James J. Johann

James J. Johann

  • March 10, 2019

    Mustaches in the winner's circle

    Women completely control their own destiny against the intrusion of transgenders.  Their destiny does not require new rules or new laws.  It does not require the permission of Congress, parents, schools, the International Olympic ...

  • November 8, 2018

    Jeff Sessions is not a bad guy

    Jeff Sessions is not a bad guy.  It's just that he is not nor was he prepared to be an executive.  He stumbled out of the gate and did not have the balance to recover. There are few people whose signature skills are as a legislator w...

  • February 19, 2018

    Time to remove federal judges from office?

    It is time to remove federal judges whose orders direct the president to perform unconstitutional acts or prevent the president from performing actions granted to him by the Constitution. A current judicial order directs President Trump to continu...