Jack Bovee

Jack Bovee

  • February 11, 2023

    How Disney Fuels Racism

    Disney, the once-great corporation universally admired in the 1950s and 1960s, is today deliberately working to help fuel racism amongst our most innocent citizens, young children.  A recent production of Disney’s The Proud Family...

  • December 16, 2022

    Creative Historical Interpretations Are Not History

    The dominating narrative in American schools and the popular culture today is that slavery began in America in 1619.  Unfortunately, there is about as much truth in that scenario as there was in the “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” medi...

  • July 20, 2022

    The Talk We Need to Have with China

    There is much that America can be proud of in our relationship with China. Our nation was often at odds with other global powers in our attempt to protect that nation’s sovereignty. Often, we stood alone. Following independence, our new nation ...

  • December 19, 2021

    Where is the outrage from the 'Squad'?

    Recently an Egyptian court sentenced 80-year-old academic scholar, Dr. Ahmed Abdu’ Maher, to five years in prison for his honest commentary on the Islamic conquest of Egypt and the Christian Middle East. Dr. Maher was found guilty of reciting a...