Jack Lott

Jack Lott

  • June 25, 2010

    The myth that Afghanistan is our longest war

    American journalists dismiss formality as much as the American public does. As a realistic formalist, I understand and accept that attitude until it interferes with accuracy. Then, I have to object. Such is the case with the recent news that the dura...

  • June 11, 2009

    Armistice is Dangerous

    The North Koreans have recently taken two steps that garnered media attention: the first, their nuclear test, received a Chicken Little response; the second, abrogating the 1953 armistice, elicited little more than yawns. The media missed the real da...

  • July 6, 2008

    The Struggle for Civilization

    The "War on Terror" is over, even as combat with terrorists continues. Like the "Wars" on Drugs and Poverty, it lingers on the back pages and the TV equivalent, the highbrow channels like Discovery and History. Meanwhile, the Depa...