Jack Gleason

Jack Gleason

  • Impeaching rogue judges will be a hard row to hoe

    March 7, 2025

    Impeaching rogue judges will be a hard row to hoe

    The integrity of the U.S. judicial system is fundamental to maintaining public trust and the rule of law.  Federal judges play a crucial role in interpreting laws and ensuring justice under the Constitution.  To fulfill these resp...

  • 9 Ways for Trump to Beat the Resistance

    January 23, 2025

    9 Ways for Trump to Beat the Resistance

    While we celebrate President Trump’s successful inauguration, we must pause to ask, “Will he be able to accomplish his mission to make America great, free, prosperous, safe, and healthy again?” In December 2023, pollster Scott Ra...

  • Renaming the GOP, Too

    January 14, 2025

    Renaming the GOP, Too

    President-Elect Trump recently announced his intention to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the “Gulf of America.”  Why not consider another name change?  The Republican Party was founded in 1854 and derived its name from the...

  • Two-faced Democrats

    December 23, 2024

    Two-faced Democrats

    Democrats pretend to be friends to “the common man” while insulting them behind their deplorable backs.  They purport to tell the truth only to be repeatedly exposed as compulsive liars.   A recent headline-grabbing...

  • Demand an End to Corruption

    December 17, 2024

    Demand an End to Corruption

    We are up against the most widespread corruption in history.  It covers the entire planet. Corruption is human nature.  Hard work is...well, hard work.  If you have a position of power, why not use it?  As l...

  • America’s Tipping Point

    December 6, 2024

    America’s Tipping Point

    Even after Trump’s landslide, some say changing America’s crazy woke way of life is going to take twenty years or more.  “Undoing the left’s indoctrination of our last two college generations can’t be done over...

  • A password scandal in Colorado

    November 26, 2024

    A password scandal in Colorado

    Passwords are important things, especially “BIOS” passwords, which give unfettered access to voting machines at the most basic level, allowing massive changes with no trail.  Colorado voting machine passwords were posted online for as long as five mo...

  • Election Validity Group Files Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania

    June 25, 2024

    Election Validity Group Files Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania

    United Sovereign Americans, Inc., a nonpartisan, all-volunteer election validity advocate group, and two Pennsylvania residents have filed a Writ of Mandamus, directed to Pennsylvania's Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Bureau of Elect...

  • Massive Government Spending Equals Broken Elections

    June 12, 2024

    Massive Government Spending Equals Broken Elections

    Most people think “government” is just something that runs in the background.  We pay taxes once a year (or four times a year, or...), and for that we get our roads paved, police come when we really need them, and our kids have ...

  • The Top 20 Lies of the 2020s

    May 30, 2024

    The Top 20 Lies of the 2020s

    Lying is an epidemic even worse than COVID. Our president and his press secretaries seem to lie with every word they say and deny facts that anyone with a pair of eyes can see for himself. Scientists and doctors, formerly among the most trusted...

  • A Voter Integrity Group Hovers over the Target

    May 16, 2024

    A Voter Integrity Group Hovers over the Target

    “You know you’re flying over the target when you’re getting flak,” the WWII saying goes.  It means, “If you’re not a threat, they can safely ignore you, but when you’re directly over the target, the...

  • Landmark anti-grooming laws signed in Florida, but stalled in Illinois and Iowa

    April 15, 2024

    Landmark anti-grooming laws signed in Florida, but stalled in Illinois and Iowa

    A mother’s three-year battle to jail the man who systematically enticed her son to make a sex video and perform lewd acts resulted in the first “unlawful grooming and solicitation of a minor” conviction in 2014, and led to a series ...

  • Citizen Groups Stepping Up to Demand Honest Elections

    April 4, 2024

    Citizen Groups Stepping Up to Demand Honest Elections

    In any contest between two or more parties, an impartial referee is often necessary to ensure that the rules are followed fairly. This includes sports and competitions of all kinds, debates, and yes, even spelling bees in elementary school. Withou...

  • Ohio Volunteers Uncover Massive Irregularities in Voter Database

    March 23, 2024

    Ohio Volunteers Uncover Massive Irregularities in Voter Database

    In the spring of 2021, volunteer investigators from Ohio acquired publicly available voter data for all 88 counties and started their analysis. Over the next year the researchers found hundreds of thousands of records in their state’s voter rol...

  • Challenging Election Irregularities in Maryland

    March 9, 2024

    Challenging Election Irregularities in Maryland

    United Sovereign Americans, a nationwide group dedicated to fair and honest elections, has joined with Maryland Election Integrity, LLC, in filing a lawsuit in Maryland Federal Court against the Maryland State Board of Elections with Judge Stephanie ...

  • January 16, 2024

    Illinois citizens group files formal complaint with state Board of Elections

    A couple from Illinois, Jodie and Ken Zitko, have formed a group of concerned citizens who have been analyzing the Illinois state voter database.  They have found serious irregularities, detailed in a formal complaint filed with Bernad...

  • January 2, 2024

    Cheaters Shouldn’t Win and Winners Shouldn’t Cheat UPDATED

    I remember watching the election returns in 2016 as liberal pundits followed the counting and gradually realized that Donald Trump was going to defeat Hillary Clinton. The next day, supporters cried and howled in despair. The tables were turned in...

  • December 5, 2023

    Our Institutions Have Betrayed Our Trust

    We are witnessing a recurring pattern of events – none of which make sense in a rational world.   Those we trust have told us to accept as truths things that are now turning out to be lies. On the list are government investigative commi...

  • November 17, 2023

    Terror Attacks on American Soil Are Imminent

    In a recent article I pointed out that the conflict in Israel is very important, but it’s a distraction from another major goal: an attack against the United States that would make 9/11 pale in comparison. Remember, Israel is the “Little ...

  • November 12, 2023

    It’s not about Israel: We are the target

    When you look at an individual tile of a mosaic you see one solid color. But when you zoom out, you see the whole picture. In this age of rapidly developing sensational news stories, we try to understand each one, and it becomes overwhelming. ...

  • October 12, 2023

    A parable illustrates Israel’s plight and her strength

    A hungry Wolf spied a Rooster in the forest. As he slowly crept toward his prey, the Rooster said, “I hear you, Mr. Wolf.”  The Wolf replied, “Then come over here, and I will have you for dinner.”  “Leave...

  • August 15, 2023

    Muskegon: Who says 'heroes are hard to find?

    Muskegon, Michigan's city clerk, Ann Meisch, is a hero.   She noticed something odd about a woman dropping over 8,000 completed voter forms at the city clerk’s office and did something about it.    She made a...

  • August 9, 2023

    Fake ballots in Michigan

    Muskegon, MI city clerk Ann Meisch is a hero.  She noticed something odd about a woman dropping over 8,000 completed voter forms at the city clerk's office and did something about it.  She made a phone call to the Muskegon Pol...

  • July 20, 2023

    Is Sound of Freedom the Next 'Shot Heard Round the World'?

    Much is being said about the newly released movie Sound of Freedom.  Here's the trailer, which has now been viewed over 4 million times. Sound of Freedom, based on the incredible true story, shines a light on even the darkest of pl...

  • June 23, 2023

    Elon Musk: Having a really rich guy on our side opens many possibilities

    I’m still not sure about Elon Musk. Is he a true conservative, a secret tool of the Left or China, a brilliant entrepreneur, or just really lucky? At this point I don’t care. His purchase of Twitter and firing 90% of the staff (beca...

  • June 15, 2023

    The quiet riot against insanity in America is gaining strength

    How have we gone from America’s low-inflation, high tax revenue, full employment economy, with an expanding middle class, energy independence and rock solid military to the kowtowing disaster of the last two years? The only possible conclusi...

  • May 13, 2023

    Vote with Your Eyes, Ears, Mouths, and Wallets

    It's now crystal-clear to anyone with half a brain that our entire election system is a farce — from who can register and how absentee ballots are mailed to empty lots to the lack of any meaningful chain of custody. This is not some sort...

  • April 21, 2023

    A new music video to wake up your fellow Americans

    Alabama musician John Webb has just created a music video of his song "Answers" that has the chance to awaken Americans who have been overwhelmed into complacency by the left and their media. Here's the link to the YouTube video, alt...

  • March 29, 2023

    Overcoming America's Political Paralysis

    Why are some Americans having such a hard time figuring out what is happening to our country?  And for those who do see, why are so few taking action? One in four Americans say they know someone who died from the COVID vaccine, and 50% n...

  • March 2, 2023

    Is Resistance Futile?

    Every sci-fi fan knows about the Borg, Star Trek's archenemy collective of cybernetic beings that ruthlessly assimilates other species and their technologies.  Their favorite phrase when overtaking a new life form is "resistance is...

  • February 14, 2023

    Fighting Wokeness

    The days of “an honest wage for a day’s work” are long gone. In addition to having to work harder while inflation eats up their pay increases, employees are now forced to monitor their behavior and even their own thoughts in order t...

  • February 7, 2023

    What Republicans must do to restore good government

    Since there remain very few civics classes in primary or secondary education, most Americans lack even the most basic understanding of our system of government. Hillsdale.org points to a National Assessment of Education Progress report: Just ...

  • January 19, 2023

    Dealing with your brainwashed friends and family

    The majority of the American public has been brainwashed, and (by definition) they don’t know it. This has been a systematic process, carried out over many decades, first on college campuses, then in our public schools, and now in the news medi...

  • January 15, 2023

    Republicans, Don't Botch the Hearings

    The majority of Americans have been hypnotized into inaction.  First they were panicked by COVID, then shamed or coerced into taking unproven injections, and finally pacified into thinking "politics" is just a meaningless game whe...

  • January 2, 2023

    A Plan for Rescuing America

    Americans who have taken off their blinders now realize that our country is systematically being disassembled from the inside. Our laws, our morals, our views about life, family and justice, have been under assault for the last 40 years. Our basic...

  • December 14, 2022

    Election-Fraud Corruption Is Deeper than Anyone Can Imagine

    Multiple polls conclude that upwards of 70 percent of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud.  But we're learning it's deeper and more organized than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election bo...

  • December 11, 2022

    Fox News MIA on Lake lawsuit

    “Fair, Balanced and Unafraid” is now a distant memory. Whatever the cause, considering the Fox News Channel to be a name to trust is a complete waste of time. The fix is in. Fox News reports on what they are told, not what is important fo...

  • December 10, 2022

    Maricopa or Die

    It's been a month since the November elections, and it's obvious that serious irregularities exist in our voting systems.  Unless they are exposed and fixed, our country will have been taken over by our internal and external enemies...

  • December 7, 2022

    Harden the Electrical Grid, or Suffer the Consequences

    Almost 50,000 Duke Power customers in Moore County, N.C. were left in the dark on Sunday night in what has been called a domestic act of terrorism.  A curfew is running from 9 P.M. to 5 A.M. as schools close and crime spikes.  Mos...

  • December 2, 2022

    Our Republican Leaders Have Failed Us

    We need to replace the current leaders of the Republican Party -- RNC chair Ronna McDaniel (niece of Mitt Romney), Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, and current House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. They have failed miserably in their duties. ...

  • November 26, 2022

    The Uniparty, FTX, and Electoral Fraud

    Our country may be nearing the conclusion of the most dangerous game of political “chicken” in history. We have just experienced the second great election steal in two years. Will the Uni-Party of Democrats and RINOs succeed in evapora...

  • November 18, 2022

    How the Game is Fixed

    Imagine a Super Bowl where the Reds were ahead 27-25 with a minute to go. All of a sudden, the power went out in the entire stadium. When the lights came on after a couple minutes of chaos, fans noticed the scoreboard showed 27-29. Anyone witnessi...

  • November 12, 2022

    There is no honor among thieves

    The American public has been polled about the 2020 election and only 25% were willing to express  confidence that it was “fair and honest.” That means the remaining 75% feel it was stolen, had no opinion, or were unwilling to respond...

  • November 6, 2022

    To save our republic, citizens must act

    In the Revolutionary War, the battles weren't fought by trained soldiers but by "Citizen Sentinels" — ordinary people from all walks of life who took up arms to win their independence from the British. They were outmanned, out-...

  • September 27, 2022

    Are you a ‘shy voter?’

    Polls are an essential part of political races. Candidates who score well are more likely to attract new donations, get their way in the timing and number of debates, and receive more media coverage. The way polls are conducted has a huge impact o...

  • September 12, 2022

    Electoral Fraud Goes Mainstream

    Want to intimidate or discredit someone you disagree with? If you’re a member of the mainstream media, just describe them as a “denier” or preface their concerns as “unproven allegations” or “discredited claims....

  • September 2, 2022

    Ten Ways to Change a Liberal's Mind

    Have you ever talked with a liberal and made a comment that shuts him down completely?  "Trump sure is getting a raw deal with that FBI raid, isn't he?"  His eyes go glassy, and he starts to look for the exit. ...

  • August 26, 2022

    Is Biden even able to bail out student loans?

    As almost everyone has heard, Biden announced his plan to spend $360 billion to forgive student loans for up to 43 million Americans.  Groups estimate that the actual cost may be $440 to $600 billion, but who's counting? Legal expert...

  • August 16, 2022

    Democrats have reason to fear Trump

    The Democrats fear President Trump because he is the only person willing and able to stand up to the swamp in both parties, expose their greed and corruption, and put the people first. It's clear that everyone hates Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, a...

  • July 10, 2022

    The magic question that will save our country

    Things seem quite hopeless.  Most Americans agree that our country is going in the wrong direction, and many fear that it is heading for disaster. There are so many things going wrong that it's hard to list them — insane gas pr...

  • February 22, 2022

    An unstoppable peaceful protest on 18 wheels

    Americans are ticked off at the shenanigans going on in Canada.  Martial law for a few thousand truckers protesting mandates?  Seizing bank accounts?  Trampling peaceful protesters with horses?  All this to for...

  • February 3, 2022

    When a despot begins to lose control, he starts 'warfear'

    The Russian people are not happy with Vladimir Putin, who has been running his kleptocracy for his oligarchs at the expense of the country and its resources for the last twenty years. Jacob Fraden is an electronic engineer, inventor, entrepreneur,...

  • January 27, 2022

    Dealing with Cognitive Dissonance

    In an old episode of Star Trek, a powerful android threatened Captain Kirk and was defeated when asked an impossible question.  Kirk actually employed “induced computer destruction” at least four times during the serie...

  • November 7, 2021

    When the CDC stays in its lane, it’s still a very useful agency

    In 2020 and 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (“CDC”) has alienated large swathes of Americans thanks to its ever-changing, frequently wrong, and invariably overreaching COVID pronouncements and edicts. However, when th...

  • October 1, 2021

    Are you pro-choice or pro-life...on vaccines?

    The two terms "pro-choice" and "pro-life" have been used in the abortion debate for many years.  But when the two terms are applied to the vaccine controversy gripping the entire world, they come down on the same side ...

  • September 15, 2021

    Are You a Beacon? Now is Your Time to Shine

    A very smart friend said the way to change 100 million minds is by finding their “beacons” - the people they look to for guidance on different topics.  In speech communication theory, they are called “opinion leaders.” ...

  • August 5, 2021

    How Those COVID Charts Are Lying

    It's clear that the Propaganda Media and the Big Tech giants are working with the current administration to generate as much panic as possible.  But Americans with simple common sense realize that the vaccine is worse than the disease i...

  • August 1, 2021

    Oh my God, the Delta Variant is going to kill us all!

    To hear the propaganda media, the new “Delta Variant” of COVID is going to kill every man, woman, and child in America – at least by the end of the week. We should all run to the nearest vax center and roll up our sleeves righ...

  • July 26, 2021

    Why the Silent Majority Is Turning Angry

    Americans are an easygoing lot.  We let bygones be bygones.  If crazy Uncle Bob wants to rattle on at Thanksgiving dinner about global warming in the middle of the coldest winter in twenty years, we politely ask for more cranberry...

  • July 20, 2021

    NYT shares tips on how to convince 'vaccine resisters'

    The CDC's COVID vaccine tracker reports that the shots have continued their downward spiral from the daily high of 4,304,851 on April 1, to 437,466 on July 14, a drop of almost 90%. This hasn't stopped the propaganda media from c...

  • July 19, 2021

    The 'Silent Majority' Is Rapidly Becoming the 'Angry Majority'

    The "silent majority" was mentioned by President Nixon in 1969, who labeled middle Americans who weren't protesting the Vietnam war or joining the counter culture — two activities being over-reported by the media of the day. ...

  • July 18, 2021

    Independent vaccine study needs about 725 more responses

    An independent study of COVID, the vaccine, and possible side effects was started in June and is now just short of the target needed to yield statistically valid results. Traditionally, researchers have relied on government vaccine reporting syste...

  • July 11, 2021

    The Search Engines and Covid Vaccine Safety

    There is a debate raging in the minds of those trying to decide, “Do I get the shot, or do I run the risk of dying from COVID and/or infecting someone I love?” The Internet has emerged as the great arbiter for decisions.  “H...

  • July 3, 2021

    Vaccine propaganda and injection indecision

    How do you make decisions in our new internet world?  Most of us just go to Google and type in the question: "Is it safe to get the COVID-19 vaccine?"  The overwhelming response is "Yes!" Every entr...

  • July 2, 2021

    When Too Much Power Makes the Elites Insane

    We've all heard the phrase "power corrupts," by Lord Acton, a 19th-century British historian.  The full quote — "Power tends to corrupt.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely" — referred to the ab...

  • June 23, 2021

    'Vaccine Resisters' are proving hard to convince

    Even though state leaders across the country have been offering massive incentives to drum up business ("Get a shot, win the lottery!"), the CDC has been reporting a continuing drop in injections since March 31.  The non...

  • June 17, 2021

    The Death of Rational Science

    We humans see ourselves as rational beings who make decisions based on facts.  “Science is king,” we say, “Listen to the experts.” The scientific method was first formulated in the 17th century, but people have been qu...

  • June 11, 2021

    Where does the COVID Vaccine end up? Not Where it Should Be

    The COVID vaccine is not a vaccine at all.  A vaccine is a weakened, dead, or partial virus that is injected in order to prompt the body to build antibodies without getting ill.  The mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna don’t do this....

  • May 29, 2021

    Gambling with your life?

    "Get a shot, win the lottery!"  That's what state leaders across the country are proclaiming.  If you live in Kentucky, get your COVID shot at a Walmart or Kroger store and you'll receive a free lottery tick...

  • May 21, 2021

    Vaxx or Anti-Vaxx? Independent Study Seeks Answers

    Our country is undergoing a radical transformation of trust.  The people we relied on to lead us in difficult and challenging times are no longer credible.  The COVID-19 pandemic is a prime example. Our politicians, doctors, an...

  • April 30, 2021

    GMO-phobia and the COVID vaccine

    "Genetically modified organism!" is a phrase that strikes fear in the heart of every liberal.  Anything that might harm the natural goodness of our bodies must be eradicated from the face of the Earth.  "It's no...