Jack Kerwick

Jack Kerwick

  • Should FBI Agents Learn Martial Arts?

    March 15, 2025

    Should FBI Agents Learn Martial Arts?

    Reportedly, anonymous sources within Kash Patel’s FBI have described as “surreal” and “whacky” his plan to have his agents train in MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). This comes as no surprise. The FBI has (until recently) ...

  • Theories of Knowledge and the Media

    February 12, 2025

    Theories of Knowledge and the Media

    It’s just been revealed that several news organizations, like Politico and The New York Times, to note but two examples, had been receiving a not inconsiderable sum of funding from the federal government. This is scandalous, particularly giv...

  • Be Your Own First Line of Protection: Self-Defense for Everyone

    January 18, 2025

    Be Your Own First Line of Protection: Self-Defense for Everyone

    Things being what they are, Americans should assume responsibility for their own protection. And this includes learning, within the limitations of the principles of physics, human physiology, their body types, and their own unique bodies, how to m...

  • The Weaponization of Facts

    September 28, 2024

    The Weaponization of Facts

    The “opinion/fact” distinction figures prominently within American political-media culture. It is inseparable from the “pundit/journalist” distinction that it supports. The orthodox paradigm goes like this: Journalists...

  • November 30, 2023

    Revisiting the Warrior-Scholar Ideal

    The 17th century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes memorably, and quite dramatically, broke from the political-moral tradition of his ancient Greco-Roman and medieval Christian predecessors when he insisted that there was no ultimate good, like the ...

  • October 7, 2020

    Critical thinking in an age of 'feelings'

    The COVID Internment, the rise of Mask Empire, and the normalization of Black Lives Matter and Antifa violence have clarified in spades that critical thinking, as opposed to mindless emoting, is more necessary than ever. It is misleading...

  • June 25, 2015

    Dylann Roof, the Confederate Flag, and the Logic of the Left

    The Dylann Roof/Charleston massacre supplies much food for thought. (1) Predictably, the agents of the Racism-Industrial-Complex (RIC) wasted no time in exploiting this horror for their own political and ideological purposes.  From Fox News t...

  • August 12, 2012

    Is Obama Just or Unjust?

    President Barack Obama is not a "nice guy." From Republican campaign strategist Ed Rollins and Republican House Speaker John Boehner to Republican presidential contenders John McCain and Mitt Romney, far too many Republicans have fueled the popular p...

  • August 5, 2012

    Black and Right: Forgotten Black Conservative, George S. Schuyler

    It is a shame and a scandal that the name George Samuel Schuyler has fallen into obscurity.  For roughly half-of-a-century, from the 1920's to his death in the 1970's, Schuyler wrote for several publications, from the iconoclastic H.L. Mencken's...

  • August 3, 2012

    Misleading Polls

    On August 2, the Los Angeles Times ran an article with the title: "Poll Watch: More Bad Polling News for Romney." The piece's author, David Lauter, writes: "Mitt Romney's campaign, which has had a rough week so far in public polls, got more bad news...

  • July 31, 2012

    What Happened to the Romney 'Death Star'?

    Byron York is perplexed by what he perceives to be the glaring discrepancy between the Mitt Romney of the GOP primary season and the Mitt Romney who is the Republican Party's presumptive presidential nominee. Borrowing from the Star Wars mythos, York...

  • July 28, 2012

    Ilana Mercer's Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa

    A while back, I reviewed Ilana Mercer's Into the Cannibal's Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa.  Shortly afterwards, she and I began to correspond with one another.  On the eve of the release of the book's paperback...

  • July 22, 2012

    The Intellectual and Moral Poverty of Egalitarianism

    It is interesting to discover that the very same issues over which we find ourselves disagreeing today have been issues for generations.  Egalitarianism is one such issue. Barack Obama may have struck many people as a novelty when he garnered na...

  • July 18, 2012

    Obama, Rush, and Liberty

    Last week, in Roanoke, Virginia, President Obama told a crowd that, ultimately, entrepreneurs aren't responsible for the success of their enterprises.  "If you've got a business," the President stated, "you didn't build that.  Somebody els...

  • July 14, 2012

    Liberty-Lovers and Romney

    Mitt Romney is the presumptive nominee.  And libertarians have a decision to make.  If they want to make an informed decision, there are several considerations that they need to bear in mind. First, Romney is neither a conservative nor ...

  • July 13, 2012

    Morgan Freeman on Obama

    Last Friday, while on Michel Martin's NPR show, "Tell Me More," Hollywood titan Morgan Freeman informed his host that, contrary to the prevailing wisdom, Barack Hussein Obama is not America's first black president. He is the country's "first mixed-ra...

  • December 24, 2011

    Christmas Season, Not Holiday Season

    To judge from the commercial advertising with which we have been bombarded from the end of November, we can safely conclude that "the Holiday Season" is upon us once more.  At the same time there is, once more, talk of the "the War on Christmas....

  • November 15, 2011

    Libertarians and OWS: Useful Idiots

    The Occupy Wall Street movement appears to be growing.  And it is growing ever more disruptive.  From the losses suffered by many a small business to the desecration of property, from the destabilization of communities to violent clashes wi...

  • July 31, 2011

    A Response to Dean Malik

    Dean Malik has been busy fending off critics of his "Identity Politics: the denial of American Exceptionalism," which American Thinker published a few weeks ago.  I am among those critics.  I will focus on what Malik had to say about my rem...

  • July 17, 2011

    American Exceptionalism and Identity Politics

    Dean Malik has recently written a piece for American Thinker in which he contrasts what he calls "American exceptionalism" (AE, from this point onward) with "identity politics."  The former is good, he maintains, while the latter is bad. ...

  • June 12, 2011

    Nietzsche and the Left

    While reading Friedrich Nietzsche's account of the origins and nature of morality, I got to thinking about our contemporary political situation, specifically as it pertains to the left. Rejecting as he did the very notion of objectivity, Nietzsche be...

  • May 5, 2011

    The Next Election and Race

    There can be no doubt that the presidential campaign of 2012 is underway, for Barack Obama's supporters have begun to accelerate the rate at which they charge the president's critics with "racism."  The Racism Industrial Complex has be...

  • May 4, 2011

    Playing Politics with Islamic Terrorism

    If ever we needed proof that politics is a land of make believe, the recent killing of Osama bin Laden is it.The world is certainly a better place without this terrorist in it.  But to judge from the orgasmic eruptions of everyone from journalis...

  • April 24, 2011

    The Importance of Easter

    By now, there are few people who are not familiar with talk of the "War on Christmas."  The hyperbolic nature of this nomenclature aside, it springs from the observation of two undeniable facts: first, there is a sustained, concerted e...

  • April 23, 2011

    Conservatism and Business

    Among Republicans, the belief that a presidential candidate with experience in the business world is preferable to a candidate without such experience dies hard.  While this assumption is far from implausible, invariably overlooked are those con...

  • April 7, 2011

    Trump, Moral Conservatism, and Political Conservatism

    Donald Trump will announce before June whether he will run for the presidency as a Republican.  Whether I will endorse him in the primaries will depend upon whom he will be competing against.  Sadly, given the names that I have heard bandie...

  • April 6, 2011

    Terry Jones, His Critics, and Islam

    Terry Jones has finally done it.  It may be recalled that Terry Jones is the Florida pastor who just last year threatened to stage a Quran burning in response to the decision to construct an Islamic center not far from where the twin towers once...

  • April 3, 2011

    Trump in 2012? Maybe Not Such a Bad Thing

    Donald Trump will announce in June whether he plans on being a contender for the presidency in the Republican primaries later this year.  For several reasons, my excitement over the prospects of a Trump candidacy is mounting.  Let me say fi...

  • March 26, 2011

    Who is the Real Cowboy?

    Less than two-and-a-half years after Barack Obama was elected to the presidency, this "anti-war" candidate is now leading his financially burdened country into a third war in the Middle East.  It is to be expected that he should receiv...

  • March 23, 2011

    Obama, the Left, and War

    Upon supplying a surge of 30,000 ground troops in Afghanistan, our "anti-war" president, the Great Appeaser himself, has just embarked his country upon another war in the Middle East.   Only those who choose to give our military's...

  • March 21, 2011

    Do We Need Obama's Leadership

    Over the last couple of weeks, many on the right have complained about President Obama's lack of "leadership" vis-à-vis the current world scene.  Just the other night, while I was on the phone with him, a good friend of mine rei...

  • March 20, 2011

    The Reasonableness of Christianity

    Contrary to atheistic boilerplate, Christianity is anything but a crutch for the weak minded and timid hearted.  Christians have gone to great lengths over the centuries to show that, while reason is no substitute for faith, and while it can nev...

  • March 6, 2011

    Change, Identity, and the Fundamental Transformation of America

    While on his campaign trail for the presidency, Barack Obama talked to no end about the "change" that would visit upon America, a change so profound, so sweeping, that it would "fundamentally transform" America.  To understan...

  • March 2, 2011

    Obama, the Apostate

    Has being born to a Muslim father made it more difficult for President Obama to deal with Islamic terror? The question must be asked.Prior to Barack Obama's election, the conventional wisdom -- not just among the left but a majority of Americans -- w...

  • February 25, 2011

    Jack Cashill's Deconstructing Obama

    "Sometimes the truth just isn't good enough."  At the climax of Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight, this is the justification that The Batman offers audiences for deceiving the public into believing that it was he who authored the vil...

  • February 20, 2011

    The Catholic Church and the Left

    One recent Sunday, the pastor of my church -- a priest who I love and who my wife and I requested to marry us -- gave a homily on the relationship between "justice" and "charity."  Sadly, this sermon supplied none of the insp...

  • February 19, 2011

    Revolution in the Middle East? Ask Burke

    The "revolution" that began in Egypt just three weeks ago and that is now spreading across the Middle East has many Americans  smiling.  Those who supported President Bush's "Freedom Agenda" are now crediting the former ...

  • February 13, 2011

    Does Obama Want the Best for America or Does He Want to Destroy It?

    Among pundits on the right, there has been disagreement for quite some time over the fundamental motives informing President Obama's agenda.  Essentially two schools of thought on the matter have emerged. One school insists that while the presid...

  • February 3, 2011

    Islam on Its Own Terms

    Philosopher and historian of science Thomas Kuhn is among the more notable proponents of the view that "facts" are always laden with theoretical presuppositions.  This may be an exaggeration, but there is nothing like commentary on Mid...

  • January 31, 2011

    The Race Game and Obama's Campaign for 2012

    In a word, race promises to play at least as large a role in the next election as it played in the last presidential race.  Rest assured: it is on this that Barack Obama and his cronies are counting. For decades now, whites and non-whites have b...

  • January 15, 2011

    Conversation, Argument, and Civility

    Interestingly, in spite of the fact that our generation is probably as loquacious a generation as there has ever been, there is relatively little conversation to be found in it.  We are a chatty people, to be sure, but we are not conversable....

  • January 5, 2011

    Will Obama Be a One-Term President?

    The pummeling the Democrats suffered this past November has convinced many a voter that Barack Hussein Obama is destined to be a one-term president.  For the sake of the country's well-being, I can only pray that this verdict comes to fruition....