James H. Fetzer and J.R. Dunn

James H. Fetzer and J.R. Dunn

  • April 6, 2011

    Frank Rich lets the cat out of the bag

    Yesterday I came across something both astonishing and infuriating. I'm not the kind of egomaniac that checks his media coverage every day - just a commonplace, garden-variety egomaniac. Entire weeks can pass before I make the effort to Google my nam...

  • January 21, 2011

    Too smart for MSNBC?

    So what happened with the O'Donnell confrontation? (Sincere apologies to anyone who sat through last night's show waiting for me to make my appearance.) The brief answer is: I don't know. The O'Donnell appearance was in the works for two weeks, well ...

  • January 12, 2011

    Yet another example of media distortion in the Loughner case?

    Among much else, AP journalists have uncovered the fact that Jared Loughner spent a brief period as a tagger in 2008. This practice led to one of his many confrontations with the law, when he was picked up for scrawling a "C" and "X...

  • January 10, 2011

    Political violence and connections

    Just to provide some perspective on the frantic stampede to find some kind -- any kind -- of evidence that Jared Lee Loughner had even the vaguest connection with a right-of-center group (the latest claim is that he was "influenced" by some...

  • December 10, 2010

    Iran getting desperate over Stuxnet

    Just call me Nostradamus. Less than twelve hours after my cyberwar piece "Wikileaks, Stuxnet, Cyberwar, and Obama"  appeared on AT, Fox News published an exclusive report on the Stuxnet worm that confirms most of my speculations c...

  • November 17, 2010

    The TSA Debacle

    Anyone with doubts concerning the Transportation Security Authority's ability to handle airport security needs to take a look at the way they're dealing with the public-relations debacle surrounding the launch of their new "security procedures...

  • September 24, 2010

    Christine and the 'mice with human brains'

    Christine O'Donnell is being pilloried for a remark she made in 2007 to Bill O'Reilly concerning "mice with human brains." Prime evidence, we're told, that O'Donnell is your standard-issue ignorant and uneducated right-winger babbling about...

  • August 5, 2010

    JournoList member complains about AT article

    So now we have a JournoLista, Harold Pollack, insisting that I "mischaracterized" one of his statements taken from the listserve in making my case against the current legacy media in "JournoList and the Leftist Mentality". Evident...

  • June 2, 2010

    'Why the Web Benefits Liberals More than Conservatives'

    I'm sure many of you read yesterday's CNN op-ed by Gregory Ferenstein, "Why the Web Benefits Liberals More than Conservatives", a title that pretty much explains itself, with the same sense of pure incredulity that I felt -- as if we were t...

  • May 19, 2010

    Blumenthal's Disgrace and the GOP

    Will the GOP have the guts to capitalize on Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's disgraceful posing as a Vietnam vet? Signs are not encouraging.  In response to my piece on the GOP's need of a spine transplant,  at least one re...

  • April 18, 2010

    Barry and the Pirates

    The government of Kenya is no longer accepting pirates captured by the international task force operating in the Red Sea and approaches. Kenya claims that its justice system is overloaded with Somali pirates and that it just can't handle any more of ...

  • April 5, 2010

    When Wolves Attack

    There were a number of comments to my last piece, "In the Company of Wolves" suggesting that the young female victims of recent predator attacks in Alaska and the Maritimes were menstruating at the time of that attacks. This thought ha...

  • December 16, 2009

    Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's new look

    Is anyone else as puzzled as I am by the new stock photo of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? It could hardly be more different from the hairy chested view of him taken upon his apprehension. I'm referring to the photo that appeared at the same time that the N...

  • November 30, 2009

    Warmists and a wave of disease

    One overlooked aspect of the climate change argument is the link between climate and disease. Contrary to the fear mongering of the warmist con game, we have a lot more to fear from global cooling than global warming, when it comes to disease.While r...

  • October 11, 2009

    Teacher's Pet

    The fact that I'd ever written a piece on the Noble prize had totally slipped my mind until this past Saturday. (This shows you what writers are like.) I see little I'd retract at this point. Al Gore's worthless Nobel did in truth mark his high point...

  • February 3, 2009

    The Obama cult and self identity

    The cultic aspects of Obama worship continue to grow even as the Messiah demonstrates conclusively  that he's not quite ready to walk on water. The latest example (for which we must thank the Anchoress), and a particularly disturbing one, comes ...

  • October 30, 2008

    Prediction time

    Okay, here's my prediction: I have believed all throughout this campaign, and still do, that if Barack Obama goes into the final weekend leading by less than 5%, he's finished. According to this week's reputable polls (Gallup, Rasmussen, and IBD/TIPP...

  • October 20, 2008

    The Eleventh Commandment

    Has anybody noticed that the "Eleventh Commandment" has dropped out of public discourse in recent months?The Eleventh Commandment, credited to none other than Ronald Reagan, goes like this: "Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republic...

  • October 18, 2008

    The Eastern conservative elites and Palin

    At last we've got a reasonable, intelligent, and well thought-out consideration of Sarah Palin from the environs of E.35th St. and uptown.Kathryn Jean Lopez has, in a few hundred words posted on Friday's NRO, succeeded in saying more about Palin...

  • October 9, 2008


    What is it with the legacy media? Don't they know when to let up? It's like a pit-bull with a rabbit. Anything that can possibly be portrayed as scandalous or even questionable (that is, anything having to do with the GOP) gets shaken, mauled, torn t...

  • September 5, 2008

    Peggy Noonan

    I've read Peggy Noonan's WSJ rebuttal  to charges that she shortchanged John McCain's campaign in an MSNBC interview. It didn't happen that way, she says -- she was recorded surreptitiously over an open mike and some unknown figure then distribu...

  • August 20, 2008

    Obama's missing spontaneity

    One thing made clear by the Saddleback broadcast was Barack Obama’s utter lack of spontaneity. This inability to put himself across without a script has been characterized as "thoughtfulness" and "nuance" by the legacy media...

  • July 29, 2008

    Are you listening, President Obama?

    No sooner did "The Operative Word is Hubris" appear in yesterday's AT than yet more evidence turned up confirming Barack Obama's status as a millennial-era version of the ancient Greek victim of runaway pride. In an essay on yesterday'...

  • June 16, 2008

    A prediction come true. Already.

    Predictions are fun, never more so than when they come to pass, and it's even better when it happens immediately so that everybody notices.  (Runaway ego? Sure, I'll cop to it.) In my essay today ("Conservatives Must Not Practice the Politi...

  • November 12, 2007

    Daily Kos claims a victim

    Waterboarding has at last claimed a victim. Rachel Marsden, a Toronto Sun columnist, was fired last week over a column she wrote on the topic in the paper's November 5th edition. (By sheer coincidence, the same day that the American Thinker covered t...

  • October 22, 2007

    The Rush Limbaugh smear and the Imus factor

    One point being overlooked in the excitement surrounding Rush Limbaugh's thrashing of the Democrats is what might be termed the Imus factor.In the weeks since Imus was brought down over his remarks concerning the Rutgers women's basketball team, it h...

  • April 4, 2007

    Greens and Gosplan

    Greens are crowing over the Supreme Court's move to throw itself into the global warming debate in Monday's Massachusetts v. EPA decision,  which found that carbon dioxide is a pollutant that can be regulated by government. (I haven't read ...

  • March 14, 2007

    Global warming melting down

    Evidence continues to mount that the Greens have failed in their campaign to leverage global warming into a universal acceptance of their pet theories and practices, as suggested here last week.The New York Times, no less, features an article ti...

  • February 21, 2007

    It's official: San Diego paper a propaganda organ

    On Monday, the legacy media crossed a critical line. The San Diego Union-Tribune announced, in a column with the grotesquely misleading title "Fair Reporting on Global Warming" by its media columnist Carol Goodhue, that it will no long...

  • February 15, 2007

    Scientific consensus - except for those other scientists

    "Scientific consensus!" chants the mainstream media in America when it comes to global warming. Not so long ago, that would have been the end of the story for nearly everyone.One of the pleasures of the Internet is coming across first-class...

  • February 9, 2007

    Global warming surprises

    The joke goes that every time Al Gore opens his mouth, the temperature drops ten degrees. And it's not a bad one, as far as political jokes go, not in the least because it appears to be rather close to the truth.In the week since the International Pa...

  • December 30, 2006

    The record speaks for itself

    Lenin - Dead of the complications of a stroke, perhaps assisted by poisoning, January 21, 1924.Benito Mussolini - Executed without judicial procedure by communist partisans, April 28 1945. The act was robbed of any meaning by the concurrent murder of...

  • December 8, 2006

    Is an anti-anti-terror campaign underway?

    One of the great benefits of the Net is the ability it conveys to discover connections difficult or impossible to make previously. The filters erected by the Big Three networks and the national papers no longer apply. Today more information is a...

  • September 21, 2006

    The 911 Pentagon Conspiracy Theory - Final Round

    Editor's Note: Following publication of J.R. Dunn's article 'Conspiracy Theories and Media Ignorance', American Thinker published a response one of the principal conspiracy theorists, Prof. James H. Fetzer, and a rejoinder from Mr. Du...

  • September 18, 2006

    911 a Hoax? Scholar for 911 Truth versus American Thinker

    Editor's Note: Following publication last Friday of J.R. Dunn's article 'Conspiracy Theories and Media Ignorance', American Thinker received a response from one of the principal advocates of a theory debunked in that article, James H....