Jack Schwartzwald

Jack Schwartzwald

  • February 18, 2012

    The Big Picture on Why the Palestinians Always Say 'No'

    Addressing the Brookings Institution on December 2, 2011, U. S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta rebuked Israel for not doing enough to promote peace with the Palestinians, demanding that Israel's leaders "just get to the damned [peace] table."...

  • December 14, 2011

    Newt Catapults into Lead in Racism Race

    Newt Gingrich can scarcely have realized his achievement when, during a December 10 interview on the U.S. cable network The Jewish Channel, he said, "Remember there was no Palestine as a state -- [it was] part of the Ottoman Empire.  I think we ...

  • October 31, 2010

    Deep Thoughts from Professor Mearshimer

    On September 27, 2010, Professor John Meirsheimer delivered an address to a mesmerized gallery of the Semitically-challenged at Brown University. News of the event was trumpeted in the local Jewish press by no less a personage than Elizabeth Hollande...