James G. Long

James G. Long

  • May 20, 2015

    Psychopaths in Command

    Psychopathy is about unwarranted control of others by a psychopathic personality, and it is the world's worst, most destructive, most subtle, and most deceptive mental disorder.  Psychopathy is aggravated by the psychopath's ability to c...

  • May 18, 2015

    The Psychopaths Among Us

    After a conventional mid-Western childhood and up through university, my first encounter with a serious mental aberration was in the US Army in Germany when I worked for an Army captain, the likes of whom I had never seen.  He was a pathological...

  • April 18, 2015

    Defeating International Psychopaths

    Psychopathy is a personality disorder.  Psychopathy is sometimes confused with thinking (psychotic) disorders or mood disorders, but these disorders are markedly different in the areas of the brain that are affected and in the behaviors that res...

  • February 1, 2015

    Psychopathic Behavior and Leaders

    When talking to experienced persons during my seminars and conversations, I find some who have never heard of psychopathy, some whose knowledge of psychopathy ends with the fictional Hannibal Lecter, and some who have a vague memory from a course in ...

  • December 26, 2014

    Psychopathy and Politics

    Early in my career I worked for two military officers and soon after for two industrial managers, all four of whom I thought must be seriously crazy.  Each of them was threatening and erratic, and created massive personnel turnover within their ...

  • October 22, 2014

    The Politics of Psychopathology

    The history of Marxism is both tragedy and farce. The tragedy is obvious to all who can bear to see -- tens of millions of dead, massive social and economic destruction, the gulags,  enslavement, poverty, the favoritism shown to themse...

  • August 2, 2014

    The Road to Pathocracy

    There are three primary mental disorders. Insanity (psychosis) is a thinking disorder and has been recognized since ancient times; insanity rarely causes a problem for anyone but the afflicted person and immediate family and associates. Insane school...

  • June 27, 2014

    Fifteen Things You Probably Do Not Know about Psychopaths

    Have you ever worked for someone who you seriously thought might be crazy?  About half of all workers have such an experience within a lifetime.  The other half misses out on one of life's most perplexing and educational opportunities. ...

  • October 12, 2013

    A Plague of Demons

    Is your boss crazy? Probably not, but if you seriously think that he might be crazy, he is very likely a psychopath. Psychopathy and psychosis are often confused with one another but are radically different. Psychotics are irrational, with a thinking...

  • August 25, 2012

    Rise of the Manifestoists: the End-Point of the Democratic Party

    Peggy Noonan has a WSJ article entitled "A Nation That Believes Nothing."  Her points are well taken; Noonan argues that today's Democrats say any false thing that gets them elected, and (establishment) Republicans are slow to call the Democrats...

  • August 10, 2012


    Early in my career I worked for four professional-level persons, two of them military officers, who I seriously thought must be crazy, though all four were well-regarded by their superiors.  Of these four crazies, one Army captain's career ended...

  • May 17, 2012

    The Dishonest Democrat Narrative: Jennifer Granholm

    Former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm was recently on This Week With George Stephanopoulos, spouting the usual left-wing nonsense as a counterpoint against California Republican and former Senate candidate Carly Fiorina.  Granholm typified ...

  • January 21, 2012

    What's the Matter with the Democratic Party?

    Can you name a Democratic Party member who exhibits the following characteristics? Glibness/superficial charm Grandiose sense of self-worth Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom Pathological lying Cunning/manipulative Lack of remorse or guilt Sh...

  • December 18, 2011

    The Corporate Psychopaths Among Us

    Hannibal Lecter was a fictional psychopath, but there are much worse psychopaths active in American politics and business today.   "Psychopath" and "sociopath" are each defined as a personality disorder marked by lack of empathy or remorse;...

  • October 26, 2011

    Rahm Emanuel and the 'Tough SOB' Pathology

    Think of the worst boss for whom you have ever worked.  Was he (or she) irrational, erratic, destructive to organizational goals, and perhaps corrupt?  Was this boss two-faced, showing his best behavior to superiors and treating subordinate...

  • April 3, 2011

    Where Debt Is Due

    From Glenn Beck to Walter Russell Mead to President Obama, and at all points in between, the darnedest people agree that President Bush increased the national debt.  But is this true?  Does it even make sense?The Democratic narrative is tha...