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James Baker
April 16, 2011
PBS Host Advocates Repeal of the 'Natural Born' ClauseWhile channel-surfing Friday evening, I happened upon the end of this week's installment of PBS's Need To Know program. Pulitzer Prize-winning former Newsweek editor Jon Meacham began his piece as follows:Donald Trump made me do it. Those...
August 24, 2009
A Birther CompromiseSignificant disagreement exists between American Thinker writers concerning the Birther issue. This is evident in the comments section of a recent article by J.R. Dunn, and another recent AT article. Concerning that disagreement, it seems to me the...
April 18, 2009
Intolerable LogicMarc Sheppard of AmericanThinker and Joseph Romm of Climate Progress have been engaged in a back-and-forth on the subject of global warming. Yesterday, AT published an article by Marc Sheppard replying to Romm. Romm had originally responded t...
March 13, 2009
Of Monkeys, Backs, Banks and TARPCNN's David Ellis is reporting that some banks are already paying back their share of TARP funds with existing capital. What is more, this list of banks is expected to grow. Other banks who have taken TARP funds seek to return the money as fast as p...
February 11, 2009
Change Some May Not Want You To Believe InHere is some interesting, and unexpected, polling data. According to the Discovery Institute’s website :A new Zogby poll on the eve of Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday shows a dramatic rise in the number of Americans who agree that when b...
July 31, 2008
The John Edwards cover-up and the IRS (updated)John Edwards allegedly has been funneling $15,000 a month in hush money/child support to his mistress Rielle Hunter. Has he paid a gift tax and avoided money laundering pitfalls? The mother of his love child reportedly received the funds...