December 6, 2007

    The NIE could increase the danger of nuclear war

    If the controversial new National Intelligence Estimate claiming that Iran has given up on building nukes is true, we should all give a big cheer and go back to sleep. If it is not true, it would increase the danger of a nuclear war in the Middle Eas...

  • December 6, 2007

    Was General Ashgari a Double Agent?

    In March of 2007 Iranian Revolutionary Guards General Ali-Reza Ashgari defected to the West through Turkey. General Ashgari is the highest-ranking defector from Iran ever, a huge bonanza for our understanding of the Khomeinist regime's intention...

  • December 5, 2007

    BBC covered up London terror trainer

    In News of the Terminally Weird, the Times of London reports that the tax-funded BBC paid one Mohammed Hamid and two other radical Islamists,  "... to go on a paintballing trip at the Delta Force centre in Tonbridge, Kent, in February 2005....

  • December 4, 2007

    Iran nukes 'plausible but unlikely' (updated)

    Suppose you're a cop, and you have to stop a well-known Mafia hit man on a dark night, driving his Cadillac. You know he's recklessly dangerous - he's threatened you every  day, in public, for the last 30 years. (What do you think "Death to...

  • December 4, 2007

    Can the Left move on from Clintonismo?

    The biggest surprise of the election season so far is Hillary's low poll numbers among Democrat voters. The same liberal media that were deaf, dumb and blind to eight years of sleaze, from Whitewater to White House furniture (which was carted off at ...

  • November 30, 2007

    I am the very model of a modern Gay Lib General

    (On CNN's planting of a Gay general at the GOP debate. To be sung to the tune of Gilbert & Sullivan's I am the very model of a modern Major-General.)     I am the very model of a modern Gay Lib General,    I stick th...

  • November 27, 2007

    The Huma ruma is Hillary disinformation

    So you're Hillary Clinton, and your past can't withstand examination. What do you do? Well, try a little Black PR operation.   Call it a pre-emptive self-inflicted smear. Because you know your shady  past is bound to come up, and ...

  • November 26, 2007

    Annapolis Equals de facto Recognition of Israel

    Expectations are generally low on the Annapolis Middle East Peace summit starting this week.  Yet a strong case can be made that the mere fact of this meeting between the Arab countries, the Palestinians and Israel is the biggest breakthrough in...

  • November 24, 2007

    Stop astronomy before it's too late!

    It had to happen sooner or later. The End of the World meme (Global Warming Vsn. 22.70) has gone cosmic. Yes folks, the destruction of the whole Universe is at hand. As the London Telegraph headlines, Cosmologists claim by observing dark energy the u...

  • November 21, 2007

    Thanks, But No Thanks

    Thanksgiving is just one day a year. The rest of the time we have a National Gratitude Deficit --- or at least our noisiest public voices do. Media demagogues are constantly whipping up ingratitude towards the good things in our world. Giving thanks ...

  • November 21, 2007

    Run, kids!!! It's the Warming Monster!

    Yes, children, human-caused Global Warming is even worse now. No, wait --- it's not actually worse. It's not like we have any actual facts. No, the latest banner headlines are about ifs and maybes ... The International Herald Tribune (owned by the NY...

  • November 19, 2007

    Dr. Mahmoud Strangelove, I believe?

    The UN nuclear agency, the IAEA, just announced that Iran is within a year of getting enough enriched uranium for its first bomb. That is an engineering prediction, based on the confirmed enrichment capacity of 3,000 centrifuges. And yet, the editor ...

  • November 16, 2007

    Suicide by Cop - Saddam and A'jad

    Next time you're speeding and see a flashing red light behind you, don't take out that black metal flashlight and point it at the cop. It's an invitation to suicide.  It doesn't matter that you're not pointing a gun: If it looks like a gun, it'l...

  • November 14, 2007

    Sarkozy and the Socialist Bag of Tricks

    President Nicolas Sarkozy, currently facing down a strike by French transport unions, is a different sort of leader than his recent predecessors. He is tough-minded enough to believe he can withstand unions fighting to defend a retirement age set at ...

  • November 11, 2007

    Global warming hoaxer now writes for The Guardian (updated)

    David Thorpe, the hoaxer with the fake climate science journal, now writes for the left wing UK Guardian as a paid freelancer. He's one heck of a True Believer: In a nutshell, the point is that to commit at the top level to sustainable development, y...

  • November 8, 2007

    Black Ops PR in Global Warming Hoax? (updated)

    Rush Limbaugh was hoaxed today by a very slick and superficially plausible Global Warming fraud. This resembles the kind of Black PR operation we have just been warning about. The trick is to plant a plausible story that fits a conservative theme, in...

  • November 8, 2007

    The Mullahs are not 'Conservatives'

    Google shows more than 2 million hits for the words "Iran conservative," in reference to the mullah regime. That's a slander against conservatives. The mullahs of Iran are emphatically not conservatives. They are reactionaries. The media ca...

  • November 6, 2007

    Political 'black ops'

    Sarah Lai Stirland writes in Wired Magazine about political ‘black op' websites:Welcome to the online house of mirrors that is the 2008 campaign: A growing bag of tricks employed by tech-savvy amateur political operatives now includes a collect...

  • November 5, 2007

    Political Black Ops in Belgium?

    A minor war has broken out in the conservative blogosphere, and it smells suspicious. I don't have a smidgen of proof for what I suspect, but here's the story. Brussels Journal, edited by Paul Belien and others, reads like a solid, sensible cons...

  • November 4, 2007

    Child mortality drops 90,000 in Afghanistan

    The AP reports on a Johns Hopkins study of Afghani children, indicating that early childhood mortality has dropped dramatically. "Close to 90,000 children who would  have died before age 5 in Afghanistan during Taliban rule will stay alive ...

  • November 2, 2007

    'Global Warming' as Pathological Science

    Trofimko Lysenko is not a household name; but it should be, because he was the model for all the Politically Correct "science" in the last hundred years. Lysenko was Stalin's favorite agricultural "scientist," peddling the myth that crops could be ju...

  • November 1, 2007

    Chuck Schumer and A'jad

    Well-informed observers think the world is edging closer to nuclear war than it has been since the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The Tehran regime is unbalanced, even compared to folks like Nikita Khrushchev and Joseph Stalin. Unbalanced and suicide-...

  • October 31, 2007

    All mad 'cept for thee and me

    Like the fabled New England farmer who told his neighbor that the whole world was going mad, "except for thee and me... and I'm not too sure 'bout thee," Dennis Kucinich is now accusing President Bush of being bezonkers.    R...

  • October 30, 2007

    Lost is a loser

    Should the US Senate ratify the UN Law of the Sea Treaty, called LOST? There is a heated argument, except in the mainstream media, where it is being smuggled under the radar. There are a number of specifics that just go beyond most people's knowledge...

  • October 29, 2007

    Our Depressogenic Media

    Can the media make you sick? It is a real question. Do you read a news headline and get that sinking feeling in your stomach? Or have you learned to avoid those headlines completely? I know one woman who can burst into tears from reading the newspape...

  • October 28, 2007

    An admirable ayatollah arrested

    Michael Ledeen brings* us news of an online petition to attempt to save the life of Ayatollah Borujerdi, who has been arrested by the A'jad regime in Tehran.      Borujerdi is quoted as saying that [The people of Iran are]...

  • October 25, 2007

    SCIENCE: Earth climate is too complex to predict

    SCIENCE magazine just published a critical review of climate models by Professors Gerald Roe and Marcia Baker of the University of Washington, Seattle. It is echoed in the New Scientist magazine (October 25). As New Scientist puts it, "Climate i...

  • October 24, 2007

    Did Kim send nuke materials to Syria?

    Alarm is now spreading about the Syrian facility that was bombed by Israel on September 5.  Israeli  jets, along with Special Forces, an electronic countermeasures plane, and possibly a human spy planted inside the bombed facility, were abl...

  • October 21, 2007

    British 4-year-old investigated for racism

    This one should go down in the annals of Politically Correct  paranoia. A four-year-old boy spit at a 10-year old boy during a game of chase, and the little one was accused of racism, presumably by the 10-year old child. So the school had a form...

  • October 18, 2007

    Breaking through media denial on WW III or WW IV

    George W. Bush just warned about World War III breaking out if Tehran gets the Bomb.   Norman Podhoretz calls it World War IV. But who's counting? They are both trying desperately to break through the invisible wall of denial -- that n...

  • October 15, 2007

    Soros the Guiltless

    One of the marks of traumatic stress is a constant feeling of guilt. Some of the rescue workers at Ground Zero on 9/11 still suffer from survivor guilt today. They constantly wonder, "Why did those people die? Why not me?" Yet guilt is...

  • October 14, 2007

    WaPo surrenders to General Petraeus

    You could almost hear the editorial teeth gnashing when the Washington Post acknowledged today (Sunday) that, yes, while we were right to say things were bad, the latest figures are modestly encouraging, maybe... "NEWS COVERAGE and debate about ...

  • October 12, 2007

    Army medics save soldier impaled with live RPG

    This amazing story should make headlines in all the newspapers. In an incredible feat of courage and skill, US Army personnel extracted an explosive RPG rocket from the body of Spc. Channing Moss in Afghanistan, according to the Military Times. ...

  • October 11, 2007

    Brits are armoring up

    Richard North of the British blog Eureferendum has been beating the drums for years for British Soldiers to get far better protection from IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the government is finally responding --- under the media radar, as it turns o...

  • October 10, 2007

    How to change the Blackwater media narrative

    Blackwater, the private security company that protects State Department VIPs in Iraq, is now coming under political attack from the Left. It's always possible that Blackwater guards may have overreacted in a Baghdad shooting last week, but of course ...

  • October 9, 2007

    The evidence for Neocommunism

    There is a compelling factual case to be made that the contemporary radical Left can properly be called "Neocommunist." The Hard Left is grounded in Marxist vision of creating a "new man" under a system led by a vanguard that know...

  • October 7, 2007

    Are liberals victims of SHD?

    Teenagers have very selective hearing. Ask the average teen to take out the garbage, and they can't hear you. But inquire whether they want an iPhone for their birthday, and suddenly their hearing is excellent. They're not faking it. It's just select...

  • October 5, 2007

    Neo-Cons and Neo-Commies

    Everybody talks about the evil Neo-Cons, but nobody talks about the resurgent Neo-Commies. "Communist" has been expelled from the Politically Correct lexicon -- which tells us a lot about the Commissars of the PC. They bear the most amazing...

  • October 3, 2007

    Where Have All the Peaceniks Gone?

    Three days ago we saw the first pictures of Burmese villages being destroyed. We have learned  about the massacres of monks and other civilians peacefully protesting in Myanmar. British PM Gordon Brown said that "the death toll in the ...

  • October 1, 2007

    Scoundrel time in the US Senate

    For sheer unmitigated sleaze I can't remember anything even approaching Democrat Senators Reid and Harkin this week. (Also, for sheer stupidity). Those senators are throwing mud (and worse) at Rush Limbaugh, of all people, for insulting the US milita...

  • October 1, 2007

    Did A'jad predict Armageddon at the UN?

    This will sound alarming. A literal reading of Ahmadi-Nejad's UN address suggests that he is predicting a total war coming soon. The key is in his invocation and his conclusion. Normal official communications by Muslims start with, "In the name ...

  • September 24, 2007

    A 'Reasonable' Man Visits

    "Bow down or burn in the fury of nations." is one of the little slogans coming from this week's creepy little visitor from Iran. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has a personal sadistic quality that must have CIA psychiatrists scratching their heads. Wh...

  • September 24, 2007

    Yes, we have no Gaynanas

    Not since Queen Victoria was spared the sight of a Parliamentary bill aiming to erase Lesbian sex from the British Empire has a head of state sounded so weird -- at least on the issue of homosexuality. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad scored just one laugh line a...

  • September 21, 2007

    Death fears of the Boomer Left

    "Back in the Sixties," sighs an ex-hippie lady I know, "everybody was happy. Really. Everybody."  Gosh, that wasn't what other people remember. Most teenagers go through a lot of ups and downs, and in the Sixties the Baby Boo...

  • September 20, 2007

    The Beeb finally fires a liar

    Well, you gotta hand it to the BBC -- they have high standards about telling the truth. While that may not be obvious from their endless slanders about the United States, their puff pieces for the fraudulent European Union, their bootlicking of Islam...

  • September 19, 2007

    Intense alarm about NoKo nuke materials in Syria (updated)

    Caroline Glick points out alarming implications of the September 6 Israeli raid on a claimed North Korean nuclear materials site in Syria. If official leaks about the IAF raid are true,      the North Koreans have again reneg...

  • September 17, 2007

    Why Did FDR Invade North Africa?

    One of the clichéd questions of the Left is "Why did Bush invade Iraq? We were attacked by Saudi Arabians on 9/11!" Or so goes the customary narrative. This mantra is supposed to expose President Bush's stupidity. But in fact The Que...

  • September 14, 2007

    What Kind of Person Calls Himself 'Progressive'?

    We all want progress. We may disagree whether gay marriage or drug legalization constitutes progress or not. But we all want better things for the world -- better food, better health and well-being, scientific and technical advances, wiser political ...

  • September 12, 2007

    Iraq as Qaeda Bait

    The Left thinks Iraq is a killing field for Americans. Actually, it is a killing field for our enemies, at a very great but vitally important sacrifice. That reflects a grand strategy, tailored to the peculiar nature of the global terror threat. You ...

  • September 11, 2007

    Why the Left Must Deny 9/11

    In the endless Summer of Love there is no 9/11. And to tens of millions of dreamy folk on the Left, the Summer of Love never stopped.  For those people there is no dangerous Ahmadi-Nejad in Tehran, threatening a fiery new holocaust for Tel Aviv ...

  • September 10, 2007

    Osama tape fake after all?

    Is it an OsamaBot? Or a clever audio forgery? Blogger George Maschke at Boomantribune.com has spotted an intriguing bit of cutting and splicing in the latest video purported to be from Osama Bin Laden. The only evidence that the video is authentic is...

  • September 9, 2007

    Britain Demands More Muslims

    The new Foreign Minister of Britain is either a brilliant liar or a fool. The trouble is, even he may not know which it is. David Milliband, a rising politician in British Labour (the socialist party of Britain), has demanded Turkish entry into the E...

  • September 7, 2007

    Beware the Irish Conspiracy?

    As every conspiracy theorist knows with certainty, hidden hands manipulate the innocents of the world. Jews have a commanding lead over all other groups as the target of suspicion in the vast literature of conspiracists. But this tradition, reinforce...

  • September 6, 2007

    Global Warming Lie of the Day

    We're used to reporters making up scare stories about global warming, but when scientists start to make up "drop dead" headlines, things must really be getting desperate in the climate game.  But yesterday, we were told that you'll get...

  • September 2, 2007

    Britain's Basra Bug-out and the Future of NATO

    The British are withdrawing from Basra, leaving it to mercy of the Shiite militias. Because they are embarrassed, UK General Michael Jackson (who has a book to sell), is now trashing the Bush Administration in public.    It's just...

  • August 30, 2007

    More unprotected British Soldiers die

    Eureferendum has the horrifying story of more British Soldiers dying in exposed "dune buggies" being destroyed by IEDs in Afghanistan. These vehicles aren't called dune buggies (they are thin-skinned Land Rovers), but they offer no real pro...

  • August 29, 2007

    The Left fakes Right

    After six long years of pandering to the primates of Kos and Huffpo, the Democrats have suddenly discovered the War on Terror.  Didn't you notice? That's because they didn't tell anybody. It's a stealthy flip, right in the middle of the dog days...

  • August 28, 2007

    Flight 93 Memorial: Screw You, America

    Michell Malkin is outraged (rightly) that the Red Crescent is back on the Flight 93 memorial to the Americans on that flight who were murdered by the 9/11 hijackers. It is an outrage.  Writes Michelle,    "Tons of you are stu...

  • August 27, 2007

    NASA's Hansen Reaches Escape Velocity

    James Hansen, NASA's True Believer in the global warming credo, has just been quoted by the Globe & Mail of Canada as follows: "Prof. Hansen and his colleagues argue that rapidly melting ice caps in Antarctica and Greenland could cause ...

  • August 24, 2007

    Are the Brits getting serious ... ?

    We all wish it were easier. But in the Jihad War thus far, the most wishful thinkers have always been the most mistaken. That applies to Americans (beginning in the 90s), but also the British  and the continental Europeans. Everybody is mor...

  • August 24, 2007

    Libs Say the Darndest Things

    Here's a fun exercise for conservatives: Spend some time just listening to your liberal friends. Don't bother to say anything at all. You'll be amazed. I've certainly been wowed every time I've tried it.Libs believe the darndest things. They're not a...

  • August 23, 2007

    Philip Stott: global warming getting soggy

    The Telegraph of London has just published a letter from Prof. Phillip Stott, Professor Emeritus of Biogeography at the University of London. "Sir --- Last week rain fell not only on the rag-bag of climate-change activists camped outside Heathro...

  • August 22, 2007

    Where is the British bulldog spirit?

    Now that the French have elected a new President and have a foreign minister, who can plainly see disaster descending on Iraq,  perhaps the Brits should ask the French military to take over the defense of Basra? Richard North of Eurereferendum p...

  • August 21, 2007

    The Media Mob

    When Karl Rove resigned from his White House job last week, to a chorus of yowling cat-calls from furious news writers around the country, some scribblers were particularly offended by a word Mr. Rove used for his good friends in the media: The word ...

  • August 18, 2007

    UK campaign for armor may be saving lives

    Richard North  of Eureferendum is nice to enough to credit this website for helping to call attention to his persistent and thought-provoking campaign to get better armor for British troops facing IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan. But along wit...

  • August 17, 2007

    NASA Flacks for Global Warming and Skirts Scientific Ethics

    As pointed out in these pages, NASA has yet to own up fully to its historic error in misinterpreting US surface temperatures to conform to the Global Warming hypothesis, as discovered by Stephen McIntyre at ClimateAudit.org. This is not the first maj...

  • August 15, 2007

    Global warming 'masked'?

    Hear that trumpet call? It's New Scientist magazine sounding "Retreat!" on global warming, like Custer's cavalry when all those screaming Sioux warriors came charging over the hill. Charge!! Backward!  With NASA suddenly erasing that m...

  • August 15, 2007

    Why the Brits are Losing Basra

    Why is the most best European fighting army, the British, losing the battle for Basra in southern Iraq?  Because the UK Ministry of Defense supplied its soldiers with the wrong equipment, having invested its shrinking budget in long-term Eu...

  • August 13, 2007

    Torturing cats on Hamas TV for kids

    Palestinian Media Watch today has photos of a white kitten being swung around by its tail on Hamas-TV."The latest episode of a popular Hamas children's TV show features its main character cruelly swinging cats by their tails and throwing stones ...

  • August 13, 2007

    The Left's Lust for Revolutionary Transformation

    "Everything must be different!" or "Alles muss anders sein!" was a slogan of the Nazi Party.  It is also the heart's desire of every Leftist since Karl Marx. Nazism was a deeply revolutionary creed, a fact that is always deni...

  • August 10, 2007

    Freeman Dyson joins GlobWarm skeptics

    Professor Freeman Dyson enjoys an awesome reputation in theoretical physics. He works at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton  (but not affiliated with Princeton University), Albert Einstein's old stamping grounds.  It is therefore...

  • August 10, 2007

    Twisting Science to Fit the Global Warming Template

    The global warming crowd does not take kindly to being contradicted, either by critics or data. Of course, critics can be defamed and data can be skewed.  But unless the critics can be silenced, they can fight back and expose phony data. When it...

  • August 9, 2007

    A Turkish Solution in Iraq?

    Not many Muslim nations are able to sustain electoral democracy. That is a matter of history. President Bush sincerely tried to push for more democracy in the Middle East after 9/11 and ended up with the Hamas terrorists winning a majority of Palesti...

  • August 7, 2007

    More Abu Ghraib Agitprop

    The British Propaganda Corporation, formerly known as the BBC, has just launched the latest Abu Ghraib revival, trying to squeeze the last little drops of faux outrage out of a very successful agitprop operation against the Iraq war. The Beeb hasn't ...

  • August 7, 2007

    Democrats Bushitlerized?

    Wow! Democrats voting for warrantless wiretapping? The Senate voted 60 to 28 for the bill that just passed.  The House went for it by 214 to 177.  In both votes it was Democrats who put the wiretapping bill over the top. President Bush sign...

  • August 2, 2007

    Gordon Brown, Blairite?

    Tony Blair's successor as British prime minister has now signaled very clearly that he intends to follow Blair's dual foreign policy: First, pursue the alliance with America in the war on terror, and at the same time surrender more British sovereignt...

  • July 25, 2007

    Turkey Betrayed Again

    Turkey is one great theater in the war between modernity and Islamist reaction. In Istanbul one can see radical imams stalking through the Grand Bazaar with fanatical expressions on their faces. Many more women and girls are wearing long coats and sc...

  • July 18, 2007

    The Sitzkrieg: The Mullahs Bring War AND Peace

    A strange paradox is gripping the Middle East during this suspenseful year of the Sitzkrieg  -- the war of sitting and waiting. It is literally the best of times and the worst of times. The biggest threat is well-known: Iranian nukes. The mullah...

  • July 17, 2007

    Arafat, AIDS and Malevolent Narcissism

    Well, the big secret about Yasser Arafat's death is out, thanks to his lifelong comrade-in-terror, Ahmed Jibril. Jibril droolingly revealed that Arafat died of AIDS. According to Mark Steyn, this was "...pretty much an open secret in diplomatic ...

  • July 16, 2007

    Osama is in re-runs

    Well, Osama is now toasted crispbread without hummus, it now seems. The "new" Osama tape, US officials have said, was first aired five years ago. Al Qaeda is just showing five-year-old reruns of the great Sheikh Bin Laden. Dr. Al Zawahiri, ...

  • July 15, 2007

    The Sun matters!

    An odd little dance is going on in Britain, where the forces of Politically Correct Science are defending their fast-losing cause in real climate science. The question is, incredibly, "Does the Sun matter in climate change?" David Whitehous...

  • July 15, 2007

    On Religion, Hitchens is Not so Great

    Christopher Hitchens is one of the more sensible voices on the Left. He has not lost his moral sense on the matter of terrorists randomly murdering innocent men, women and children for the greater glory of their twisted fantasies of God. But his...

  • July 13, 2007

    Al Gore Goes Elmer Gantry

    Albert Gore, Jr.  has finally found his calling. After flunking out of Vanderbilt* Divinity School, following Dad into the family business (a US Senate seat from Tennessee), finally discovering a Woman's Right to Choose and becoming the Cli...

  • July 12, 2007

    The EU Constitution Arrives by Stealth

    Nearly everybody watching the process agrees that the new European Constitution is being locked in by stealth and deception. It says so right on the front pages of the London Telegraph and Times. The new EU "Un-Constitution" will ...

  • July 11, 2007

    EU President calls it a "European Empire."

    Well, the truth will out eventually. The European Union has just been labeled "an empire" -- something its critics have been ridiculed for saying for a long, long time. This is now creating a big fuss in Europe. According to EUReferendum, ...

  • July 8, 2007

    SCIENCE Magazine Waffles on Warming

    The American scientific establishment is starting to take baby steps away from taking sides in the politics of global warming. It's sad to have to read science articles for political spin, like some announcement by the Kremlin. But climate ...

  • July 7, 2007

    The Ugly European

    David's Media Critique   is one of the top blogs reviewing European media, and especially tracking massively resurgent anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism in the German media. Blogger Ray Drake has posted a YouTube video by Professor An...

  • July 6, 2007

    Al Qaeda is desperate (updated)

    There's a headline you will never see in the New York Times. You don't believe it? Well, judge for yourself the latest evidence.Our good buddy Doctor Al-Zawahiri, Osama's deputy commander of Al Qaeda, has just released a video through "Al-Qaeda'...

  • July 5, 2007

    How the BBC inspires British terrorism

    How could Muslim doctors want to bomb innocent young party goers in their own country? Because for decades the BBC has been telling them how evil Britain and the West really are, every single day, without ever being questioned. Even without imported...

  • July 5, 2007

    Immigration bill revived the Reagan Coalition

    Something important just happened, and we should notice it before the moment slips away: Just for a few weeks, before the disastrous immigration bill was defeated in the Senate, the old Reagan Coalition came alive again across party lines. That fact ...

  • July 3, 2007

    Europe's Existential Mourning

    July Fourth is a good time to reflect on the still-astonishing difference between the form of government that was created on this continent two centuries ago, and the best efforts of our European cousins even today. Americans are constantly reminded ...

  • June 29, 2007

    The People vs. Ted Kennedy

    Well, it's taken 45 years, but finally the American people have rendered a verdict on Senator Ted Kennedy --- or as close as wel'll ever get. Mr. Kennedy is responsible for our immigration mess more than any other  human being on the planet. But...

  • June 28, 2007

    Free speech is unfair to losers

    Several of my liberal friends have a funny conversational tic: Whenever the talk wanders into certain topics, they abruptly switch off --- change the subject, or urgently go off to do something else. We're friends, so I never try to push them back to...

  • June 27, 2007

    The conservative immigration gamble

    I would love to see this immigration bill defeated, but only if a conservative is elected president in 2008. Fred Thompson, Rudy and Mitt can be relied upon to try to bring the immigration bureaucracy to heel, and actually try to enforce the law. But...

  • June 27, 2007

    Alas, poor Tony. And poor, poor Britain

    " I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.......Imperious Caesar, dead and turn'd to clay,Might stop a hole to keep the wind away."-- Hamlet (V, i)Tony Blair is leaving office by surrendering British sovereig...

  • June 22, 2007

    Aussie Navy defeated Iran kidnap attempt

    BBC News sheepishly dug its toes into the sand, and admitted yesterday that: Iranian naval forces in the Gulf tried to capture an Australian Navy boarding team but were vigorously repelled, the BBC has learned. ...When Iranian Revolutionary Guards ca...

  • June 21, 2007

    Iran on a Collision Course

    Unless something unexpected happens, Iran and the West are on a collision course. The key to the coming confrontation is a basic diplomatic fact. Israel has a widely recognized casus belli against Iran, having been threatened with national destructio...

  • June 19, 2007

    Flashback: Immigration fraud and the Presidency

    Do you remember the name Doris Meissner? Ms. Meissner was Bill and Hillary Clinton's Administrator of the INS (Immigration & Naturalization Service). Before Clinton ran for his second term in 1996, Meissner ensured that hundreds of thousands of i...

  • June 18, 2007

    George Will goes anecdotal

    Conservative star pundit George Will is now bemoaning the Iraq War, singing in perfect harmony with his employers at the WaPo. The reason? An anecdote told by Senator Gordon Smith, Oregon Republican. The Senator is apparently going around telling a s...

  • June 18, 2007

    Defeat Lindsay Graham

    We have a Rogue Senate, running away from the clear and expressed desires of the American people across party lines. Americans do not trust the US Government to enforce our borders. Yet a majority of US Senators are determined to defy common sense an...

  • June 18, 2007

    JFK, neo-con.

    John F. Kennedy's memory has been so thoroughly media-massaged by now that some people think Ted Kennedy, now growing old and fat, must be ideologically just like his deceased older brothers. They were all Kennedy kids, right? Wrong. Jack and Bobby K...

  • June 15, 2007

    British anti-Semitism?

    It sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it? After all, isn't Britain the country with the longest tradition of tolerance in the world? The answer is Yes, it used to be, and No, it isn't any more. According to a UK Telegraph article entitled, "Anti-S...

  • June 14, 2007

    Palestine: The Prison

    So you have the bad luck to be born into an Arab family in Gaza. As a toddler you get to watch the Mickey Martyr Club on Hamas TV, to begin a lifelong process of indoctrination into the nobility of suffering, suicide, and killing the enemy. But suppo...

  • June 13, 2007

    Force the Democrats' hand on immigration

    The emerging conservative consensus is that border security must come first. But such a sound and sensible approach won't pass this Congress, because the Left will fight it.  That was the key idea in President Bush's Lose-Lose compromise bill, w...

  • June 12, 2007

    Ahmadi-Nejad called 'suicidal'

    The most frightening question today is whether mad-sounding Ahmadi-Nejad, the President of Iran, is actually willing to commit national suicide in pursuit of Tehran's nuclear bombs. If he is, all bets are off for the Tehran regime.  Talking mart...

  • June 12, 2007

    The Democrats' Betrayal

    The Democrats and their media poodles have proudly and publicly sabotaged the Iraq War effort since the beginning. This is not just a guess, but a clear and visible fact, openly celebrated by the Left. The Left ululates noisily over every American de...

  • June 11, 2007

    George Will is wrong on Fred

    George Will has made a splash in Newsweek by raising a good question: Does Fred Thompson have substance, or is he just a pretty face?  Fortunately,  in the Age of the Web you can get the answer right here and now on your desktop. For exampl...

  • June 9, 2007

    Kyoto exits (stage Left)

    Kyoto is dead. You didn't read about it in the paper, but like the famous Dead Parrot sketch in Monty Python, it's a goner. The G-8 leaders of the biggest economies in the world just proclaimed a "compromise": George W. Bush would accept th...

  • June 9, 2007

    Revenge of the undead?

    Do you know where your Senator is tonight? Well, could be s/he's "hiding behind closed doors," plotting to turn around the wounded immigration bill with a 400-page one-blast kill-'em-all "amendment." Michelle Malkin cites an alert...

  • June 9, 2007

    Now Fix Immigration

    Well, it looks like an aroused citizenry is shooting down a terrifyingly bad piece of legislation in the Senate. The country may be dodging a bullet. That's good. Now, what about getting the politicians to work like responsible adults to rectify ille...

  • June 7, 2007

    Immigrants, education and social mobility

    Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute points out the basic reason why the illegals present such a gaping hole for the US taxpayer: They have strikingly low levels of education (and therefore low earnings capacity) well into the third generatio...

  • June 6, 2007

    Adult stem cells go embryonic

    And now for some good news. Eternal youth may be hard to find, but not if you’re an adult stem cell. In a stunning feat of basic biological science, three research groups just reported in Nature that adult stem cells, which can be found in ever...

  • June 6, 2007

    Boycotting Decency

    The two most personally decent groups of people I know, by and large, are the Brits and the Israelis. The basic decency of the vast majority of people in those countries needs no defense. Which makes it all the weirder and more stomach-churning that ...

  • June 4, 2007

    'Su Casa es Mi Casa'

    The traditional gracious Mexican host would welcome honored guests by telling them, "Mi casa es su casa" --- my house is your house. It was a warm offer of hospitality. But of course a grateful guest would never take advantage of the litera...

  • May 31, 2007

    Brit Left-fascists drive through Israel boycott

    An alliance of Islamist and Leftist groups has finally managed to drive through a boycott resolution against Israel's universities in the British faculty union, the University and Colleges Union. Offir Frankel, who directs the anti-boycott efforts at...

  • May 29, 2007

    Our Fleeting Chance to Stop Iran's Nukes Without War

    Last Friday the Wall Street Journal's Opinionjournal.com had an important intervew with Benjamin Netanyahu. Sunday the Washington Post published its own editorial on Iran, systematically missing every single point Netanyahu made a few days before. Wr...

  • May 28, 2007

    Is Mitch McConnell shafting the base? (updated)

    Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is one of the smartest conservatives in the Senate. But on the dangerous immigration bill, he has been silent as the grave. His website is conspicuously silent on immigration. This is your Republic L...

  • May 26, 2007

    The BBC blames Israel for 'unstable borders.'

    In a shameless effort to rewrite history:"The BBC News website is publishing a series of articles about the attempts to achieve peace in the Middle East and the main obstacles. Yesterday, Martin Asser looked at the question of Israel's borders a...

  • May 25, 2007

    The BBC still hates America

    White lynch mobs are back in the Deep South. At least according to the BBC, which is broadcasting a special program on it, headlined "Stealth Racism Stalks the Deep South." Apparently six young black men have been charged in an attack on a ...

  • May 25, 2007

    The realities of Muslim Immigration

    The time for taboos is over. We have to talk about the way in which immigration will change the United States and the world. In particular, much of the world has never understood why the United States gives such warm support to besieged democracies -...

  • May 24, 2007

    The Mickey Martyr Club

    Hamas, the Islamofascist party that now controls half the Palestinian population, is giving the world an important object lesson on civilization; or rather, on the crucial difference between civilization and barbarism. In a West that has dulled the e...

  • May 23, 2007

    Arnold confronts his most powerful enemy ever: the laws of physics

    The Governator, a.k.a Arnold Schwarzenegger, is now talking up "the hydrogen economy of the future," which will supposedly save us from our energy woes.  Or maybe it'll be electric cars, biofuels and solar. Or all of the above. If this...

  • May 22, 2007

    Fatwah against Hamas from Saudi Sheikh

    The Middle East Media Research Institute reports today that a Saudi sheikh has issued a fatwa (religious ruling) harshly condemning Hamas for defying the Palestinian Authority, and condemning Hamas."Some of the main arguments made in the article...

  • May 21, 2007

    Islamic religious immigration fraud estimated at 77-78%

    Saudi missionaries have spread Wahhabi reactionary radicalism around the world, funded by oil money. That's what ultimately led to 9/11. Forget about the proffered "friendship" of the Saudi princes. The desired end result is still dominatio...

  • May 20, 2007

    Socialism for tykes?

    Inspiration is a truly wonderful educational software package, which teaches kids how to use visual learning. Gosh, I wish I'd had that in grade school - you can see outlines, concept diagrams, and basic facts, all with terrific visual icons. More th...

  • May 19, 2007

    Were Dems negotiating with terrorists?

    What was Nancy Pelosi really doing in Damascus last month? Call me suspicious. But we know that Steny Hoyer, the House Democrat Whip, flew to Cairo at the same time. It's on the public record that Hoyer talked with Muslim Brotherhood honchos in Egypt...

  • May 18, 2007

    US opens door to millions of Muslims

    The proposed immigration deal will throw open our doors to increased immigration from Muslim lands, not just Mexico. From the US State Department website: "The fourth and most recent wave of Muslim immigration (into the US) has come after 1965, ...

  • May 17, 2007

    The Mystic Who Set Europe On Fire

    One of Aldous Huxley's best novels, Grey Eminence, is devoted to Father Joseph, the mystical power-politician who helped set Europe on fire during the Thirty Years' War (1618 to 1648). Father Joseph believed zealously in bringing Paradise on earth th...

  • May 14, 2007

    Der Spiegel: Stop me before I hate again

    Well, well. Hardly a week has gone by since the publisher and editor of Der Spiegel magazine in Germany proclaimed their solemn intention to halt the torrent of neurotic anti-American hate propaganda. But the busy worker bees of Der Spiegel can't be ...

  • May 12, 2007

    Kingfish Al Sharpton and Senator Foghorn Byrd

    One of the high ironies of the last several months was the brief news flash that the Rev. Al Sharpton is a distant cousin of the late and unlamented Senator Strom Thurmond, formerly of South Carolina. Even Al Sharpton seemed to be struck dumb by the ...

  • May 11, 2007

    Tauscher kills Iran missile defense

    Are there any sane Democrats left on missile defense? Is there a Daniel Patrick Moynihan ready to protect the United States, anywhere in Congress? Rep.  Ellen Tauscher, the Chair of  the House Strategic Forces Subcommittee, certainly wants ...

  • May 8, 2007

    Iran strikes advocated in Christian Science Monitor

    Louis Rene Beres is a nuclear strategist and professor of International Law. In today's Christian Science Monitor Beres calls for preemptive action against Iranian nuclear weapons development:"Unless there is a timely defensive first strike at p...

  • May 7, 2007

    A Theory of W

    George W. Bush poses a brain-busting Rubik's Cube to the liberals of the land, and it's only right to try to soothe their upset. Why does W talk that way? Why does he say "Noo-kyoo-lrrr" when every good liberal knows it's "Noo-kle...

  • May 3, 2007

    Europe (finally!) gets the War on Terror

    Two headline-grabbing signals came from Europe this week, one from Chancellor Angela Merkel in Germany, and the other from Nicolas Sarkozy, the presidential front-runner in France. Both show a new desire to heal the Atlantic alliance, which has ...

  • April 30, 2007

    George Tenet on Al Qaeda nukes

    MSNBC reports that former CIA Director George Tenet was seriously concerned about Al Qaeda efforts to smuggle "a small nuke into the United States in 2001." Al Qaeda didn't stop there. "I'm concerned this is where UBL (Usama Bin Laden)...

  • April 30, 2007

    Honeybees: The first 100,000,000 years

    The bees are dying! The bees are dying!  Yes, for all you eco-horror fans, it's the latest thing anxiety to hug to your bosom. Nighttime AM radio is mad with frightening rumors about our crashing bee populations. But here's a soothing thought. B...

  • April 27, 2007

    A Cease-fire in the Transatlantic War?

    The publishers of Germany's top-line magazine, Der Spiegel, have proposed a cease-fire in the "Atlantic media war" between Europe and America. As Gregor Peter Schmitz and Gerhard Spörl write, "The trans-Atlantic rift of the past f...

  • April 24, 2007

    Inching forward in the Middle East

    Unlike a football game, progress in the Arab-Israeli conflict comes in inches, not yards. But in the midst of all the pessimism there is genuine movement on the Gordian Knot of the entire seven decades of struggle: The Arab refusal to recognize Israe...

  • April 22, 2007

    Jews for genocide?

    Melanie Phillips has gone over the top! Or at least that's what anti-Zionist Jews are saying in Britain. Phillips is a staunch defender of Israel --- which is somehow a controversial position among British Jews in the fever swamps of the Left. She ti...

  • April 22, 2007

    Mahmoud "divorced from reality"

    Today's Sunday Times (UK) quotes "foreign diplomats and a Western official" as saying that Mahmoud Ahmadi-nejad is "increasingly divorced from reality."  THE president of Iran, Mah-moud Ahmadinejad, has taken to regaling his ...

  • April 20, 2007

    Was Cho taught to hate?

    Yes, I know. Tens of thousands of ordinary college students are lonely, full of rage, lost and frustrated. A few percent are psychotically disturbed, and some of them can kill. Our big factory colleges are alienating. Take millions of adolescents, an...

  • April 18, 2007

    EU Constitution: Like it or not

    British conservative Daniel Hannan writes that the superfatted EU "Constitution" is back, under a different name after the French and Dutch voters rejected it. The "Constitution" is of course an undemocratic juggernaut designed to...

  • April 17, 2007

    More on the Israel boycott vote

    EUReferendum has more details on the UK journalists' union and its vote against Israeli products. The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) is one of two British journalist unions, and not all journalists belong to either. North views the whole farce a...

  • April 15, 2007

    Brit newsies shaft Israel

    The British reporters union just voted to boycott Israel. The boycott is intended to de-legitimize Israel's right to exist in peace and freedom. It is an endorsement of the Arab-Iranian war against Jerusalem, based on the South African model where th...

  • April 14, 2007

    A model for Hillary

    Conservative British commentator Ian Dale writes on his blog: "A poll out this morning shows that if there were a general election today only 7 per cent of doctors would vote Labour (the British socialist party). Let me repeat that. Seven per ce...

  • April 12, 2007

    The Fighting Brits

    For those who are wondering what happened to British grit and courage, Michael Yon has one of his extraordinary "hot combat" reports from Iraq. This time Michael is embedded with a British Battle Group, involving infantry and armor --- but ...

  • April 11, 2007

    Who is Mahmoud's Target?

    The Soviets used to accuse the West of engaging in provocation --- prrrovokatsya, with a long rolled rrr --- one of those Cold War words that are still useful today. Well, the hirsute one, Mahmoud Ahmadi-nejad, has been hopping around like a male chi...

  • April 9, 2007

    Europe: Let Uncle Do It

    Europe gets forty percent of its oil through the Persian Gulf. But by an accident of history (and civilized policy -- ours, that is) it is the United States that guards the Gulf from madmen like Ahmadinejad. Well, so be it. We gain from world peace a...

  • April 7, 2007

    Defining pedophilia down (updated)

    Did you know that if a fifty-year-old man only marries a nine-year-old girl one time he's not really a pedophile? Yup, that's the reasoning of a Dutch court, in ruling that Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the heroic Somali-Dutch activist against Islamist abuse of w...

  • April 6, 2007

    Trashing Queen Victoria

    The death of Britain as a serious nation is symbolized, not so much by the sad behavior of 15 clueless kids kidnapped by the Khomeini fanatics, but by no  less than Admiral Sir Alan West, writing in the London Times today. Writes the Admiral,...

  • April 4, 2007

    The Almighty Euro beats the Royal Navy

    Today Britain is being raked over the coals by the nasty old Barbary Pirates, in the shape of the Madcap Mullahs of Qom. All the United Kingdom needs is a little help from its old friends France and Germany, the twin pillars of the European Union. Bu...

  • April 4, 2007

    The Rolling Stones' Oedipal cannibalism

    Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards just admitted that he snorted his father's ashes mixed with cocaine. It is the ultimate sign of cultural primitivism --- a knowing throwback to the emotional barbarism of preliterate times. This is th...

  • April 3, 2007

    Nancy's wonderful adventure

    It's amazing what Superwoman can do. One day you're inaugurated as Speaker of the House, next day you launch One Hundred Days of History-Making Legislation; then you find yourself face-to-face with world leaders like Bashir Al-Assad, the Lion of Syri...

  • April 2, 2007

    As long as you are hated, it's better to be feared

    Tehran isn't  interested in loving the West, or even in tolerating us. If you doubt it, just listen to the Khomeini gang. Since the 1979 they've been yelling "Death to America! Death to Israel!"  Have we not heard? Even while the ...

  • March 30, 2007

    Mahmoud's Magic Theater

    Some media worriers are asking why the mullahs kidnapped 15 British Soldiers and Royal Marines just at this time. Well, duh. It's because they were there, easy to grab, and the British have shown their mettle as far as Tehran's thugocracy is concerne...

  • March 30, 2007

    General McCaffrey's Strange Report

    Michael Yon is a heroic combat reporter who has posted an astonishing "after action report" by General Barry McCaffrey (US Army, ret.), nominally written for United States Military Academy, but immediately leaked to the press. The report is...

  • March 29, 2007

    The British military hollowed out (updated)

    It hurts to say it, but the Royal Navy has become an object of pity among those of us who admire what Britain used to be and do: Like standing against the Nazi onslaught, abolishing slavery around the world, and yes, bringing civilized government to ...

  • March 26, 2007

    Supporting Persian pride

    Iranians are a proud people, and they have plenty of good reasons for pride in Persia's long and sophisticated history. The Mullahs, who think of patriotism as "idolatry," try to play on pride in Iran's history --- going back thousands of y...

  • March 26, 2007

    The CIA's Former Expert on Bin Laden

    The CIA's former Bin Laden specialist, Michael Scheuer, has written a revealing article about KSM --- Khalil Sheikh Mohammed, the operational chief of Al Qaeda, who has now been convicted by a military tribunal. KSM's elaborate confession was publish...

  • March 24, 2007

    Did Mahmoud Blink?

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad just cancelled his planned appearance before the UN Security Council meeting, which  is expected to vote for sanctions against Iran. We predicted a week ago that his appearance in New York in front of the "infidel enemie...

  • March 23, 2007

    Berserker Norwegian Socialist Dhimmis

    The original "berserkers" were battle-maddened Vikings, who, much like Filipino "amok runners," blindly killed friend and foe alike. Today's Norwegian socialist government just bashes its friends, according to political blogger Fj...

  • March 22, 2007

    Mahmoud's attack on '300.'

    When Tehran’s holy war regime starts to attack a Hollywood movie, what’s really going on? It’s the same thing Stalin did when Hitler invaded Russia. Stalin knew perfectly well that Russians would not sacrifice their lives for the mu...

  • March 21, 2007

    Good Iraq news for pretzels

    This is all good news about Iraq, but if you want to get it from the Associated Press and the LA Times, it's best if first twist your body into a pretzel. Because it's turned completely upside-down. 1. Al Qaida Sunnis are now fighting other Sunni hol...

  • March 20, 2007

    Europe's self-serving illusion

    The European Left has long peddled a fantastic lie about Europe's history since World War Two. This is one of those Politically Correct lies that are repeated over and over again, until people start believing it. Here's a BBC lead sentence just yeste...

  • March 19, 2007

    Mahmoud's Delusions

    "You're so vain,I'll bet  you think this song is about youdon't you, don't you, don't you?"--- Carly Simon, 1977When Mahmoud Ahmadinejad arrives in New York City this coming week, he may see his own theatrical appearance before th...

  • March 18, 2007

    Our gal Val

    What do you say about a CIA bureaucrat who appears on a full-page cover shoot for Vanity Fair, dressed as a blond James Bond bombshell in dark sunglasses, while supposedly trying to protect her secret identity? Who is promoted by hubby Joe Wilson, tr...

  • March 18, 2007

    Is there an average global temperature?

    It is already painfully clear that models of anthropogenic global warming are ridiculously inadequate, and do not meet the basic tests of experimental science, no matter how many "scientists" yell "consensus." Now comes a serious ...

  • March 15, 2007

    Iran's Three Hairline Cracks

    When a towering granite cliff begins to come apart, you may not be see anything but tiny hairline cracks at the beginning. The same is true in politics. When the Soviet Union began to fall, the first news came in the shape of little oddities, strange...

  • March 14, 2007

    You flunk, baby! (updated)

    The Nanny State takes a giant leap forward in the U.K. The Telegraph reports:  Babies will be given marks for crying, gurgling or babbling under the Government's new curriculum for 0-5 year olds which all nurseries must follow. Playgroups and ch...

  • March 12, 2007

    The Hidden Premise of European Anti-Americanism

    If "one's man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter," then all wars are the same, liberation equals conquest, tyranny equals democracy, aggression equals defense, and Churchill equals Hitler. That seems to be the hidden premise of Eu...

  • March 8, 2007

    Pleased to offer corrections

    Commentors at Davidsmedienkritik properly point out some factual errors in today's piece on "Germany's Anti-American Neurosis" amidst mostly general agreement on its thesis. On some of these points, I simply stand corrected (below). To...

  • March 8, 2007

    Never trust a guy called "Father of Jihad"...

    OK, listen up all you culturally sensitive FBI agents. It's time for  your Arabic lessons. Not fancy Arabic - just basic jihadi dude talk. According to FoxNews, "Former Navy Sailor Arrested for Allegedly Passing Classified Secrets to Terror...

  • March 8, 2007

    Germany's Anti-American Neurosis

    A neurotic obsession is like a bone stuck in your throat. You can't swallow it and you can't spit it out. That is how the German media are hooked on America. It doesn't look quite sane. For Americans, the best web guide to the German media is davids ...

  • March 7, 2007

    Witch hunts and hunters

    Where do we find them? The men and women who are willing to stand up against a vengeful media, ready to launch the justice system against its political enemies? Because that is what we saw in Washington yesterday, with the stomach-churning guilty ver...

  • March 5, 2007

    Lancet scientific fraud exposed?

    The Times of London yesterday presented a devastating critique of a scandalously sloppy and politicized article in the famous Lancet medical journal, one of the first medical journals ever printed. The topic? War casualties in Iraq. The Lancet might ...

  • March 5, 2007

    Locking-up Home Schoolers

    Locking up as mentally ill those who refuse to obey a tyrannical state was a favorite tactic of Stalin and his successors. The New Europe is learning to love this reinforcement of government power. According to Paul Belien, the editor of Br...

  • March 2, 2007

    Obama's African ancestors also owned slaves

    Today's Baltimore Sun headlines  that "... forebears of (Barack Obama's) white mother owned slaves, according to genealogical research and census records." This fresh evidence of White perfidy should astonish anyone who knows no histor...

  • March 2, 2007

    Global Warming will make you healthy and sexy

    In the spirit of the world campaign to save polar bears and buy carbon indulgences to assuage our collective guilt, it is vital to point out that published scientific studies also make a case for driving more, burning more coal, and breeding more fla...

  • February 26, 2007

    Jihack Attacks

    MEMRI points today to plans for coordinated Islamist hack attacks on websites the enemies of Allah --- which might include most the web, this site included. Targets for Jihack attacks include: "...websites that slander Islam or launch attacks ag...

  • February 26, 2007

    Global Warming as European Imperialism

    The great Global Warming scare is only the latest eructation of European imperialism. Euro-imperialism used to be known as socialism. Before that, it was just called British or French imperialism, because those countries were very proud of it. There ...

  • February 21, 2007

    Why Israel lost the propaganda war

    Democracies can win fierce battles against totalitarian killers, and still lose on the domestic front --- via the information war. We've seen it happen in Vietnam, when millions of Cambodians and Vietnamese lost their lives as a result. And our ...

  • February 20, 2007

    Is Free Europe waking up?

    The philosopher Nietzsche once wrote that "thoughts that come on doves' feet change the world."  Amidst all the raucous Leftist and Islamist ranting in Europe, one of those silent tidal changes may be on the way. You might not expect a...

  • February 17, 2007

    Should Americans boycott Austria?

    What do you say about a country that sells 800 50-caliber state-of-the-art sniper rifles to Iran, and then acts surprised when those rifles magically end up killing American Soldiers next door in Iraq? I say, boycott their tourist industry and buy yo...

  • February 16, 2007

    The "carbon sink" and global warming

    According to this week's Science magazine, the ocean's ability to absorb carbon may be far greater than previously estimated. That means that atmospheric CO2 gets eliminated perhaps twice as much as global warming alarmists thought, before this news ...

  • February 13, 2007

    Trivializing anti-Semitism

    The Associated Press reported that "Republican Mitt Romney's choice of a museum honoring auto pioneer Henry Ford as the site of his presidential announcement was strongly criticized Monday by Jewish Democrats, who noted Ford's history of anti-Se...

  • February 13, 2007

    Sharansky calls for worldwide mobilization

    In a major new development, former Soviet refusenik Nathan Sharansky has called for a worldwide mobilization of Jews and non-Jews to work against the new campaign to erase the State of Israel. That new campaign of liquidation comes from the internati...

  • February 12, 2007

    The Left's identification with murderous aggressors

    Psychiatry is familiar with an odd syndrome called "identification with the aggressor." It's sometimes called the Stockholm Syndrome, after the behavior of air passengers taken hostage by PLO terrorists at the Stockholm Airport* in 1973, wh...

  • February 7, 2007

    Give me your tired, your poor... and two trillion dollars!

    You can't fault Hillary for a lack of ambition. The last time we heard about HillaryCare was in 1994, when the healthcare sector was one-seventh of the US economy. Now our Gross Domestic Product is 12.5 trillion dollars a year and healthcare is one-s...

  • February 7, 2007

    Jimmy Carter's feelings are hurt

    Group hug!!! Jimmy's hurtin'.  No, he didn't fall and scrape his knee. Former US President Jimmy Carter, Nobel Peace Prize Winner for Bringing Peace to the Middle East, and all-around global messenger of sweetness and light, has been called a bi...

  • February 5, 2007

    Fitz the Gullible? --- The Only Explanation

    If you believe prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's case against Scooter Libby, you must also be ready to grasp the "evidence" for catastrophic man-made global warming over the next thousand years.  Because in both cases you're looking for ...

  • February 3, 2007

    Gavin "my pants made me do it" Newsom

    Today's American Thinker features a touching letter to the editor describing SF Mayor Gavin Newsome's "tragedy." But as usual in Baghdad on the Bay, words don't mean what they mean. "Tragedies" are excusable.  Newsome's trage...

  • January 30, 2007

    The Noble Savage is French Toast

    Nicholas Wade is a science writer for the New York Times, who used to be as Politically Correct as anyone in that mob on 42nd Street. No longer. Wade has discovered the new anthropology, now informed by a radically improved understanding of the human...

  • January 25, 2007

    Ahmadinejad stormtroopers in Iraq

    While the MSM and Democrats are too busy gazing at their navels to figure out the difference between Sunnis and Shiites, things are moving very fast in Iraq. The famous "surge" started in December, a month before it was announced in public,...

  • January 24, 2007

    The Unbearable Lightness of Being Obama

    We are nuts. Or at least the MSM are. Here is the United States of America, five years after the biggest armed assault on the American homeland since the War of 1812, when the White House was burned by the Redcoats. Five years ago the White House and...

  • January 23, 2007

    A buzz of secret talks in the Middle East

    Some progress in the Israel-PA-Syria standoff may be in the works, as reported by sources ranging from the Jerusalem Post to WorldNetDaily and others. A lot of the leaks may be misleading, to prevent the secret talks from being blocked by premature p...

  • January 22, 2007

    How the AP helped stoke civil war in Iraq

    The Associated Press is among the large news organizations whose reporting in Iraq has been challenged by bloggers. Beyond the specifics of any one incident, a certain pattern and practice of news gathering has made for systematic bias. The end resul...

  • January 16, 2007

    Did the Mullahs destroy the Golden Mosque of Samarra?

    For many months Al Qaida in Iraq has tried to stir up a civil war between Sunnis and Shi'as. They have told us so. In order to provoke the usually apolitical branch of Iraq's Shi'a Islam, a truly sadistic Al Qaida network has blown up hundreds and hu...

  • January 16, 2007

    Why Global Warming is Probably a Crock

    As a scientist I've learned never to say "never." So human-caused global warming is always a hypothesis to hold, at least until climate science becomes mature. (Climate science is very immature right now: Physicists just don't know how to d...

  • January 13, 2007

    Why has Europe abandoned America, as well?

    Richard Baehr writes a very thoughtful piece today, entitled "Why Europe Abandoned Israel." It is an important read, and I would only suggestion a second question: Why, after America protected Europe since the beginning of NATO in 1948, has...

  • January 10, 2007

    "Left Fascists" are fascists too...

    J.R. Dunn points out today that leftists cannot be fascists, at least according to leftists. That's nonsense, of course, and it deprives political taxonomy of a perfectly useful term created by the Left itself, i.e., "left fascist". I think...

  • January 7, 2007

    Mullah knife fight in progress?

    The mullahs of Tehran are in midst of the most dangerous power struggle since Jimmy Carter handed Iran to Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979.  Think of it as a knife fight for keeps, with nuclear weapons and control of Middle East oil at stake. Michael ...

  • January 5, 2007

    Massive cuts in Royal Navy

    The British Royal Navy has just been told to cut its fleet in half. This shocking report was just published by The Telegraph of London. "Navy to cut its fleet by half." "Royal Navy commanders were in uproar yesterday after it was revea...

  • January 5, 2007

    Prodi rejects death; Death demurs

    In a supreme gesture of Eurosilliness, Romano Prodi, the Prime Minister of Italy, has proposed that the European Union should take a united stand against the death penalty --- specifically, the hanging by the neck until dead of one Saddam Hussein, re...

  • January 2, 2007

    Is Ahmadinejad Jewish?

    The Middle East is a mad, mad, mad, mad world (to quote an old movie title). Tehran and Saudi Arabia are the premier lolly-gaggers, wearing their turbans sideways, staggering in circles, rolling their eyes and sticking out their tongues. It's the onl...

  • January 1, 2007

    Is energy independence finally in sight?

    After years of hope and hype, there seems to be visible movement toward new energy sources that stand a decent chance in market competition with current oil, natural gas and coal. In an important article article in today's Opinionjournal.com, James W...

  • December 30, 2006

    Eureferendum: Support Saddam punishment

    The unelected Finnish (!) temporary president of the equally unelected European Union has condemned Saddam's hanging: "The EU has a very consistent view against using the death penalty and it should have not been used in this instance either, al...

  • December 28, 2006

    Response from James Lewis

    Dear David Yerushalmi and Col. Tom Snodgrass,Thanks so much for your articulate (and passionate) response to my questions. I agree with many of your points.For clarification, I mentioned the long national history of Mesopotamia not to say that there ...

  • December 28, 2006

    Have a Happy New Decade: A perilous race

    Let's look at the coming decade --- 2007-2017, rather than just the year 2007. It's a lot more interesting and significant. Suppose solar energy becomes economically competitive within ten years. The US Department of Energy is betting on it. The effe...

  • December 26, 2006

    A question for Col. Tom Snodgrass

    In his article, "Dealing with the Iraq Insurgency Militarily" (American Thinker, 12/26/06), Col. Tom Snodgrass argues that Iraq is effectively equivalent to Vietnam, where the US military were kept from cutting enemy supply lines, so that N...

  • December 26, 2006

    A Kissinger gambit in Iraq? Not yet

    Henry Kissinger is first and foremost a historian of European Great Power politics. The first rule of that long history is to split one's most powerful opponents and play them against each other. All the Euro Powers tried it, century after century. I...

  • December 21, 2006

    Why Isn't the Whole Left Neoconservative?

    Now that neocons are being slow-roasted in effigy all over the world, this may be the right time to ask the question: Why isn't the whole Left neoconservative? Remember that  neocons like Norman  Podhoretz and Daniel P. Moynihan were former...

  • December 20, 2006

    Zionism during the Holiday Season

    The international Left has pretty much succeeded in tarnishing the word "Zionism" as a Bad Thing. It's become Jimmy Carter's shorthand for Evil. A lot of self-identified Jews and Christians have now been taught to be agin' it. Which only sh...

  • December 19, 2006

    The Holocaust and Ahmadinejad's fantasy universe

    What do these episodes have in common?Item:A few years ago an Egyptian college professor wrote that subatomic particles must be the "jinns" or Arabian desert spirits that Mohammed wrote about in the Koran. As a devout Muslim this scientific...

  • December 18, 2006

    The Saudi Hate Campaign Backfires

    For decades the Saudis have sent out money and missionaries to establish radical West-hating madrassas and mosques all over the world. Many American mosques are controlled by the Saudis, and Saudi-funded Muslim "civil rights" organizations ...

  • December 14, 2006

    Sanctioning Ahmadinejad

    UN Ambassador John Bolton leaves his position with a parting cannon shot: Formally charging Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "with inciting genocide because of his speeches advocating the destruction of the state of Israel." It may turn out to be a shot...

  • December 12, 2006

    Premature O-basmas? Try Mitt & Condi...

    Are you feeling the heat yet? If not, you haven't been watching the objective media having O-basmas all over the place, long before the New Hampshire primary circus. And Hillary looming over all of it like Nurse Ratched  coming to take care of u...

  • December 11, 2006

    The US Cannot Leave Iraq

    It looks like the United States has ended up acting like a Charlie Chaplin restaurant waiter, carrying a gigantic pile of dinner plates all piled on top of each other. Like Chaplin in the comedy stunt, the US has been dancing around trying to ke...

  • December 9, 2006

    Baker Commish gives Dems cover for sanity

    The critics are right about the flaws of the Baker Report, but  none of that really matters. The reason is that the Report's flapdoodle serves as cover for both Republicans and Democrats --- at least those who aren't yet kidnapped by Moveon.org....

  • December 6, 2006

    Anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism and Irrational Hatred

    James Baker is now quoted as having said during the Bush I administration, "F... the Jews, they don't vote for us anyway." It's quite likely that Baker said that; it's standard Washington trash talk. A year ago, Dick Cheney shocked the Belt...

  • December 5, 2006

    France and the Rwanda genocide

    Writing in the London Times  Andrew Wallis presents a story that has been utterly ignored by the US media: Evidence for active French collusion in the Rwandan genocide of an estimated one million Tutsis by the French-supported Hutu regime in 19...

  • December 3, 2006

    The Frankish Empire Strikes Back

    The European Union would have you believe it's the latest sign of progressive humanity, a peaceful and prosperous socialist union where previously only war and discord used to reign. Skeptics might point out that the EU is basically a revived Frankis...

  • December 2, 2006

    BBC's further descent into multi-culti madness

    We  know that Europe has suicidally opened the door wide to Islamofascism via the cult of Multiculturalism, which proclaims lovingly that your jihad is just as good as our democracy. Europe's Commissars of Political Correctness have never bother...

  • December 1, 2006

    Israel would not go quietly

    "Do not go gently to that dark night" sang  Dylan Thomas in a wonderful poem about death.   There is a slightly hysterical rumor afoot that the United States (and, needless to say, Europe) would be  happy to ab...

  • November 29, 2006

    MEMRI: Lebanon on the brink of civil war

    The reliable Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has now issued its fourth consecutive warning that Lebanon is on the brink of a civil war, with Hezb'allah, backed by Syria and Iran, aiming to overthrow Prime Minister Siniora and his cabinet...

  • November 27, 2006

    Sex and the Suicide Bomber?

    Pierre Rehov's new movie, Suicide Killers: Paradise is Hell features in-depth interviews with young would-be suicide bombers.  Rehov is a French Jew who grew up in Algeria and knows Muslim culture in depth. His film sums up the "terrifying ...

  • November 26, 2006

    New Russian missiles may seal off Iran nuke plants

    Expert sources claim that the new Tor-M1 antimissile systems Vladimir Putin is selling to Iran are the most advanced in the world. The Russian system may be able to protect Tehran's nuclear sites from any US or Israeli attack, thereby ensuring Ahmadi...

  • November 25, 2006

    Can America Catch its Second Wind?

    There comes a time in all marathons when the temptation to give in becomes overwhelming. We are facing such a moment in our national response to 9/11. The enticing voices of ease and retreat are sounding louder and more confident, and our will to per...

  • November 25, 2006

    Chirac shafts Sarko, his own party candidate

    Imagine if George W. Bush slyly promoted Hillary in 2008 because he personally disliked the GOP candidate. It's not in character for President Bush, but it is exactly how Jacques Chirac has acted more than once. According to the London Times, Chirac ...

  • November 9, 2006

    The Voters' Rational Intuitions

    So the midterms went big against the GOP, even though the Dems didn't have a clear message of their own. Most voters probably couldn't articulate exactly why they voted the way they did. Human beings work by intuition, not usually by some explicit li...

  • November 7, 2006

    Sparing Saddam: Why Europe is Morally Unserious

    A general estimate is that Saddam Hussein killed 300,000 people, started two major wars (the first against Iran, costing a million lives, and the second against Kuwait, with perhaps 100,000 dead); according to the New York Times' latest zig—zag...

  • November 6, 2006

    The Most Crucial Election in 50 Years?

    Midterm elections aren't often as important as this one. On Tuesday we are not electing a president, but we are  making an historic choice ——  possibly a life—and—death choice. It is comparable to the election of Abr...

  • November 1, 2006

    The lovesong of Mohammed El-Baradei

    "It's a cry for help, in my view," says Mohammed El—Baradei, speaking warmly and compassionately about the reason Kim Jong—Il exploded his first—ever nuke three weeks ago. El—Baradei heads the world's prime  organiza...

  • October 30, 2006

    George Will's Nostalgic Conservatism

    George Will is the Washington Post's favorite conservative, an exquisite writer and a genuinely interesting thinker. Why then is he savagely attacking the Bush administration in  Post—owned Newsweek magazine, just one week before a make...

  • October 27, 2006

    Post-traumatic Stress and the Democrat Base

    Why do so many American Jews reflexively support Democrats? A Jewish liberal I know has a daughter who loves art history. She felt very  happy to be admitted to one of the best Art History graduate programs in the country. But after the first fe...

  • October 24, 2006

    George W. Bush and Presidential Greatness

    It's very unfashionable these days to say nice things about George W. Bush. After six years of being screamed at by the press, even W's friends are getting worn down.  But that's no different from Lincoln and Truman. Being screamed at long and h...

  • October 21, 2006

    Tehran's crunch time

    December 15 is the outer time limit of a decision window for Tehran and the West. That is the date for the mullahs' "Assembly of Experts" to decide whether to choose  a new Supreme Leader. The most nuke—happy candidate for the top job is...

  • October 17, 2006

    Is Ahmadinejad setting a trap?

    Mahmood Ahmadinejad is an extremely shrewd customer, who is perfectly capable of provoking an attack by Israel and/or the United States in ways that play to his strengths and their weaknesses. There is reason to think he may be doing exactly that. In...

  • October 16, 2006

    China May Flip Against Iran

    The NoKo Bomb is very bad news for the world, but it's worst for the closest neighbors: China, South Korea and Japan. China in particular was shocked when its "client" state turned vicious and bit its sponsor. The recent NoKo Bomb triggered unusual ...

  • October 4, 2006

    How Rep. Foley Endangered the Nation

    If you believe that just a thin sliver of luck stands between us and further terrorist attacks in our major cities, and that only one political party can be trusted to be serious about national security, you have to believe that Rep. Foley's sexual f...

  • September 25, 2006

    The Fairy Tale Democrats

    Like some fabled vampire jerkily rising from his crypt, John F. Kerry crept back in the news, madly signaling a new run for the Democrat Party nomination.  As in previous revivals, Kerry is banking on his faithful Teresa, who sprinkled her ...

  • September 16, 2006

    How the Left Enables Nuclear Proliferation

    Daniel Ellsberg must surely support Ahmadinejad getting nukes. There are no two ways about it. In a forthcoming article in  Harper's Magazine, Ellsberg is going to call for moles in the Bush Administration to leak any plans to stop Ahmadine...

  • September 12, 2006

    The Moral Emptiness of the Left

    Life consists of choices, and no choice is graver than war or peace. The 9/11 assault on New York City and Washington, D.C. posed such a choice. Should we go to war against bin Laden and the Taliban? The answer had to be "Yes" or "No." Those who deny...

  • September 3, 2006

    Thank the Beeb for Jew hatred

    According to the London Times, ''On Thursday an all—party parliamentary inquiry will state that anti—Semitic violence has become endemic in Britain, both on the streets and university campuses." Read it, and mourn for an England that is...

  • September 1, 2006

    Why the Dems Don't Get It

    The descent of the Democrats into seeming madness is both frightening and puzzling. To those paying attention and of stable mind, the Democrats look something like Samuel Taylor Coleridge's Ancient Mariner: It is an ancient Mariner, And he stoppeth ...

  • August 30, 2006

    Should Israel offer nuke inspections?

    The 70 million people of Iran are now under the whip of a raving suicide cult intent on getting nuclear weapons. Whether the regime is really intending martyrdom or not it may not even know itself. It certainly talks and acts as if it is. Tehran jus...

  • August 28, 2006

    Noam Loves Hassan: The Left has Abandoned Israel

    When Noam Chomsky shook hands with Hezbo Sheikh Nasrallah in May of this year, we could see the handwriting on the wall: no left—wing US administration is now going to support Israel in a standoff against a nuclear—armed Iran. The "Soros ...

  • August 16, 2006

    Iraq: Not "Civil War" but War Against the Militias

    The "Defeat at Any Price" Democrats have found a new trope: Iraq is now in a "civil war." But as usual they get their facts wrong. Civil war is what Saddam waged for thirty years on the majority Shiites, Marsh Arabs, Kurds, and any Sunnis who didn't ...

  • August 15, 2006

    Israel's Shattered Dream of Peace

    Islam sees history playing out in centuries of bloody warfare until all infidels are converted.  Modern cultures dream of a permanent peace among sensible peoples. Both dreams are fictitious, but jihadi Muslims are much readier to die and kill f...

  • August 14, 2006

    Israel's Fog of Politics

    It is easy to imagine the heated arguments in Israel's war cabinet, but it's hard to know what they portend for the future. The Doves, led by Shimon Peres, are saying, in his words, "We didn't start this war, so we don't have to win it." On the face ...

  • August 11, 2006

    The BBC and Home-Grown Terrorists

    More than twenty people have been arrested in Britain in a plot to kill thousands of innocent air passengers. The British press is undoubtedly looking frantically for somebody to blame. But they won't see the most obvious one: the tax—funded BB...

  • August 9, 2006

    The Habit of Betrayal

    'Very Soon, This Stain of Disgrace [i.e. Israel] Will Be Purged From the Center of the Islamic World — and This is Attainable'  ——— Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, October 26, 2005 "'Imam [Khomeini] said: 'This regime that is occup...

  • August 7, 2006

    Hope in a Time of War

    In calling attention to genuine dangers today we run the danger of inspiring fear and not hope. But that would be a mistake. Realistic alarm is no cause for despair. It is a call for unity and strength. But we also need high hope and constant confide...

  • August 3, 2006

    Mullahs in Denial: Can't Keep Their Story Straight

    Does the name Ali Larijani ring a bell? No, he's not the brilliant TV and movie character Ali G, created by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, famous for duping celebrities and political figures into interviews where he asks outrageous questio...

  • July 31, 2006

    Who killed the children of Qana?

    The New York Times has announced that the entire world is outraged at Israel's behavior in bombing Qana.  So it must be true. Or is it? Nothing is more heartrending than the suffering of children. Emotionally we all want to put the blame on the...

  • July 30, 2006

    Using innocents as tools of war

    Embedded in Islamist ideology is the idea of using innocents as tools of war. It is their most effective weapon. The idea that killing innocents — children, non—combatants —— is moral and desired by God is embedded in the Qura...

  • July 29, 2006

    News Flash: Conservatives Defend One of Their Own

    http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=OTY2OTBhOTYzY2NhZTE3ZWM1MDc0ODA3Y2EyNzA3NTE= When Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr.,  I seem to recall a curious silence in the media. Nobody danced in the street, exactly, but no keening was heard...

  • July 28, 2006

    The Real Battle isn't with Hezbollah

    Will Israel pull the rabbit out of the hat again? We have come to expect near—miracles from the Israeli armed forces. From the hair—raising battles of the War of Independence to the destruction of Saddam's nuclear program in 1981, Israel...

  • July 24, 2006

    Israel is following Monty, not Patton

    While General George S. Patton was winning public laurels for fast armored strikes against German forces in WWII, Field Marshall Montgomery ran a parallel British army that made haste slowly. Patton is often considered the most brilliant US Army comm...

  • July 22, 2006

    Evidence Accumulates that Ahmadinejad Really is Insane

    The biggest foreign policy question today is whether the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is really as utterly irrational as he talks. When he calls for wiping Israel from the map, is he serious? When he talks about privately communing with th...

  • July 15, 2006

    Calling Ahmadinejad's bluff

    Iran's President Ahmadinejad has been making murderous threats against the Jewish state for months and months. The Israelis don't like big rhetorical gestures, but they know perfectly well that leaving Ahmadinejad's genocidal boasting unanswered woul...

  • June 24, 2006

    Why the BBC Hates Lady Thatcher

    If you wonder why the Left hates America, take a look at a closely related question in Britain, as asked by journalist Simon Heffer in a column in the UK Telegraph. His question sounds different, but you will see that it's really a product of th...

  • June 1, 2006

    The Disgraceful Boycott in Britain

    One British professor emailed and called it "monstrous." Another wrote that  "We live at a time of insane politics." And distinguished retired professor in London writes that "just because we (as also in your country) have dangerous fanatics, ...

  • May 23, 2006

    Why Mahmoud may be madder than Mao

    It is very scary to think about the unthinkable. Liberals are therefore all over the media trying to rationalize the nuclear threat coming from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his merry Mullahs.  Paul Starobin just had such an article in the National Jo...

  • April 29, 2006

    Phony moral equivalence on Israel and the Bomb

    In a WaPo opinion piece this Sunday, Avner Cohen and William Burr present a critique of US policy on Israel's nuclear weapons capacity. As usual in the liberal media, they take their facts completely out of context: This is Hamlet without the Prince ...

  • April 25, 2006

    What if America Acted Like the French?

    Suppose the United States followed the ideas of the Left and took the French approach to Iranian nukes: Ignore the threat and just try to buy into Iran's oil and gas fields. As for Israel, it is only "un petit pays pissant," in the famous words of th...

  • April 17, 2006

    Don't Panic on Iran

    The hardest thing in times of crisis is not to panic ——— to hang on and think very hard about the options. "Don't shoot 'till you see the whites of their eyes" is the old phrase. It signals mental clarity, readiness to act, and also...

  • April 14, 2006

    A Brief History of Counsels and Leaks

    Who remembers Sam Dash? If you were transfixed by the Watergate hearings, the bloodsport initiation of today's drive—by media, you may remember him as the "highly respected Counsel to the Senate Watergate Committee." Sam Dash's name is now icon...

  • April 11, 2006

    The Essential Nobility of US Foreign Policy

    Now that the Left, in the shape of the Academic Dean of the Kennedy School at Harvard, has decided that the Nazis were right, and the United States really is controlled by a Jewish cabal, it is useful to remind ourselves of the essential nobility of ...

  • April 5, 2006

    Invading Mexico with Boomer retirees

    Messy, messy, messy. That's all we can say about the onslaught of uncontrolled, illegal migration of one—eighth of Mexico's population into the United States.  The debate is getting hotter in Washington and on the air waves. It will be a l...

  • March 18, 2006

    Royal Navy will Require Gay Therapy

    The Brits may have lost the Empire, but they are forging ahead in the battle for PC. According to the UK Sun, the Royal Navy is going to hold Gay "therapy lessons" to help its hopelessly heterosexual Old Salts obtain a deeper — one might say, a...

  • March 17, 2006

    Will the 2006 election be about Iraq or the Democrats?

    We hear on all sides that the Democrats want to "nationalize" the 2006 Congressional elections. Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch worries that the conflict in Iraq is going badly, and that the election will turn against President Bush because the American peo...

  • February 21, 2006

    Cartoon Rage and Nuclear Intimidation

    The longer the farcical Cartoon Jihad goes on, the more it seems to be guided by an overall strategic purpose. Not since Nikita Khrushchev banged his shoe on the table at the UN General Assembly in 1960 have we seen a combination of psychological int...

  • February 16, 2006

    Arab Paranoia Strikes Again

    Tired of that old Danish cartoon rage? You've probably caught a virus. Did you hear? The Jews have planted a flu virus to sicken the Arab Nation. At least, that's what the government of Syria is trying to tell the world. MEMRI reports that the govern...

  • February 15, 2006

    The Discreet Charm of the Danish Cartoons

    The last Jutland berserker must have died about a millenium ago, when the Vikings were converted to Christianity. Ever since then the Danes have become quieter, more introspective, and yes, a lot more civilized than their rape—and—pi...

  • February 13, 2006

    Pre-emptive surrender: Russia and France collapse to Hamas

    Russia and France have both signaled an immediate willingness to recognize Hamas, the Islamist terrorist group that won the Palestinian elections. For the sake of form, France even denied that Hamas was a terrorist organization. At this point n...

  • February 10, 2006

    University Professors for Academic Tyranny

    The American Association of University Professors is a semi—trade union for American professors. It claims to be the high—minded guardian of academic freedom in America, going back to John Dewey. But today the AAUP's principles are being ...

  • February 9, 2006

    No Good Options

    An eloquent statement in the Jerusalem Post Tuesday makes the case for a formal international indictment against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the genocide—threatening President of Iran. Unfortunately, the legal option proposed by the Jerusalem Pos...

  • January 25, 2006

    Military Strikes and a Democratic Future for Iran

    The Khomeinist regime in Iran is finally baring its teeth to the world, in the public appearances of the little fanatic, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran's nuclear build—up has been going on for two decades, and the regime is now openly laughing at di...

  • January 14, 2006

    Underestimating the Iranian Threat

    Amir Taheri is an intelligent and well—informed commentator on world affairs whose work appears in the Arab News. But today he wrote a dangerously obtuse commentary ——— not his usual style at all. This is important, because hi...

  • January 11, 2006

    Are we blackmailing the UN Big Five?

    Why are the Big Five UN Security Council members suddenly helping the US against the Tehran regime? The good news is that Russia, France, China, Britain and the US are all sending simultaneous "demarches" — diplotalk for 'put up or shut up' ...

  • December 23, 2005

    A holiday greeting from Abu-Musab El-Zarqawi.

    In these blessed days Oh infidels in which the lions of monotheism fight against the tyranny of the Crusader infidels and the Shi'ite traitors on Iraqi soil and the brother of apes and pigs [i.e. the Jews] And the traitor, the son of traitors in Amma...

  • December 11, 2005

    Israel's prospective strike against nuclear Iran

    Push seems to be rapidly coming to shove in the high stakes world of nuclear arms strategy. Iran, committed by its leader to removing Israel from the map of the Middle East, is about to posess the means of obliterating the Jewish state, thereby advan...

  • December 10, 2005

    David Brooks: Hip-Hopping Conservative

    It's said that bureaucrats are good people surviving in a bad system. That might explain David Brooks, the token conservative at the New York Times. Brooks has to be very slippery to survive. It would be fatal to be caught actually taking a principle...

  • December 9, 2005

    Are the Mullahs sane?

    No nuclear power will attack another one for fear of committing national suicide. That is the familiar logic of Mutually Assured Destruction (M—A—D), which kept the US safe but pretty nervous over fifty years of the Cold War. Stalin and M...

  • December 6, 2005

    Will Jewish liberals understand the trial of Saddam Hussein?

    One of the great puzzles of American politics is why Jewish voters fail to see their genuine allies among conservatives. President Bush is now besieged by a press that lives in complete denial of the fact that he put a clean end to the Nazi—lik...

  • November 26, 2005

    When did the British stop committing Voodo murders?

    The UK Guardian is holy writ for the British Left, which means that its readers are taught, day after day, that the United States — and Tony Blair — are either utterly evil or terminally stupid. There is no way they can be talked out...

  • November 25, 2005

    Bring back that Polish plumber!

    When French voters said "Non!" to the EU Constitution last May, one reason was the Polish plumber. Actually he ——— or she ——— was a scare tactic by leftwing parties, who were afraud the EU Constitution might bring ...

  • November 22, 2005

    The case for METO - a NATO for the Middle East

    Richard Perle, the scary neocon, has a nasty habit of telling the truth.  He thefore frightens the pants off our friends on the Left, which is a good thing, every now and then. Perle did it again this week by talking about getting tough with the...

  • November 20, 2005

    The EU Constitution Lives!

    Only political suckers really believed that the European Union would listen to the voters after they decisively voted against its bizarre draft Constitution last May. The EU is a piece of bureaucratic imperialism that has built up an unstoppable head...

  • November 14, 2005

    John Dean's memory - and Scooter Libby's

    John Dean's testimony about Richard Nixon's words in the Oval Office brought about Watergate, and the fall of an American president.  That is what our media believe; it's the biggest story of their lives. They have beaten their chests about it e...

  • November 7, 2005

    Joseph Wilson IV: The French Connection

    There are an amazing number of French fingerprints all over the Plame—Wilson affair. While it is not easy to penetrate the dark fog of lies, there is a highly consistent pattern pointing to French government involvement with a Watergate—s...

  • October 24, 2005

    Is Valerie Plame the new Deep Throat?

    A few months ago it was finally revealed that Mark Felt, the Deep Throat of Watergate, forged the sword that destroyed Richard Nixon — not for some valid whistle—blowing reason, but to avenge Nixon's choice of an outside Director to succe...

  • October 17, 2005

    Harriet and the Pundits of Doom

    Most of the time modern liberals seem to think with their glands, while conservatives think with their brains. Until Harriet Miers, that is. In the last few weeks the roles have suddenly switched, and my favorite pundits are throwing the heaving...

  • October 11, 2005

    The danger of splitting the Right

    Reasonable people can debate the wisdom of nominating Harriet Miers for the high court. But the unrestrained rage by conservative pundits against George W. Bush poses a grave danger that goes far beyond that debate. The Left is licking its collective...

  • October 10, 2005

    Who elected George Will?

    The conservative punditocracy is spittin' mad at the President for nominating Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court. I've never seen anything like it ——— rioting pundits! Ranting constitutionalists! All the big names, it seems, are ag...

  • October 8, 2005

    The return of the primitive

    According to multicultural myth there are no civilized cultures, and therefore no primitive ones. Like most leftist articles of faith, this one runs against the great weight of evidence. At birth, we humans are neolithic creatures.  Biologically...

  • September 28, 2005

    The New Anti-Semitism

    I never thought I would see an open anti—Semitic political campaign in my lifetime. But after fifty years of skulking in the shadows, the old hatreds are rising like Count Dracula from his mouldy grave. According to the Palestinian news agency ...

  • September 19, 2005

    Europe - one sick welfare puppy

    The flooding of New Orleans is an apt metaphor for an even more insidious morass, one that has kept the poor and black people of the city mired for two generations. Long before the breach of the levees three weeks ago, New Orleans was stuck in welfar...

  • September 12, 2005

    Political correctness kills

    The most deadly threat faced by the United States is not killer hurricanes. It is not even the jihadists who want to harm us with the best weapons petrodollars can buy. Our worst threat comes from within, as is nearly always the case when a nation or...

  • September 10, 2005

    Waiting for John Wayne

    If an honest history is ever written about the mess in New Orleans, "Waiting for John Wayne" might not be a bad title. Because that's what Mayor Ray Nagin was doing before President Bush was finally allowed by law to call in the National Guard. Said ...

  • September 6, 2005

    Crucifying George W.

    It is a painful thing to see a good and decent man slandered and abused. George W. Bush has been crucified in the media for five years, day after day. This week, after the unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe of New Orleans, the media mob is scream...

  • September 4, 2005

    Katrina and self reliance

    The only upside to a catastrophe like Katrina is what it can teach us. To me, living in an earthquake zone with an inevitable Big One coming in five or fifteen years, the lesson is self reliance. The most pathetic sight in the last week was the horde...

  • September 1, 2005

    When smart people have crazy ideas

    One of the frightening things about the Islamic world is that it has many very intelligent people with beliefs that are delusional, at best. We can easily see the same thing here at home, so this is not a slam at the Muslim world as such. It is a wor...

  • August 30, 2005

    The triumph of the Iraqi Constitution

    Surprise! The Washington Post is "disappointed" by the Constitution just drafted by the elected Iraqi Constitutional Assembly. The Arab League is tisk—tisking, but all its members are despotic criminocracies, so that doesn't mean a lot. And our...

  • August 24, 2005

    Cindy and the Pacifrauds

    Samuel Johnson famously said that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and he was right ——— in 1775. But that was long before the rise of the Left. Today, patriotism is treated with contempt. If Dr. Johnson were alive today...

  • August 16, 2005

    Israel: The warning shot option

    "Iran may now have its Stalin," wrote Niall Fergusan in the Sunday Telegraph of London this week.He is right. The new Stalinist President was "elected" with the active support of Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei, who evidently thought that th...

  • August 5, 2005

    Politics and CIA forecasts

    The CIA's estimate of Iranian nuke development is "absurd," according to Henry Sokolski, director of the Nonproliferation Policy Education Center, as quoted by the Christian Science Monitor. Sokolski notes that the US developed its nuclear weapons in...

  • August 3, 2005

    London: Jihadis in your face

    In London, one thousand radical Islamists held a rally only 100 yards from the latest bus bombing. Tony Blair was accused of  'lies, lies and damned lies' by the leaders of the Hizb ut—Tahrir Party, which has been banned in several Europea...

  • July 29, 2005

    Anti-Zionist Christians

    The day before yesterday, we are told, the Church of the Disciples of Christ demanded that Israel tear down its security fence, which has saved countless of Jewish women and children from being blown to smithereens. Twisting the words of Ronald Reaga...

  • July 27, 2005

    Nice people and the Howling Dog Left

    I know a college professor who keeps a picture of Che Guevara in his briefcase, so that he can look at it adoringly whenever he pops open the lid. This bright and friendly fellow has a lifelong admiration for Fidel's Cuban prison state, no matter how...

  • July 18, 2005

    Spy Valerie and the rogue CIA

    Hold on to your hat. The plot is about to thicken.   Behind the scenes, the single most important reason for the Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson farce is that CIA Director Porter Goss has finally started to clean house at Langley. Goss's long—ove...

  • July 15, 2005

    How the BBC empowered the London terrorists

    We now think we know who exploded the bombs that smashed fifty people to raw hamburger meat last week in London. The accused are four young British—born dupes of Islamist indoctrination, "friends from Leeds," who were recorded by security ...

  • July 12, 2005

    When Hitler bombed London, was Churchill to blame?

    Last Thursday's London massacre of almost three score innocent people whowere  simply smashed to bleeding fragments on their way to work, has throwna harsh light on the British Left. Normal people learned something fromthe horror — the sho...

  • July 9, 2005

    The wages of multiculturalism: demagogue enablers

    "Red Ken" Livingstone was playing Winston Churchill the day of the bloody London bombings.  He sounded just the right mix of sadness and defiance to the terrorists "... even after your cowardly attack, you will see that...people from around th...

  • July 6, 2005

    An Iranian bomb will split radical Islam

    The single greatest breakthrough in the Cold War happened when Nixon and Kissinger succeeded in splitting communist China from the communist USSR.  Our media, in their fathomless ignorance, have failed even to look for similar cracks in radical ...

  • June 2, 2005

    EU to voters: Drop dead!

    For half a century the ruling class of Europe has owned the project of European unification. Nobody bothered to ask the voters. But now they have made a mistake. Purely as a gesture, France, Holland and Britain scheduled popular referenda on the EU C...

  • May 23, 2005

    Blogs versus the Boycott

    Do homosexuals have a right to live? Do Blacks? What about Muslims?In my mind those questions are simply indecent to ask. They trivialize genocide. Yet when it comes to Israel, its right to live is a wide open question for the hard Left, its hands s...

  • May 17, 2005


    Americans like to think that Europeans are sophisticated, and no doubt some of them are. But not in politics. Politically, the peoples of Europe regularly head for the very worst ideas on the horizon.    It is a kind of neurotic compu...

  • May 13, 2005

    The ghettoization of Israel

    The original ghetto was not the home of The Boyz in the Hood. In the Middle Ages ghettos were pathetically overcrowded and walled—in neighborhoods, in which Jews were forced to live, a kind of living prison. The ghetto gates were opened by day ...

  • May 10, 2005

    The New Strategery: Why America needs new allies

    The year is 2007. Iran explodes its first nuclear device. Its missiles can now reach Paris and London. In response, Europe does nothing; in its customary fashion, it tries to buy peace. Now that Iran is invulnerable to attack, it begins to push more ...

  • May 9, 2005

    Boycott the boycott

    An academic obscenity is taking place in Britain. On April 28, the union bosses who claim to represent some 50,000 university professors in the UK, voted to boycott two universities in Israel. But they gave the  Israeli teachers a choice: They c...

  • May 5, 2005

    Flying pigs: British Labour plays the race card

    Most of us want to think well of the British. We feel a fondness for them, a kind of family tie. Britain seems more like America than the rest of Europe.  Historically the United States grew as a sturdy branch from the British oak. We think of t...

  • May 4, 2005

    How we won the war in Vietnam

    I can just hear the sneers at this headline. Won? The senseless Vietnam War, which killed people for no reason at all? The answer is yes. We won the real war in Vietnam; that war was called the Cold War. It was fought to defend free peoples against t...

  • May 3, 2005

    Les Blogeurs and the Euro Con

    I owe an apology to the French. Like others who have seen French politicians in action, I had simply come to the conclusion that contemporary France is hopelessly cynical and self interested. I was wrong. Any country that can produce a blogger like ...

  • April 29, 2005

    Trouble in Europe.

    The European Union thinks it has the answer to war and peace and limitless welfare for all. That kind of grand delusion was brilliantly skewered two centuries ago by Alexis de Toqueville, one Frenchman who wasn't fooled. Incredibly, the European Uni...

  • April 26, 2005

    Britain's new Treason of the Clerks

    A dirty little secret is that totalitarian ideologies always empower intellectuals. The best name for all the bloody—minded professors of the last hundred years comes from a Frenchman named Julien Benda. It is the title of his book, The Tr...

  • March 14, 2005

    Leviathan: the grand deception of the European Constitution

    Imagine that the United States was instituting a brand—new Constitution, and suppose it had been drafted in secret by only two people, a former President of France, Giscard d'Estaing, and an American diplomat, someone like Madeleine Albright....

  • March 8, 2005

    The degradation of British tolerance

    'Red Ken' Livingstone, the Lord Mayor of London, is a classic European demagogue, and his rise to power may signal the end of what was once the greatest boon of British civilization: a level of civic tolerance unsurpassed anywhere in Europe. It is an...

  • February 27, 2005

    Will Europe be democratic?

    Following President Bush's trip to Europe this past week, a journey to promote democracy in Russia and the Islamic world, he might also want to turn his attention to the rapid decline of popular government in Europe. Strangely enough, the autocrats o...

  • February 21, 2005

    What European allies?

    "In a new century, the alliance of America and Europe is the main pillar of our security," — President George W. Bush, Brussels, February 21, 2005 Seeing our graceful new Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice dancing her diplomatic minuet in Pari...

  • January 21, 2005

    The death of British sovereignty

    America may soon lose its most trusted ally in the world. Britain is on the verge of surrendering to the European Union. It is an historic moment that should be showing up in blaring headlines ——— but it is slipping in so quiet...

  • January 12, 2005

    Is BBC News a figment of the imagination?

    So you think Dan Rather and CBS Nightly News are bad? Well, the fabled BBC, once the voice of British decency and reason, is about to air a 3—hour TV special casting doubt on the reality of Al Qaida. Millions of viewers in Britain will soon be ...

  • January 4, 2005

    The rise of Euronationalism

    How do you unite 500 million people who have fought each other for a thousand years? That is the biggest question for Europe today.  In spite of endless denials, the answer is beginning to look a lot like old—fashioned nationalism. In Euro...