Jacob Fraden

Jacob Fraden

  • The Trump Strategy for Ukraine

    February 21, 2025

    The Trump Strategy for Ukraine

    In recent days, many people who support Ukraine’s struggle against Russian aggression have found Trump’s words disappointing. As always with Trump, though, there’s more going on than seems obvious. He has a long-term strategy that c...

  • The Brain Import That Saved The Soviet Union

    January 8, 2025

    The Brain Import That Saved The Soviet Union

    Difficult times produce strong people. Strong people create good times. Good times produce weak people. Weak people create difficult times. Plato, 380 BC I’ve been thinking about the technological miracle of the USSR in the 1930s...

  • November 27, 2023

    Curing Jews of Leftism

    Holocaust-2 that broke out in Israel on October 7 may suddenly have a positive impact on many left-liberal American Jews. The recent tragic events will cause an upheaval in liberal heads and shift their political mindset to the right: the American Je...

  • October 21, 2023

    The Internal Boil Of Israel

    More and more, one sees people saying that, given Israel’s massive intelligence failures in the lead-up to the Hamas massacre, perhaps what happened wasn’t an accident. Perhaps discontented political factions in Israel wanted it to happen...

  • January 31, 2023

    Ukraine and the Unlearned Lesson of History

    In the words of Karl Marx, the theorist of communism, history reveals itself “the first as tragedy, then as farce”. Another 19th century philosopher Hegel said that “The only thing that we learn from history is that we learn nothing...

  • November 11, 2022

    An ultimatum to Russia?

    The forced withdrawal of the Russian troops from the key city of Kherson on the western bank of the Ukraine's main river Dnieper marked a radical if not a crucial turning point in Russia's undeclared war against Ukraine, which began on Februa...

  • August 30, 2022

    The Mysterious Murder in Moscow of Darya Dugina

    On August 21, 29-year-old Russian propagandist Darya Dugina, the daughter of a Russian neo-fascist leader Alexander Dugin, was murdered in Moscow. Darya attended a rally in Rublevka, the Moscow suburb where the Russian elite live.  There, Dugin ...

  • August 13, 2022

    What is In Store for Russia?

    Russia's bloody and senseless war against Ukraine has been going on for almost six months. Instead of the original goal of quickly seizing Ukraine and turning it into a puppet state or a province (the name "Ukraine" is derived from the ...

  • June 16, 2022

    Why Are They Shooting?

    From the beginning of 2022 to mid-June there were 254 mass murders in the U.S., and 611 last year: more than ever before (according to the Gun Violence Archive, which defines a mass murder as a case where at least 4 people, not including the perpetra...

  • May 1, 2022

    National Character and the Quality of Peoples

    Many years ago, I happened to read the book Russia in 1839 by the French traveler and literary man Marquis de Custine, and there I found some interesting judgments about the Russian people: "The Russian people are a nation of mutes. Everyth...

  • March 17, 2022

    The twisted 'truth' on Ukraine

    I couldn't believe my eyes when I read in AT the recent article by Dan Truitt on the Russian invasion in Ukraine.  Almost word by word, it repeated the Russian propaganda that is being fed by the "Ministry of Truth" in Mo...

  • March 11, 2022

    Idiots of High Culture

    I recently saw this headline on a Classical Music website: "Cardiff Philharmonic removes Tchaikovsky from programme in light of Russian invasion of Ukraine.”  Oh, poor Pyotr Ilyich, he has been dead for almost 130 years, but he t...

  • March 4, 2022

    Cleanly Washed Russian Brains

    Megalomaniac tyrants with excellent propaganda capabilities always run the risk of believing their own lies.  History constantly repeats itself.   The world’s response to Russian President Putin's decision to attack Ukraine bri...

  • January 28, 2022

    Why a War Over Ukraine is Unlikely

    The whole world is waiting nervously for developments in Ukraine.  Masses of Russian soldiers are engaged in "military exercises" near the Ukrainian border. "Siberian regiments" are being redeployed from the Far Eastern distr...

  • January 16, 2022

    Mediocrity in power

    The power of government rests on ignorance of the people, and it knows this, and therefore will always resist enlightenment. Leo Tolstoy Every nation has its fair share of people with no useful abilities, yet harboring considerable ambition...

  • January 8, 2022

    Why are Caucasians Vanishing in TV Commercials?

    Commercials take up 27% of commercial television screen time and are the main source of income for TV and radio stations. In most cases, advertisements on all channels appear simultaneously, so don't try to change the channel, there will be comme...