James D. Best

James D. Best

  • August 27, 2020

    China has politicized science. Don't let it happen here.

    Governments don't belong in religion, arts, or the sciences.  Unfortunately, authoritarians can't leave these realms alone because they compete for power and messaging.  Typically, autocrats repress religion, co-opt art, a...

  • August 16, 2020

    Karen writes a letter to her local principal

    Dear Principal, These are difficult times and I know you’ve received a tremendous amount of impolite pushback against mandatory masks.  I want you to know that there are many in the community who support your actions in this matter. ...

  • July 8, 2020

    The grass is greener in red states

    Twenty-six states are run by Republican governors and twenty-four by Democrat governors, and the ten largest cities have Democrat mayors, with the sole exception of San Diego.  The relative approach to governance in these states and cities ...

  • June 27, 2020

    Schools Kids in Masks? A Boatload of Problems

    Imagine children required to wear a mask for six to seven hours a day. What could possibly go wrong?  First off, they will commit all the errors of adults many times over, so they’ll essentially be wearing a petri dish across their mouths....

  • June 8, 2020

    America is too good for Democrats

    For most of this century, Democrats have tried to start a civil war — a war between themselves and anyone who disagrees with their agenda.  To a large extent, this has been a cold war with a few hot spots.  Events are n...

  • May 16, 2020

    No, Democrats running lockdown states, jobs won't just magically come back

    To a Democrat, there's no difference between a paycheck and an unemployment check.  They both deliver money into someone's pocket.  As long as they're getting a check, the unemployed should be grateful to stay home....

  • May 8, 2020

    Republicans Believe Actions Speak Louder than Words -- Democrats, not so Much

    Democrats sure know how to talk.  They espouse lofty goals, heartfelt sympathy, and strident vows to instill fairness for all Americans.  They promise to fulfill every aspiration and repair all grievances.  Democrats unselfconsciously ...

  • April 8, 2020

    When will Republicans go on offense?

    The natives are getting restless.  They want to see elected and appointed Republicans get into the fray with smarts, determination, and energy.  Those who continue to coast on the back bench do so at their peril.  Either...

  • April 2, 2020

    Government and Economics Made Dead Simple

    There are only two types of governments.  Two.  That's it.  There are those where the people control the government and those where the government controls the people.  Likewise, there are only two types of...

  • November 10, 2018

    The midterms and the blue tide

    There was a lot of huffing and puffing leading up to this midterm.  In the end, it appears that the nation didn’t experience a Red Wave or a Blue Wave.  Breakwaters held on both sides. In every campaign, there’s a primary goa...