James Edmund Pennington

James Edmund Pennington

  • October 28, 2008

    Time for a Gut Check, America

    McCain and his supporters have only a single battle cry for the last week, but it could be powerful: America, do you want to give unchecked, unlimited, near total power to the left wing of the Democratic Party?  Because, if you elect Barack Obam...

  • October 17, 2008

    The Next 18 Days

    The last debate is over, and the race is in its final stretch. And in all probability McCain's debate performance changed little. At least not for the better. Perhaps it made the struggle harder for McCain, for, as the candidate running behind, the m...

  • October 14, 2008

    What McCain Must Do

    Three weeks remain before Election Day.During this brief period John McCain either successfully teaches a national course entitled "Who is Barack Obama, and What Will he do as President", or Obama gains the most powerful position in human h...

  • October 2, 2008

    Is it slipping away?

    There was a time when I believed Republicans could dominate if they would but campaign ruthlessly on the issues where their advantages are greatest: defense and national security, unquestioned patriotism, and moral values, opposition to affrirma...

  • September 24, 2008

    Obama's choice of Biden an albatross (updated)

    It would be electoral malpractice for the McCain campaign and its supporters to let Joe Biden's remarkable demonstration of cluelessness go unremarked. The man supposed to bring experience to the Democrat ticket has an uncertain grasp of history and ...

  • September 9, 2008

    Media's Treatment of Palin and Obama

    If Barack Obama's past had been subjected to one tenth the media scrutiny during the full year of his candidacy, to which Sarah Palin has been subjected during the last 11 days, Obama very probably still would be ju...

  • June 11, 2008

    Obama and his Next Goal

    And so mercifully, and at long last, the most improbable part of memory's strangest electoral year ends, not with a self-pitying whimper, but with at least a semblance of dignity. Almost five days after her nemesis had assembled enough delegates to w...

  • May 12, 2008

    Obama's Darn Likablity

    You'd be so nice to come home to.... - Cole Porter, 1942Lurking just beneath all that defiant bravado about Obama's unacceptably left wing voting record, disgusting associates and yawning gap where his experience ought to be, is the unexpressed ...

  • April 2, 2008

    The Democrats' cul-de-sac

    The current agony of the Democratic Party, which grows more acute every day, is laden with an unspoken truth. As the unending Clinton-Obama struggle drags on, the core unutterable reality for Democrats is simply this: because of the composition of th...

  • March 21, 2008

    Obama's Problem with White Voters

    The racial dimension of Barack Obama's electability problem is now apparent, but no prominent Democrat dares discuss it openly. Similarly expect no discussion of the subject in the major media.The white working class vote I am not referring to t...