James Aaron Brown

James Aaron Brown

  • March 11, 2022

    Stephen Colbert's clean conscience

    "I'm willing to pay.  I'm willing to pay $4 a gallon.  Hell, I'll pay $15 a gallon because I drive a Tesla." Late show host Stephen Colbert (I'm hesitant to identify him as an actual comedian rather th...

  • October 21, 2019

    Coddling the University of Colorado's students' minds

    I sat with colleagues and friends as I waited for my intellectual hero, Dr. Jonathan Haidt of New York University, to take the stage on the campus of UCCS.  Haidt was there to speak on his book, The Coddling of the American Mind, the b...

  • December 6, 2018

    Attacking Sully

    Ruth Graham, in an article published at Slate, demonstrated one of the worst vices of American media. Specifically, she sought to provoke and entertain the audience she writes for by unnecessarily criticizing Sully H.W. Bush, the service dog to ...